and with the #1 pick in the 2009 NBA draft the Kings select...

Griffin is avg'ing an unreal 20 rebounds a game thus far, but hes going to go 1st overall anyway....and we usually dont suck that bad as our coaches seem to bring some life into our team as the season ends against clinching teams.

Anyways, Stephen Curry is looking good out there. 30 pts and 7 assists per. He is a scoring machine and has taken a big step in the passing department.
The first few games for pre-season favorites DeRozan, Holliday, and Mullens haven't been blue-chip-worthy...they might need to stay another year if things stay the same...especially Mullens. In Europe, Brandon Jennings can't shoot, and isn't putting up fantastic assist numbers either.

Guys who are doing well, but lower on the draft boards (mostly because they haven't been updated in a while): Tyler Smith, Patrick Mills, and Greg Monroe. Also putting up nice stats are James Harden (minus the 3pt%), Darren Collison, Chase Budinger (still a poor defender though), and of course, Thabeet and Griffin.

I know it's a few games in, but this draft looks mighty weak. I'm not even too high on the probable #1: Griffin is undersized and doesn't have much of a game outside of the paint. We all know how well that has transferred to the NBA, right Shelden Williams?

I'm hoping things pick up...otherwise those hoping for a Kevin Pritchard-style rebuild will be quite disappointed.


Hall of Famer
Griffin is avg'ing an unreal 20 rebounds a game thus far, but hes going to go 1st overall anyway....and we usually dont suck that bad as our coaches seem to bring some life into our team as the season ends against clinching teams.

Anyways, Stephen Curry is looking good out there. 30 pts and 7 assists per. He is a scoring machine and has taken a big step in the passing department.
I'm not opposed to taking a point guard, and I've got to admit that right now, based on who I've seen, Mills would be the leading candidate. I doubt he would go as high as the Kings look like they'll be picking though.

My problem with Curry is that he's more of a shoot first pt guard. Don't get me wrong. I like him, its just that I think the Kings really need a true pt guard. Someone in the Chris Paul, Jason Kidd, Delvin Harris , Deron Williams mold. I know that Mills is probably only 5'11" tall, but he's a tough little sucker with a Timmy Hardaway type build.

Does anyone know how to access game film of Rubio through the internet? I'm very interested in watching some of his games.
The first few games for pre-season favorites DeRozan, Holliday, and Mullens haven't been blue-chip-worthy...they might need to stay another year if things stay the same...especially Mullens. In Europe, Brandon Jennings can't shoot, and isn't putting up fantastic assist numbers either.

Guys who are doing well, but lower on the draft boards (mostly because they haven't been updated in a while): Tyler Smith, Patrick Mills, and Greg Monroe. Also putting up nice stats are James Harden (minus the 3pt%), Darren Collison, Chase Budinger (still a poor defender though), and of course, Thabeet and Griffin.

I know it's a few games in, but this draft looks mighty weak. I'm not even too high on the probable #1: Griffin is undersized and doesn't have much of a game outside of the paint. We all know how well that has transferred to the NBA, right Shelden Williams?

I'm hoping things pick up...otherwise those hoping for a Kevin Pritchard-style rebuild will be quite disappointed.
Monroe is going to be really good. To be honest I have no idea why he wasn't rated higher that some of these guys like Holliday or Mullens.
Monroe is going to be really good. To be honest I have no idea why he wasn't rated higher that some of these guys like Holliday or Mullens.
He was actually rated quite high...until this past summer. ranked him as #1 in the 2008 for quite some time, but he fell for two reasons (from what I've read): poor performance in the McD's All-American and, of more importance, some scouts feel that he's already peaked. Right now, compares him to Randolph Morris/Josh McRoberts...ouch. I think he'll move up in the draft, especially considering the underwhelming performance of higher-ranked freshman.

As for Beno: yes, already sick of him...and yes, very against that one-size-fits-all contract that Geoff loves handing out. But as long as he puts up at least 12/4, he may be tradeable in two/three seasons (ala Luke Ridnour). But I have a strong feeling that us Kings fans won't be so lucky...and thus am all for a PG in this draft, especially one who can initiate the offense. But who's it gonna be?

Will Rubio come out in this draft, and if so, how long til he's good enough to start? Also, we know he can pass and pull a few steals, but what else? Offensively, he hasn't shown much, and I think people tend to overlook that while watching his highlights. But if he can put some points in the board, keep passing, and be efficient, he'll be quite a PG. I'm still not sold on Jennings...remember, Skita looked a lot better than his stats too.


Hall of Famer
I've watched Harden play a couple of games now and he's the real deal. Yeah, I know we already have Martin at that spot, and Salmons and Douby etc., but I really like this kid. He's a good shooter and a pretty good rebounder for his position and he's also a good passer.

