and with the #1 pick in the 2009 NBA draft the Kings select...

I've actually been thinking lately that it would not suprise me if Petrie tries to bundle the Houston pick along with a bad contract for something or with a good young player for a better young player. We will already have at least 4 players 26 or under next season (Martin, Hawes, JT, and Greene). Add to that another two first round picks and a top 3 pick of the second round and you are talking about a very very young team. It's not inconceivable that we could do that, but I also wouldn't be suprised to see the Houston or our 2nd round pick dealt. It would also save us additional money to pursue a free agent this off season.
A late 1st rounder & a 2nd rounder cost around $1M, which isn't going to buy you much in FA. Plus the Kings only have 8 returning players. The league minimum is 13, so their going to have to spend the money on players salaries, so they might as well gamble on a couple of rookies with potential.

Now, why would another team give us a good young player in exchange for a late pick and a bad contract? The best chance of getting a player for the Houston pick, is to find a team like the Bucks who are in Luxury Tax trouble, and use our cap space and the pick to take one of their players.(Sessions?) But, unless we can move Nocioni, our cap space is limited, $7M. And, we would still have 2 to 3 more players to add. Remembe, to use our full cap space, we have to renounce all of the cap space Exemptions.
you guys saw teagues dunk today? That guy has some explosiveness. Wow. I don't care if he doesn't have the best point guard instincts I still want that guy in a kings uni. Nbrans I bet you loved it haha
Teague reminds of westbrook from taht dunk. How is he compared to westbrook to who have seen him play more?
He's much more polished offensively and a much, much better shooter. An inch shorter and not as strong, but every bit the leaper, as you can see.

The question still is whether he can be a capable point guard. I think he can, others disagree.
He's much more polished offensively and a much, much better shooter. An inch shorter and not as strong, but every bit the leaper, as you can see.

The question still is whether he can be a capable point guard. I think he can, others disagree.
i have continued to agree with nbrans on this subject, I believe teague will and can become a very capable PG.

To all those proposing a possible Griffin+Nocioni type deal with OKC for Green+Pick, lets keep our fingers crossed. I would rather have jeff green and another lottery player than blake griffin. I feel like green has way more upside and would play a much bigger role in our rebuild. I would feel much more comfortable with a guy like green who is a proven very good up and coming player, than griffin who will be coming in as a question mark. Green would provide us an immediate upgrade at the 3, while it may take a while for griffin to even break into our starting 5 over JT and hawes, not to mention if we had green we could also have OKC's lottery pick developing on our bench.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ok, here's the thing, I am not anti-Teague particularly -- I think all of the PGs in this draft have their own merits and their own questions. But the obvious question being what does being able to dunk have to do with being a PG? Nudge me on the next tomahawk CP3 throws down.
Ok, here's the thing, I am not anti-Teague particularly -- I think all of the PGs in this draft have their own merits and their own questions. But the obvious question being what does being able to dunk have to do with being a PG? Nudge me on the next tomahawk CP3 throws down.
Is this aimed at me? If so, I was merely making the observation that Teague is an elite athlete. If he can play PG, and there is still legit debate regarding that, then you could have yourself a real star.

Not my number 1 choice, but again, in this draft, I'll happily take a chance on a guy like Teague.
Is this aimed at me? If so, I was merely making the observation that Teague is an elite athlete. If he can play PG, and there is still legit debate regarding that, then you could have yourself a real star.

Not my number 1 choice, but again, in this draft, I'll happily take a chance on a guy like Teague.
Not directed at you Dime, but didn't the Kings have their own slam dunk contest during a recent practice. If I'm not mistaken the contest was between Donte & Bobby Brown, and Brown won it, I think.

But your right, leaping ability & athleticism go into the plus column when evaluating talent.
Ok, here's the thing, I am not anti-Teague particularly -- I think all of the PGs in this draft have their own merits and their own questions. But the obvious question being what does being able to dunk have to do with being a PG? Nudge me on the next tomahawk CP3 throws down.
That dunk has a whole lot to do with being an NBA point guard. It demonstrates that he has athleticism that would be elite even in the NBA. The NBA is an athlete's game, and Teague is a crazy athlete. If Paul could throw down like that he'd be even better than he is now. Teague has his question marks and I'm not saying that he'll be as good as Paul, but when you have that kind of athleticism you have basically an unlimited ceiling.

But no one is saying Teague can dunk ergo he's the #1 NBA pick. That's Blake Griffin's job. ;)
i have continued to agree with nbrans on this subject, I believe teague will and can become a very capable PG.

