Another laker's, Kings trade idea.

hmmm. new proposal of douby and williams. kings will just have to suck it up and think about taking the offer. (doesnt meant they will take the offer). but it IS interesting. no one, i repeat, NO ONE is willing to take on 17 million for kenny thomas. he's just too horrible. now the reason why i think the kings should do this deal is because we get odom for artest and we dont have to worry about resigning douby and williams. which is more playing time for thompson, spencer and singletary. odom is done after this season. im betting we can package him with thomas (because itll be his last season) and maybe salmons or miller and get something much nicer in return
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I wouldn't mind this, all though Shelden and Douby are both enders, we don't really gain anything, but don't lose anything except Artest being gone.

Douby will be useless to us this season with Singletary and Garcia being able to handle the ball as well. Shelden will be pretty useless, although if Mikkie or Thompson goes down, and shareef is possibly retired, that means that Thomas is activated.
This is terrible trade. Artest > Odom... so why would Artest + Williams (an interesting prospect) + Douby (a terrible player who shouldn't be in the league... ok LA can have him) < Odom ?? It makes no sense. None
This is terrible trade. Artest > Odom... so why would Artest + Williams (an interesting prospect) + Douby (a terrible player who shouldn't be in the league... ok LA can have him) < Odom ?? It makes no sense. None

? where have you been the last 2 weeks????????????????????????

and ?

and another ?

this is rons final year. he doesnt want to be here. he's a good player. and anyone with a brain would give artest the edge over odom. odom is still very talented though. the point is that the salaries dont match. thats what you're probably not understanding. odom makes 14 million. the kings are not gona pay an extra 6 million dollars just to get rid of artest. at first we offered kenny thomas, but if they took thomas that would be like what i just explained. paying an extra 100 million:rolleyes: just to bring in someone else.

sooooo, we had to find something that would match. douby and williams make the right amount. (almost). so we're actually getting rid of 3 players and getting one in return. and not paying alot of extra money
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I like the first version better ... however, I think it is not too bad. I think we can trade Odom near the deadline for a late 09 first rounder easily or we can make a 3-team deal (lakers+Kings+other team) this summer.
Is it my math or is Scott Howard Cooper right.

Taking Artest and Thomas, the Lakers are bringing on $16 million ($32 mil) for 2008-09 and $8.775 ($17.55 mil). Total commitment: $49.55.
The Lakers payroll is at 75 mil this year. By taking on Artest and KT they take on 16.4 mil but they give up Odom at 14.5 mil. So they are only adding 1.8 mil to their luxury tax for this year.
They were probably going to offer Ron Turiaf 3-4 mil to stay with them so I see it as we are saving them about 4 mil in luxury tax.

It's still Ron Artest for Lamar Odom at the bottom line, except the salary-cap ballast has changed and the Lakers, in this version that will undoubtedly be discussed between the teams, if it hasn't been already, get away from Thomas and his $17.3375 million due the next two seasons. For a team paying the dollar-for-dollar luxury tax, as L.A. is, that's actually a $34.675-million hit for Thomas. You can see the hesitation.
I don't see the 34.675 mil. hit for KT.
Next year their payroll is at 55 mil. plus KT's 8 mil which puts them at or about the luxury tax.
KT will be in the final year and if they showcase him a little they should be able to find a home for him.
Not worth it. I'd rather deal Ron alone for rebuilding pieces. Odom's big appeal is his expiring, allowing us to ditch Kenny in the process. Pass.
Ok, Shelden is probably a career bench guy, but it's Waaaayyyyy too soon to give up on Quincy Douby.

This is a lopsided trade talent-wise, especailly if Douby lives up to his potential as a good scoring 6th man.

If we want to get rid of Artest so badly just waive him or buy him out. There's no need to include two young players to sell Ron Ron.
Ok, Shelden is probably a career bench guy, but it's Waaaayyyyy too soon to give up on Quincy Douby.

This is a lopsided trade talent-wise, especailly if Douby lives up to his potential as a good scoring 6th man.

