Geoff's Back!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
At least Thomas is the invisible man. I still think Petrie succumbed to pressure to trade Webb. Kenny Thomas isn't a problem to us. He's a non-entity at this point. Let it go...

At least Thomas is the invisible man. I still think Petrie succumbed to pressure to trade Webb. Kenny Thomas isn't a problem to us. He's a non-entity at this point. Let it go...

All speculation.

It's hard to call a guy a genius after that with the results still on the team.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This hardly reeks of genius, unless just any move to remove Ron was genius. Its the right type of move to be sure and I'm happy its finally done, but come on now -- there is not a GM in the league, well other than Memphis's guy, who could do much worse than an expiring and a late first for Ron. So I guess if Geoff having a pulse = Geoff genius sure.

I am just glad to see more evidence that he is awake and willing to actually GM again, and that whatever the nutty juice he was either drinking himself or being fed by the Maloofs is going by the wayside. Despite some dumb public statements to the contrary, taken in isolation the moves of the past 6 months have finally all looked like rebuilding moves. One or twp more things to be done (Brad principally, as the stupid PF contracts we have stacked appear completely unmoveable) and you can finaly call the rebuild truly underway. Then its probably a year or two of struggle on the court while we accumulate some more young talent, and then the long climb back up. This just should have started years ago, but thank whoever needs to be thanked that it may indeed finally have started.
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We still have Mikki, Kenny and SAR on the books. I wouldn't mind getting rid of all 3 if possible for 10 cents on the dollar and just playing a very young unexperienced team. I guess the 1 issue is the next draft isn't nearly as strong as this years draft. Right now we have a young SG who should be our guard for the future, and 2 bigs who will hopefully be our bigs for the future. We still need an upgrade at the 1 and the 3 and the bench could definitely use some work, although that will probally need to be filled with vets. With a young, improved West, this team still has a lot of work to do in order to compete for a title, but I think a move removing Ron needed to happen sooner rather than later as much as I like Ron as a King.
Mikki has a place on the team for now until his contract expires as a good hustle guy off the bench (once Thompson is ready to start, assuming it's not now) and veteran big man to help teach and push our young bigs during workouts.

I wouldn't be surprised if SAR calls it a career either this summer or the next. But in the meantime he's a quality character guy and the exact type of veteran I would want our young team to be around.

K9 will actually have value as an expiring contract next year, so I'm finally at peace with his place on the team.

And while these last three years have caused me to revoke Geoff's genius status, if he moves Miller for the Chicago package or one similar, I'll at least stop adding curse words in front of his name.


Hall of Famer
This hardly reeks of genius, unless just any move to remove Ron was genius. Its the right type of move to be sure and I'm happy its finally done, but come on now -- there is not a GM in the league, well other than Memphis's guy, who could do much worse than an expiring and a late first for Ron. So I guess if Geoff having a pulse = Geoff genius sure.

I am just glad to see more evidence that he is awake and willing to actually GM again, and that whatever the nutty juice he was either drinking himself or being fed by the Maloofs is going by the wayside. Despite some dumb public statements to the contrary, taken in isolation the moves of the past 6 months have finally all looked like rebuilding moves. One or twp more things to be done (Brad principally, as the stupid PF contracts we have stacked appear completely unmoveable) and you can finaly call the rebuild truly underway. Then its probably a year or two of struggle on the court while we accumulate some more young talent, and then the long climb back up. This just should have started years ago, but thank whoever needs to be thanked that it may indeed finally have started.
We can always count on you for that, atta boy, pat on the back.:D
I have your rose colored lense glasses ordered by the way..
This hardly reeks of genius, unless just any move to remove Ron was genius. Its the right type of move to be sure and I'm happy its finally done, but come on now -- there is not a GM in the league, well other than Memphis's guy, who could do much worse than an expiring and a late first for Ron. So I guess if Geoff having a pulse = Geoff genius sure.

