Well, its certainly worth exploring, but could be a tough sell in this economy and with the Kings not exactly winning games or fans at the moment. The numbers aren't clear. Apparently this would only provide part of the financing. 2,000 x $100,000 is $200,000,000.
If you really are interested in being a long term-season ticket holder, this could be a deal. At some point the seats you buy are going to be cheaper than most if not all of the seats around you. That's why there is the one comment in the article about this not working too well in pro sports, because of the constraints it puts on owner's annual income.
Its great for the upfront costs to pay for the arena, but then it has ever diminishing return to the owners over the 30 years.
And I'm not so sure you could get 2,000 people to pay that much for a seat(s) in the Sacramento region. I would also think the risk of loan deliquency could be high if payments are annualized, although then they could sell tickets at what might, then, be a higher price. Even if they can't raise all the money needed, they might be able to sell enough to have good leverage for the remaining funds that have to come from another lending source.
I'm glad to hear they're thinking about it anything, though. That has what has been lacking from Mayor Johnson's support, so far. No idea how to back upthe support with the needed dollars.