Tyreke being sued

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I doubt anyone would consider it an admission of guilt...
I suppose you haven't glanced at the comments on the Bee page, then? The unholy cabal of haters of all things Kings have already tried and convicted Tyreke. To them, a settlement would be a clear confession of criminal guilt and an indictment of the entire American justice system. "He should be in prison, and the only reason he isn't is because he's rich and famous" - that will be the rallying cry. Never mind that the criminal trial has already occurred and Tyreke was never charged. Never mind that this is a civil case with all the hallmarks of a money grab - a settlement will only confirm what they already "know".

I guess what I'm saying is, don't overestimate the general public or its ability for rational and reflective thought.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I really hope this goes away quick but I won't bash the family for asking for a small amount of money, people do get charged as accessories in these instances and Tyreke is extremely fortunate not to have gone that route, even if he wasn't a star then I'm sure people knew what was coming and that factored in. If they were asking for 50 million I'd have far less sympathy.

Of course I once paid a lawyer $2000 to get an $1800 lien removed and felt good about it as a matter of principle.
Principles are nice. But they can also lead to dumbness. If this drags on and gets stinky its worth a hell of a lot more than $50,000 to Tyreke. Probably even in money terms, as it could effect future endorsements. Just make it go away quickly and it will rarely be talked about again. Have it dragged through court grabbing headlines for the next year or two, and it comes to define you.
I just took a look at the Delaware County docket and it looks like the complaint was first filed back on November 2, 2009. Unfortunately, a copy of the complaint is unavailable...
Put it into perspective as a percentage of his salary for the next three years and all of a sudden $50K is a drop in the bucket. You have them sign a "no disclosure" clause as part of the settlement and it's over with.
The money doesn't really matter. It's .21% of his rookie contract, 1.4% of his salary this year. That's why I said it would be on principle.
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I suppose you haven't glanced at the comments on the Bee page, then? The unholy cabal of haters of all things Kings have already tried and convicted Tyreke. To them, a settlement would be a clear confession of criminal guilt and an indictment of the entire American justice system. "He should be in prison, and the only reason he isn't is because he's rich and famous" - that will be the rallying cry. Never mind that the criminal trial has already occurred and Tyreke was never charged. Never mind that this is a civil case with all the hallmarks of a money grab - a settlement will only confirm what they already "know".

I guess what I'm saying is, don't overestimate the general public or its ability for rational and reflective thought.
Never mind that he was in high school when this happened, so him "getting off" has nothing to do with riches and fame... Like I said earlier, people who comment on those things are usually out of touch. I don't care what they think. I don't think Tyreke cares, either, because what they think doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that one person was tried and convicted of third degree murder and is serving 9-20 years in prison, and the person in question here was questioned and not charged with a crime.

Anyone who cares to think rationally about it realizes what this is. And anyone who doesn't think rationally about it is irrelevant.
It doesn't change the fact that one person was tried and convicted of third degree murder and is serving 9-20 years in prison, and the person in question here was questioned and not charged with a crime.

It did not make sense until I read the original Inquirer article on how the driver of a drive-by shooting could not be charged and the shooter get third degree murder. Now it makes more sense that this was a drive to aunt's house-pick up cousin-cousin says neighbor going to shoot them-drive off-cousin shoots neighbor-stop and call police. None of that was explained in the SacBee article and they could have just quoted the original Inquirer article. Of course due diligence was never their strong suit.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
It just seems so clear to me that this is just a money grabbing attempt. Paying them off is the easy thing to do, and I understand that, and as my lawyer, you'd probably tell me that that's what I should do, but I don't know that I would.

Well that's cool -- as your lawyer if you want ot pay my hourly fees to go fight this that works for me too. ;)
I'm like pdx. I'd rather pay two grand to have a bogus lien removed than pay the lien for two hundred dollars less. Principle, spite, same difference.


Hall of Famer
I am much more concerned about what kind of people Tyreke has around him. Would hate to see something come up in the future considering that he seems to be related to some pretty bad people
Wow. Maybe some of you should look at it from the other side. If you had a love one murdered you too would go after everyone involved. The shooter, the driver and anyone else. The cousin was just recently convicted so it's not a surprise that it's only coming out now.

And for the person who asked what facts could come out now, there is a thing called evidence surpression that happens in crimianl trials that dont apply to civic ones. So yes some unknown information could come to light now.
Wow. Maybe some of you should look at it from the other side. If you had a love one murdered you too would go after everyone involved. The shooter, the driver and anyone else. The cousin was just recently convicted so it's not a surprise that it's only coming out now.

