Fans thoughts...

...I would like some perspective from the fans here on a certain issue. I recently got into a discussion/debate about how I am a fan of both the Kings and Hornets, and have been for years. This guy said that makes me a bandwagon fan, because I support more than one team.

To me, a bandwagon fan is a fan who doesn't have any real loyalty to a team, and chooses to support whatever team(s) that are popular and/or winning. I have always been a fan of both teams, and both teams have gone through losing seasons, so to me, I'm not one. I was a fan when the Charlotte Hornets played in the east, so I had a favorite team in each conference that really didn't impact each other.

I was born and raised in Norcal, and have family in NC. I attended Richmond's retirement game, Webber's retirement game, and will attend Vlade's retirement game. I try to go to hornet @ sac games whenever I can. I will probably be wearing my YELLOW CP3 jersey with a Kings cap to the Vlade game.

Am I a bandwagon fan for liking two teams? His point was that I switch depending on who was winning. My point was that I don't switch, and supported both when they were losing, through the ups and downs. I will support both in the game next week. So, does that me a bandwagon fan?

Also, for some perspective: Vlade, Brad Miller, Peja, Bobby Jackson, and Bonzi Wells were all members of both the Kings and Hornets.
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Homer Fan Since 1985
I have been a 2 team fan for many years. While I am a die hard Kings fan, I have been a fan of the Pacers, as well. I am, originally, from Illinois, so Indy was the closest team that I could call my own. I enjoy having a team in the East to cheer even if my primary allegiance is for the Kings. The only time I root against the Pacers is when they play the Kings.

BTW - your assessment of a bandwagon fan matches my own.
bandwagon fans? liking two teams isnt being a bandwagon fan.. i for one like the kings, and the bulls and hornets...put em together we got the king of beasts...

theres nothing wrong with supporting two teams...its not like you are following the team cause your fave player got traded to it... or you started liking the team cause they won the championship....
being a bandwagon fan is like when the team is good you are there armed to the teeth to silence them haters... but when they start sucking.. and start declining thats when you start disappearing and saying "oh i like (insert team here) now have you seen (insert star player here) play!? damn hes good"

but when it all comes down to a point... im a certified kings fan for life!believe me... my friends were like :eek: your still a kings fan!? but they arent good any more....

i just say i dont care... i like the team... i like the fanbase... love em kings! sacramento kings made me embrace the game of basketball! (used to be a soccer dude tired of getting kicked in the shins and..... places)

also i have a plate number that says number one kings fans... gramps took it away saying i might get "shot" or something

ah.... senility...
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To me, a bandwagon fan is a fan who doesn't have any real loyalty to a team, and chooses to support whatever team(s) that are popular and/or winning.
Yeah, me too. Nothing to do with multiple teams, most bandwagoneers I've known have only supported one.

Tell your friends to look up "bandwagon," by definition it needs to be trendy. That doesn't apply to your teams.
I'll retract my claws for now on this subject.:D FYI I've ALWAYS been a Kings fan since 85', I've always been a Twins fan in MLB, I've been a 49er fan since before we started winning rings(Steve DeBerg was the QB when I became a fan as a kid), and a Canucks fan in the NHL since I was 7...for what it's worth...probably not a whole lot, though.:D
I'll retract my claws for now on this subject.:D FYI I've ALWAYS been a Kings fan since 85', I've always been a Twins fan in MLB, I've been a 49er fan since before we started winning rings(Steve DeBerg was the QB when I became a fan as a kid), and a Canucks fan in the NHL since I was 7...for what it's worth...probably not a whole lot, though.:D
Hey man same here! Just take out 49ers and put in Vikings and we like the same 3 teams! But yeah I always thought it was pretty obvious what a bandwagon fan is: Someone who becomes a fan( or hops on the bandwagon) when the team is good.
I love the kings with all my heart.The Cavs too but not because Lebron is on there,although he is my favorite player.Cleveland just seems like a great place to be at even though I've never been there,but I hope to go visit it sometime.
For some reason I'm a Bulls/Kings/and to a lesser extent Rockets fan. I have liked all 3 for over 15 years. I do sometimes feel weird about it, but it's not like I'm going to decide to dump two of the teams.
I don't think liking two teams makes you a bandwagon fan. However, I think every person should have an "ultimate" favorite team. For instance who do you root for to win when the Kings face the Hornets? The only thing that would make you a bandwagon fan in my mind is if you wanted the Hornets to win while they were the better, and the Kings to win if the Kings were better. And even then I'm not necessarily sure "bandwagon fan" is the right term for that.
For instance who do you root for to win when the Kings face the Hornets?
I want both teams to play well, but the outcome I wish for is for whichever team benefits the most from the win. For example, the Hornets will benefit more from a win next week than the Kings. Sac is in the Griffin sweepstakes, while the hornets are trying to win their division. Both teams would benefit from a Hornet win and a Kings loss.

