Well, first of all he's going to be 23 years old this offseason. He's a good player, but he's not especially great at anything, Lacks advanced footwork/post game, pull up J, creating his own offense, defense, defensive IQ, he's a good athlete but not great athlete. It's not that I don't think he'll be a good player, I just think that him becoming an all-star type player is a bit of a stretch and I don't think many around the league see that as his potential. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think we've all seen the growing perception (whether it's true in JT"s case or not) about players that come out their senior year and don't play like Brandon Roy. And it's never premature to evaluate a player's upside, because that's what scouting is, watching a player and trying to predict what they'll become and the likelihood of becoming it.
First of all, I said "at or near franchise level", and I didn't say that's what they are, I said that's the perception of them by many. Players who can be main cogs on a contending team, a no.2 or 3 best player on a championship team. That's what I think the perception is. Regardless of whether you agree with that, it's undeniable that there is definitely a growing distinction between Griffin/Rubio and the rest of the draft.
Now, if you want to argue that a package centered around him for the 3rd pick and lower, I might be more open to that possibility. But for Rubio? No, I don't see it as being a realistic possibility.