Reggie's Job in jeopardy... Already?


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Dude, I was responding to your post. You started the conversation whether you intended to or not.

I think Avery Johnson would be a good choice too, though I'm less convinced than you are that he's learned his lesson about being a control freak on the sideline. I don't think that's a less people learn easily.
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Whatever happened to the complaints about the Maloofs not talking to the press?


I'd rather see them be upfront about what they want and expect than to never see them or hear a word...

As far as the possible replacements go, that's mere pipe dreaming on the part of the Bee staff. Not really worth the paper it's written on IMHO.

But feel free to get all upset if you like.

I'd rather see the Maloofs like this than be like Clark Hunt is in Kansas City with my Chiefs. That guy wont say anything and apparently Herm's job is still safe after losing 18 of the last 19 games. Not to mention a GM who hasnt helped bring a single playoff win to that city since Joe Montana was at QB. Yes, I said JOE MONTANA. Either the guy doesnt care, or he doesnt have a clue how to run a franchise. This is exactly what I love about the Maloofs. True fans of the game. At least they show that they care about the the direction we are going. Maybe it took some time, but they are coming around.
So my point is, all of these are just excuses. People said they would watch women's basketball when women can dunk. Well they can. People say the games are too slow. The Phoenix Mercury averaged 89 ppg in 2007 when they won the championship. That's in a 40 minute game. Extrapolate that to 48 minutes and it's 106.8. More than any NBA team is averaging so far this season. People say all sorts of things to get around admitting that they just won't give it a chance.
Sorry but you're the one making excuses for why people won't watch. Why would anyone need to make an excuse for what their decisions are in choosing entertainment? What motivation is there to do that? The WNBA has its place and its fine that you and some others like it equally or better. But the reason it doesn't compare to the NBA or College Basketball is because its not as fun to watch.

BTW - Parker can't dunk, she lays the ball in and grabs the rim. Sorry, but that doesn't count.
But the reason it doesn't compare to the NBA or College Basketball is because its not as fun to watch.
You do realize that's an opinion, not fact? Maybe an opinion held by a lot more people, but still only an opinion.

The games are different looking, so why bother comparing or declaring one superior to the other? I enjoy both the women's and men's versions of the game. And the women's game has definitely improved since the league first began.

If you think a sport is superior, because of how many people watch and avidly follow it, then soccer is by far the superior sport to baseball, football and basketball. It's not even close. I guess soccer is just more "fun to watch."
Please no uptight, stubborn, must be hands on, on every play coaches. I don’t want them…When’s Rick Adelman’s contract with Houston over?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You do realize that's an opinion, not fact? Maybe an opinion held by a lot more people, but still only an opinion.

The games are different looking, so why bother comparing or declaring one superior to the other? I enjoy both the women's and men's versions of the game. And the women's game has definitely improved since the league first began.

If you think a sport is superior, because of how many people watch and avidly follow it, then soccer is by far the superior sport to baseball, football and basketball. It's not even close. I guess soccer is just more "fun to watch."

The relativistic argument does not work when the accusation is made that the only reason more people watch the one than the other is because of sexism.

No -- its because the women's game is comparatively, well, ugly. Simple as that. Everybody knows it. Even the people arguing against it know it. Its not a mystery. Not hidden. And the first thing a neopyhte watching is likely to notice, not the last -- that of course being the major problem. the peope most likely to appreciate the WNBA "aesthetic" over the NBA one at first blush aren't casual fans at all but maybe a coach who does not care about the talent of the players and just appreciates the execution.

In any case the aesthetics, obvious as they may be, nonetheless serve to do little more than distract from the core Whisenhant issue -- he's never coached an NBA caliber player, an NBA ego, against NBA opponents, NBA refs, NBA schedules, facilities, rules. And even more critically everybody except the Maloofs, and the occasional WNBA partisan, is very aware of it.
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Reggie needs better assistant coaches if he wants to succeed. Outhustling and outjumping the other team does not cut it.. The only set play we have is Miller at the high post....We need a Dick Harter or Del Harris.....
You do realize that's an opinion, not fact? Maybe an opinion held by a lot more people, but still only an opinion.

The games are different looking, so why bother comparing or declaring one superior to the other? I enjoy both the women's and men's versions of the game. And the women's game has definitely improved since the league first began.

