Cal Expo board votes early, says YES!!!!

Why wouldn't the NBA be happy? It's their proposal!

Do you have a link for clarification?
No link it was a taped interview with Moag right after the meeting. Crandell was chasing him out of the room and Moag kept saying no comment to all his questions. Then it looked like they were somewhere at Cal Expo and he gave the interview. And his tone was unhappy. It sounded like things didn't go the way he thought. He did say the NBA and Kings have been patient and will need to continue to be patient. But overall the impression of the interview was not good.
That was not how I understood the situation at all from the report I heard. March 10th was the original date set for the vote. They decided not to wait and voted yes tonight.
I beleive the interview was before the vote and maybe before Moag new there was a vote. Or possibly they did vote today because of his reaction. Hopefully there will be more info on all this tomorrow.

Oh, and it this was the case then shame on Crandell for doing the report in the first place and not prefacing it with the vote.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Moag might have been responding to the contentious bickering done by a couple of members of the board. At least that's the impression I got from the news on Ch. 3 and 10... The vote was 7-2, so at least two people didn't want to pursue it right now anyway.

It also could be that Crandall was being annoying and Moag was responding to that, not really wanting to give an impromptu press conference after a long day.

I didn't see it but I think you may be reading too much into it.

EDIT: Or it could have been taken out of context, as you added to your post.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Bottom line in my mind is: NBA made presentation and by a 7-2 vote the Cal Expo Board liked it well enough to send it to the next phase. It's all good at this point.
great news

But the plan was inevitable anyways. I think the key is finding a developer willing to put out the estimated 5-600 mill the arena itself is projected to cost (more or less upfront as that is included in phase 1). Now there could be financial incentives that have been talked about which aren't public monies, but tax breaks etc. I have a feeling Moag has probably felt a few out in anticipation of this, but it's a lot of money and a long commitment for some developer(s). Not a lot of money for this type of thing out there right now, but it's a start and that's all we can hope for.
If that interview was done right after the presentation, then it was done before Moag went and stirred up a debate among members of the board to get the vote done tonight. That's how it went down, that's the reason he flaked on Grant and Mike last night. He just wanted to get it over with.

That interview is out of context.:D
If that interview was done right after the presentation, then it was done before Moag went and stirred up a debate among members of the board to get the vote done tonight. That's how it went down, that's the reason he flaked on Grant and Mike last night. He just wanted to get it over with.

That interview is out of context.:D
And like I said if this is the case then shame on Crandell for still airing it on the 10 pm news.
The easy part was yesterdays presentation and vote. The HARD part will be finding a developer who has the financing to take on this huge project.
This economy is far from hitting bottom. The commercial realty market has yet to catch up to the residential market. Sacramento is going to begin to feel the effects of mass store closures by years end. This will make finding any developer willing to take a risk on the cal expo project near impossible, at least in the next 2 years. Even if we happened to find someone banks simply arent willing to lend any money for any sort of project. This is going to be a long road. I just hope the maloofs are willing to endure arco for another 5 years while we attempt to ride out this economic downturn.
If that interview was done right after the presentation, then it was done before Moag went and stirred up a debate among members of the board to get the vote done tonight. That's how it went down, that's the reason he flaked on Grant and Mike last night. He just wanted to get it over with.

That interview is out of context.:D
But he DID look and sound pissed...and if he WAS pissed after the vote, it CANT be good for the Kings in Sacramento...the interview WAS at 10pm, dont you think Crandall did his homework on this before airing the interview?

edit: Until I hear something of a positive reaction from either the NBA(Moag)or the Maloofs, I rescind my optimism.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There's a positive reaction in the article on the front page of the Bee. I think the Maloofs are still staying at arm's length on this at the behest of Stern's people. I doubt if you'll see them tying themself to this project until it's really time for them to commit to something concrete...and it's probably best, considering the way they've been attacked by some people. They do not want to do anything at this point IMHO to change the direction the project appears to be going...

As far as Crandall doing his homework, etc. I suspect things may have happened after he left. It wouldn't be the first time some on-air talking head has gotten what they think was the story and then had it become dated before they went to air.
There's a positive reaction in the article on the front page of the Bee. I think the Maloofs are still staying at arm's length on this at the behest of Stern's people. I doubt if you'll see them tying themself to this project until it's really time for them to commit to something concrete...and it's probably best, considering the way they've been attacked by some people. They do not want to do anything at this point IMHO to change the direction the project appears to be going...

