[SAS/NOH] - who will Bowen injure now ?

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Well the bottom line is that there haven't been that many exciting or great games in these playoffs, and even though series as a whole can be relatively interesting, I miss getting excited and nervous at the end of close games.
The last time I felt that way about the NBA Playoffs was 2006. It's hard to get excited and nervous in that way when you don't have a horse in the race.
The last time I felt that way about the NBA Playoffs was 2006. It's hard to get excited and nervous in that way when you don't have a horse in the race.
Not me, I pick a team in most of the games I watch. I don't get a heart attack like I almost did in 2002, but I get excited towards the end of close games, especially if they really matter.
So what are the chances that Bowen "accidentally" steps on Chandlers foot tonight? Or that he accidentaly bumps into West's back early in the game tonight?
The whole, "the series hasn't started" thing is kind of dumb, but this year really hasn't been that interesting at all. The home team always winning is not exciting. I didn't get a chance to pay attention last night, but I really wasn't shocked to see the Lakers and Celtics had won. Nor will I be shocked to see them each win game 7.

I much prefer playoff series where home/road matters only a tiny bit. I have a feeling that those tend to happen when the teams are really good. I don't know if we have those kinds of great teams this year.
The whole, "the series hasn't started" thing is kind of dumb, but this year really hasn't been that interesting at all. The home team always winning is not exciting. I didn't get a chance to pay attention last night, but I really wasn't shocked to see the Lakers and Celtics had won. Nor will I be shocked to see them each win game 7.

I much prefer playoff series where home/road matters only a tiny bit. I have a feeling that those tend to happen when the teams are really good. I don't know if we have those kinds of great teams this year.
The only "great" team which I'd give a good chance of pulling off a game 7 road win would be the Spurs this year. Neither the Jazz or Cavs have shown the ability to win a road playoff game in this round, much less a game 7 on the road.
The only "great" team which I'd give a good chance of pulling off a game 7 road win would be the Spurs this year. Neither the Jazz or Cavs have shown the ability to win a road playoff game in this round, much less a game 7 on the road.
What he said.

But I would not say that this years playoffs are not exciting. The Spurs/Suns and Spurs/Hornets games were pretty exciting. I think the conference finals will be pretty fun.
"How did he get that steal when the NOISE was against him?" - S. Van Gundy.

Definitely my quote of the year.

Oh and btw, yeah, 12 pts is a blowout. Deal with my definition, rofl.
Oh and btw, yeah, 12 pts is a blowout. Deal with my definition, rofl.

the hornets have managed to get it down to 7. with a missed 3 point shot or 2 by manu this game is tied up. without jinxing them by making predictions, i'll just say that i really hope that the hornets leave it all on the court for the second half. predrag with 13 points shows signs of life.


Hall of Famer
I mena some things are just pathetic

Byron should rest the team for Monday. They won't let them win tonight.

This isn't sports anymore

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member

It's funny how, when you want one team to lose more than the other, you'll consider any possibility for why the referees make a call, except for it actually being the right call.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
No, not really... In order for that to be a pot/kettle situation, I would have to be complaining about calls. You guys are the ones crying conspiracy; the only way my post would be hypocritical is if I were claiming a conspiracy in the other direction.

I don't think there's a conspiracy in either direction. But, if there were, I believe it would be in favor of the Hornets.
No, not really... In order for that to be a pot/kettle situation, I would have to be complaining about calls.
You know what I mean, no one can watch sports without bias. Its stupid of you to call people out on that, especially when you are watching the game we are talking about right now with a bias. A bias different from many of our own, but still a bias all the same.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
You know what I mean, no one can watch sports without bias...
I don't think that's true, though I'll readily concede that most people can't watch sports without bias. It also depends on your general attitude towards that sport. I could certainly watch the Stanley Cup without bias, for example.

I mean, I understand what you're trying to get at, but the difference is that some people can biased towards one team or another without believing that, if the team they want to win is losing, that it's because of it being stolen from them.
II mean, I understand what you're trying to get at, but the difference is that some people can biased towards one team or another without believing that, if the team they want to win is losing, that it's because of it being stolen from them.
Look at the end of the 3rd quarter there. That was SA completely outplaying NO is every regard and building their lead as a result. I'm not to blind from my Hornets bias (although I think it to be not as large maybe as your Sperms bias :p) to realize that.

However, I know what bad reffing looks like. We're Kings fans, we have it burnt into our mind. We'll still be able to see Game 6 of the 2002 WCF when we close our eyes on our death bed. Bad reffing has a certain look to it, and the beginning of the 3rd quarter had that look.
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