What is Napear's Problem with Kevin Martin?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Grant calls it how he sees it, and the way I do. Martin is just a kid that can play. He has NO heart.

Which is all fine. I am not the person to completely disagree with that assessment. But the ick and the jerk of Grant's routine is that he will make a charge like that on the radio, then he will go on TV and talk Kevin up and invite him for a congratulatory interview afterword. Then he hops a plane with him to come on home.

If you want to acuse a guy of being a loser, acuse him of being a loser. But don't then turn around and buddy up to him and pretend to be his friend. That's just two faced and slimey.

If I was a player and Grant did that to me I would call him on it right there in that first interview and hold his feet over the fire. We'd have a very lively interview. Its actually probably more evidence of Kevin's lack of fire that he does not -- his parents raised him too well I think. Grant's parents meanwhile seem to have raised a jerk. He feuded with Koz. He is feuding with Amick (although apparently because Amick has his nose firmly up Kevin's backside and seems desperate to kiss as much *** as possible to stay in the loop and relevant). He stabbed Webb in the back, repeatedly. He went after Bobby Jackson. Now Kevin. Just because I may think the general assessment has some merit this time doesn't mean it excuses this whole process over and over again.

the Kings related media are quite a crew:

Grant plays the slimewad and speaks out of both sides of his mouth, often viciously.
Jerry plays the company fool. Chuckles the Hick meets a used car salesman.
Ailene Voison never writes a thing without an agenda, and is marvelously bad at concealing them
Sam Amick now appears to be a whipped dog and has gone from rumor mongerer to spouting whatever company line he is pitched just so long as they agree to keep him in the loop on their pitches
Jason Jones(?) the new guy is a bleeping Lakers fan, and yet might write the "cleanest" if least inspired stuff of any of them. Its just a job for him, but at least he's normally not spinning things.

Then there's Katie, marooned playing sideline reporter and halftime fluff chick when she's probably a better analyst than any of them.

I do miss Kreidler. Its a pain having to always apply a template to everything said/written so you can translate what it really means.
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Which is all fine. I am not the person to completely disagree with that assessment. But the ick and the jerk of Grant's routine is that he will make a charge like that on the radio, then he will go on TV and talk Kevin up and invite him for a congratulatory interview afterword. Then he hops a plane with him to come on home.

If you want to acuse a guy of being a loser, acuse him of being a loser. But don't then turn around and buddy up to him and pretend to be his friend. That's just two faced and slimey.

If I was a player and Grant did that to me I would call him on it right there in that first interview and hold his feet over the fire. We'd have a very lively interview. Its actually probably more evidence of Kevin's lack of fire that he does not -- his parents raised him too well I think. Grant's parents meanwhile seem to have raised a jerk. He feuded with Koz. He is feuding with Amick (although apparently because Amick has his nose firmly up Kevin's backside and seems desperate to kiss as much *** as possible to stay in the loop and relevant). He stabbed Webb in the back, repeatedly. He went after Bobby Jackson. Now Kevin. Just because I may think the general assessment has some merit this time doesn't mean it excuses this whole process over and over again.

the Kings related media are quite a crew:

Grant plays the slimewad and speaks out of both sides of his mouth, often viciously.
Jerry plays the company fool. Chuckles the Hick meets a used car salesman.
Ailene Voison never writes a thing without an agenda, and is marvelously bad at concealing them
Sam Amick now appears to be a whipped dog and has gone from rumor mongerer to spouting whatever company line he is pitched just so long as they agree to keep him in the loop on their pitches
Jason Jones(?) the new guy is a bleeping Lakers fan, and yet might write the "cleanest" if least inspired stuff of any of them. Its just a job for him, but at least he's normally not spinning things.

Then there's Katie, marooned playing sideline reporter and halftime fluff chick when she's probably a better analyst than any of them.