As far as Crandall doing his homework, etc. I suspect things may have happened after he left. It wouldn't be the first time some on-air talking head has gotten what they think was the story and then had it become dated before they went to air.
Indeed, but I still want to hear something more from Moag, at this point.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sure you will but I doubt it will be on a Saturday or Sunday. People tend to forget that while we're sitting on pins and needles, all too anxious for any crumb of news we can find, some of these people actually have lives and families and a desire to get back to them on at least an occasional basis.

I watched the news coverage of every single Sacramento channel at some point last night (Thank you, DVR!!!) and Crandall's report was the only one that seemed right from the beginning to want to present this in a less-than-hopeful manner. Unless I'm mistaken, I think Crandall was also one of those who were steadfast in his belief that Chris Webber would never agree to resign with the Kings and would be heading out of town as soon as he possible could.

I'm not saying he's wrong or that his report was incorrect, but it certainly doesn't jive with everything else that was shown. And when that happens, it becomes a little more likely he erred than everyone else. Since the vote was not expected to take place last night, I strongly suspect he did the interview after the presentation when there was, according to at least one of the reports I read, some contention between directors. That would easily explain Moag's apparent frustration.

I seriously doubt if he talked to Moag after the vote or he would most certainly have asked him (Moag) how he felt about the 7-2 vote.

Let's wait and see what else develops before you lose your optimism. :)

Check out Voisin's article, BTW. If there was anything to grasp onto about Moag being upset, etc., I think Voisin - whose deadline was about an hour later than Crandall's - would have included it, if not in the first edition of her column, then certainly in the second.
the interview WAS at 10pm, dont you think Crandall did his homework on this before airing the interview?

edit: Until I hear something of a positive reaction from either the NBA(Moag)or the Maloofs, I rescind my optimism.
The interview was done during daylight. No way it was at 10 pm. His report was on a 10 pm and it looks like the vote happened between his interview and the 10 pm news. So no he didn't do his homework before airing the report.
And like I said if this is the case then shame on Crandell for still airing it on the 10 pm news.
Yes, shame would be the word. Or, you could also just drop the "e" and you would another good descriptor.

Thanks for providing another example of why I spend zero amount of my time watching local and/or network news.
Oh, yeah! What were we talking about? :p

This is fantastic news!!! Those of us who have refused to believe the Kings would leave, have our hopes up even further. This is a huge step. Now, I am ready to see step 2. Let's find a great developer who wants to use their vision to make this happen.
Well Said. It is so awesome to know that they are staying in town.. I think it is safe to say now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Well Said. It is so awesome to know that they are staying in town.. I think it is safe to say now.
I'm as optimistic as anyone around, but the battle isn't over ... yet. The most important step is yet to come, finding a developer who will sign on. In the worst case scenario, that could still fall through... We're headed back in the right direction, but the journey is far from over.
Hopefully this means the Maloofs do not apply for relocation this year.
I don't think they can. If I'm not mistaken, the deadline passed last night. Or is it April 1st and not March 1st? Even if it is in April, I think they know that it takes longer than a month to find an investor willing to take on this sort of project so there will be no relocation. My thinking is that they will give it a year and if nobody steps to the plate, they will file for relocation next spring.

Obviously, we're hoping that isn't the case but it sounds about right. In a best case scenario, this arena will be ready by November of 2013. If it takes over a year to find an investor, that date could be pushed back and I don't think the Maloofs want to stay at Arco any more than they have to. If they have to stay more than 4 years, their stance will be that all the lost money during that time frame won't be made up by a new arena so it would defeat the point of having a new arena in the first place. Just a guess on my part though.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Moot point. They never intended to file for relocation. It was another in a very long string of "chicken little" rumors foisted on the public by our local media. And yes, the deadline has passed - although it hadn't at the time jdbraver wrote his comments...

I truly wish people wouldn't put words in the mouths of the Maloofs for a couple of reasons. 1. They're almost always wrong, and 2. Those things tend to get picked up, twisted around and then repeated somewhere as fact.