He's a Petrie type of player who can do a little bit of everything. Not a super athelete, but a decent athelete with an NBA body. Think Richmond, but not quite as stocky. Anyway, compared to how some of the other so called studs are playing, I expect him to rise on the draft boards.
Harden is a great college player, but I'm not convinced that his game is going to translate to the NBA. The track record for 6'4" shooting guards in the NBA isn't great unless they are either fantastic shooters (Ray Allen) or fantastic athletes (Dwyane Wade).

Harden to me looks like another Cuttino Mobley. Not bad, but not really what you'd want with a high pick.


Hall of Famer
The players that intrigue me right now are Rubio, Jennings, Mullens, and DeRozan. I got a pretty good read on Griffin last year, although I'm curious to see if there's any improvement in his game.

If, and its a big If, the Kings end up with a top five pick, then who they pick will probably depend on how some of the current players played this year. If Beno doesn't look like our future point, then I think you have to take a serious look at Rubio or Jennings. By the way, the last thing I'm worried about is Rubio's jumpshot. He has a lot of time to learn how to shoot.
I really think the Kings management already knows Beno is not the long term answer at point. If we get a top 5 pick, it won't surprise me at all if we get a pg.
Will Rubio come out in this draft, and if so, how long til he's good enough to start? Also, we know he can pass and pull a few steals, but what else? Offensively, he hasn't shown much, and I think people tend to overlook that while watching his highlights. But if he can put some points in the board, keep passing, and be efficient, he'll be quite a PG. I'm still not sold on Jennings...remember, Skita looked a lot better than his stats too.
Im not worried about Rubio as a scorer. I'd like Martin @ 25ppg, and hopefully Hawes/JT can develop to get 15+ a game. Garcia and Donte are both scorers, and Bobby Brown is definitely a guy who looks to score.

Bibby was an 18/6 guy for most of his time here, and that was with 4assist Vlade, 4 asst Webb, and now 4 asst Miller. Beno can't even do 6 assists on a no passing team. With the way our guys are shaping up, we definitely need a pure point guard. He doesn't need to score, he needs 8 assists. I know a lot of you are pegging Hawes as the next in line of our vaunted "soft passing center" tradition, and he does throw soem nice passes, but I would really like a pt to initiate the offense with the personnel I see. We lack direction in part because we lack a point guard who has his own direction.


Hall of Famer
Harden is a great college player, but I'm not convinced that his game is going to translate to the NBA. The track record for 6'4" shooting guards in the NBA isn't great unless they are either fantastic shooters (Ray Allen) or fantastic athletes (Dwyane Wade).

Harden to me looks like another Cuttino Mobley. Not bad, but not really what you'd want with a high pick.
Well, in fairness to Harden, or maybe Mobley, not sure, but Mobley is a better athlete. Harden however is a better, or maybe I should say more consistant shooter than Mobley. I also think that Harden is more of an in control of his game player than Mobley could ever be. Of course the question always arises as to how any players talents will translate to the NBA. Thats what makes it fun...
Well, in fairness to Harden, or maybe Mobley, not sure, but Mobley is a better athlete. Harden however is a better, or maybe I should say more consistant shooter than Mobley. I also think that Harden is more of an in control of his game player than Mobley could ever be. Of course the question always arises as to how any players talents will translate to the NBA. Thats what makes it fun...
Stronger, less athletic Ginobili.


Hall of Famer
Stronger, less athletic Ginobili.
Yeah, thats fair. Not a bad thing either. For a nineteen year old ( I don't think he's turned 20 yet ) he has great court awareness and basketball IQ. He's a player that could come in and play and contribute much sooner than a player like Thabeet. Yes, I realize that Thabeet has a much higher upside, and, I might be on board for taking a flyer on him if he continues to improve. He's still a long way from being a good basketball player.


Hall of Famer
I'm curious what everyone thinks of Hansbrough. Its hard to argue with his results, but, I just can't convince myself that he'll be a good NBA player. He's similar to Love last year, in that he score and rebound. But, unlike Love, he's not a very good ballhandler or passer. I would appreciate your thoughts.
I'm curious what everyone thinks of Hansbrough. Its hard to argue with his results, but, I just can't convince myself that he'll be a good NBA player. He's similar to Love last year, in that he score and rebound. But, unlike Love, he's not a very good ballhandler or passer. I would appreciate your thoughts.

if houstons pick is like 26-30 and he is still there, i would be ok with a gamble.
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Yeah, thats fair. Not a bad thing either. For a nineteen year old ( I don't think he's turned 20 yet ) he has great court awareness and basketball IQ. He's a player that could come in and play and contribute much sooner than a player like Thabeet. Yes, I realize that Thabeet has a much higher upside, and, I might be on board for taking a flyer on him if he continues to improve. He's still a long way from being a good basketball player.
He's a nice prospect, but I don't see where he'd fit in with us.
Harden is a great college player, but I'm not convinced that his game is going to translate to the NBA. The track record for 6'4" shooting guards in the NBA isn't great unless they are either fantastic shooters (Ray Allen) or fantastic athletes (Dwyane Wade).

