Rock Band II Draft - playoffs begin 6/8/09

With a quick thanks to pdx for the memory jog, time for my drummer:

Bernard "Buddy" Rich - Drums -- To round out my multi-genre selection, I decided to snag one of the big band greats. The fact that he is a drumming legend doesn't hurt. Think I'm just going to let the mighty interwebs speak for me on this one.

Wikipedia info.

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So dukeswh has timed out. Gogogadget is on the clock for her write-up. If you don't have time to post it, then at least secure your band name and pass it along please:).
Here is the write-up for

Annie and the Alcoholix.

Annie Lennox - Vocals
Jeff Beck - Guitar
Victor Wooten - Bass and Double Bass
Rick Wakeman - Synthesizers, Keyboards and Piano
Terry Bozzio - Drums and Percussion

“Wow, what a show! We will definitely have to do that again.” Victor exclaimed to Terry when the roar of the audience finally began to subside. It really was pretty amazing that this actually came to fruition considering how it all started. Victor’s good friend Michael had pulled him into this benefit for his non-profit organization “Helping Those That Help Themselves”, an out of the box concept for assisting our homeless and providing them with opportunities. It was at the first meeting that he met Annie and they had decided to team up and put together the headlining act for the benefit concert.

As a huge Sacramento Kings fan, Victor frequented a local fan site under the username Francisco d’Anconia where he sometimes participated in off season online draft threads. His favorite was the Rock Band Draft Thread in which you drafted members of your hypothetical band and attempted to assemble a band that would garner more votes from other board members than the bands of other drafters. None of his e-friends knew his real identity, so he was surprised when one of the other drafters selected him as their bass player and then in a later round selected Annie as the lead vocalist. This all seemed pretty coincidental and Victor was amazed that the band with Annie and him ended up placing first in the voting process and was the thread winner by a land slide. The other members of this hypothetical band consisted of Jeff Beck, Terry Bozzio and Rick Wakeman.

On a complete whim, Victor convinced Annie to let him attempt to put that line up together for the upcoming benefit concert. Knowing that it was a long shot, he devised a plan. Jeff Beck was not going to be an easy target. Luckily for Victor, he and Terry had recently had a connection at a mutual friend’s party and talked about getting together for a project sometime in the future. Terry not only played on “Jeff Beck’s Guitar Shop” album, he also played with him as recently as 2003 opening for BB King. Victor would get Terry to recruit Jeff. After that, Rick would be a breeze because he has not been too busy since the last Yes tour.

It turned out that Jeff was available and willing to play under one circumstance. Jeff wanted the project to be billed as Annie and the Alcoholix. Somewhere in his warped brain, Jeff decided that the twist of alcoholism being associated with and even partially responsible for homelessness (the cause of the benefit) was absolutely hilarious. At the time, Victor was sure Annie would have none of it. He was surprised when she laughed and agreed stating that any controversy would simply be free marketing and promotion for the event, which turned out to be the case.

As he thought, getting Rick on board was as easy as a phone call. Victor had actually put the winning concept band from the Rock Band Draft Thread together in real life for a great cause. They spent some rehearsal time working out a set of mostly Annie Lennox and Euryhthmics tunes and a couple of covers were thrown in for good measure. The addition of The Pointer Sisters’ “Shaky Flat Blues” into Janice’s “Bobby McGee” was of special note. With all the talented soloists, it was decided that Terry, Rick and Victor would each have one very small solo only. The main focus of the set was to back up Annie; after all, they can solo all day long at home. Jeff of course, was given some extra space here and there to do his thing and the result was astonishing
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Classic Ascension


Robert Plant - Lead Vocals
Brian May - Lead Guitar
Tom Sholz - Rhythm Guitar/Background Vocals
Geezer Butler - Bass
Rick Allen - Drums/Percussion
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The Apple of Eden
Joan Jett - Vocals/Rhythm Guitar
Jack White - Lead Guitar/Background Vocals
Johnny Ramone - Rhythm Guitar/ Background Vocals
Paul Simonon - Bass
Phil Rudd - Drums/Percussion

From Rolling Stone Magazine:
The Apple of Eden released it's self titled debut album (Photo above) this week and already, the rock gods are happy; the moons are realigned. There have been a lot of good bands lately, but nothing that has compared to the raw and load sound of The Apple of Eden.

Lead singer Joan Jett wails and screams on stage and on the album about every sin known to humankind. Songs like "I love Rock and Roll Radio", "Fell in Love with a Sedated Girl", "Should I Stay or Should I Care About My Bad Reputation", "Seven Nation's Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" and "You Shook the Casbah (All Night Long)" are instant rock classics!

Immediately, this album launches itself to the heights of the top rock record ever created. Jack White and Johnny Ramone make a guitar sound that is both pop-rock music and the sounds of a Detroit backalley knifing all in one. Simonon and Rudd could not be a better rhythm section; Simonon jumping around the stage and Rudd playing his heart right out.

Watching this band on stage is like watching your school bully get punched in the face with brass knuckles; it is exciting, loud, poetic, brilliant, energizing, and violent all at once. The rock gods have a chosen band, and that band is The Apple of Eden.

- Cameron Crowe

And from the pages of Tiger Teen Magazine:
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Bored with conventional success and the great burden of solving all the world's political and economic issues with Popes and Presidents, Bono decided to call on a few guys he'd met over the years and have some fun with a new kind of SuperGroup. So he, Sting, David Gilmour, Neil Young and Charlie Watts got together in the Studio and started jamming.

All of them have more money than God has dirt, so they decided to do it all for free, and from this concept was born the name of the band:

Pro Bono
Neil Young
David Gilmour
Charlie Watts

Their first hit album was called "Free and Barely Legal" - with a controversial album cover not fit for or Walmart distribution, so it was replaced for consumer consumption with this one:

Their followup smash album was called "Or Are You Just Glad To See Me" and featured the hit song "Big Hands and Feet".

Their latest release "Schwing" is in stores now and they are coming to tour in a town near you. Keep your eyes open.

fans, feel free to suggest your own album names and cover art for future releases, but keep it PG ;)
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The Futuristic Past Members:

Chris Cornell - Lead Vocals
Jimmy Chamberlin - Drums/Percussion
John Entwistle - Bass/Back-Up Vocals
Kirk Hammett - Lead Guitar
Nancy Wilson - Rhythm Guitar/Backup Vocals

Music Weekly Website said:
At the top of the charts this week is The Futuristic Past, and their second album "Instrumental Assault...With Lyrics", which has already smashed the old record for albums sold in a week, previously set by their self-titled debut album. The most highly anticipated album of the century, Instrumental Assault...With Lyrics is already number 1 worldwide.

"This album is definitely going platinum", an unnamed columnist said. "This is so good, they ought to put it number 1 on the hip-hop and country charts as well."

Chris Cornell, the band's lead singer, is electrifying as always. The drummer, Jimmy Chamberlin, provided steady beats throughout the entire album, proving his doubters wrong. The guitarists, Kirk Hammett and Nancy Wilson, go together like butter on toast. They both know their role, and they both do it fantastically. Wilson also provides some helpful backup vocals for the group. And then there's John Entwistle, the group's bass player and also backup vocalist. What can we say about this guy? He just makes bass playing look and sound fun again.

So, what will the future hold for The Futuristic Past? Only time will tell.

Click here for full track list.
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