Kenny Thomas did not opt out <gasp!>

What a shocker! Kenny Thomas did not opt out... how many more years does this guy have? Is this his last year? If so, can we start a "Buyout K9" or "Waive K9" petition or something? I would much rather have a young, minimum contract guy sitting the bench that has a little potential than K9 who has no potential with the Kings.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
STILL two more years I think (this one and next). Man, this guy is so flexible! :p

Funny thing is that we are both trapped (the Kings and KT) by that contract. We trapped ourselves by trading for it, and he trapped himself by signing it. Realistically he cannot walk away from it, but on the other hand his prime years have all been wasted on a team that does not want him. By the time his contract is up he will be 32 I think. Rich to be sure. But basically having been put out to pasture right through his best years as a player. Much as the deal to get him pissed me off, and his grumpy whininess pissed me off, and he (along with Salmons and half the rest of the team) pee me off by not playing hard if the poor little dears come off the bench, I do feel some compassion for his situation. He can't ever get those years back, and in his profession, there will never be another prime, nor maybe even much career to rescue by the time he is done.
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What a shocker! Kenny Thomas did not opt out... how many more years does this guy have? Is this his last year? If so, can we start a "Buyout K9" or "Waive K9" petition or something? I would much rather have a young, minimum contract guy sitting the bench that has a little potential than K9 who has no potential with the Kings.

I think we're missing the point of KT's value. Granted, its not on the court, but since there is no real salary cap benefit to waiving or buying out his deal, we might as well hang on to it until it expires. Wait one more season and you have $8 million expiring dollars to use in a trade.
I think we're missing the point of KT's value. Granted, its not on the court, but since there is no real salary cap benefit to waiving or buying out his deal, we might as well hang on to it until it expires. Wait one more season and you have $8 million expiring dollars to use in a trade.
I can actually see some trade value in him this year, the receiving team has a large expiring contract next year.


Hall of Famer
STILL two more years I think (this one and next). Man, this guy is so flexible! :p

Funny thing is that we are both trapped (the Kings and KT) by that contract. We trapped ourselves by trading for it, and he trapped himself by signing it. Realistically he cannot walk away from it, but on the other hand his prime years have all been wasted on a team that does not want him. By the time his contract is up he will be 32 I think. Rich to be sure. But basically having been put out to pasture right through his best years as a player. Much as the deal to get hm pissed me off, and his grumpy whininess pissed me off, and he (along with Salmons and half the rest of the team) pee me off by not playing hard if the poor little dears come off the bench, I do feel some compassion for his situation. He can't ever get those years back, and in his profession, there will never be another prime, nor maybe even much career to rescue by the time he is done.
Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure who the victim is here, him or the Kings, or both. But your right his prime years are peeling away, and you can't get them back. Funny thing is, that when we made the trade, I though he might be one of the more valuable pieces in the trade. Shows what I know.
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yeah but he hasnt played.... he will have the freshest legs of any 32 yr old, undersized, pf in the league...


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Funny, all my sources led me to believe that he would opt out. So much for reading tea leaves...
Funny, all my sources led me to believe that he would opt out. So much for reading tea leaves...
Thanx for the chuckle!

One thing is for that we can see clearly in our rear view mirror on the impact of the Webber trade, given that we went nowhere afterwards, and that we still are saddled by Kenny's mega-millions on the books, we can say with certainty that the trade stunk. We would have been in much better shape now, and been bonafide rebuilders earlier, had we let Chris ride it out with us. Perhaps we would have gotten a better draft pick or two as well.
Thomas had an opportunity, he failed to seize it, and he failed to keep improving. Hard to blame anyone but Kenny.
Ohhh Kenny Thomas... I am sure I may get in trouble for this, but what a POS! Seriously, he was notifed last year that THE KINGS DONT WANT HIM!! And that he does not fit with our team... BUY OUT K9'S CONTRACT!!! The team has a chance to use their 1 buyout clause on a player that the team wont have to pay extra for ontop of the cap... So why not buy out the most worthless piece of crap ever in basket ball!!!!

Just thikning of that name on our team gives me a headache... I really really do not like that guy at all... He can not make a dam lay up for the life of him... Does not hustle.. complains all the time about how he should start!( what a joke that was)... The funny thing is, I still remember the summer after we traded Chris, everyone on the forum was talking about how Kenny will be 6th man of the year!

Alright, I have to stop now... I can write a book on how much many more ways than one we truly do not need him AT ALL!!!!!



Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Ohhh Kenny Thomas... I am sure I may get in trouble for this, but what a POS! Seriously, he was notifed last year that THE KINGS DONT WANT HIM!! And that he does not fit with our team... BUY OUT K9'S CONTRACT!!! The team has a chance to use their 1 buyout clause on a player that the team wont have to pay extra for ontop of the cap... So why not buy out the most worthless piece of crap ever in basket ball!!!!