And for the person who asked what facts could come out now, there is a thing called evidence surpression that happens in crimianl trials that dont apply to civic ones. So yes some unknown information could come to light now.
Looking in their side they should have got at it sooner.. not after three years. three years is a long time and enough room to move on and forgive, losing a loved one sucks I should know but there is enough space and time in three years to move along with life. if this family pushes through with their plans, wow they are either vengeful or really just after the money. when exactly did it happen? 3 years ago? before tyreke turned 20? he would have been 17 years old a minor who couldnt be tried? they could have waited a year to try him as an adult but why now? because he has that salary. I hope the kings organization especially the maloofs back evans up. The kid seems to be an awefully nice guy.

most of your assumption is right...... its got to be about the money. just sad how they put a price on their sons life.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I am much more concerned about what kind of people Tyreke has around him. Would hate to see something come up in the future considering that he seems to be related to some pretty bad people

If you knew North Philly (and I do), you would know its a bad place. The core of Philly is beautiful, the suburbs are beautiful. But its one of those classic doughnut cities where they revitalized the downtown, but left a ring of extremely poor and dangerous slums surrounding it. West Philly (which borders Penn) is bad. North Philly is bad. East Philly is essentially Camden. And South Philly is the relative garden spot because its controlled by the mob, and they don't allow any of this sort of silliness to go on. You shoot somebody down there without their permission they break your kneecaps. And your mom's kneecaps. And probably your cat's kneecaps too. In any case North Philly is a very poor crime ridden slum. One of those places where probably everyone who lives there knows somebosy who's been in trouble with the law. And I guess that was home for Reke. Having acquaintances or family members who weren't exactly upstanding citizens doesn;t surprise me in the least. Maybe the best thing that could have happened to him was to get drafted someplace across the country so he could have a chance to grow up and mature into a man without being surrounded by shady elements fromt he old neighborhood looking for a handout.

But the cops long ago cleared him of this one, and so they at least (and the Philly cops are not exactly known as lenient) believed that he really was just an innnocent bystander. Maybe his cousin said, hey can you take me to such and such a place, knowing that he was going to cap somebody there. Whatever. They decided that Reke did not know and was not any more culpable than if you were driving and your passenger pulled out a gunu and shot somebody. And that bit about him speeding off is ridiculous. Because frankly of COURSE you speed off. What are you going to do? Stop after somebody in your car just shot somebody out of the window and get out to confront the victims friends (likely armed in that neighborhood)?

Bad situation, but the cops cleared him. Now it would behoove him to do what he can to clean the rest of it up and just permanently get as far from those problems as he can.
I am much more concerned about what kind of people Tyreke has around him. Would hate to see something come up in the future considering that he seems to be related to some pretty bad people
his cousin? didnt his brothers say they did their part to keep him away from trouble or something

what is the story with the drive by? did he know his cousin had a gun? or something
Wow. Maybe some of you should look at it from the other side. If you had a love one murdered you too would go after everyone involved. The shooter, the driver and anyone else. The cousin was just recently convicted so it's not a surprise that it's only coming out now.

And for the person who asked what facts could come out now, there is a thing called evidence surpression that happens in crimianl trials that dont apply to civic ones. So yes some unknown information could come to light now.
Yeah, I'm surprised too. The sentencing in the criminal case just came down in June and for shooting an unarmed man, the cousin got off pretty easy. Its hard to blame the family for seeking a lawsuit even if the motivation is spite and anger. If anything the 50K sounds like its more about the principal of it than to really profit. Evans is worth more than that, why wouln't they seek a higher sum if it were just about the money?

Now that's not to say Tyreke is culpable, because it really sounds like he's not, but again I have a hard time blaming the family for seeking more punishment than Jamar Evans 9-20 year sentence.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
most of your assumption is right...... its got to be about the money. just sad how they put a price on their sons life.

Well not sure about that. Of course they do. Everybody does. Its not like they said, hey dude, go ahead and shoot our son, just give us $50,000 later. He was already killed and now they are just trying to get something for it under the law -- a modern day version of the weregild (and btw two possible reasons for such a small dollar figure could be either the fact that reke has been cleared criminally making it unsure if they can attach him, and the rest of the defendants being poor; or 2) possibly because the kid who got shot was no angel himself, and it would be hard to convince a jury to go for a big $$ figure).
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Yeah, I'm surprised too. The sentencing in the criminal case just came down in June and for shooting an unarmed man, the cousin got off pretty easy. Its hard to blame the family for seeking a lawsuit even if the motivation is spite and anger. If anything the 50K sounds like its more about the principal of it than to really profit. Evans is worth more than that, why wouln't they seek a higher sum if it were just about the money?