If we want to get rid of Artest so badly just waive him or buy him out. There's no need to include two young players to sell Ron Ron.

waive or buy him out? no. why do that when we can get a good player for him.
this is a horrible trade. odom isn't in our long term plans anyways, so youre basically paying the lakers two young bench guys to take an all star talent.

if this trade goes down, i hope you all remember how you wanted it, because the lakers will get another championship, and two young guys to develop later on, AND we gave it to them.
waive or buy him out? no. why do that when we can get a good player for him.
because that inconsistent good player (Lamar Odom) is not as good as Artest. Let alone the two young pieces we include in the trade.

Not to mention that LO has a 5-10% chance of staying with the team after his contract is up.

BTW. If Petrie makes this trade, he needs to be fired on the spot.
Wow, you guys seem to want to get rid of Ron so bad you have forgotten about the "KINGS". What do we get out of this ... nothing that I can see. I want to see Ron out of Sac as much as anyone, but we have to have something for him to make us, even if just a possibility, better.

Odom is gone at the end of the year ... that is it for us ... whopee.

Lakers get much better and are possible champions.

No way I want this deal ... there is absolutely nothing in it for the Kings future ... not even a salary dump. Lets look at other bad deal that will at least give us a young or a pick. The Lakers aren't the only ones out there, but everyone seems to be fixated on them.
This deal is worse than the Gasol deal. The Lakers just posture and wait for teams to give them Championship peices for absolutely nothing. At least they gave up a 2nd and a young for Gasol.

WE get absolutely NOTHING!!!!!
Wow, you guys seem to want to get rid of Ron so bad you have forgotten about the "KINGS". What do we get out of this ... nothing that I can see.
The team gets rid of a headcase who can be a big distraction to the team and take away team chemistry, and do so while getting an expiring deal in return instead of a long term deal tied up in a veteran that hampers the team even more. That's what the Kings get.

I want to see Ron out of Sac as much as anyone, but we have to have something for him to make us, even if just a possibility, better.
This has been the attitude from certain fans: there is always a better deal. You need to take that idea out of your heads because Geoff is shopping hard and if there was a better deal out there, I'm sure he would be jumping at it. Now, if you want to take the stance that there might be a better deal closer to the deadline, then consider this: if the team waits, and no better deals show up, will you accept that the Kings can only get so much for him?

You guys are acting like it's a lock that there will be a team that will give up youth/picks for Ron, and that may not happen. It's a possibility that may develop, but maybe this is the best the team can do.

Odom is gone at the end of the year ... that is it for us ... whopee.
Ron, Sheldon, and Douby are gone at the end of the year too, and two of them are non-impact players. Whopee.

Lakers get much better and are possible champions.
Lakers are ALREADY possible champions because they MADE THE FINALS LAST SEASON, AND WILL HAVE A HEALTHY BYNUM AND ARIZA. Where is the logic in this argument? LA already is contending, and could possibly win the whole thing WITHOUT Ron, so this reasoning about Ron putting them over the top doesn't hold water. They are already there.

No way I want this deal ... there is absolutely nothing in it for the Kings future ... not even a salary dump. Lets look at other bad deal that will at least give us a young or a pick. The Lakers aren't the only ones out there, but everyone seems to be fixated on them.
You seem to be fixated on the opinion that there are other teams giving up young talent and future picks. It's a possibility that may come around at the deadline, but you are acting as if there IS a better deal out there, and the Kings just aren't looking hard enough.
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if we do this deal, we lose artest, rights to douby, and williams. if we dont do this deal, we lose artest. odom should NOT be resigned.

is this not comprehensible?

lets say artest completely ruins the team this year. and? did he ruin our championship hopes? did he positively poison the players? are people now going around hitting wives and neglecting dogs?