I do miss Kreidler. Its a pain having to always apply a template to everything said/written so you can translate what it really means.
In Grant's defense, commentating Kings games is his job and he has restrictions. He can't go out there and call K-Mart mentally weak during a game. But he has his own radio show where he can get anything out that he wants to say. It's almost like you guys expect him to come out before tip-off and say that martin is gutless.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
In Grant's defense, commentating Kings games is his job and he has restrictions. He can't go out there and call K-Mart mentally weak during a game. But he has his own radio show where he can get anything out that he wants to say. It's almost like you guys expect him to come out before tip-off and say that martin is gutless.
I would at least respect that. :)

And then Kevin could shed his rep as the 90lb weaking who let's you kick sand in his face by racing across the floor to tackle Grant and beat the hell out of him. Be a hoot -- I'd give props all around for the cahones and finally some honesty in sports! :p

Then if you could just convince Katie to do some bikini oil wrestling all would be right in the Kings world. :D

Ok, ok, that would not be fair to the ladies. So her opponent could be Jerry.
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2 things about GN.

1) He grew up on New York sports media. This is very tame compared to what you get out there.

2) he is playing the role of the sports shock shock during the PM commute. there is a radio show just like it in pretty much every market in the country at this point.

Is this gig overdone everywhere? I would say yes. I think it is time that they all stop trying to be the local Jim Rome. But then again, I really don't care much about it. I am like "whatever, same schtick - different dude."
I'm not about to defend Grant. He is what he is, and there are some that aren't going to like him. But all his friends are from the east coast. He grew up with Mike and the Mad dog. He's also 6'4" and was on his La Cross team in college on a scholarship. I don't know if you know anything about LaCross, but its one tough sport. I doubt that Grants afraid to say anything to anyone's face. But thats beside the point. You don't like him, and thats fine. I'm sure you have company. But don't try and paint him as some weasely coward that hides behind his mike. You do realize that he has to get on the same plane with the players. So at some point he's going to be face to face with whomever he's blasted on the radio.

That doesn't mean I agree with him. I happen to like Martin and I think Grant was out of line. But that doesn't make him some wussy back stabber. Somehow saying what he said on a 50 thousand watt radio station doesn't sound like back stabbing to me. Back stabbing is saying things behind peoples back so that they don't know who its coming from. Its poisioning the water when no one is looking.
I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you on some of your points ;). Back when Grant questioned Bobby J for not playing through his abdominal strain, it really brought to the forefront the issues many of the players had with Grant. Bobby came out and said that he along with many of the other players essentially had no use for Grant due him getting on the radio and dogging certain players. The main point of contention was that you work for the Kings, so do not come and act friendly to our faces when you are off the air then proceed to bash us once you are on air. Bobby in a nice way basically called Grant gutless and full of it. To me Grant is the epitome of gutless and often acts like a petulant child. He's real "NY toughguy" on the faceless callers that phone his show, or when he's ripping a player on air. His tune suddenly changes however when that player is sitting right in front of him.
P.S. It's funny you brought up his Lacrosse days. Back when he questioned Bobby, my dad (who played Lacrosse at West Point) thought Grant should know better than to question an athletes injury (in particular Bobby J), seeing as how he was once a collegiate athlete one himself.

Grant can dish it out but he really can't take it at all.

Even when Jerry tries to tease Grant about some NY Giants game, you can see and even feel Grant tense up and get offended.

Grant is insecure and wants to be one of the guys, but is such a jerk, they don't like him. So his way to get back is with his little radio show.

No way is Martin mentally weak. That's just BS coming from nowhere for no reason. If it's just Grant wanting to create a buzz for his radio show, then it puts Grant with the likes of Jim Rome and should just be ignored.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Hmmmm :rolleyes: What if Grant finally go his dream job of broadcasting for the Rangers and they then made Jerry the play-by-play guy with Kayte his analyst?? :D


Hall of Famer
I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you on some of your points ;). Back when Grant questioned Bobby J for not playing through his abdominal strain, it really brought to the forefront the issues many of the players had with Grant. Bobby came out and said that he along with many of the other players essentially had no use for Grant due him getting on the radio and dogging certain players. The main point of contention was that you work for the Kings, so do not come and act friendly to our faces when you are off the air then proceed to bash us once you are on air. Bobby in a nice way basically called Grant gutless and full of it. To me Grant is the epitome of gutless and often acts like a petulant child. He's real "NY toughguy" on the faceless callers that phone his show, or when he's ripping a player on air. His tune suddenly changes however when that player is sitting right in front of him.
P.S. It's funny you brought up his Lacrosse days. Back when he questioned Bobby, my dad (who played Lacrosse at West Point) thought Grant should know better than to question an athletes injury (in particular Bobby J), seeing as how he was once a collegiate athlete one himself.

