Stephen A Smith will be missed.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Yeah, I wasn't really a fan either. Full of hot air more often than not. Very opinionated, high-pressure hot air.
On a side note where's Bill Walton been lately? I havent seen him analyzing B-Ball on TV for many months. I heard he had spinal surgery but I think that was almost a year ago - maybe it didnt go so well.

I dont miss the bombastic, full of himself loud mouth of S.A. Smith one bit.
All I can say is, it's about time. I couldn't stand him from the first time I saw him. He was alway trying to create a reason to get loud and/or heated whether there was a reason to or not. Most of the time he would go on a rant for several minutes without ever saying anything.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Stephen A. Smith will be missed

by the maid...but the butler will get him with the tire iron in the library.

I'm wondering what NBA analysts don't speak their minds? That's exactly what those talking heads are paid to do! I like someone like Tim Legler who played in the league and has forceful opinions without yelling and generally making a foolish clown of themselves in front of a camera. Now, Bill Walton who I mentioned earlier clowns around a bit, get teased on set for it, but is still quite analytical most times. The point is SAS should have never gotten hired for a national TV show coming from his background as a beat sports reporter for a Philly newspaper. Maybe he can return to that gig or keep it if still under contract as a simple scribe.
I'm wondering what NBA analysts don't speak their minds? That's exactly what those talking heads are paid to do! I like someone like Tim Legler who played in the league and has forceful opinions without yelling and generally making a foolish clown of themselves in front of a camera. Now, Bill Walton who I mentioned earlier clowns around a bit, get teased on set for it, but is still quite analytical most times. The point is SAS should have never gotten hired for a national TV show coming from his background as a beat sports reporter for a Philly newspaper. Maybe he can return to that gig or keep it if still under contract as a simple scribe.
I don't think he ever stopped working for the Philly newspaper. I know he was at least writing articles for them once in a while.
I like Stephen A. guys not afraid to speak his mind
Yeah but what he was never able to understand was that you can speak your mind without being a total nut job. He seemed to justify being a loud mouth jerkoff by always saying that he "spoke his mind". Well, a lot of people speak their mind and are able to articulate themselves a lot better and with a calmer demeanor to boot.