Artest is an expiring TOO. I have absolutely no problem holding onto him until his salary expires. it will teach the teams that needed him that they have to give up some things to get them from us. We are not the grizzlies. we will not roll over and take it. artest has worth, and the kings are not idiots.

you all point to him "poisoning" our team. as far as i can see, he is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, has some form of add, lacks some social skills, and doesnt have a complete grasp of playing this game we call life. as far as a basketball player, players LIKE ron artest. for all those that say brad miller will "mentor" hawes, i see nothing of that sort. i see artest as one of the veterans that will actually impart good knowledge.

trade artest for worth, for a future, or not at all. have some pride in your organization.


Hall of Famer
I think this is a match made in heaven for Sheldon. He gets to go south and be with his girl friend. With a little luck, she wins a ring, he wins a ring. They go to the altar and exchange rings, and get married. I think we should do it for that, if for no other reason.

If things work out properly, they can make a movie about it titiled "How my wife blocked my shot, and won my heart".


Hall of Famer
I think the bottom line is that the lakers aren't willing to trade Odom for Artest.
No if were just those 2 players involved the deal would have been done 2 weeks ago. Its the fact that Odom is at 14mil and Ron at 7mil. They don't want 2 years of KT to make up that salary difference. this trade makes up the salary difference but its only for this year not next.
lets say artest completely ruins the team this year. and? did he ruin our championship hopes? did he positively poison the players? are people now going around hitting wives and neglecting dogs?
Ron ruins team chemistry on the court. IMO, he hampers the development of some players. He can be a distraction in the locker room, and he can make the job of the coaching staff increasingly difficult. He may be a swell guy, but for a team looking to turn the corner and start working their way back up, Ron is the worst type of guy to have in his circumstances. You don't think his presence, in contrast to Odom's presence, makes a difference on this team. This is where I disagree.

Artest is an expiring TOO. I have absolutely no problem holding onto him until his salary expires. it will teach the teams that needed him that they have to give up some things to get them from us.
That's what the team has been doing. They have been pushing for teams to take KT, and they want teams to pay a price for Ron's services. You are acting as if these teams are low balling for Ron, when the reality of the situation may be you are putting a higher value on Artest than some other teams. Maybe they aren't playing hardball. Maybe they just don't think Ron is worth it.

you all point to him "poisoning" our team. as far as i can see, he is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, has some form of add, lacks some social skills, and doesnt have a complete grasp of playing this game we call life. as far as a basketball player, players LIKE ron artest. for all those that say brad miller will "mentor" hawes, i see nothing of that sort. i see artest as one of the veterans that will actually impart good knowledge.
He has a higher chance of getting suspended than most other players. That impacts a team. When he's not happy, he can decide when he wants to play, often times changing his mind right before a game. That puts even more pressure on the coaches and it makes their jobs that much more difficult. Ron doesn't always follow the play calls, and decides when to take himself out, despite what Reggie says. His on the court play often times destroys team chemistry and hampers the development of some players, and that may cause resentment. I DO think Ron's presense on this team has a negative impact, and all the evidence points to this. If you think disrupting the team and making it harder on the coaches is not a big deal and doesn't impact the team, then I guess we must disagree on that issue.

trade artest for worth, for a future, or not at all. have some pride in your organization.
If there was a deal out there that would provide a future, then fine. If not, then it's better to have Odom for one season than Ron's antics for another season.
showtime, i agree with it all to an extent. i dont think that we should have to pay 2 young guys to give away ron artest. if you want this trade, you are basically saying that ron artest's potential distraction is worth rights to sheldon and douby. i say no. i also say that to give up artest for less than we want would hurt our future dealings with people. in a rebuild, you usually dont give away two young guys. but thats just the way i rebuild. maybe your rebuild trades away an all star talent and 2 young guys with potential to get a player who is OLDER (a week, but the point remains) and only stay here for a year. Me? i say you stop insulting me with these offers, or ron artest plays out this season, and then you can bid each other up later on, and im washing my hands of this.
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Is it my math or is Scott Howard Cooper right.