To all those proposing a possible Griffin+Nocioni type deal with OKC for Green+Pick, lets keep our fingers crossed. I would rather have jeff green and another lottery player than blake griffin. I feel like green has way more upside and would play a much bigger role in our rebuild. I would feel much more comfortable with a guy like green who is a proven very good up and coming player, than griffin who will be coming in as a question mark. Green would provide us an immediate upgrade at the 3, while it may take a while for griffin to even break into our starting 5 over JT and hawes, not to mention if we had green we could also have OKC's lottery pick developing on our bench.
I think people are overestimating OKC's interest in Griffin, they're not going to whore their cap space, 2nd best player and lottery pick just for him. I doubt Nocioni is going to interest them much as a player.
That dunk has a whole lot to do with being an NBA point guard. It demonstrates that he has athleticism that would be elite even in the NBA. The NBA is an athlete's game, and Teague is a crazy athlete. If Paul could throw down like that he'd be even better than he is now. Teague has his question marks and I'm not saying that he'll be as good as Paul, but when you have that kind of athleticism you have basically an unlimited ceiling.

But no one is saying Teague can dunk ergo he's the #1 NBA pick. That's Blake Griffin's job. ;)
It's a luxury, not a core ability that you can build around. If it adds to his finishing ability at the NBA level then it may improve him as a scoring threat, but we know Teague has plenty of weapons to become a good scorer. The question mark is if he can become a quality playmaker, and dunking has nothing to do with that.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Does jeff green normally play PF for OKC or SF?

It swtiches depending on how they experiment with Durant as a 2/3 and Greene as a 3/4. Of late with Durant doing well as a 3, that makes Green a 4 (PF). But he's not a true PF to anyone except Jerry. Its the Al Harrington situation all over again.
Yea thats what I thought they were doing, instead of playing him woefully out of position they might be willing to trade him for solid PF in griffin who would be a great #2/3. I dont know if petrie will do that or not but that sounds like a good deal to me.
It's a luxury, not a core ability that you can build around. If it adds to his finishing ability at the NBA level then it may improve him as a scoring threat, but we know Teague has plenty of weapons to become a good scorer. The question mark is if he can become a quality playmaker, and dunking has nothing to do with that.
The playmaker moniker is so overused. There are probably two playmakers worthy of note in the NBA - C. Paul, D. Williams. So is everybody else crap? If a guy can bring the ball up the court against pressure, finish at the basket if he's pressured, and shoot lights-out from beyond the three point arc, that's good enough for me. Teague can do all of that and more. If he can learn a simple pick and roll, he's a superstar. If not, he'll be a star.
I'm probably one of the last people who'd think dunking and high flying makes you into a good player. But with all the pgs having their doubts I might as well go with the one that I think is most electrifying and that could bring the most excitement to sac town and to me that's teague!


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Teague reminds of westbrook from taht dunk. How is he compared to westbrook to who have seen him play more?
Yeah but Westbrook was an elite defensive player in college. That's what really catapulted him to the top of the draft. People were excited about his athleticism too, but his defense and rebounding separated him from the other PG prospects and made him the best all-around player at that position despite his lack of true PG skills. When Teague wins defensive player of the year in the ACC, than we can talk about Westbrook comparisons.
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Yeah but Westbrook was an elite defensive player in college. That's what really catapulted him to the top of the draft. People were excited about his athleticism too, but his defense and rebounding separated him from the other PG prospects and made him the best all-around player at that position despite his lack of true PG skills. When Teague wins defensive player of the year in the ACC, than we can talk about Westbrook comparisons.
Uh, considering that Teague is in the running for ACC Player of the Year, something Westbrook never sniffed in the Pac 10, I don't think you're quite correct to dismiss all comparisons. Teague isn't the defender that Westbrook was, but a lot of the same questions that dogged Westbrook in college (i.e. is he a true point) are the same ones that are dogging Teague. Westbrook is the better defender, Teague the better scorer, but given what Westbrook is accomplishing in the NBA offensively I think it bodes well for Teague.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Here's why it makes a difference though-- if you're playing out of position at PG when your primary role is that of a scorer, you're already limiting the offensive options for your team. If you can dominate your opponent on the other end of the floor and help increase the rebounding totals in your team's favor, then it becomes more acceptable in the big picture that you have some limitations offensively. If you're not turning in a dominating performance on defense, than you're just one of many undersized college guards who tried to make it as a PG. I'm not saying Teague will fail, I'm just explaining why I was very high on Westbrook last year and I'm not thrilled with the idea of Teague this year. Having a lockdown defender playing PG for you is a big deal, even if they're not 100% comfortable as a PG offensively. If that same player is just average defensively, it seems to me like you can find a better option somewhere else.

