Worried.....about the Maloofs

Anyone else worried about the rumors of the Maloofs putting a cap on the coaching dollars? I mean, we're trying to draft some talent, and now we're scrimping on what we spend for a coach? Rumor had it Jordan actually called the Kings to ask them to match 76ers number but Maloofs have a 1.5 mil cap on the hire. worrisome to me in that the man who's supposed to mold the young talent is a coach we "settle" on for the dollars? I know times are tough, but sometimes you gotta spend to make money later. We really want to improve we need the coach GP wants, not settles for.......Musselhead and Theus was what we got when the "group" came together and settled for a coach. GP should have free reign.
I try not to worry about things which I can't influence at all, and, unless I can scrape together at least $50M to buy into the franchise, I don't see anything I can do about the losingest team in the NBA's economic performance during bad times.

That said, maybe you can console yourself with the knowledge that there really aren't any candidates worth over $1.5M this year anyway.

It was rumored in the Bee that they wanted to spend in the $1.5 to $2 million range. However, that is all it is...rumors.

BTW it's real easy to recommend spending money that isn't yours. Owning a basketball team isn't the investment of someone who wants to make a lot of money, anyway.

Remember, this is a team, along with quite a few others, that had to borrow millions of dollars from the league this year just to keep the doors open. Going bankrupt isn't where we want the team to go either. There's no future bad or good in that. At least not in Sacramento.
Also why spend money on a team that won't go that far in the next couple years. If and when we make the playoffs I'm sure the Maloofs will be more willing to hire a big name coach to guide them the rest of the way.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Anyone else worried about the rumors of the Maloofs putting a cap on the coaching dollars? I mean, we're trying to draft some talent, and now we're scrimping on what we spend for a coach? Rumor had it Jordan actually called the Kings to ask them to match 76ers number but Maloofs have a 1.5 mil cap on the hire. worrisome to me in that the man who's supposed to mold the young talent is a coach we "settle" on for the dollars? I know times are tough, but sometimes you gotta spend to make money later. We really want to improve we need the coach GP wants, not settles for.......Musselhead and Theus was what we got when the "group" came together and settled for a coach. GP should have free reign.
It concerns me more for its implications about our wilingness to spend on free agents or take on contracts than it does the actual coaching search. Other things as well -- we laid off people, including disbanding House Party Live and tossing Koz overboard, so its hard to see us investing hundreds of thousands to bring in specialist coaches, or guys like Webb for PR or whatever. But mostly my concern is it handcuffing Petrie at this time -- people forget that a major factor in Geoff's best years was him havng young spendthrift owners behind him giving him a green light to spend whatever was necessary. Gave him a major edge over the competition.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I probably would care more if there were some big name coaches available who would obviously help the team. With the candidates we're looking at, I don't think the money issue will be much of a problem. I think finding the right coach for the job should be the priority, not the cheapest one -- but realistically, if the franchise needs to be saving money right now to survive another season intact, than that's what they need to do. No use worrying about it.
not about spending someone elses money

as a franchise, in order for things in Sacrametno to get better there needs to be seats in the arena, interest for viewership and sponsors/advertisers. The way to do that is improving the team. That means
1. Getting talent
2. getting talent
3. Getting a coach who can teach and put that talent in a position to win.

I know a million or even a million and a half is a lot, but in the fantasy world of a sports franchise (NBA in particular) the $1.5 million salary is definitely on the very low end. You will only get interest as such. that's why the assistants are getting interviewed, you won't get an established successful NBA coach for that dollar. Hell, we could have Byron Scott with a phone call, if we would pay for that kind of coach. This franchise needs stability as much as talent and looking at this coach as a 2 yr placeholder is foolish at this point.
The Kings just can't spend to get a top level coach right now. Not only that, but Phil J, Sloan, Popovich aren't going to be coming here anyway.

In this economy, I can't imagine most teams are interested in committing to spending big on a coach, unless he's at the very top.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
The Kings just can't spend to get a top level coach right now. Not only that, but Phil J, Sloan, Popovich aren't going to be coming here anyway.

In this economy, I can't imagine most teams are interested in committing to spending big on a coach, unless he's at the very top.
I agree. Unfortunately, the last two hires were busts, so people are genuinely worried about hiring a coach on the cheap in the attempt to find lightning in a bottle. The right assistant-coach-waiting-to-be-head-coach is out there somewhere...hopefully. Although that thought process in itself is enough to create problems like the past two hires. That is why you're getting names from people who've been out of it for a bit or whose experience won't command top-tier salary.
That is why you're getting names from people who've been out of it for a bit or whose experience won't command top-tier salary.
Exactly. I think who is hired as an asssistant coach(s) could make a difference, though. That's why I hope one of the things covered in the interviews was asking who they might want to bring in as assistants. (I would think that would have to be asked.)
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BTW, I don't think assistants are a bad way to go if you take the right one. someone took a chance on CBA coaches P Jackson and George Karl, Flip etc so all coaches need their chance. I don't like the reasons Theus was hired for and his experience was definitely in question. But, initially Maloofs said Petrie was in charge, and his criteria were head coach with head coaching experience and success. Now look where we're at......not where we began. I know money's tight and lots of rumors about the Maloofs finances and we all know Vegas is hurting so.........on another note, I'm worried about the whole franchise and it's future with the capital markets being so tight, how does Cal Expo get financed???


