and with the #1 pick in the 2009 NBA draft the Kings select...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Thabeet having himslef a heck of a revenge/bounceback game against Pitt right now, but he needs some help. He's 6-9 from the fireld, the rest fo the team is 4-20. :eek:
LMR got their *** kicked the whole game, lost 99-63. In result Jennings got a lot of PT (29 min) and got the ball.

17 pts (euroleague career high) 7/19 fg, 1/6 3pt, 2/5 ft, 2 steals, 2 assists.

Jennings got a chance to show a lot this game, not all of it was good mind you but he got the chance to show a lot.


Had a lot of nice plays in transition. For the most part when in transition he's an efficient player. Made one play where he tipped a rebound to himself, got in transition, and made a sweet no-look alley oop pass. Has blazing speed on and off the ball.

In the halfcourt it was a different story. His one made 3 was a long pull up with the shot clock running down. Another missed 3 was launched up at the end of the 3rd. He jacked up and missed four bad pull up 3's (really 5, but got bailed out with a foul), and they were early in the shot clock. He really needs to knock that crap off. He was the PG in this game, normally Ibrahim Jaaber and him switch it off as PG and OG, but he had the ball to do as he willed. He was definitely looking to score most of the game, made only 2 shots on dribble drives, one on a tear drop and one was a clear drive to the basket. He missed several contested layups, and pulled up at the free throw line on one play with for a really ugly highly contested J that went high off the backboard. He has great blow by ability and excellent ball handling, but his finishing ability needs work. It's obvious he has to take more difficult shots because he's avoiding contact, he really needs to work on his tear dropper if he's going to do that. Made a layup on a nice off-ball cut to the basket. Showed a couple nice passes that didn't lead to any scoring, but he wasn't really looking to create for others.


While he got his hands in and made some nice defelctions every now and then that led to turnovers, he was largely a non-factor. Totally uninterested in staying in front of his man (he was actually facing aggressive guards in this one) and the most he might do once they blew past him was hack at the ball from behind. He made a nice block on a J on one play that led to a transition play though.

Final thoughts:

One thing is for sure about Jennings, he's a much better player in transition than in the halfcourt. In transition he makes good drives to the basket on and off the ball, finishes well, and makes good passes. He'd do better in the NBA with more up tempo play, pnr's, and spacing. His shot selection though is awful, and like I've already said he needs more work on his finishing ability. He has too high of an opinion of himself as a scorer, his jump shot is looking more ugly the more I see it. To add, his teammates weren't doing a lot to get open.
Thabeet having himslef a heck of a revenge/bounceback game against Pitt right now, but he needs some help. He's 6-9 from the fireld, the rest fo the team is 4-20. :eek:
Thabeet's first half was encouraging. He was as aggressive offensivley as I have seen him--quickly establishing post position where he could use his superior size for his somewhat awkward looking yet nonetheless effective flip shots off the glass. The confidence displayed when he took his little midrange shot was also nice, although he missed it.

The second half however showed his game still has its warts. Obviously going scoreless in the second half was dissapointing--especially not being able to respond to the intentional pulldown and trip play early in the half as Pitt once again decided to play the bully. He was only credited with three turnovers, but a few were of the :confused: variety throwing the ball out of the area code of any players sharing his style of jersey, though his hustling teamates bailed him out on one inexplicable play of this variety. To be fair, Thabeet, for the most part, seems to know what he's doing/where he's supposed to be (as oppossed to a generally bewildered Shawn Bradley, for example), but sometimes his court awareness seems to just vanish.

His hands are also a bit questionable; he typically catches the balls he should, but if he is under any sort of duress he doesn't seem to get his fair share. Though perhaps that is a misperception on my part. There were also some apparent balance/ center of gravity issues in this game and Thabeet ends up flat on his back or stumbling out of a play far more than I am comfortable seeing.

Actually I am a bit higher on Thabeet now than I was before this game. Although the scoring dried up and he was clearly gassed much of the second half, he continued to rebound(though his numbers were inflated by rebounding his own misses, then missing again) and be a presence defensivley, which will presumabley be his role in the nba anyway. However, to convince me to take this guy with the first or second pick of the draft would take a little bit of liquor and a whole lot of maylox.
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Hall of Famer
LMR got their *** kicked the whole game, lost 99-63. In result Jennings got a lot of PT (29 min) and got the ball.