I am just glad to see more evidence that he is awake and willing to actually GM again, and that whatever the nutty juice he was either drinking himself or being fed by the Maloofs is going by the wayside. Despite some dumb public statements to the contrary, taken in isolation the moves of the past 6 months have finally all looked like rebuilding moves. One or twp more things to be done (Brad principally, as the stupid PF contracts we have stacked appear completely unmoveable) and you can finaly call the rebuild truly underway. Then its probably a year or two of struggle on the court while we accumulate some more young talent, and then the long climb back up. This just should have started years ago, but thank whoever needs to be thanked that it may indeed finally have started.
Give it a rest, your diatribes are so tired and played, it is like you are a broken record. For all the Ron-Bill haters, and I was definitely not one of them, but I look forward to watching him and T-Mac play together, this should be a day of celebration. This is a really good move for our team, and for you to not recognize that is disingenuious and self-serving. Nothing personal, because a few of your posts are insightful and creditworthy, but overall your act is transparent and old.
Give it a rest, your diatribes are so tired and played, it is like you are a broken record. For all the Ron-Bill haters, and I was definitely not one of them, but I look forward to watching him and T-Mac play together, this should be a day of celebration. This is a really good move for our team, and for you to not recognize that is disingenuious and self-serving. Nothing personal, because a few of your posts are insightful and creditworthy, but overall your act is transparent and old.

what are you a rockets fan?
Geoff could of traded Artest last year for a worse deal but held out for something better. Sometimes his patience pisses me off, but he knows how to play his cards right, so props to GP.
It would be scary-good if we could hire Billy Beane and lock him and GP in a room with a couple of laptops and a bank of phones.

:D :D
I really hope you're kidding. Beane is notorious for drafting well, developing prospects and then trading those now good players for yet more prospects. I know most of us are ready for the rebuild, but I personally don't want to be perpetually rebuilding like the A's are.
Give it a rest, your diatribes are so tired and played, it is like you are a broken record. For all the Ron-Bill haters, and I was definitely not one of them, but I look forward to watching him and T-Mac play together, this should be a day of celebration. This is a really good move for our team, and for you to not recognize that is disingenuious and self-serving. Nothing personal, because a few of your posts are insightful and creditworthy, but overall your act is transparent and old.

Broken record? Brick is one of the few that post regularly on here that actually knows what he is talking about. Had your management done the same as what Brick has often recommended your team would be better off for it right now.

Just last season had the team played the young guys more (like Brick was critical of) you most likely would be looking at Jarred Bayless and Kevin Martin in the backcourt together.
Give it a rest, your diatribes are so tired and played, it is like you are a broken record. For all the Ron-Bill haters, and I was definitely not one of them, but I look forward to watching him and T-Mac play together, this should be a day of celebration. This is a really good move for our team, and for you to not recognize that is disingenuious and self-serving. Nothing personal, because a few of your posts are insightful and creditworthy, but overall your act is transparent and old.
Wait... you say this is a really good move for the team, and are telling someone who was critical of Petrie because this type of move is long overdue that they don't recognize that? Are you paying attention?

The loudest criticism of Petrie around here has been that he hadn't started the rebuild yet. Now that he has, if you think he is making the right move, you are in essence agreeing with those who criticized him before.

You can't really have it both ways, at least not with a straight face.
Broken record? Brick is one of the few that post regularly on here that actually knows what he is talking about. Had your management done the same as what Brick has often recommended your team would be better off for it right now.

Just last season had the team played the young guys more (like Brick was critical of) you most likely would be looking at Jarred Bayless and Kevin Martin in the backcourt together.
Was there anyone on this board advocating playing the young guys less? I must be missing something here. Most people wanted to see that happen.


Hall of Famer
Such a predictable post from you, I knew it was coming.

Okay? I sometimes wonder what it would take for you to say kind words about GP. Then I realize it will never happen.

He would appreciate the title of genius better.
I don't know why, but the last one really got me laughing. Good one...
At least Thomas is the invisible man. I still think Petrie succumbed to pressure to trade Webb. Kenny Thomas isn't a problem to us. He's a non-entity at this point. Let it go...