Now that's not to say Tyreke is culpable, because it really sounds like he's not, but again I have a hard time blaming the family for seeking more punishment than Jamar Evans 9-20 year sentence.
That sort of changes the perspective a bit, because they didn't just wait three years until he got drafted and then go after his new found money. Other loose ends just got tied up. But it's still a money grab, plain and simple. All they can do is sue him, even if everything goes in their favor, all they do to Tyreke is bill him. He won't even feel $50k, and that's probably what they said in the lawyer's office when they were settling on that figure. It's just a money grab.
Well not sur about that. Of course they do. Everybody does. Its not like they said, hey dude, go ahead and shoot our son, just give us $50,000 later. He was already killed and now they are just trying to get something for it under the law -- a modern day version of the weregild (and btw two possible reasons for such a small dollar figure could be either the fact that reke has been cleared criminally making it unsure if they can attach him, and the rest of the defendants being poor; or 2) possibly because the kid who got shot was no angel himself, and it would be hard to convince a jury to go for a big $$ figure).
I just hope Tyreke and the kings front office and especially the maloofs handle this together. no big deal about this but Its a great opportunity for the player and owner to build a strong relationship under these kinds of situations big or no. also the fanbase should support him... and try to not get this way over blown
Wow. Maybe some of you should look at it from the other side. If you had a love one murdered you too would go after everyone involved. The shooter, the driver and anyone else. The cousin was just recently convicted so it's not a surprise that it's only coming out now.

And for the person who asked what facts could come out now, there is a thing called evidence surpression that happens in crimianl trials that dont apply to civic ones. So yes some unknown information could come to light now.
I don't know if I'm just different from everyone else, but I'm not the type of person to sit in the courtroom every day while my loved one's accused is being tried for murder. I'm not going to cheer as his verdict and sentencing are being read. I wouldn't feel any vindication as he's tossed in the slammer. My loved one is still gone, and no amount of punishment is going to bring them back. Damn what happens to the person who pulled the trigger; I want my loved one back.

So I would most certainly NOT be going after anyone for a wrongful death lawsuit unless I felt that the person in question was truly responsible for the death, and they were found not guilty (not "innocent", but "not guilty") in the criminal trial. If someone did something with the intent of harming the deceased person, or their negligence was to blame, that's a different story. But in this situation, I'm not suing someone just because I lost someone, especially when the lawsuit basically amounts to extortion. "You pay us to go away, or we make you look bad." If anything, it dishonors the memory of the one you lost.
Looking in their side they should have got at it sooner.. not after three years. three years is a long time and enough room to move on and forgive, losing a loved one sucks I should know but there is enough space and time in three years to move along with life.
No, you wait for the criminal part to be done with first. Since his cousin was convicted they have that in their favor. Now they can determine if Evans is at fault in the murder. Keep in mine this is a civil trial not a criminal. Just like OJ was innocent in the criminal he was found guilty in the civil.
I don't know if I'm just different from everyone else, but I'm not the type of person to sit in the courtroom every day while my loved one's accused is being tried for murder. I'm not going to cheer as his verdict and sentencing are being read. I wouldn't feel any vindication as he's tossed in the slammer. My loved one is still gone, and no amount of punishment is going to bring them back. Damn what happens to the person who pulled the trigger; I want my loved one back.

So I would most certainly NOT be going after anyone for a wrongful death lawsuit unless I felt that the person in question was truly responsible for the death, and they were found not guilty (not "innocent", but "not guilty") in the criminal trial. If someone did something with the intent of harming the deceased person, or their negligence was to blame, that's a different story. But in this situation, I'm not suing someone just because I lost someone, especially when the lawsuit basically amounts to extortion. "You pay us to go away, or we make you look bad." If anything, it dishonors the memory of the one you lost.
Just like any type of civil lawsuit you go after all the players especially the ones with deep pockets.

So your saying OJ should have been innocent in the civil lawsuit too because was innocent in the criminal?
Ugh.. That story still gives me the chills.. Evans just drove off after a kid got shot.. Nice.
Um... yeah! Im from south sac. If i'm in his shoes I do the same. I'm not trying to have my **** pushed back in getting out the car or just sitting there.

There's been 3 murders down here since the year started... you don't stick around unless you want to join the statistics PERIOD.
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Um... yeah! Im from south sac. If i'm in his shoes I do the same. I'm not trying to have my **** pushed back in getting out the car or just sitting there.

There's been 3 murders down here since the year started... you don't stick around unless you want to join the statistics PERIOD.

If I was driving around and some guy from my car shot someone you better believe I am getting out of that car.. Not going to drive his butt around some more.
Two very different walks of life I guess. You do that where i grew up and where reke did... you'll be joining the kid who was shot within seconds... courtesy of one of his freinds or family.

It's street justice around here...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If I was driving around and some guy from my car shot someone you better believe I am getting out of that car.. Not going to drive his butt around some more.
You just can't do that. And certianly not in North Philly. Or you get to be shot too, which doesn't help things.

Is not like a hit and run, where it was accidental and you can hop out of the car and say OMG are you alright!? You just drove by and intetntionally shot some dude. What are you going to do when you hop out of the car? Say I'm sorry? Either a) the guy's friends are there, and in that neighborhood there's a healthy chance somebody is armed; or b) the guy was alone, in whihc case you stop the car, and your cousin, who just shot the guy, has a great chance to finish him off (or you off for stopping). You really have no choice but to get the hell out of dodge. Now hopefully its get the hell out of dodge, dump your cousin, call the cops + ambulance. But you still can't just stop and hop out and exchange insurance information or something.