Jason Thompson

How do you grade the pick of Jason Thompson?

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Douby stinks. Hawes hasn't proved anything. I have become sick of seeing Garcia never seeing a shot he didn't like. Martin finally worked out but he was horrible for several years. Just don't see us doing anything for years to come. Average at best. And that's a long shot.
What about douby he stinks pretty bad.
i dont think he is THAT bad.. lack of playing time, new coach, i dont want to give up on a guy till he reaches is 4th or 5th year..

2 years ago he had that mini block fest against the clippers :p so defensively its there.. the point guard conversion is the problem, but with guys like Hawes, thompson, garcia known to have good passing skills.. i dont see it as much of a problem
I actually think this is one of the more positive reactions about a pick i've seen on the boards. Go back a year and you'll see what a negative response looks like :p

I was thinking along the lines also of the grades of the pick...SI gives it a 4 out of ten, etc, etc, etc.
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Kings are getting a massive F in this pick on ESPN... 50%!
Hope everyone is looking forward to another year of **** basketball only to win just enough games to get another draft pick like this. Pathetic.
this is going to be an annual thing. i went to the draft party and there wasn't much excitement in the arena.
Should work out for us, but wayyyy too early. If you want a guy like Rider you NEED to find a way to trade down to get him. For that reason I gave it a C. Good pick, but too much of a reach to get a higher grade.
I actually think this is one of the more positive reactions about a pick i've seen on the boards. Go back a year and you'll see what a negative response looks like :p
The Quincy Douby ones were pretty bad too. I think that year every mock draft had us taking some tall guy and we took tupac shakur instead.
Should work out for us, but wayyyy too early. If you want a guy like Rider you NEED to find a way to trade down to get him. For that reason I gave it a C. Good pick, but too much of a reach to get a higher grade.

thats the problem... we dont know the beaurocracy and procedure going on between gms in drafts.. sure it sounds easy to do to trade down and up but the question is... are there there right kind of partners for such trades...and if we will be giving too much and taking less... so little time btwn minutes to do some sort of deals so i think petrie being stoic and not dealing things is sort of a way to check what we have then settle it on july onwards to october
You said I said the same thing last year about Hawes, as if he won rookie of the year or something and proved me wrong.

..and kthnxbye? really? come on now.
My point was you reacted in a sore-loser way without giving him a chance. You've done the same this year. Never said Hawes proved anything. Point proven. Bye.


Hall of Famer
You don't have to be thrilled. I certainly wasn't last year. But you've been saying Thompson is slow and unathletic when that's simply not the case? What do you want? Does it make you feel better to call him slow and unathletic, even though he's a pretty good athlete?

He averaged 20/12/3/3. Impressive. And he still has lots of room for improvement.
Dime, it sounds like you've seen this guy play. What I want to know is: Can he defend a power forward in the NBA? Can he come from the weak side to block a shot in the NBA? Can he guard the post? Can he guard anybody that takes the ball outside to score? If he can, then you have allayed my concerns.
As an admittedly critical fan, I'm really happy with this pick.

I did not like the prospects at #12, especially with all the "desirables" not having fallen. I liked Jason Thompson as a late-first rounder, and felt like he would have been a good pickup for us then.

But we all know Geoff is incapable of draft day trades...haha...and I like the testicular fortitude displayed by surprising with this pick, reminds me of the the Peja surprise.

Read his stats on DraftExpress, he does everything we want...except defend. But I like it nonetheless...most importantly, he's big, not unatheletic, has range, can rebound, and is NOT SELFISH. That last one's a biggie. Hopefully he can withstand the huge jump in competition, as I'm really high on the guy.

Grade "A"


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Dime, it sounds like you've seen this guy play. What I want to know is: Can he defend a power forward in the NBA? Can he come from the weak side to block a shot in the NBA? Can he guard the post? Can he guard anybody that takes the ball outside to score? If he can, then you have allayed my concerns.

The scouting is that he put up good rebounding/shotblocking numbers in a minor conference (so the wil it translate question), has reasonable quickness guarding perimeter guys (and his late late growth spurt means he grew up playing the perimeter and so should have some comfort there), but may struggle to guard the post against NBAers.

Will be interested to see him in summer league. Hope they televise it again.
Dime, it sounds like you've seen this guy play. What I want to know is: Can he defend a power forward in the NBA? Can he come from the weak side to block a shot in the NBA? Can he guard the post? Can he guard anybody that takes the ball outside to score? If he can, then you have allayed my concerns.

