Kevin martin traded to rockets

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Kmart to Yahoo's Marc Spears

Kevin Martin just spoke to Y! Sports' Marc Spears: "I appreciate them letting me go to a playoff caliber team at this time of my career." 2 minutes ago from web

KMart: "Sacramento gave me an opportunity. I was a late first round pick. I could have been playing overseas." 1 minute ago from web

More KMartin: "I used to be the young guy playing with old guys. Now I'm the old guy playing with young guys. Let the young guys develop..." 1 minute ago from web

Classy guy. :)
i dunno. kmart and KT's expiring were our best trading chips, and teams were interested in sergio and we spent them all on tmacs expiring. i know a lot of people are happy to see kmart go but maybe i was putting too much value on him. i mean landry is ok, i dont think he's as great as some are making him out to be but i dont know what else can happen tomorrow. i hope we dont take chicago's offer and get back miller and salmons and i didnt really like ny's offer, even though their draft pick would be enticing. i know this is evans team now...but i hope we weren't too hasty and pulling another adelman. kinda ironic that kevins going to play for adelman. i wish him the best
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I hope the Kings send Tmac to NYK to for Hill and draft picks??
I don't like the fact that we couldn't shed either Nocioni or Beno in this deal. Thats what sucks here!

Happy to trade away Martin but c'mon we are practically trading Martin and expirings for a big expiring and a nice but undersized contributor in Landry.
Wow! If indeed Landry is part of the trade. I think it's worth it. With T-Mac's 23M off the books, we suddenly become a serious FA destination plus a possibly high draft pick, plus Tyreke Evans, plus Omri Casspi, plus Donte Greene.

Who's next? Chris Bosh signing with the Kings as FA?

Indeed 2011, is a good season to be a Kings fan. Surprise me....MR. PETRIE!!!!!
More from Kevin

"It's a sad day for me in sense that Sac was first team that took chance for me late in first round of draft," Martin said from the team bus. "They showed so much loyalty to me through out the years. They gave me the big contract to show that you loved me...(But) I just think it was time for us to go in a different direction. I was the young guy before, and now I'm the oldest starter. I think it's good."
Per Sam Amick Kings blog
Kmart to Yahoo's Marc Spears

Kevin Martin just spoke to Y! Sports' Marc Spears: "I appreciate them letting me go to a playoff caliber team at this time of my career." 2 minutes ago from web

KMart: "Sacramento gave me an opportunity. I was a late first round pick. I could have been playing overseas." 1 minute ago from web

More KMartin: "I used to be the young guy playing with old guys. Now I'm the old guy playing with young guys. Let the young guys develop..." 1 minute ago from web

Classy guy. :)
Very Classy. He will be missed.
Wow! If indeed Landry is part of the trade. I think it's worth it. With T-Mac's 23M off the books, we suddenly become a serious FA destination plus a possibly high draft pick, plus Tyreke Evans, plus Omri Casspi, plus Donte Greene.

Who's next? Chris Bosh signing with the Kings as FA?

Indeed 2011, is a good season to be a Kings fan. Surprise me....MR. PETRIE!!!!!
the thing that bothers me with getting 20+ mil off our books is who wants to come here when they can go to a contender or a big market city. i dont want the kings to overpay a 2nd tier player a max contract. if we can get a bosh calibur player im all for it...but i dont want to overpay for a boozer


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The TMac thing is interesting. We already got Landry (and Doresey). If you could quickly swing that off ot one of the TMac interested teams for another young piece, you could have a semi-coup here.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The TMac thing is interesting. We already got Landry (and Doresey). If you could quickly swing that off ot one of the TMac interested teams for another young piece, you could have a semi-coup here. Or you keep it and have your big cap room this summer. No idea who would come, but oyu would be a player if you wanted to be.
Landry is very good. Dorsey is promising. Plus we now have a lot of cap space this summer.

If we swing Tmac to NYC for some more candy this could end up being fantastic
On another note, the final "moveable piece" is finally gone!


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I know NY wants Tmac, so what I'm hoping is we get David Lee out of it. They don't appreciate him, and just think of what a monster he would be in the middle for us.
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