Just thikning of that name on our team gives me a headache... I really really do not like that guy at all... He can not make a dam lay up for the life of him... Does not hustle.. complains all the time about how he should start!( what a joke that was)... The funny thing is, I still remember the summer after we traded Chris, everyone on the forum was talking about how Kenny will be 6th man of the year!

Alright, I have to stop now... I can write a book on how much many more ways than one we truly do not need him AT ALL!!!!!

So how do you really feel about him? Honestly, I don't think a buyout is as useful now anyway.
Ohhh Kenny Thomas... I am sure I may get in trouble for this, but what a POS! Seriously, he was notifed last year that THE KINGS DONT WANT HIM!! And that he does not fit with our team... BUY OUT K9'S CONTRACT!!! The team has a chance to use their 1 buyout clause on a player that the team wont have to pay extra for ontop of the cap... So why not buy out the most worthless piece of crap ever in basket ball!!!!

Just thikning of that name on our team gives me a headache... I really really do not like that guy at all... He can not make a dam lay up for the life of him... Does not hustle.. complains all the time about how he should start!( what a joke that was)... The funny thing is, I still remember the summer after we traded Chris, everyone on the forum was talking about how Kenny will be 6th man of the year!

Alright, I have to stop now... I can write a book on how much many more ways than one we truly do not need him AT ALL!!!!!

What one-time buyout clause? I thought that for one year only and the Kings did not use it?


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Brick and sdballer have pretty much hit the nail on the head regards KT. He and the Kings are both stuck and KT's peak was here and now going/gone away. But that only made GP get more creative and put his talents to work.

Not only KT but we also have SAR for 2 more years at around $6.2M/$6.6M. His talents we could use if he is 100% after sitting out a year with repaired knee(s). As a PF he can rebound and defend a bit and get 10-15 pts most nights. Will be interesting to see where his rehab has taken him come October. He could be more tradeable than KT and could help mentor the big kids.


Super Moderator Emeritus
BUY OUT K9'S CONTRACT!!! The team has a chance to use their 1 buyout clause on a player that the team wont have to pay extra for ontop of the cap... So why not buy out the most worthless piece of crap ever in basket ball!!!!
Hate to burst your balloon, but there is no such thing as a "1 buyout clause"...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Brick and sdballer have pretty much hit the nail on the head regards KT. He and the Kings are both stuck and KT's peak was here and now going/gone away. But that only made GP get more creative and put his talents to work.

Not only KT but we also have SAR for 2 more years at around $6.2M/$6.6M. His talents we could use if he is 100% after sitting out a year with repaired knee(s). As a PF he can rebound and defend a bit and get 10-15 pts most nights. Will be interesting to see where his rehab has taken him come October. He could be more tradeable than KT and could help mentor the big kids.
Coming off a lost season SAR is likely completely unmoveable until well into a season where he actually produces, and its highly unlikely he's going to have one of those. He neither rebounds nor defends the paint, and his post game comes at the expense of all ball movement. If he's getting minutes out there ahead of Thompson, Hawes, Sheldon, or even Mikki (who can put up similar numbers while playing as a roleplayer rather than a ball-dominator) somebody should be fired.

Hopefully Thompson shows somethng and can be the future starter -- this "patch" era at PF has been obscenely incompetent. Just one bad move/contract piled after another and an eteranl weak point.
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so at the end of the day the kings traded webber for thomas, reef and moore all of which we will have for another year when webbers contract expiried last year.... this team has the worst pf rotation in the league hands down....
I thought each team has a chance were they can buyout one contract on the team that will not go against their salarie cap... I could have swore that this came into effect a few years ago... I remember the Mavs doing it so the can buy out Shawn Bradley... Hmmmm guess I was wrong.. my bad
I thought each team has a chance were they can buyout one contract on the team that will not go against their salarie cap... I could have swore that this came into effect a few years ago... I remember the Mavs doing it so the can buy out Shawn Bradley... Hmmmm guess I was wrong.. my bad
There was that one-time waiver thing, but that expired really quick and was for only one offseason.
Ohhhhh thats what it was! It was a one time thing.... Cause I remember hearing about that and the first thought that ran into my min was " BUY OUT KENNY"! Of course it never happened...


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
That Webber to Philadelphia deal is one of the rare few deals that just about everyone hates which actually get even worse over time. There is absolutely nothing good that came out of that deal and it's been killing this franchise ever since and will continue to do so until 2010. The Shareef and Mikki signings were made to try and salvage what happened in that trade and pretty much all the good faith Petrie built up in building this franchise into a contender has now been erased. If Petrie ever got just one "do over" I'd have to think that would be it.
so at the end of the day the kings traded webber for thomas, reef and moore all of which we will have for another year when webbers contract expiried last year.... this team has the worst pf rotation in the league hands down....