17 pts (euroleague career high) 7/19 fg, 1/6 3pt, 2/5 ft, 2 steals, 2 assists.

Jennings got a chance to show a lot this game, not all of it was good mind you but he got the chance to show a lot.


Had a lot of nice plays in transition. For the most part when in transition he's an efficient player. Made one play where he tipped a rebound to himself, got in transition, and made a sweet no-look alley oop pass. Has blazing speed on and off the ball.

In the halfcourt it was a different story. His one made 3 was a long pull up with the shot clock running down. Another missed 3 was launched up at the end of the 3rd. He jacked up and missed four bad pull up 3's (really 5, but got bailed out with a foul), and they were early in the shot clock. He really needs to knock that crap off. He was the PG in this game, normally Ibrahim Jaaber and him switch it off as PG and OG, but he had the ball to do as he willed. He was definitely looking to score most of the game, made only 2 shots on dribble drives, one on a tear drop and one was a clear drive to the basket. He missed several contested layups, and pulled up at the free throw line on one play with for a really ugly highly contested J that went high off the backboard. He has great blow by ability and excellent ball handling, but his finishing ability needs work. It's obvious he has to take more difficult shots because he's avoiding contact, he really needs to work on his tear dropper if he's going to do that. Made a layup on a nice off-ball cut to the basket. Showed a couple nice passes that didn't lead to any scoring, but he wasn't really looking to create for others.


While he got his hands in and made some nice defelctions every now and then that led to turnovers, he was largely a non-factor. Totally uninterested in staying in front of his man (he was actually facing aggressive guards in this one) and the most he might do once they blew past him was hack at the ball from behind. He made a nice block on a J on one play that led to a transition play though.

Final thoughts:

One thing is for sure about Jennings, he's a much better player in transition than in the halfcourt. In transition he makes good drives to the basket on and off the ball, finishes well, and makes good passes. He'd do better in the NBA with more up tempo play, pnr's, and spacing. His shot selection though is awful, and like I've already said he needs more work on his finishing ability. He has too high of an opinion of himself as a scorer, his jump shot is looking more ugly the more I see it. To add, his teammates weren't doing a lot to get open.
I dunno if I like that statline. 7/19 fg and only 2 assists? No thanks, I'd take the Rubio risk and actually get a playmaker. I dont think a shoot first PG will be a good fit next to Martin.

Then again..Maybe Jennings has damaged his stock so much he'll be around for our Rockets pick? Doubtful, but he'd be an alright pick up there.

Tyreke Evans had a statsheet filling game the other night. Bad shooting though. Thats another guy who I'd like to be there for our Rockets pick (but who probably wont be).

Good to see Thabeet had a bounce back game against Pitt. If we get number 1 I want Griffin, but if we end up with pick 2-5 there's a few consolation prizes out there in this draft. No impact players to be had, but thats ok...Cause we'll be league worst again next season too!
I dunno if I like that statline. 7/19 fg and only 2 assists? No thanks, I'd take the Rubio risk and actually get a playmaker. I dont think a shoot first PG will be a good fit next to Martin.

Then again..Maybe Jennings has damaged his stock so much he'll be around for our Rockets pick? Doubtful, but he'd be an alright pick up there.

Tyreke Evans had a statsheet filling game the other night. Bad shooting though. Thats another guy who I'd like to be there for our Rockets pick (but who probably wont be).

Good to see Thabeet had a bounce back game against Pitt. If we get number 1 I want Griffin, but if we end up with pick 2-5 there's a few consolation prizes out there in this draft. No impact players to be had, but thats ok...Cause we'll be league worst again next season too!
Jennings really hasn't damaged his stock (at least not yet) he just hasn't helped it. Because so much is uncertain with him (playing in such a different evironment than the NBA) that leaves a lot of possibility. He still has great natural talent and a lot of upside in a weak draft, he'll likely go somewhere in the lottery, although a lot will depend on workouts.