If you think a sport is superior, because of how many people watch and avidly follow it, then soccer is by far the superior sport to baseball, football and basketball. It's not even close. I guess soccer is just more "fun to watch."
When I state it as fact, I just mean in terms of the overwhelming opinion of basketball fans. Its like me stating a fact that the Beatles are better than the Monkees. There's nothing wrong with liking both the Beatles and the Monkees, but there's a lot of reasons the Beatles are better and defending the Monkees to the death is irrational.

Comparing Women and Men's basketball and its popularity in the US is not like comparing basketball, football and soccer. Apples and Apples vs Apples and Oranges. Or like comparing the Beatles, Alicia Keyes and Garth Brooks.

FWIW - In any non worldcup or Olympic year I'm pretty sure the Super Bowl is mostly widely watched worldwide sporting event.
I have never understood the reason to continually compare the women's game to the men's...they are different. One is no more aesthetically pleasing than the other or vice versa repulsive than the other. Those who like one or the other like it or don't like it for whatever reason. It's a matter of opinion, taste and interest. The NBA fans are no more valid in their opinions of the W lack of this and absent of that than I am for my criticisms of the men's game. And let me not get started on the college game vs the NBA, that might take me a few days to articulate.

I thought about refraining from commenting on the genesis of this argument and notably that Whiz is a girls coach. That's not the reason he would be a dumb choice and the reason why the Maloof's facination with him for the Kings side of the building continues to mystify me. The man was a "boys" coach a helluva lot longer than he coached women. But accuracy aside. If the inexperience of Muss and Theus is their reason for meddling A-GAIN...these guys need a dose of mirror or a recording of what they've said in the past. Whiz has a system alright, but so did Adelman and I kinda saw where that got him.

I thought they understood that your coach shouldn't be your best friend, shouldn't be your puppet and shouldn't be the one you whip in the media. Just zip it and sit in your courtsides...or not...and let basketball people make the decisions.
Reggie needs better assistant coaches if he wants to succeed. Outhustling and outjumping the other team does not cut it.. The only set play we have is Miller at the high post....We need a Dick Harter or Del Harris.....
Dick Harter is 78. His head-coaching record in the NBA was 28-94. His Pac-10 record was 48-50. Is Del Harris still coaching? These guys were average at best.

How about getting someone with some energy and vitality in there, who also is a good coach. Bill Grier (USD) and Mark Few (Gonzaga) come to mind. Both have had success in the NCAA tournament. Maybe they might be looking for a step up to the NBA. I know, you're thinking "but Theus also had some success at the college level." Few has been consistent year after year, and Grier stepped in for a popular coach (Brad Holland) and got them into the NCAA tournament in his first season, where his team more than proved that they belonged there.

2 great coaches on the rise.
I have never understood the reason to continually compare the women's game to the men's...they are different.
Thnak you. I wasn't calling anyone sexist. I just see no reason to compare. And I don't understand the need of so many to bash the women's game. I'm not asking anybody to watch something they aren't interested in anymore than I'm going to watch a sport just because someone says I should.
I thought about refraining from commenting on the genesis of this argument and notably that Whiz is a girls coach. That's not the reason he would be a dumb choice and the reason why the Maloof's fascination with him for the Kings side of the building continues to mystify me. If the inexperience of Muss and Theus is their reason for meddling A-GAIN...these guys need a dose of mirror or a recording of what they've said in the past.

I thought they understood that your coach shouldn't be your best friend, shouldn't be your puppet and shouldn't be the one you whip in the media. Just zip it and sit in your courtsides...or not...and let basketball people make the decisions.
I definitely don't want to see Whiz coaching the Kings, because I don't think he has the right experience. Exactly the same reason I wasn't all that thrilled with the selection of Theus.

Theus may have better credentials, but it was not an exciting pick to me. I think it was the Maloofs New Mexico connection to Theus and his potential media appeal in Sacramento that gave the Maloofs stars in their eyes over him. The jury is definitely still out on that choice.


I think the time for giving an under dog coach a chance is over and done with!

we need a proven NBA level coach that can help with the growth of our young guys and begin to teach them what team defense looks like.

