C-Webb's Retirement

Really really wish I could be in Sactown to see this. :mad:

CWEBB has been one of my fav players since the Michigan days. He deserves it. Hopefully he can still involved with the organization for a while.
If the arena isn’t jam-packed I’d be extremely disappointed in the Kings fans. Unfortunately I can’t make it tonight, but Chris has done so much for this franchise and this city and the least we can do is go over there and say thanks. I don’t care if you don’t like our current team, go for Chris and support your heart out…And who knows maybe our team decides to play inspired ball.
Can't wait! I am really excited because I saw Mitch's #2 go up, and will be there for Vlade's jersey retirement game as well. I want to see Doug Christie and give him a loud cheer. Honestly, I know putting up C-Webb and Vlade's numbers up is a testament to that entire team, because we know you can't raise everybody's # up.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Mrs CruzDude and I will have our hearts at Arco tonight as we both are on assignment at UC San Diego and can't make it. Chris plus Vlade and Peja put Sacramento on the NBA and world maps and shocked all the non-fans for a solid 4-5 years. I'll remember them and our elevated status because of them for the rest of my life. Thanks for the memories, Chris
Went to the game tonight...
First game I have gone to in 2 seasons. All I can say is Wow. that was exactly what this city/team needed. I have never been more proud of fellow Kings fans. We rocked that arena for the true hero's of Sacramento basketball. C Webb representing Sac at the lottery this year!? **** yeah!

Oh, and was I the only one who got choked up when DC13 started talking?..

Man, no matter what, we will never have a team like that in the NBA, ever again. True Champs!

Go Kings!
I was surprised to see Mateen Cleaves. Was he really that close to the team?
From what I gathered, he was close with Chris and Chris asked him to be there. I think there were a lot of people in the crowd that were surprised he was there. I was hoping to see Jason Williams there since he's retired you'd think he'd have the time.


Hall of Famer
I just caught the replay of the game, and I must say....
This moment has made me the happiest NBA fan Ive been in a good long time.

And also the replay has made me say that there is NO WAY I will miss Vlade's retirement. No freaking way.

I can't close the best era in Kings basketball on TV.
Im actually logging onto ticketmaster at this very point to buy my ticket.

Im not searching for the best ticket I can find!

Well deserved Webb.
Can't wait to see you at Vlade's ceremony!!
Very disappointed that I missed the ceremony, however I watched some parts online and it seemed like he was given the farewell he deserved. Congratulations Chris !

Whenever I see one of "the guys" from the original Kings, it gets me into a nostalgia from year 2002 :) How could you possibly not cheer for those guys ? Best team to never win a championship, period.
I noticed there were some fan clips on YT. Does anybody have the full ceremony? I'd like to get that. I especially enjoyed Doug Christie's moment when he received his ovation, and his comments to Webb.
Nicely produced highlights. I missed the majority of the ceremony on TV though. Is there any chance of seeing an uncut version posted? It would be nice to hear what all the players had to say uncut.

Un4getabble - Congrats, Chris!
Hey everyone,

Just wondering how many people are going to C-Webb's jersey retirement. I don't live in Sac anymore so I can't go, but checked for tickets and there are still great seats left. I know the economy is bad and the Kings aren't good, but if there aren't 17,000+ at Arco on the 6th celebrating the career of the best player to wear a Kings jersey in the Sacramento era, I think that will be the lowest moment in franchise history.
I think the halftime ceremony was great! Sucks that the typical Kings showed up in the second half and couldnt get a win with the old crew in town. BTW, I was happy to see they let Bo-Jax out early to celebrate with CWebb.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Really wanted to be there, but I was on the road on a weekend family getaway scheduled before the ceremony was. I also would like to be able to see the ceremony online sometime. I will (if possible) be at Vlade's.
Found some tickets and went with my wife. What an amazing night at Arco. Just one of the cooler sports experiences I've ever been to, and a good game at that. It was really, really, great to see Arco rocking again.
Found some tickets and went with my wife. What an amazing night at Arco. Just one of the cooler sports experiences I've ever been to, and a good game at that. It was really, really, great to see Arco rocking again.
Second that. It had to be a top 5 moment for me as far as sporting events go.
It's too bad that the refs messed us up when we had the best chance to win a championship, but we never know if we would have won, but it is also so hard just to forget about it and move on. :(
Quality sucks because it was a cell phone camera and the lighting was bad, especially from my perspective with the spotlights glaring off the floor.

Webber walking out:

The guys together to share comments (Cleaves, Christie, Divac, GP, G-man, and Pollard)

Jersey being raised:

That was a great highlight video, but does anybody have the entire thing? I'd really like to see Doug's introduction, ovation, and entire speech. It was nice for him to get the props and touching how he emotional he got.
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Video Footage of Chris Webber ceremony

I attended last night's game with a buddy (wife was very ill so she said to take a buddy instead) and we both had the time of our lives. The half time ceremony was well worth the price of admission.

I will post pictures we took later but for now here are some videos of the ceremony. They're not the best quality, but they're better than nothing. The videos were shot from section 103. Enjoy.








gandalf the gray

Nice picture Piksi:) Read about the venue only today and I thought I should stop by and say a few words myself for the sake of oldie but goodie days...

I did not know that Cwebb was having his jersey retired. Congratulations Chris and I wish you and the family all the best.. you are one class act...

On a side note, It is fantastic to see many posters from my time who are still here and enjoying this great forum... brick; no grades today for hedo huh? :rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone... cheers-Gandalf..:)
Nice picture Piksi:) Read about the venue only today and I thought I should stop by and say a few words myself for the sake of oldie but goodie days...

I did not know that Cwebb was having his jersey retired. Congratulations Chris and I wish you and the family all the best.. you are one class act...

On a side note, It is fantastic to see many posters from my time who are still here and enjoying this great forum... brick; no grades today for hedo huh? :rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone... cheers-Gandalf..:)

Myself being a self proclaimed philosopher, I wonder about the nature of the universe whenever posts like this occur. Who are you? Where have you been? Was it empty? Were you suspended in spacetime? What do you mean by "my time"? Were you here before, reincarnated as Gandolf only to learn the most talented King is having his jersey retired after months of media hype being disseminated amongst the tangible masses? Are you ephemerally haunting my office as we speak?

I am terribly distraught because of this post.