Jennings hasn't shown good shot selection or very high maturity/IQ, but whether he's a guy who's going to be a Marbury type is unknown because we don't know how much the differences in play in Europe is affecting how he plays.
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Just some things I noticed after watching games of Jennings and Teague this weekend:

Jennings is fast! He could dribble faster than most guys could sprint and He could get into the lane whenever he wanted. So it just baffles me why he settled for jumpers because, I'm sorry, but he can't shoot. He didn't follow through on his shots and he missed left, right, long, and short. He is not a good finisher in the lane either. I've noticed he tends to shortarm the shot when he's in traffic and he had a tough time converting point blank over a big man. His frame, speed, dribbling, and athleticism reminds me somewhat of a shorter Monta Ellis, abeit one who can't shoot nor finish but has much better PG skill. Right now, Jennings is like a young JWill; out of control sometimes and brilliant other times. A lot of potential; he may be the next Chris Paul or the next Marcus Banks. A high risk guy imo.

Teague: I haven't seen such uninspired defensive effort since Mike Bibby left town. Clemson's strategy is to give the ball to whoever Teague was guarding and attacked him, and the plan worked great. On the flip side, you can't help but marvel at a guy who can jump over a near 7 footer and drains open threes like layups. He is still not a PG, at least not yet, maybe never will be. Teague doesn't make other players better and whenever WF needed offensive decipline the coach took Teague out. He is going to be a very good scorer in the NBA though, I see him as a Jason Terry / Nate Robinson (taller) type. And that's a compliment.
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Just some things I noticed after watching games of Jennings and Teague this weekend:

Jennings is fast! He could dribble faster than most guys could sprint and He could get into the lane whenever he wanted. So it just baffles me why he settled for jumpers because, I'm sorry, but he can't shoot. He didn't follow through on his shots and he missed left, right, long, and short. He is not a good finisher in the lane either. I've noticed he tends to shortarm the shot when he's in traffic and he had a tough time converting point blank over a big man. His frame, speed, dribbling, and athleticism reminds me somewhat of a shorter Monta Ellis, abeit one who can't shoot nor finish but has much better PG skill. Right now, Jennings is like a young JWill; out of control sometimes and brilliant other times. A lot of potential; he may be the next Chris Paul or the next Marcus Banks. A high risk guy imo.

Teague: I haven't seen such uninspired defensive effort since Mike Bibby left town. Clemson's strategy is to give the ball to whoever Teague was guarding and attacked him, and the plan worked great. On the flip side, you can't help but marvel at a guy who can jump over a near 7 footer and drains open threes like layups. He is still not a PG, at least not yet, maybe never will be. Teague doesn't make other players better and whenever WF needed offensive decipline the coach took Teague out. He is going to be a very good scorer in the NBA though, I see him as a Jason Terry / Nate Robinson (taller) type. And that's a compliment.
I think that if Teague played for UCLA, you'd see a much better defensive player. From what I've seen, I don't think the Wake Forest coaching staff demands high defensive performance from their players.
5th .. yes, 5th! Overtime is about to start.

Thabeet fouled out towards the end of the 4th OT, and you can tell his presence is missed. There arent too many players coming out this year that have this big of an impact on the game outside of normals stats. Griffin, Rubio, Thabeet.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Has 6 overtimes happened before? I'm sure people at ESPN are looking this up right now. I can't remember ever seeing it happen before. Too bad UCONN's whole team basically fouled out. They should give everyone an extra foul once they get to 6th overtime.
Teague: I haven't seen such uninspired defensive effort since Mike Bibby left town. Clemson's strategy is to give the ball to whoever Teague was guarding and attacked him, and the plan worked great. On the flip side, you can't help but marvel at a guy who can jump over a near 7 footer and drains open threes like layups. He is still not a PG, at least not yet, maybe never will be. Teague doesn't make other players better and whenever WF needed offensive decipline the coach took Teague out. He is going to be a very good scorer in the NBA though, I see him as a Jason Terry / Nate Robinson (taller) type. And that's a compliment.
I finally was able to catch up with this game last night, and I agree with you completely. Teague's defense was awful. I'm not sure what was wrong with him in this game, but he doesn't normally play that way. You could see flashes of his defensive ability when he was actually focused and he has quick hands for steals, but that wasn't often. He honestly looks like a player who's fed up with his role and his team. I don't think that's to his credit, but I do think Dino Gaudio is an idiot for the way he coaches that team.
I am still worried (about as much as you are about Holiday being a true PG).