Harden to me looks like another Cuttino Mobley. Not bad, but not really what you'd want with a high pick.
It's true that Harden isn't a elite athlete but he is a far more complete player then Mobley. If i had to compare Harden to a current NBA player it would be Brandon Roy. Doesn't have the first step that Roy possess but like Roy can score and set up a half court offense from the shooting guard position. Just a fantastic decision maker with ball in his hands and has the ball skills and vision to make others around him better. Very solid defender with very good strength, which will allow him to defend taller guards despite his size. I don't think hes gonna be dominate in any one aspect but like Roy he does so many things well that he will be a all star level talent.

I'm not sure how he fit into our current back court. Clearly we are need of a pure pg and Harden isn't that but if the Kings decide to make due with a combo guard I think Harden is the best option.
It's true that Harden isn't a elite athlete but he is a far more complete player then Mobley. If i had to compare Harden to a current NBA player it would be Brandon Roy. Doesn't have the first step that Roy possess but like Roy can score and set up a half court offense from the shooting guard position. Just a fantastic decision maker with ball in his hands and has the ball skills and vision to make others around him better. Very solid defender with very good strength, which will allow him to defend taller guards despite his size. I don't think hes gonna be dominate in any one aspect but like Roy he does so many things well that he will be a all star level talent.

I'm not sure how he fit into our current back court. Clearly we are need of a pure pg and Harden isn't that but if the Kings decide to make due with a combo guard I think Harden is the best option.
He doesn't have Roy's size, which is important. Any time you have someone who is undersized at a position he has to really be spectacular at something in order to be more than an average player. As good as Harden is now, I don't see him being spectacular in the NBA. There's a long list of undersized 2s, from Rashad McCants to our own Quincy Douby, who were great scorers in college but whose game didn't translate to the NBA because they just weren't special enough to overcome the height problem. Harden might be solid, but I don't think he'll justify a high pick.
He doesn't have Roy's size, which is important. Any time you have someone who is undersized at a position he has to really be spectacular at something in order to be more than an average player. As good as Harden is now, I don't see him being spectacular in the NBA. There's a long list of undersized 2s, from Rashad McCants to our own Quincy Douby, who were great scorers in college but whose game didn't translate to the NBA because they just weren't special enough to overcome the height problem. Harden might be solid, but I don't think he'll justify a high pick.
Understandable and you certainly have history on your side. McCants is a good example of a undersized sg who's overall game was suppose to make up for his lack of size.

I'm confident that Harden is going to be a very effective offensive player because of his midrange game and his overall offensive intelligence, which is something players like Douby and McCants lack. How he finishes around the basket at the next level is certainly a question.

If Harden measures out to be a legit 6'4 - 6'5 he would only be about an inch shorter then Roy who is only a little over 6'5 without shoes and was listed at 6'5 throughout his college career. I compared him to Roy because neither posseses great physical abilities, instead they use a combination of intelligence and ball handling to get where they need to be on the offensive end. Both have solid jump shots and don't settle for bad shots.

Harden certainly has some red flags, but he seems to be improving from a very solid freshman year. If he puts up 20+ points and around 5 rebounds and 5 assists in a good conference i think he deserves some consideration at the top of the draft.
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Hall of Famer
He doesn't have Roy's size, which is important. Any time you have someone who is undersized at a position he has to really be spectacular at something in order to be more than an average player. As good as Harden is now, I don't see him being spectacular in the NBA. There's a long list of undersized 2s, from Rashad McCants to our own Quincy Douby, who were great scorers in college but whose game didn't translate to the NBA because they just weren't special enough to overcome the height problem. Harden might be solid, but I don't think he'll justify a high pick.
You could be right, but until he gets to the pre-draft camp and gets measured, we really don't know how tall he actually is. Some sites have at 6'4" others have him at 6'5". When I watch him play, he plays larger than his size would dictate. If he is 6'5", when did that become undersized? When I last checked, that was Richmond's height.

One thing an old friend and ex-NBA player told me, was that if you can play, then you can play and size doesn't matter. If you can't play, size won't help.

I'm in no way saying the Kings should draft Harden. The drafts too far away. All I'm trying to do is alert people on the fourm as to who will probably be a top 12 pick. In Harden's case probably a top 5 pick.