Actually I don't think were in much diasgreement. I don't want to get too far into this, but I was going with someone that worked at KHTK some time back. I had the opportunity to meet Grant in, lets say informal circumstances a few times. There are things about him that will remain unsaid that I have no respect for. So I try and seperate his professional side from his privite side. This much I can tell you. Grant is the ultimate preperation professional. And, he has little respect for those in his profession that show up unprepared. His problems with Koz lie in that area. Enough said about that.

If Grant has an interview with a player or anyone that he has disagreement with, he will talk to that person in advance and let them know of the interview, and that his personal feelings won't be a part of it. He is the ultimate professional in how it relates to the job he's doing. On his radio show he wears a different hat than when he does broadcasts. He does, in his own mind, all he can do to seperate the two. And perhaps he thinks that he does. I think that seperation is a little more difficult for the fans to do.

Personally I don't pay that much attention to these rants other than at times trying to read between the lines. As I said, I grew up where this was a common thing on the radio. At work, Garnt is very rigid and has no tolerance for those that aren't professional. He is very job oriented, and can at times be an *** to those around him. One of my friends used to be a temp fill in producer for Grant on occasion. If a mike didn't work properly or the phones were screwed up, you didn't want to be the producer of the show. Needless to say, my friend wasn't a big fan of Grants.
A thought about this "mentally tough" thing.

Would Napier call Ron Artest mentally tough? I'd call Artest mentally weak. He could never handle adversity. He lashed out at people and players when things got tough. Yet, Artest has this "tough guy" image.

Not tough in my book.

Someone is tough if they keep going at a steady pace despite adversity. They don't crumble to it and lash out.

Martin starting a fight with Grant would be ludicrous. The tougher person doesn't give in to the childish nonsense of a Napier. The tougher person just keeps working.
Actually I don't think were in much diasgreement. I don't want to get too far into this, but I was going with someone that worked at KHTK some time back. I had the opportunity to meet Grant in, lets say informal circumstances a few times. There are things about him that will remain unsaid that I have no respect for. So I try and seperate his professional side from his privite side. This much I can tell you. Grant is the ultimate preperation professional. And, he has little respect for those in his profession that show up unprepared. His problems with Koz lie in that area. Enough said about that.

If Grant has an interview with a player or anyone that he has disagreement with, he will talk to that person in advance and let them know of the interview, and that his personal feelings won't be a part of it. He is the ultimate professional in how it relates to the job he's doing. On his radio show he wears a different hat than when he does broadcasts. He does, in his own mind, all he can do to seperate the two. And perhaps he thinks that he does. I think that seperation is a little more difficult for the fans to do.

Personally I don't pay that much attention to these rants other than at times trying to read between the lines. As I said, I grew up where this was a common thing on the radio. At work, Garnt is very rigid and has no tolerance for those that aren't professional. He is very job oriented, and can at times be an *** to those around him. One of my friends used to be a temp fill in producer for Grant on occasion. If a mike didn't work properly or the phones were screwed up, you didn't want to be the producer of the show. Needless to say, my friend wasn't a big fan of Grants.
True professionalism isn't screaming at underlings.
professionalism is a modern term for disingenuous which is another term for bull**** artist

I love people who praise professionalism. It's a giant red flag that lets you know the person is lying to you.
There are plenty of issues with Grant but he's great at calling the game. I hate it when you listen to somebody else call the Kings game.

By the way, I'm curious to know if anybody knows if Grant is still a Knick's fan? I heard Walt Gray mention that on the air one time.
True professionalism isn't screaming at underlings.
If its good for the rating, it is being a professional at his profession.

As for Grant's comment on Kmart:

I'm not a politically correct type of guy, so I really have no problem with him giving his opinion as a guy that suppose to give his opinion.

I'm a very opinionated person myself and same as Grant I will give it, like it or not. I really have no problem calling my friend/workers/boss and whoever on what I think is right or wrong and give them a piece of my opinion. At the end even after a disagreement I can still take them out to lunch and enjoy their company. Not sure why people would have a problem with that? /shrug.

