Is There Anything That Could Cause You to Not Be a Kings Fan?

Sacramento is where I grew up for over 29 years now and will always be my home town. I can moved and still be loyal to the Sacramento Kings but not viversa. ;)

PS I would love to have Kobe :D.
I would still be a kings fan.

Seriously. I became a Kings fan because I am originally from California and really dug the team. Found a connection. If they moved outta Sactown would I give up and jump on the next bangwagon? HELL NO. I know exactly how much they suck right now and understand the significant changes that have to happen to make this team relevent again. I take into account that this could possibly take alot of time to happen. I laugh at local fans who would turn on the team at the first sign of leaving town. Is that really all this team ever meant to you? Sad.
  • I'd still be a fan if they move (although my interest level might be lower).
  • I'd still be a fan if they were managed like the Knicks (although my interest level might be lower).
  • I'd still be a fan if a player I really don't like joined the team (although my interest level would be lower and I'd root for them to get rid of the player).
The only thing that would make me not want to be a fan anymore would probably be some horrible act by the owners that didn't end in the team being sold. A major cheating scandal or something like that maybe. Maybe.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Seriously. I became a Kings fan because I am originally from California and really dug the team. Found a connection. If they moved outta Sactown would I give up and jump on the next bangwagon? HELL NO. I know exactly how much they suck right now and understand the significant changes that have to happen to make this team relevent again. I take into account that this could possibly take alot of time to happen. I laugh at local fans who would turn on the team at the first sign of leaving town. Is that really all this team ever meant to you? Sad.
You can make your comments without taking digs at others who are being honest about theirs. Keep it about the topic at hand, please, and don't take it off into the realm of who's a better fan, etc.

Thanks ever so.
I don't think I'd ever stop being a Kings fan as long as they're in town. I'll still be a fan even if the following worst-case scenario were to happen this summer:

-Kings draft Kevin Love (see
-Kings extend Quincy Douby (he's a bust)
-Kings sign Beno to a 6 year, 6 million MLE (he's not that good)

I'll still be a fan, but I might just call for Petrie's head. Other than that, I'm a diehard and will remain a diehard until they leave town or I kick the bucket...
I spent the last ten years living within an hour of Sacramento, but have never considered myself a Central California girl and have absolutely zero sentimental attachment to the area, so a move wouldn't affect my status as a fan one little bit. Don't really know what could, actually, but think that where I'm at is about as low as it will go. Not because I don't like them anymore, or because I think they're poopie-head stink-faces, or because they suck...

I still consider them to be my team, I still care what happens, but where I'm living now is such a basketball dead zone (no local team, no league pass or NBA TV on my cable system) and my schedule has become so focused on school (two majors and a minor = Gadget's nose in a book and fingers turned rainbow with highlighter stains), that paying attention to the team and even the sport in general takes a certain amount of actual effort on my part. Effort that I just wasn't willing to put in this season. I could have watched/listened to games online, I could have spent more time studying box scores and player stats, but... meh. Seemed like a lot of trouble to go to when the front office has done everything they can to ensure that those stats are going to remain pretty consistent throughout last year, this year, and likely next year. I care, but I've got other stuff going on, so instead rely on the knowledge that if something REALLY major happens I'll find out about it here.
I pretty much feel the same way, although possibly more detached since I am from New Jersey and go to college in Virginia.
I've had time to think about this some more. By the way there's nothing wrong with folks who wouldn't be fans any more if the Kings left Sac. There is a different kind of fan attachment when it's your hometown team. Same as alumni attachment to their college teams. Win or lose, my brother will always follow his Bruins (at least they won't move, though).

I would likely still be a Kings fan if they left Sacramento, although I'd be heart-broken. Simply because I can't see myself becoming a fan of another team. The killer combo might be the Kings leaving Sac and ending up in SoCal. Man, that would be harsh. :cool:

edit: What team would count as the fattest team in the league? :p
edit: What team would count as the fattest team in the league? :p
A quick weigh in of some starting 5s:
Lakers (after Bynum gets back): 1190
Suns: 1188
Warriors: 1138
Celtics: 1126
Kings: 1115
Mavs: 1110

So, right now Shaq probably makes the Suns the fattest team in the league. And the Kings only need to put on 11 pounds to weigh the same as the Celtics.
As I said, Californians are interesting... I'm not a fan of the Kings because they're in Sacramento, but I'm also not from Sacramento, either.