Agreed if he can stop players from attacking our paint then great. I hope he's not just another standing statue.
the only thing i like about this is that he is a senior and it gives us a really young front court at 20 and 21 years old. So thats cool. Portland's front court will dominate us like no tomorrow, but its unfair cuz they actually are trying to make moves rather than the Kings good old approach of "wait and see what happens".:mad:
I'm fine with the pick. Would have LOVED to have Bayless fall to us, but once again we were one pick too late. I've been advocating Thompson for a while, and while in most cases that was through getting another later 1st or trading down, I thought Geoff could pull another surprise here. And he did. Here's hoping Jason Thompson is the Kevin Martin of big men, whatever that means.
My point was you reacted in a sore-loser way without giving him a chance. You've done the same this year. Never said Hawes proved anything. Point proven. Bye.
OK Judge Judy, I never said Hawes wasn't good, I just said he is the type of big man we didn't need, SOFT AND SLOW. This year the pick doesn't bother me as much as once again, we all sit and watch other teams make exciting trades.

ttyl byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee :rolleyes:
I'm fine with the pick. Would have LOVED to have Bayless fall to us, but once again we were one pick too late. I've been advocating Thompson for a while, and while in most cases that was through getting another later 1st or trading down, I thought Geoff could pull another surprise here. And he did. Here's hoping Jason Thompson is the Kevin Martin of big men, whatever that means.

yeah i sure hope he becomes a beast on the offense too...and gets on it offensively.. but i dont want him to be LIKE martin rail like and stuff :p

Thompson/williams front court... strong players and young
You guys act like we were going to be able to select a future HOF with the 12th pick! Please, tell me who YOU would have picked at the 12 that is better than Thompson? The guy put up incredible numbers , albiet in a weak conference...but I somehow remember how a particular SG of ours had the same criticism.

I hear some people wanting Jordan, or Lopez or ( insert any other stiff here). Are you kidding me? Some of you are too much in love with guys that can only dunk. Have you not been watching the NBA? You also needs skills, to become a good NBA player. And I think this kid has skills...and still more room to grow - he's still young!
You guys act like we were going to be able to select a future HOF with the 12th pick! Please, tell me who YOU would have picked at the 12 that is better than Thompson? The guy put up incredible numbers , albiet in a weak conference...but I somehow remember how a particular SG of ours had the same criticism.

I hear some people wanting Jordan, or Lopez or ( insert any other stiff here). Are you kidding me? Some of you are too much in love with guys that can only dunk. Have you not been watching the NBA? You also needs skills, to become a good NBA player. And I think this kid has skills...and still more room to grow - he's still young!
I agree, Jaylee. The fortunes of a team picking 12th do not usually return them previous greatness in the span of 5 minutes. Let's see what other moves happen this year.
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the patrick ewing jr pick was all strategy. His dad is gonna start coming to the games now and eventually hes gonna teach hawes and thompson how to play. i like the pick.


Hall of Famer
The scouting is that he put up good rebounding/shotblocking numbers in a minor conference (so the wil it translate question), has reasonable quickness guarding perimeter guys (and his late late growth spurt means he grew up playing the perimeter and so should have some comfort there), but may struggle to guard the post against NBAers.

Will be interested to see him in summer league. Hope they televise it again.
That's a good point about guarding the perimeter. He'll probably be a pretty good player for a #12. Unfortunately, though, we had #12 in the draft. I just really wanted to surround Hawes with some big-league athletes. Doesn't look like that is meant to be...Man, this is going is going to take forever until we get better.
You guys act like we were going to be able to select a future HOF with the 12th pick! Please, tell me who YOU would have picked at the 12 that is better than Thompson? The guy put up incredible numbers , albiet in a weak conference...but I somehow remember how a particular SG of ours had the same criticism.

I hear some people wanting Jordan, or Lopez or ( insert any other stiff here). Are you kidding me? Some of you are too much in love with guys that can only dunk. Have you not been watching the NBA? You also needs skills, to become a good NBA player. And I think this kid has skills...and still more room to grow - he's still young!

agree on this one id rather have a guy who is a jack of all trades than a guy who can dunk and athletic... id rather have hawes take bynum out of his defensive elements and shoot outside and school him in the post :p thats wishful thinking but it can happen :p