Yeah and that was one of the worst trades of all time. It's also why theres alot of skeptics when it comes to the Beno signing.
That Webber to Philadelphia deal is one of the rare few deals that just about everyone hates which actually get even worse over time. There is absolutely nothing good that came out of that deal and it's been killing this franchise ever since and will continue to do so until 2010. The Shareef and Mikki signings were made to try and salvage what happened in that trade and pretty much all the good faith Petrie built up in building this franchise into a contender has now been erased. If Petrie ever got just one "do over" I'd have to think that would be it.

i dont think nothing good came out of it.. Corliss was there :D i always liked the guy very classy if we can only sign him for locker room presence or as an assistant coach

after finding out he didnt opt out i finally see that kenny thomas doesnt have any pride nor dignity left after sitting on the pine... sure you make a lot of money but for what? lol have you no shame just getting on a suit sitting there doing nothing? no shame no pride no dignity on his part

plus the drafting of jason thompson sealed both his and SAR's fate... they wont be getting any PT this season... best they start teaching some POSITIVE things for the kids or just retire...

for SAR i still have a little faith he will be useful...but KT... he actually got worse
Webber trade

OK, so KT is a POS as a player, he did play decent for one year and I actually thought he had enough value to trade. Petrie didn't do the Webber trade FOR KT, he did it to get movable pieces instead of one big 20+ million unmovable/can't move piece. But, it didn't work out and that's how it goes. Hindsight..........wouldn't have mattered as we still would have been bogged down by Webber for next few years and he would have been more of a cancer than KT was 2 years ago. Obviously someone sat him down and told him to sit down and shut up as he was silent last year. How many of you would have opted out knowing that no one was gonna pay you anymore than 1 mil at best? I wouldn't have, as this is likely his last team, so he get 16 million to practice and then retire. How many of you would like that nest egg? He may be a POS player, but he's no dummy. We're just emotional about it. Why's every one so down on Mikki? I don't think the Kings signed him to be a starter, just how it ended up as we have NO power forward. He'd be a great back up big man on any team, contender or not. That was what he was signed for, but who was better at that position? Would we have been better off not signing him? Maybe but maybe in a couple when we a getting better he'll be very valuable to us.
Kenny Thomas had his reasons to not opt out. I think one would be getting paid about $9 million without actually doing anything. I know if you were him, you would do the same thing to just sit on a bench and watch your teammates play basketball.
OK, so KT is a POS as a player, he did play decent for one year and I actually thought he had enough value to trade. Petrie didn't do the Webber trade FOR KT, he did it to get movable pieces instead of one big 20+ million unmovable/can't move piece. But, it didn't work out and that's how it goes. Hindsight..........wouldn't have mattered as we still would have been bogged down by Webber for next few years and he would have been more of a cancer than KT was 2 years ago. Obviously someone sat him down and told him to sit down and shut up as he was silent last year. How many of you would have opted out knowing that no one was gonna pay you anymore than 1 mil at best? I wouldn't have, as this is likely his last team, so he get 16 million to practice and then retire. How many of you would like that nest egg? He may be a POS player, but he's no dummy. We're just emotional about it. Why's every one so down on Mikki? I don't think the Kings signed him to be a starter, just how it ended up as we have NO power forward. He'd be a great back up big man on any team, contender or not. That was what he was signed for, but who was better at that position? Would we have been better off not signing him? Maybe but maybe in a couple when we a getting better he'll be very valuable to us.
Heh, Paragraphs are your friend.

As far as Webber being a cancer to this team. I just don't think so.
STILL two more years I think (this one and next). Man, this guy is so flexible! :p

Funny thing is that we are both trapped (the Kings and KT) by that contract. We trapped ourselves by trading for it, and he trapped himself by signing it. Realistically he cannot walk away from it, but on the other hand his prime years have all been wasted on a team that does not want him. By the time his contract is up he will be 32 I think. Rich to be sure. But basically having been put out to pasture right through his best years as a player. Much as the deal to get him pissed me off, and his grumpy whininess pissed me off, and he (along with Salmons and half the rest of the team) pee me off by not playing hard if the poor little dears come off the bench, I do feel some compassion for his situation. He can't ever get those years back, and in his profession, there will never be another prime, nor maybe even much career to rescue by the time he is done.

wait... are you actually feeling sorry that someone is choosing to get paid 9 million a year to sit on his butt? at any time in this contract, they could have worked out a buyout. if k9 wanted to play sooooooo bad, a 50% buyout (unheard of in this league) would have been easily tendered. he could then go wherever he wants, "take less to play for a contender." no, kenny thomas is sitting here because he wants the money. i dont feel sorry for him one single bit. in fact, he just proved that money matters more than anything else. want to feel bad for someone? look anywhere else.
At this stage it's probably better to not buy him out. Remember that if we buy him out we can't trade him. Right now he is very hard, if not impossible to trade, but remember in the last year of his contract that will be a pretty nice chunk of expiring change to dangle in front of a team looking for cap space should the opportunity present itself. No need to lose another very big bargaining piece.