and with the #1 pick in the 2009 NBA draft the Kings select...

For the simple reason that we just might get the home run... When there isn't a clear franchise player why not take a chance? You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.
I guess our opinions differ greatly. Considering the **** we currently find ourselves in, the very last thing we need to end up empty handed from this draft. I would rather get a solid NBA player from this draft than end up with nothing. There greater risk you take, the mo chance you have of screwing up!


Hall of Famer
Meh....Stern is gonna rig it so OKC gets Blake anyways, so I think #1 pick talk is moot.

...I reaaaallly really hope Rubio comes out. We'll get us a frontcourt beastie with our top 3 pick next season.
Meh....Stern is gonna rig it so OKC gets Blake anyways, so I think #1 pick talk is moot.

...I reaaaallly really hope Rubio comes out. We'll get us a frontcourt beastie with our top 3 pick next season.
Why would he do that? First of all, there's no way he can rig it. Second of all, if he could he wouldn't rig it for a franchise that was doing so bad that they had to be relocated.
If the lottery was rigged it would make a lot of sense for OKC to win, just because it will create local hype because of griffin is a local kid. not saying that it is rigged but its an if situation.
I am of the impression that Jordan Hill will be the 2nd best player out of this draft. The man works at it. Pretty hard too.

But count me in as starting to warm up to this Teague fellow. Hmmm. Now if only I could ignore Stephen Curry's icewater blood I would have a clearer picture as to which point guard I like best out of this draft.
UConn/Notre Dame from yesterday-

Thabeet was dominating early. Harangody tried to muscle straight into him a la DeJuan Blair and got his shot stuffed right back in his face. Thabeet hit a really nice looking 15 footer that will have the scouts drooling, then got the ball off of a nice pass and threw it down. Then got the ball in the post and hit a nice face-up jumper over Harangody. Had 7 points in the first 5 minutes. Harangody tried a jump hook and Thabeet easily blocked it. Then took a shot to the jaw as a guard was going up and was dazed, and had to leave, but came right back after a timeout. Harangody's first bucket finally came when Thabeet tried to block a shot on the perimeter and Harangody got an offensive rebound. Everything else was blocked or altered, including what few drives Notre Dame guards attempted. Got the ball in the post and hit a nice jump hook, but then lost the ball the next time he got it.

The beginning of the 2nd half was the Thabeet/Harangody show as they went back and forth against each other on offense and defense. Lost Harangody as he cut to the hoop on the first play in the second half, and Harangody got his second bucket. Thabeet attempted a fadeaway on Harangody and got it blocked. Next time tried a left handed jump hook -- it looked good, but didn't go in. Harangody came back and hit a running jump hook without jumping, just kind of flipped it up from his hip, and it somehow went in. Thabeet got it on the block the next possession and hit a nice turnaround (right handed) jump hook. Harangody came back and took him baseline for the reverse layup. Thabeet had a nice alley-oop off of an inbounds. Later, Harangody again tried to take it into Thabeet strong and again got it blocked. Tried a jump hook and again got it blocked. Finally able to hit something on Thabeet in crunch time with a crafty jump hook. Had to come out of the game with an injury after he got decked to the floor.

Thabeet finished with 16/11/8 blocks, and, incredibly, 0 personal fouls. Not often you see a guy block 8 shots without fouling anyone. The only reason Notre Dame was able to stay in this game was because of their outside shooting. They could hardly take anything inside because Thabeet was there. This was one of the best overall games I've seen Thabeet play. People were pointing to this game as another test for Thabeet. Well, he killed Harangody. KILLED him. It will interesting to see the next Pitt game.

Kemba Walker got some more time in this one, and wow is he quick and athletic. Has incredible body control around the hoop and is able to jump into bigger players and manage to avoid getting his shot blocked. He also seems to be the only UConn player who seems willing to dump the ball down to Thabeet in the post. It will be interesing to see how he does running the point full time next year. He's definitely not six feet and he's still mostly a drive and dish guy, but very athletic and has a lot of potential, assuming he can overcome his lack of height. Finished with 8/6/6
Meh....Stern is gonna rig it so OKC gets Blake anyways, so I think #1 pick talk is moot.

...I reaaaallly really hope Rubio comes out. We'll get us a frontcourt beastie with our top 3 pick next season.
If we cant get Rubio, I say trade the pick with someone to get another PG...we need a PG more than anything else right now, a STARTING PG, at that. I'm all for trading down, as well if we dont get him...this IS a pretty weak draft, there really arent franchise players in this one, but there ARE good players that can be good starters in the NBA.
If the lottery was rigged it would make a lot of sense for OKC to win, just because it will create local hype because of griffin is a local kid. not saying that it is rigged but its an if situation.
On the other hand, the OKC owners lied their heads off throughout the acquisition process, lied to Stern, and ended up creating a major embarrassment for the NBA. If I were the head of the NBA, corrupt, and picking lottery winners, OKC would be getting the lowest possible pick.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If what another article said was true, that his agent says he will probably come out in 2009, then I definitely believe his agent over a teammate.
it's never a good idea to believe an agent over anybody or anything until the ink is dried on the contract...