Why carry a grudge on silly little things when life is so short?
That's just my opinion, like it or not. ;)
professionalism is a modern term for disingenuous which is another term for bull**** artist

I love people who praise professionalism. It's a giant red flag that lets you know the person is lying to you.
That's terrific. So professionalism is now dead? It's fake?

Good Lord, how old are you?
There are plenty of issues with Grant but he's great at calling the game. I hate it when you listen to somebody else call the Kings game.

By the way, I'm curious to know if anybody knows if Grant is still a Knick's fan? I heard Walt Gray mention that on the air one time.
I agree that he does a good play-by-play. I'd actually rather listen to Grant than G-Man during a game.

Grant said he stopped being a Knicks fan many years ago. I assume it's true. I don't think I've ever heard him praise the Knicks. Just don't touch his beloved Giants.
Professionalism is just being an adult. It's part of having a job and working hard. It's treating all people with respect whether they are the lowly clerk or the CEO. It's respecting yourself and your responsibilities. It's not slacking off, yelling at people, talking down to people, and it's certainly not about lying.

As for Napier and his opinions. Certainly he can express his opinions on his own show. I don't think anyone feels he should ever stop doing that. I'm expressing my opinion that he's wrong in some of his assessments of players when he brings that assessment from a place of jealousy or insecurity. Not from a place of honest, impersonal assessment.

The topic here is when he goes off on a player because of some personal slight Grant took.

And even so, I wouldn't dream of making Grant stop doing that. I don't have to listen to his show and I choose not to. But it's a free country.
I'm not about to defend Grant. He is what he is, and there are some that aren't going to like him. But all his friends are from the east coast. He grew up with Mike and the Mad dog. He's also 6'4" and was on his La Cross team in college on a scholarship. I don't know if you know anything about LaCross, but its one tough sport. I doubt that Grants afraid to say anything to anyone's face. But thats beside the point. You don't like him, and thats fine. I'm sure you have company. But don't try and paint him as some weasely coward that hides behind his mike. You do realize that he has to get on the same plane with the players. So at some point he's going to be face to face with whomever he's blasted on the radio.
I don't need to paint him as that, he does so himself. It's not just my voice saying this, it is many voices who have observed his behavior. Of course he gets on the plane with the players, it's part of the BS of professionalism which you previously brought up. I think your mistake is interpreting such a thing as a good example.

Like I said,he is a far ways from New York and there is a reason besides the weather that this is so. He says opinion on a radio station? So would I. Give a man a microphone and a stage and he'll say whatever he wants. Can he deal with return fire? Doesn't seem so. Seems that is why he lives in Sac and plays NY pretend.
That's terrific. So professionalism is now dead? It's fake?

Good Lord, how old are you?
Professionalism is holding up a pretend facade in public while being something else inside. It's surface and shallow. So, yes, professionalism is fake. That is part of the whole cult of professionalism.
I don't need to paint him as that, he does so himself. It's not just my voice saying this, it is many voices who have observed his behavior. Of course he gets on the plane with the players, it's part of the BS of professionalism which you previously brought up. I think your mistake is interpreting such a thing as a good example.

Like I said,he is a far ways from New York and there is a reason besides the weather that this is so. He says opinion on a radio station? So would I. Give a man a microphone and a stage and he'll say whatever he wants. Can he deal with return fire? Doesn't seem so. Seems that is why he lives in Sac and plays NY pretend.
He gets on the plane with the players, but I don't believe he mixes with them much. His old pals were limited to Pollard and Brad Miller. I wonder if that says something?
Professionalism is holding up a pretend facade in public while being something else inside. It's surface and shallow. So, yes, professionalism is fake. That is part of the whole cult of professionalism.
Or it's being an adult and managing self-control. Otherwise, we could all just stand around screaming at each other to be heard and hitting each other when we don't agree with them. The world of the 2 year old.

Is that your world?
The topic here is when he goes off on a player because of some personal slight Grant took.
That I don't know because I don't know Grant. How some of you can figure that out is beyond me? And please don't tell me you know it because you listen to him on the radio and TV.

