I don't blame him, and to be honest with you, I'd probably do the same thing if I were him. And I don't blame the Patriots, either. They have earned the reputation of being a team that's going to have a chance at a ring every year (assuming Brady is playing), and aging vets who want one last crack at it after banking many millions over the course of their careers want to play a relevant for a relevant team. Jason Taylor would fit perfectly in the Patriots scheme, and wouldn't even have to play every down.
It is, however, annoying, as a fan of another team, to see the Patriots get sweetheart deals from good players every year, because they want to play for a contender. When it happens here and there, no big deal, but every year? Now we're talking about Lakers Reloaded. Jason Taylor is Gary Payton (skipping out on the Dolphins because he thought they would suck, but they wound up being better than the 'Skins last season; now leaving the 'Skins for greener pastures).
No big deal, and it hasn't really meant any success for the Pats when you look back. Only Corey Dillon really helped them win a Super Bowl; they fell short after making the most drastic moves, even though they did have a record setting offense.