Agents stretch the truth and make comments not exactly firmly bedded in reality; it's their jobs, it's what they do.

I guess our opinions differ greatly. Considering the **** we currently find ourselves in, the very last thing we need to end up empty handed from this draft. I would rather get a solid NBA player from this draft than end up with nothing. There greater risk you take, the mo chance you have of screwing up!
Yes I would too rather have a solid NBA player than a bust, but I would rather have a top tier nba player than a solid nba player. We're at the point where its time we sack up and take some risks and swing for the fences IMO.
There are numerous opportunities to pick up PG's. With our #1 we have Rubio, Teague, & Jennings. With Houston's #1 guys like Lawson, Collison, Mills & Maynor could still be available. This summer a trade or FA pick up of Sessions or Felton or a number of other PG's would be possible. And, although the total number of PG in this year draft is high. The quality of the PG's in next yrs. draft looks to be just as good with Wall, Holiday & Walker being available.

But, when it comes to Bigs, no one stands out more than Griffin. Sure, there's Hill, Monroe & Thabeet in the top ten, but Brackins, Blair & Jones are iffy late 1st rounders. Who knows about next years bigs. And, quality bigs in this summers FA are going to be pricey.

If we have a chance to sign Griffin with our #1 we do it, and look for help at the PG elsewhere.
I wonder if we can sucker someone like OKC into doing a Green + their pick for a Griffin + Beno:D

Even though I'm 100% on the fence about keeping Griffin because I like his hustle and heart (on top of his skills)
There are numerous opportunities to pick up PG's. With our #1 we have Rubio, Teague, & Jennings. With Houston's #1 guys like Lawson, Collison, Mills & Maynor could still be available. This summer a trade or FA pick up of Sessions or Felton or a number of other PG's would be possible. And, although the total number of PG in this year draft is high. The quality of the PG's in next yrs. draft looks to be just as good with Wall, Holiday & Walker being available.

But, when it comes to Bigs, no one stands out more than Griffin. Sure, there's Hill, Monroe & Thabeet in the top ten, but Brackins, Blair & Jones are iffy late 1st rounders. Who knows about next years bigs. And, quality bigs in this summers FA are going to be pricey.

If we have a chance to sign Griffin with our #1 we do it, and look for help at the PG elsewhere.
yep i agree with that, Our PG issue can be sorted through FA
There are numerous opportunities to pick up PG's. With our #1 we have Rubio, Teague, & Jennings. With Houston's #1 guys like Lawson, Collison, Mills & Maynor could still be available. .
I've actually been thinking lately that it would not suprise me if Petrie tries to bundle the Houston pick along with a bad contract for something or with a good young player for a better young player. We will already have at least 4 players 26 or under next season (Martin, Hawes, JT, and Greene). Add to that another two first round picks and a top 3 pick of the second round and you are talking about a very very young team. It's not inconceivable that we could do that, but I also wouldn't be suprised to see the Houston or our 2nd round pick dealt. It would also save us additional money to pursue a free agent this off season.
You don't need two or three decent 7-footers to win in the NBA anymore. One who can rebound and shot-block and a serviceable backup is all you need if you have athletic, talented 6-10 to 6-8 forwards who can run the floor. Right now there are very few top-talent centers in the NBA. The real talent plays power forward and small forward at the bigs. The Kings seems to play better with one big and four smalls. I said "better," and not play well. ;)
I wonder if we can sucker someone like OKC into doing a Green + their pick for a Griffin + Beno:D

Even though I'm 100% on the fence about keeping Griffin because I like his hustle and heart (on top of his skills)
I don't think they need or want Beno. If they desperately want Griffin, they might be willing to trade Green for Nocioni. Griffin displaces Green anyways, and Nocioni can play backup at SF & PF. But, Green is a lot of talent to give up. They also need a Center, so rather than give up too much to get Griffin, they might just go for Thabeet instead.
There are numerous opportunities to pick up PG's. With our #1 we have Rubio, Teague, & Jennings. With Houston's #1 guys like Lawson, Collison, Mills & Maynor could still be available. This summer a trade or FA pick up of Sessions or Felton or a number of other PG's would be possible. And, although the total number of PG in this year draft is high. The quality of the PG's in next yrs. draft looks to be just as good with Wall, Holiday & Walker being available.

But, when it comes to Bigs, no one stands out more than Griffin. Sure, there's Hill, Monroe & Thabeet in the top ten, but Brackins, Blair & Jones are iffy late 1st rounders. Who knows about next years bigs. And, quality bigs in this summers FA are going to be pricey.

If we have a chance to sign Griffin with our #1 we do it, and look for help at the PG elsewhere.
Teague, and Jennings aren't real PGs.. Not yet anyway.
I can see them doing Green+pick for Nocioni+griffin. I think it would be just such a boost for them in their community to pick up Griffin that it would be worth the loss. I think Griffin will probably do really well in OKC compared to Sac. He wont be the primary or secondary scorer so there wont be any pressure.