Personally, I too think KMart has weak mentality. One of the main reason why he can never be the Kings captain, even when he was our best player.
I don't ever feel the need to yell at people and scream at them to communicate. If they don't listen, think and respond and instead try to slight me in some childish manner. . . well then that just reveals themselves in spite of any professional facade desperately trying to cover their true nature.
I don't ever feel the need to yell at people and scream at them to communicate. If they don't listen, think and respond and instead try to slight me in some childish manner. . . well then that just reveals themselves in spite of any professional facade desperately trying to cover their true nature.
Well, then. I'd say you were acting in a very professional manner. :D
I have no problem with Napear calling it as "he" sees it. Because if he didn't, his objective journalism would be called into question. But there is way to be critical and be respected at the same time. You don't get on your little radio show and be inflamatory by saying a player who you cover on a regular basis is "mentally weak" and "soft". There are ways to get your point across without being abrasive and down right mean spirited.

To me, Napear seems to have a personal vendetta against players he does not like (Webber, Martin, K. Thomas, Richmond) and he cuts slack players he does (Peja, Pollard, Miller, Vlade, Caspi, Nocioni). And I am not going to call it racial because i know there are some black players who he liskes and who likes him (Wayman Tisdale, Spud Webb and the late Derek Dickey). But he better be careful, because some people will label him "a racist" if he continues this pattern.
I have no problem with Napear calling it as "he" sees it. Because if he didn't, his objective journalism would be called into question. But there is way to be critical and be respected at the same time. You don't get on your little radio show and be inflamatory by saying a player who you cover on a regular basis is "mentally weak" and "soft". There are ways to get your point across without being abrasive and down right mean spirited.

To me, Napear seems to have a personal vendetta against players he does not like (Webber, Martin, K. Thomas, Richmond) and he cuts slack players he does (Peja, Pollard, Miller, Vlade, Caspi, Nocioni). And I am not going to call it racial because i know there are some black players who he liskes and who likes him (Wayman Tisdale, Spud Webb and the late Derek Dickey). But he better be careful, because some people will label him "a racist" if he continues this pattern.
Are you kidding me (love that quote of his). He got manlove for Evans.

And to raise his tone and put some emotion into his radio talk is what you want. Listen to Mike, who is pretty resonable as well makes me drive off the road.
I agree that he does a good play-by-play. I'd actually rather listen to Grant than G-Man during a game.

Grant said he stopped being a Knicks fan many years ago. I assume it's true. I don't think I've ever heard him praise the Knicks. Just don't touch his beloved Giants.
Well that is one of the most ludicrous statements I have ever read on this board (and there have been many). G-Man is one very best in the business calling basketball games. Grant's calls are so bush league and over the top. It's actually quite embarrassing listening to him and to think that other team’s fans are listening to him and equating him to the Kings. To even compare Grant and The G-Man is doing Gerould a great disservice. It would be like comparing Katie Christianson and Angela Tsai. One is the cream of the crop while the other is absolute amateur hour.
Well that is one of the most ludicrous statements I have ever read on this board (and there have been many). G-Man is one very best in the business calling basketball games. Grant's calls are so bush league and over the top. It's actually quite embarrassing listening to him and to think that other team’s fans are listening to him and equating him to the Kings. To even compare Grant and The G-Man is doing Gerould a great disservice. It would be like comparing Katie Christianson and Angela Tsai. One is the cream of the crop while the other is absolute amateur hour.
Ludicrous! HA!

It's a matter of opinion whether I prefer G-Man or Grant for play-by-play.

Yes, I've heard G-Man for years and I certainly appreciate his experience. I just don't prefer his voice nor his tone when the Kings aren't doing well. He gets a little petulant and since I'm already upset, I don't need the added annoyance. When the Kings are winning, I like him a lot.

As for Grant, he's not great, but I as long as Jerry is there to even Grant out, I prefer the TV broadcast.
Ludicrous! HA!

It's a matter of opinion whether I prefer G-Man or Grant for play-by-play.

Yes, I've heard G-Man for years and I certainly appreciate his experience. I just don't prefer his voice nor his tone when the Kings aren't doing well. He gets a little petulant and since I'm already upset, I don't need the added annoyance. When the Kings are winning, I like him a lot.

As for Grant, he's not great, but I as long as Jerry is there to even Grant out, I prefer the TV broadcast.
You are right, it is a matter of opinion. I guess I just assumed you joking when you said you prefered Grant to G-Man.