The only thing that would make you a bandwagon fan in my mind is if you wanted the Hornets to win while they were the better, and the Kings to win if the Kings were better. And even then I'm not necessarily sure "bandwagon fan" is the right term for that.
Well, again, it's not necessarily who is "better" at the time, but who benefits the most from the win in whatever position the teams are in (like playoff seedings/matchups, division placement, home court advantage, draft position, etc). So, let's say the hornets were still out east. If the Kings didn't beat the Knicks, then I would be rooting for a Kings win so they wouldn't go 0-> against the east, because avoiding that all-time distinction is more important than a win for the hornets.
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Heh probably not advisable for me to say this but I'm a Kings and Lakers fan (cos of Kobe). When they play each other I root for the Kings and when the Kings get back up to standard I probably won't support the Lakers. But for now since they're worlds apart I root for both (in our case rooting = hoping players play hard but we get#1 pick). But I do support the Kings a lot a lot more.
You can't be a Kings fan right now and be a bandwagon fan. We are by far the worst team in the NBA (at least the Wizards have Gilbert next season). A bandwagon fan is someone that jumps on a team's fanbase when they are either very popular or good. The Kings are neither.
Liking 2 teams isn't being a bandwagon fan, but personally, I frown upon it. I only cheer for the Kings and cheer any team playing against the Lakers. I won't deny that I did jump on the Celtics bandwagon only because my cousin has been a fan of the team for like 10+ years and it was cool seeing his team succeed.

I was a Bulls fan during the Jordan era when I was young and didn't really know much about the NBA. I liked them because of Jordan and when he left, I started to fall in love with the Kings because of Jason Williams. Because of Jason Williams I became a Kings fan and I will always stay a Kings fan.

Heh probably not advisable for me to say this but I'm a Kings and Lakers fan (cos of Kobe). When they play each other I root for the Kings and when the Kings get back up to standard I probably won't support the Lakers. But for now since they're worlds apart I root for both (in our case rooting = hoping players play hard but we get#1 pick). But I do support the Kings a lot a lot more.
I'm sorry, but this should be deemed illegal on all counts. If you're a Kings fan, you're a Laker hater. It's as simple as that.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Cleveland just seems like a great place to be at even though I've never been there,but I hope to go visit it sometime.
I'll allow liking Cleveland because of LeBron James - heck, the Cavs even had their moments vs the Bulls (ask Ehlo - he may be a little twitchy). But don't get this fancy idea that Cleveland is a nice place to be. They don't call it "the mistake by the lake" for nothing. However, that's just one poster's opinion, feel free to visit.

Showtime said:
Am I a bandwagon fan for liking two teams? His point was that I switch depending on who was winning. My point was that I don't switch, and supported both when they were losing, through the ups and downs.
As for the original OP. I was a fan of the Hornets when they arrived as an expansion team. How could one not be a fan of Grand-mama? As many have said before, you can be a fan of more than one team - you just have to have the dingy hat from many years ago to prove it. ;)
As for the original OP. I was a fan of the Hornets when they arrived as an expansion team. How could one not be a fan of Grand-mama? As many have said before, you can be a fan of more than one team - you just have to have the dingy hat from many years ago to prove it. ;)
Ha. I don't have the dingy hat. I did have several charlotte hats and shirts, as well as a authentic Mashburn jersey. I recently bought some old Bogues, LJ, and Zo ones for the heck of it.
Heh probably not advisable for me to say this but I'm a Kings and Lakers fan (cos of Kobe). When they play each other I root for the Kings and when the Kings get back up to standard I probably won't support the Lakers. But for now since they're worlds apart I root for both (in our case rooting = hoping players play hard but we get#1 pick). But I do support the Kings a lot a lot more.

This is quite possibly the most ridiculous post I have ever read on this forum:(. Epic FAIL sir....
I wouldn't call supporting two teams being a bandwagoner, but I could never do it myself. I would, and this is just my personal view, feel I was "cheating" one team by cheering for another. Just wouldn't sit right with me.
First, bandwagon fan is the wrong term. There's no way you're a bandwagon fan. Whether you're a true fan or not is a legimate question (in as much as discussions of "true" fandom can be).