3.2 TOs per game vs. 3.7 Assists is also cause for alarm from a "PG" prospect.
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Here's why it makes a difference though-- if you're playing out of position at PG when your primary role is that of a scorer, you're already limiting the offensive options for your team. If you can dominate your opponent on the other end of the floor and help increase the rebounding totals in your team's favor, then it becomes more acceptable in the big picture that you have some limitations offensively. If you're not turning in a dominating performance on defense, than you're just one of many undersized college guards who tried to make it as a PG. I'm not saying Teague will fail, I'm just explaining why I was very high on Westbrook last year and I'm not thrilled with the idea of Teague this year. Having a lockdown defender playing PG for you is a big deal, even if they're not 100% comfortable as a PG offensively. If that same player is just average defensively, it seems to me like you can find a better option somewhere else.

3.2 TOs per game vs. 3.7 Assists is also cause for alarm from a "PG" prospect.
Well, Teague is a pretty good defender already and averages more steals than Westbrook did last year, so I'm not sure this is such a pressing concern.
Even though I do like Teague, westbrook was an insane defender last year. He used his strenght and athleticism really well. If he could ahve guarded derrick rose full time in the final four game ucla would have had a shot.
Yeah but Westbrook was an elite defensive player in college. That's what really catapulted him to the top of the draft. People were excited about his athleticism too, but his defense and rebounding separated him from the other PG prospects and made him the best all-around player at that position despite his lack of true PG skills. When Teague wins defensive player of the year in the ACC, than we can talk about Westbrook comparisons.
Teague has a lot of defensive talent. He's not as strong as Westbrook, but he is very quick in reacting to the ball. So if Westbrook is a 10 on defense, I'd feel very comfortable in giving Teague an 8. But if Teague is a 10 on offense, I would give Westbrook at the very most a 7.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Well, it's quite likely this is just a case of comparing a player that I'm familiar with to a player that I'm not all that familiar with. A lot of people were critical of Westbrook last year for the same reasons I'm critical of Teague. Ideally you want your PG of the future to actually show that he can play PG before you pencil him into your starting lineup for the next 4 years. I saw Westbrook play a lot so I was pretty confident his talent was worth taking a risk on. Maybe you're right about Teague as well. In which case, let me simplify my previous statements to this: when evaluating prospects, defense matters. And for our purposes, it should really be a primary consideration.
Well, it's quite likely this is just a case of comparing a player that I'm familiar with to a player that I'm not all that familiar with. A lot of people were critical of Westbrook last year for the same reasons I'm critical of Teague. Ideally you want your PG of the future to actually show that he can play PG before you pencil him into your starting lineup for the next 4 years. I saw Westbrook play a lot so I was pretty confident his talent was worth taking a risk on. Maybe you're right about Teague as well. In which case, let me simplify my previous statements to this: when evaluating prospects, defense matters. And for our purposes, it should really be a primary consideration.
I dont think anyone is saying defense does not matter. I think with teague's athleticism and the D he currently plays, people are trying to say that sure maybe he wont be the top defensive PG in the league, but he surely wont be a slouch or defensive liability at the point. Pair that with a HUGE offensive upside, and I really like the potential and prospect of him 3-4 yrs from now.
Teague is also a better ball handler the Westbrook. I think Teague is going to be a great scorer. He's got the quickness, ball handling, shot, and ability to finish in traffic. I think Teague has a chance to be a great scorer at the next level.

Like Westbrook he isn't a pure pg. Can a team get away with a offensive pg when your sg has almost no ability to distribute the ball? I think Teague is going to be a good player, but I'm not sure he is right for our back court.
Uh, considering that Teague is in the running for ACC Player of the Year, something Westbrook never sniffed in the Pac 10, I don't think you're quite correct to dismiss all comparisons. Teague isn't the defender that Westbrook was, but a lot of the same questions that dogged Westbrook in college (i.e. is he a true point) are the same ones that are dogging Teague. Westbrook is the better defender, Teague the better scorer, but given what Westbrook is accomplishing in the NBA offensively I think it bodes well for Teague.
Westbrook has proven he can play in the NBA but lets not pretend he has shown a lot strictly as a pg. The Thunders offense is simple better when they move Westbrook to the two and let Earl Watson run the point. The very average Earl Watson is getting 25 mpg at the point because Westbrook is better served playing off the ball in the half court rather then running the offense. I think Teague is probably going to experience the same thing. Teague is a good defender but unlike Westbrook he can't defend sg, which is something that helps keep Westbrook on the court.

If you are speaking strictly about scoring then ya i would say Westbrook offensive production bodes well for Teague. I agree with you that Teague is a better scorer then Westbrook, but i doubt he is going to run a offense all that well.
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