I again stress Avery Johnson. This isnt the pressure cooker he was in at dallas with title hopes and the needing to win it all right now or else. Again i wanna stress that he is a recent coach of the year, and is obviously very intelligent. So i'd expect that coming into sactown with Petrie at the helm he'd open it up on offense. Plus again that was the reason for the disconnect with the players and the reason he was fired. So being that he's smart and wants to coach again im sure he's been rethinking that part of his coaching scheme.

Plus no way Petrie brings him on board unless Johnson is willing to let the offense loose... were still the kings


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Yeah, let's get rid of Theus! He's gotten nothing out of Cisco this year, and Martin has disappeared these last few games.

Could we maybe, just maybe , see what this team looks like at full strength? I'd be curious to see what a Udrih/Martin/Cisco/Thompson/Hawes lineup looks like before asking Theus to commit seppuku.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Yeah, let's get rid of Theus! He's gotten nothing out of Cisco this year, and Martin has disappeared these last few games.

Could we maybe, just maybe , see what this team looks like at full strength? I'd be curious to see what a Udrih/Martin/Cisco/Thompson/Hawes lineup looks like before asking Theus to commit seppuku.
I think the time for giving an under dog coach a chance is over and done with!

we need a proven NBA level coach that can help with the growth of our young guys and begin to teach them what team defense looks like.

I again stress Avery Johnson. This isnt the pressure cooker he was in at dallas with title hopes and the needing to win it all right now or else. Again i wanna stress that he is a recent coach of the year, and is obviously very intelligent. So i'd expect that coming into sactown with Petrie at the helm he'd open it up on offense. Plus again that was the reason for the disconnect with the players and the reason he was fired. So being that he's smart and wants to coach again im sure he's been rethinking that part of his coaching scheme.

Plus no way Petrie brings him on board unless Johnson is willing to let the offense loose... were still the kings
What has Avery Johnson proved?

That he can take an already good team to the finals once and 2 years later have half the team demanding to be traded if he is still around.
Yeah, let's get rid of Theus! He's gotten nothing out of Cisco this year, and Martin has disappeared these last few games.

Could we maybe, just maybe , see what this team looks like at full strength? I'd be curious to see what a Udrih/Martin/Cisco/Thompson/Hawes lineup looks like before asking Theus to commit seppuku.
You do realize that's an opinion, not fact? Maybe an opinion held by a lot more people, but still only an opinion.
I think the ratings and attendance validate that opinion.

The games are different looking, so why bother comparing or declaring one superior to the other? I enjoy both the women's and men's versions of the game. And the women's game has definitely improved since the league first began.

If you think a sport is superior, because of how many people watch and avidly follow it, then soccer is by far the superior sport to baseball, football and basketball. It's not even close. I guess soccer is just more "fun to watch."
In this country, soccer is not the most popular sport. Not by a long shot. Internationally, sure, but we're not talking about international leagues. We're talking about two leagues based in this country.

I don't think there's any argument that the NBA is more popular than the WNBA. I don't think that's your argument either. But I do take exception to the argument that the main reason the WNBA isn't as popular is because it's a women's league. I don't watch WNBA because it doesn't entertain me. I don't watch women's college basketball (or men's for that matter) because I don't have time anymore, and they were the least entertaining on my sports tree. I make time for the NBA, the NFL, college football and Major League Baseball, because they entertain me the most.

And it's not all about dunking and shot blocking and brawls, either, although it should be noted that the brought back the Dunk Contest for a reason. And it's not about showboating and one-on-one play and athleticism, or else the All-Star game wouldn't be getting less popular every year.

I don't think the WNBA has built a particularly good brand (as evidence, consider the cheesy team names, which are mostly derivatives of their NBA counterparts; none as embarrassing as the "Thunder"). It's not marketable, and it doesn't attract a significant number of casual basketball fans. I can't say much for the level of play now, but it struck me as vastly inferior when the league was first developed.

Anyways, I don't think it's fair to say that the main reason people don't like it is because it's women's basketball. That may be true for some, but I personally take exception to it. And I think it would be far more constructive to acknowledge that the WNBA has image and marketability issues, and figure out how to address those, rather than just spending more and more money on advertising, trying to force it upon people who - rightly or not - have sworn it off forever.