Hall of Famer
I try not to worry about things which I can't influence at all, and, unless I can scrape together at least $50M to buy into the franchise, I don't see anything I can do about the losingest team in the NBA's economic performance during bad times.

That said, maybe you can console yourself with the knowledge that there really aren't any candidates worth over $1.5M this year anyway.
You beat me to it. Why get into a bidding battle with yourself over candidates that aren't worth any more money than that. If Phil Jackson were available, who the Maloofs like, I have no doubt that they would bid accordingly.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I try not to worry about things which I can't influence at all, and, unless I can scrape together at least $50M to buy into the franchise, I don't see anything I can do about the losingest team in the NBA's economic performance during bad times.

That said, maybe you can console yourself with the knowledge that there really aren't any candidates worth over $1.5M this year anyway.
Want a way to help the franchise? Go to a game. Tickets are cheaper than they've been in a long, long time. Show your support for the rebuilding by putting your posterior into a seat on occasion. Anybody can find a way to go to a game when their team is winning and doesn't need the support. Finding a way to go when they aren't always winning helps the franchise and it helps the players to realize we aren't just bandwagon fans. The players of old knew that; we need to make sure the kids know it, too.


Oh brotha, I do and it's been more painful in person than on the tube. I got 4 seats. I do think it means more to keep going when we're bad and when we're good you really appreciate it. True fans are not fair weather.......that's why the late 90's to early 2000 were so special for kings fans as we suffered for so long. ;)
Financially speaking, trickery can get you far. For example, let's suspect the Kings are aiming at Rambis, and offering 1.75-2.2m a year, 2-3 years. They could entice him further with a high buyout (3-4m), basically ensuring his job and making the barrier high if he is released. Making an option for year 3/4 at 2.5-3m would put him in the middle of the pack with other coaches, and be about on par. Whether he makes it that far or not is irrelevant; in principle, it might be enough to bring him in.

That said, I still think it will be Westphal, announced SAT, press conf MON, 2 year deal worth 3.15 m for a 3rd year option at 2m. Elie, Porter, Coachie, 'Reef as assistants. ;)
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Coachie doesn't work as part of the coaching staff. He works independently, answering to Petrie I believe. The same holds true, if I'm not mistaken, for SAR, who was there Friday at the pre-draft workouts, looking pretty good but limping just a little.
Coachie doesn't work as part of the coaching staff. He works independently, answering to Petrie I believe. The same holds true, if I'm not mistaken, for SAR, who was there Friday at the pre-draft workouts, looking pretty good but limping just a little.
Thanks VF. I was unclear of that, since I heard somewhere else 'Reef might land a role on future staff. I think he (as well as Coachie) works better being closer connected to Petrie and doing some of the advance scouting and "30,000 foot-level" advice.
Financially speaking, trickery can get you far. For example, let's suspect the Kings are aiming at Rambis, and offering 1.75-2.2m a year, 2-3 years. They could entice him further with a high buyout (3-4m), basically ensuring his job and making the barrier high if he is released. Making an option for year 3/4 at 2.5-3m would put him in the middle of the pack with other coaches, and be about on par. Whether he makes it that far or not is irrelevant; in principle, it might be enough to bring him in.

That said, I still think it will be Westphal, announced SAT, press conf MON, 2 year deal worth 3.15 m for a 3rd year option at 2m. Elie, Porter, Coachie, 'Reef as assistants. ;)
I didn't see the news...there was a Westphal announcement of some sort??


Super Moderator Emeritus
Urm, he did say "I think it will be Westphal"... I haven't seen nor heard anything about any kind of decision. Petrie's just a little busy at the moment looking at all the draft hopefuls.
Urm, he did say "I think it will be Westphal"... I haven't seen nor heard anything about any kind of decision. Petrie's just a little busy at the moment looking at all the draft hopefuls.
Exactly. My guess is based on the fact that the Maloofs are in town for the Monarchs home opener and combine and could "circle back" with GP to trade final figures, ideas, and make a decision...........and call the other candidates together.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It wouldn't be today IMHO. There aren't any workouts scheduled for tomorrow, however, so if your scenario has a chance my guess is they might be huddling together on Sunday. I don't think it's going to happen, however. There's simply not that much urgency - or demand for the most likely remaining candidates.
Urm, he did say "I think it will be Westphal"... I haven't seen nor heard anything about any kind of decision. Petrie's just a little busy at the moment looking at all the draft hopefuls.

I have always heard Petrie is involved in the pre-draft work outs. But until I watched the videos over on:
I never knew just how hands on Petrie is. He is on the court with these guys directing the process. I was impressed.