I just can't see the Kings taking a chance on him. His defense was horrendus too.. I know it's not typically THAT bad.. but dang..
I know his stats got padded due to the fact that he played almost 70 minutes, but Jonny Flynn really impressed me tonight. I honestly wouldnt mind him with our houston pick. I know he is undersized but no more so than mills or lawson, and I would say athleticly is he is above both of them with more strength too. He also is very firey (in a good way), which we could use.
I am still worried (about as much as you are about Holiday being a true PG).

I just can't see the Kings taking a chance on him. His defense was horrendus too.. I know it's not typically THAT bad.. but dang..
I'm not worried about Holiday being a true PG, I'm more concerned about the fact that he's not very good.
I am not sure about jrue being a bad player, i think he just seems very tentative out there. He never shoots the ball with confidence its like he is always questioning himself. He also has shown no handles, in his youtube videos he seemed to be a decent ball handler. Hopefully one more year there will help him out becuase he seems like a good kid.
I am not sure about jrue being a bad player, i think he just seems very tentative out there. He never shoots the ball with confidence its like he is always questioning himself. He also has shown no handles, in his youtube videos he seemed to be a decent ball handler. Hopefully one more year there will help him out becuase he seems like a good kid.
Lets see, he doesn't shoot the ball with conficence. He questions himself. He hasn't shown any ability to handle the ball. ( don't quite agree with this one) It sort of sounds like a description of a bad player.
Lets see, he doesn't shoot the ball with conficence. He questions himself. He hasn't shown any ability to handle the ball. ( don't quite agree with this one) It sort of sounds like a description of a bad player.
I know I described a bad player there but being a bruin I keep rooting for him and hoping that he turns it around next year.
I wouldn't want to give up on Kevin yet, and trade him. I think if we hire a big name coach, like Avery Johnson, who preaches defense and really demands alot out of his players, Kevins game will go up another level. Kevins having a down year and the team isn't winning at all, but I think he'll have a better year next season.
Don't really understand the all the hate for Holiday. A lot of great NBA pg have had rather pedestrian freshman season. Every year kids get written off way to early. After his freshman year Thabeet was crucified because he was over hype. While Rose is a rare exception most point guards are not ready to go pro after their freshman season.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Holiday works himself into a lottery pick by next year. He has pretty good handles from what i have seen. Must be watching a different game then you guys. Being out of control with the ball isn't all ways a result of not being able to handle it. His ball handling is much better then Westbrook was at the same age. His shot looks good he just needs to get more confident and consistent. Physically he is set with good size, speed, and athleticism. If Holiday never improves or only improves slightly next season then ill start being more critical but i think dismissing him this early could make you look foolish.
5th .. yes, 5th! Overtime is about to start.

Thabeet fouled out towards the end of the 4th OT, and you can tell his presence is missed. There arent too many players coming out this year that have this big of an impact on the game outside of normals stats. Griffin, Rubio, Thabeet.
How about Blair? Pitt has won every game in which he didn't foul out. All four losses came when he fouled out. His presence is a huge factor in the winning of Pittsburg.
Don't really understand the all the hate for Holiday. A lot of great NBA pg have had rather pedestrian freshman season. Every year kids get written off way to early. After his freshman year Thabeet was crucified because he was over hype. While Rose is a rare exception most point guards are not ready to go pro after their freshman season.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Holiday works himself into a lottery pick by next year. He has pretty good handles from what i have seen. Must be watching a different game then you guys. Being out of control with the ball isn't all ways a result of not being able to handle it. His ball handling is much better then Westbrook was at the same age. His shot looks good he just needs to get more confident and consistent. Physically he is set with good size, speed, and athleticism. If Holiday never improves or only improves slightly next season then ill start being more critical but i think dismissing him this early could make you look foolish.
I agree with most of this especially that he can definitely get better and may turn into a really good player. He has incredible vision and good defensive effort, so that's a start.

I think the biggest limitation right now though is that he's not as quick as he was advertised. It's not a matter of him coming in like Westbrook and being a sensational athlete who's still putting together his skills, he just doesn't have that kind of explosiveness. He's not a special athlete, especially when it comes to quickness.

He's athletic enough to be a good player and certainly has the vision to be a true point, but the Westbrook comparisons really need to end. He's a far different player. Westbrook is mostly athleticism. Jrue Holiday is going to need to be all smarts and skills because he's not that quick.