I actually now have two "official" teams in all three major sports. The closest to your situation for me is baseball, where I grew liking both the Giants and the A's. I actually do have a preference, I would (and did) root for the Giants over the A's when they play, but generally speaking I like them both almost the exact same amount. I consider myself a true fan of both, beause my support for them has never wavered. Even though I rooted for the Giants in the Bay Bridge World Series, I don't feel like that makes me less of an A's fan.

For football, I started as a 49er fan. But over the years I had different teams I rooted for a little bit on the side. I think that's natural. Eventually I ended up rooting for the Steelers over a several year period, so I just decided they would be my #2 team. So now I always root for them unless it impacts the 49ers. I like it because when the 49ers suck I can still get some enjoyment out of the Steelers' successes.

Along the same lines, I decided before this past season to make the Rockets my #2 NBA team. They fit the mold of a team I like to root for, and with Adelman there I figured it was as good a team as any (and I guess I'm a glutton for punishment). So now I'm stuck with them forever as my #2. If Adelman gets fired and McGrady traded and the team starts sucking again, I'll still have to root for them. Oh well. :)
and a Canucks fan in the NHL since I was 7...for what it's worth...probably not a whole lot, though.:D
I see that some people on the forum support right teams!!! :)

My top fan list:

1. Arsenal London
2. Vancouver Canucks
3. Sacramento Kings
4. SF Giants

Not my favorite teams but the ones I also like:

Juventus Torino, Real Madrid, Borussia BVB Dortmund, Les Canadiens de Montréal.
This is quite possibly the most ridiculous post I have ever read on this forum:(. Epic FAIL sir....
Heh I'm sorry I like to watch arguably the best player in the league now. Woe is me. Like it's a sin to have liked jordan right? I should go kill myself now because I look up to an all time great.
I don't think you are a bandwagon fan if you support 2 teams. I will always have a place in my heart for the Magic. When I was first introduced to sports at 10 yrs old, it was the Magic's glory years in the early 90s.

HOWEVER, you have better believe that they will NEVER ever take the same spot as my Kings. Not even in the same sentence.

So IMHO, it is ok to support 2 teams, allegiance should lie with only one.
I don't think you are a bandwagon fan if you support 2 teams. I will always have a place in my heart for the Magic. When I was first introduced to sports at 10 yrs old, it was the Magic's glory years in the early 90s.

HOWEVER, you have better believe that they will NEVER ever take the same spot as my Kings. Not even in the same sentence.

So IMHO, it is ok to support 2 teams, allegiance should lie with only one.
Exactly. Just that in my case the other team I support happens to be our "rivals" that are about 1000000 x time better than us. I wouldn't call myself a Laker fan, I just want to see Kobe play, win or lose. I only want them winning against the Celtics who I just don't like.
I don't think you are a bandwagon fan if you support 2 teams. I will always have a place in my heart for the Magic. When I was first introduced to sports at 10 yrs old, it was the Magic's glory years in the early 90s.

HOWEVER, you have better believe that they will NEVER ever take the same spot as my Kings. Not even in the same sentence.

So IMHO, it is ok to support 2 teams, allegiance should lie with only one.
Well, I support each team equally, but the Kings have the emotional edge since I'm from Norcal, and experienced the Norcal vs Socal (i.e. Lakers) rivalry and I never had that with the Hornets because 1. they really don't have bitter rivals, and 2. I was never in their fanbase area to have that experience. So, with the Kings, I have the community emotional attachment that I don't have with the Hornets.
Heh I'm sorry I like to watch arguably the best player in the league now. Woe is me. Like it's a sin to have liked jordan right? I should go kill myself now because I look up to an all time great.

We all like watching great players from around the league. We're all basketball fans. However, just because I like watching another player I don't start claiming they are my "other" team. Any true Kings fan has nothing but pure hatred in their heart for that team especially. Yeah Kobe is a great player, but becoming a Lakers fan? C'mon man!
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I agree that liking two teams is not being a "bandwagon" fan. If you were, there's no way you would be a Kings fan right now.

I will say, that even if I really was a fan of another team's player (Kobe, LeBron, CP3) or another team, there's no way I'd ever wear any gear from that other player or team to Arco. But that's just me.
I agree that liking two teams is not being a "bandwagon" fan. If you were, there's no way you would be a Kings fan right now.

I will say, that even if I really was a fan of another team's player (Kobe, LeBron, CP3) or another team, there's no way I'd ever wear any gear from that other player or team to Arco. But that's just me.
Hope you aren't going to the vlade game hehe
I agree that liking two teams is not being a "bandwagon" fan. If you were, there's no way you would be a Kings fan right now.

I will say, that even if I really was a fan of another team's player (Kobe, LeBron, CP3) or another team, there's no way I'd ever wear any gear from that other player or team to Arco. But that's just me.