How long have you been a fan of the Kings? I know at least since 2001, but does it go back to the old crappy team days?

Myself, I was a fan of the Lakers when the Kings moved to Sac, and it took a couple years for me to get interested in the Kings. But I think in about 1989 or so I started being a Kings fan. But I have a ton of Laker stuff still like the back to back wheaties box, and a jacket/hat, bunch of basketball cards. Posters, and other things from the Lakers.
Before the Kings moves to Sac, I was a Lakers fan. But there's no way in HELL I'd root for the Lakers again. Too many bad memories now. The only way I'd stop being a Kings fan is if they moved out of town. I wouldn't have a favorite team anymore. :(
I think if the Kings re-signed Ron Artest my interest level would severely go down, and I'd have to ignore the team, so that I wouldn't want to go and choke the Maloofs and Petrie for letting it happen.
Each one of those guys would be awesome on the Kings. The biggest wus in the league, a selfish ball hogging egomaniac, or dirty player that tries to hurt other players. Putting aside past history and personal preferences, why wouldn't you want them?:confused:
I'm pretty loyal for life. I can't really imagine the circumstances which would cause me to completely abandon the Kings. I seldom get to the games, or even get to see a game, so a move really wouldn't have that big an effect - so long as I have internet access, I can gamecast my way through a season.

I know this sounds a bit pessimistic, but I'm used to being a fan of some sucky teams. Regardless of how bad the Kings become, I'd probably stay on board. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been a Raiders fan for 30 years.:rolleyes:

The one thing I really would like to see is for the Kings to be completely blown up and rebuilt from scratch. I can handle the team being bad for 3-4 years to rebuild, but this "finger in the hole in the dam" approach could test even my considerable patience.
Well, they could move to Chico, and I'd be for it.
Moving to Chico is the only thing the Kings can do to make me love them even more!!!!

I would be disappointed if they leave Sac. (unless it's to Chico), but the only thing they can do to completely loose me as a fan is moving to LA :mad: (My definition of LA is the area in California South of the Grapevine)
I'd still be a Kings fan, even if a Maloof brother came over to my house and spit in my face.

Now if two Maloofs came over I'd consider, 3 spitting in my face and it's all over.
Only if they moved.. then I'd become a Warriors fan probably. Considering I'm a 49ers fan and a SF Giants fan I figure I'd look to the Bay for my basketball as well.
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i wouldn't pick up another team if the kings left, i would just watch the game for the fun of it. I couldn't stand getting my heart broken by another team:(!!!
I was a Royals fan when they moved from Cincinnati to Kansas City (and became the Kings) in 1972. During the Kansas City years, they were still my team when they made some noise in the playoffs, but mostly I lost track of them. They were mostly ignored by the national media so there wasn't much to follow -- just a bad small-market team. Then they moved to Sacramento a year after I did and became my team all over again.

Today you could still follow them if they moved away through League Pass etc., so I would remain a fan. The only thing that could change that is the circumstances of the departure. To this day, my 2 favorite football teams are the Cleveland Browns and whoever's playing the Ravens this week.
If the Kings left, the next closest team I'd root for would be the Rockets. Just because of Adleman and Yao.
I have a friend in North Carolina who is still a Hornets fan, and can't get into the Bobcats because it's just not the same for him as the original! I find myself agreeing with him! If the Kings moved and we got an expansion team, I might find myself rooting for the originals over the new team!

If I ever did drop the Kings though (which I don't see happening, but for the sake of converstaion) I'd root for the Rockets because of Adelman and BJax, but I'm also partial to the Hornets because of Bonzi, & Peja. Not to mention the fact that CP3 is easy to root for!
umm... i dont know... i've invested 10 years in this team now, so im not sure what would get me to lose total interest. maybe a couple of <20 win seasons, horrible management and them being just terrible?:confused:

granted, my passion for the Kings doesnt even scratch the surface to my passion for the Niners... the only thing i could think of is if they just blew up the team with no rational explanation or any sort of reason or plan and turn the team to bottom feeders.
nothing can stop me from being a kings fan. there are things that WILL stop me from watching the games though. like 20 point blowouts, artest going 3-21, missed layups, and severe losing streaks. :rolleyes: