Brandon Jennings #4



Draft Express already has him listed as going to the Kings at the #4....

I personally figured he'd be our pick at 4, if our worst fears came to light.


Run down....

He's in a really tough spot overseas. He opted to fight for playing time against grown men in a different country, vs being a sure fire starter and probably dominating against kids his age in the NCAA.

Obviously the move to overseas vs NCAA is an extremely rough transition. But maybe his lack of success over there will end up landing what could have been the #2 (had he played NCAA) pick this year at #4.
Its been a roller coaster for Jennings but as a draft express article points out in the long run his experience might pay off more in the long run. He's been learning to play very controlled with a huge focus on avoiding TO's. Its probably whats been holding him back some what in europe. That is he's not playing the style he's been playing his hole life the "go out and win us the game anyway you can" style... which he very well could have continued playing in the NCAA. But hopefully its been a learning experience and one that will allow him to take off much faster in the NBA

Hes not as veteran as Rubio by any means but as far as raw athleticism is probably a better athlete.

Im fairly sure we will take him... that is if we cant move up to the #2 spot
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He's likely going to be the best PG on the board at our pick, considering that position is the path of least resistence for us, that's where they'll probably go. Personally I like Jennings and he's not a bad consollation prize, but well...this just sucks too much to find stupid silver linings.
If we don't trade with Memphis for Rubio then Jennings would be my pick. He is a high risk, high reward sort of pick so that alone would rule him out of Petrie's calculations IMHO.

I see Harden and Hill and safe Petrie picks. I don't see him going for the "home run" pick that is Jennings.


if we dont trade our pick id put him down as a lock
Yeah anything / anybody is an improvement over Beno and PG's usually in the top 5 seem to end up being decent.... which again is a huge upgrade from Beno.

also I'd like to point out that Jennings actually gave $50,000 to help earthquake victims somewhere... so seems like a good guy also
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same was said about J will. He is in europe scouting rubio as everyone assumes, im sure hed drop in and check out jennings also
I am sure he just caught the first flight back knowing we have no shot at him anymore.

OK I will go play some games for a while.. I am so upset I can't even think straight.
I didn't get to see much of Jennings so i don't have a lot to add.

I do have a question for anyone who got see him. Why did he shoot so poorly this season? Coming out of high school he was considered a good shooter but his shooting percentage was bad last year. Really what i want to know is how does his stroke look? Was his bad shooting a result of technique or something else?
The biggest "anti-Petrie" quality to Jennings is his ball-hoarding mentality, and the fact that despite having quickness, he doesn't seem to think fast, which is a killer in this league. That, and shoddy SP% might make it an uphill battle, but I still think he could become a sleeper.
Keep talking down on Jennings, but I've heard some pretty positive things about him recently. Read up on the latest DX article about him and he's headed in the right direction. A lot of the negatives about him were addressed in the article, so, with some (meaning MUCH) reservation, he could end up being the Chris Paul or D-Will of this draft.


I am such an optimist ahaha. But, seriously, think about it.
I didn't get to see much of Jennings so i don't have a lot to add.

I do have a question for anyone who got see him. Why did he shoot so poorly this season? Coming out of high school he was considered a good shooter but his shooting percentage was bad last year. Really what i want to know is how does his stroke look? Was his bad shooting a result of technique or something else?
He doesn't have the best shooting mechanics, but it's not like it's as bad as Rubio's or anything like that. It's fixable, he fades away on his shot and doesn't follow through all the way on his shot, apparently he's working on fixing that right now though. The shooting percentages are down simply because he's not an exceptional shooter yet, his shot selection definitely needs improvement, he was playing in a very different situation and getting inconsistent playing time.
Keep talking down on Jennings, but I've heard some pretty positive things about him recently. Read up on the latest DX article about him and he's headed in the right direction. A lot of the negatives about him were addressed in the article, so, with some (meaning MUCH) reservation, he could end up being the Chris Paul or D-Will of this draft.


I am such an optimist ahaha. But, seriously, think about it.
Haha you can't just listen to everything they say on those scouting sites. Many times they say the players have much more going for them than they actually do.
He doesn't have the best shooting mechanics, but it's not like it's as bad as Rubio's or anything like that. It's fixable, he fades away on his shot and doesn't follow through all the way on his shot, apparently he's working on fixing that right now though. The shooting percentages are down simply because he's not an exceptional shooter yet, his shot selection definitely needs improvement, he was playing in a very different situation and getting inconsistent playing time.
Appreciate the break down. I have heard the AI comparison, which worries me when it comes to shot selection. If its more about tweaking his shot then i don't see that as such a big deal considering his age. I was more worried about his mentality.
Why don't we pick Tyreke Evans instead of Jennings
I like that and I was just thinking if we get him it's not that damn bad. I see him as a Derek Rose type player, because he has played the point before with a great team and he's 6 foot 6 with blazing speed no jumpshot right now but he's a freak and could actually be a sleeper guy.
Appreciate the break down. I have heard the AI comparison, which worries me when it comes to shot selection. If its more about tweaking his shot then i don't see that as such a big deal considering his age. I was more worried about his mentality.
A bit of advice, don't rely on second hand reputations and half-hearted comparisons. We're not going to get real conclusive evidence on what type of player Jennings is, but the best thing you can do is read articles about him from people who have seen him play, and read interviews.

His shot selection is a problem, but it's a problem for a lot of young guys, doesn't mean he's going to dribbling the ball until there's 4 seconds on the clock and then chuck up a 30 footer.
A bit of advice, don't rely on second hand reputations and half-hearted comparisons. We're not going to get real conclusive evidence on what type of player Jennings is, but the best thing you can do is read articles about him from people who have seen him play, and read interviews.

His shot selection is a problem, but it's a problem for a lot of young guys, doesn't mean he's going to dribbling the ball until there's 4 seconds on the clock and then chucking up a 30 footer.
No worries I'm committed to taking a wait and see approach with Jennings. I certainly wasn't expecting anything conclusive but its good to get some more information from anyone who seems informed and you fit that bill.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
His shot selection was more than a problem -- he looks to be an idiot thus far. Not idiot savant. Just idiot. Schoolyard overdribbling showoff type with no feel about the how or when of anything. And that comes from somebody who thinks that if all else fails, we should probably take him #4. If we do though I have major reservations about his brains, dedication, and focus. He has looked like a guy playing for oohs rather than wins. And bringing him back stateside so he can collect up the standard posse of hangers on telling him how great he is etc. etc. seems like a dubious path to reform and improvement.

To be clear, I think he has great raw talent, and that might make the pick worth it -- could really blossom and be a steal. But everything I have seen so far looks like he is a long way from being any sort of saavy floor general. And the shooting is part of that -- its out of rhythm, ill timed, ill considered. He's just not a very smart bball player right now. What's Mo Cheeks doing now? Or Terry Porter? Would love to bring in a saavy former PG mentor for a guy like Jennings.