The Lakers payroll is at 75 mil this year. By taking on Artest and KT they take on 16.4 mil but they give up Odom at 14.5 mil. So they are only adding 1.8 mil to their luxury tax for this year.
They were probably going to offer Ron Turiaf 3-4 mil to stay with them so I see it as we are saving them about 4 mil in luxury tax.

I don't see the 34.675 mil. hit for KT.
Next year their payroll is at 55 mil. plus KT's 8 mil which puts them at or about the luxury tax.
KT will be in the final year and if they showcase him a little they should be able to find a home for him.
Bynum's extension??? ;)
Denio said:
Next year their payroll is at 55 mil. plus KT's 8 mil which puts them at or about the luxury tax.
They have to extend Bynum within the next two years, most likely to max dollars. They'd have to do the same thing with Bill. Counting Thomas, they would have 8 guys putting them near/at/over the LT (along w/ Walton and Radman who are just as radioactive as KT tradewise). Jerry Buss is already sweating that LT hit judging by the loss of Turiaf. Iirc, it was 15 yrs ago that they last decided not to match an offer sheet.
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Douby is never gonna be anything in this league. Sheldon could be a productive player but its time to tell. But the only benefit of trading Artest at this point is to shed more salary in return.


this deal is stupid.... ron/douby/williams are all expirings... we gain nothing by trading them for another expiring contract..... the point of adding thomas is to get actual capspace... meaning odom/williams/douby.... thats 18 million.....

might as well try to send him to the cavs for szczerbiak.... or to miami for marion...
If anyone thinks this is of any consequence, the Fakers let Turiaf walk today. You know how bad fakers fans want Artest? on their board, (which I have been spying on and will continue until kings-lakers trade talks wind down), they have a 10005+ post thread about obtaining him, on which they have a man prodding an inside guy to progress the deal. Any deal for Artest.

It's amazing.
I say Geoff needs to sit tight to get us good deal for Ron, not the alternate one being discussed here.

Rest assured, despite the heavy "get the hell outta town" emotionalism from Kings fans after Ron's latest sequence of e-mails and interviews since the trade deadline, that the KINGS HOLD ALL THE CARDS HERE. We are not on the cusp of competing for a ring in 08-09, so we can be patient to let this all play out.

However, the clock is ticking in LA. The pain of this year's Finals still penetrates Laker Fan. If you are Kupchak, you have to strike while the iron is hot. You are so close ...and need just one more piece.

Me personally, I have no problem whatsoever with Ron playing out next season with us, irregardless of his recent musings and schizophrenic behavior/statements. That is just Ron. Always has been. If Ron stays put, he would be a monster on the court for us next season, playing for a new long-term contract with some team, with the only issue being can Reggie rein him in on offense so that he doesn't go ballhog-wild.

I can live with that. So, for now, sit and wait.
I say Geoff needs to sit tight to get us good deal for Ron, not the alternate one being discussed here.

Rest assured, despite the heavy "get the hell outta town" emotionalism from Kings fans after Ron's latest sequence of e-mails and interviews since the trade deadline, that the KINGS HOLD ALL THE CARDS HERE. We are not on the cusp of competing for a ring in 08-09, so we can be patient to let this all play out.

However, the clock is ticking in LA. The pain of this year's Finals still penetrates Laker Fan. If you are Kupchak, you have to strike while the iron is hot. You are so close ...and need just one more piece.

Me personally, I have no problem whatsoever with Ron playing out next season with us, irregardless of his recent musings and schizophrenic behavior/statements. That is just Ron. Always has been. If Ron stays put, he would be a monster on the court for us next season, playing for a new long-term contract with some team, with the only issue being can Reggie rein him in on offense so that he doesn't go ballhog-wild.

I can live with that. So, for now, sit and wait.
This may be so with virtually any other player in the league, but not when referring to Ron Artest. He could start running his mouth again at any time, demanding this and refusing that, and there's always the possibility that he gets in trouble again, which significantly decreases his trade value. We need to get him outta here ASAP before he does to us what he did to the Pacers