Yea Kenny Thomas the person will be invisible...But his 2 more years and roughly 16 mill is not going to go invisible.... Ughhhh 16 mill right down the toilet... That just really blows :mad:


Hall of Famer
Wait... you say this is a really good move for the team, and are telling someone who was critical of Petrie because this type of move is long overdue that they don't recognize that? Are you paying attention?

The loudest criticism of Petrie around here has been that he hadn't started the rebuild yet. Now that he has, if you think he is making the right move, you are in essence agreeing with those who criticized him before.

You can't really have it both ways, at least not with a straight face.
I don't think he was attacking the message, as much as the delivery. You know, sort of like the difference between drinking poison straight or in a nice glass of koolaid.:rolleyes:
Wait... you say this is a really good move for the team, and are telling someone who was critical of Petrie because this type of move is long overdue that they don't recognize that? Are you paying attention?

The loudest criticism of Petrie around here has been that he hadn't started the rebuild yet. Now that he has, if you think he is making the right move, you are in essence agreeing with those who criticized him before.

You can't really have it both ways, at least not with a straight face.
Its more about Brick flat out refusing to give credit when credit is due. In fact he will probably argue that it is not due. Statements like

This just should have started years ago, but thank whoever needs to be thanked that it may indeed finally have started.
reek of Bricks refusal to admit that GP is indeed a top notch GM. I do not really want to start the age old argument, because I know exactly how he feels x 10. But some of us that have been around cannot help but throw out a comment or three at times like these.
I'm actually more with Bricklayer on this one -- it was a good trade, and I think Petrie deserves a lot of credit for hanging tight and not accepting a firesale type of deal, such as what Denver was trying to offer at the deadline. I even like this better than the Odom deal, because this is more of a true rebuild type of deal, whereas if Odom came along I think there would have been some misguided temptation to try and win now.

But at the same time, this was pretty much a no-brainer, and there was also quite a bit of luck involved. Lucky that Denver didn't throw in Kleiza at the deadline (this deal is better), and especially lucky that Ron didn't opt out.

I'm all for credit where due, and Geoff does deserve credit for hanging in there, but I don't think this was necessarily a flash of genius. Just a good solid trade.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Give it a rest, your diatribes are so tired and played, it is like you are a broken record. For all the Ron-Bill haters, and I was definitely not one of them, but I look forward to watching him and T-Mac play together, this should be a day of celebration. This is a really good move for our team, and for you to not recognize that is disingenuious and self-serving. Nothing personal, because a few of your posts are insightful and creditworthy, but overall your act is transparent and old.

Well, its well known that I simply live for the approbation of the often comically ignorant, so I will just point out that the reason my diatribes are so "tired and played" is of course precisely becuase I am deadly consistent in my message, which would of course land me squarely on the other side of the street from disingenuous and self serving. I've been making the same call long before it was popular.

And of course because of that -- because I (amongst many others, but as always its about me for you folks) have been telling Geoff to make exactly these moves for YEARS (look it up) -- if Geoff is some sort of genius for only being 3 years behind the curve and finally making a solid move straight out of Rebuilding 101, then I must be a supra-genius at least.

Which is of course true.

You can make a good solid trade accomplishing your goals (which this is) without it being any particular display of exceptional acumen. Some trades are just so obvious that anybody competent would come up with something similar. I understand of course that if somebody were somehow still ignorant of the necessity of this sort of move, how dazzling it might appear. However those of us who are tired and played have been talking about it for years. Who knows, maybe Geoff finally caught on while out surifing the web one night.
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Sorry, I was around when Bricklayer and others gave tons of props to Petrie, so I guess I don't have that same assumption that you folks go. "Its the right type of move to be sure and I'm happy its finally done" is enough praise for me. And I agree that this move hardly makes Petrie a genius again. It just means that I like the direction that he's currently headed.
I don't think he was attacking the message, as much as the delivery. You know, sort of like the difference between drinking poison straight or in a nice glass of koolaid.:rolleyes:
Hmm... maybe your glasses are little too dark. They don't have to be rose colored to think that that post was very tame.
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