Stop standing in one spot, lets start moving. Please! I guess it's useless, if we haven't moved for most of the game why would we in the last minute or two.
- We need to get rid of these ball hogs off our team. I do not want an offense that stands still and waits for the ball.
- Leave John & Ron on the bench at the same time and see how Kevin & Cisco play. They played awesome when Mike and Ron were out why not try it again. I cannot stand to see John grab the ball for himself.
- Finally a Douby sighting. Too bad it’s the last seconds of the game. Wooo Hooo. Why not try to bring Douby in instead of John. Try seeing what he can do. I hate to let this guy go or trade him without seeing if he’s a better player than John.
- Did Sheldon play in tonight’s game?
- Why is Mikki on the court when he’s not producing or doing anything?
- I think we can cross off making the .005 mark this season. I don’t think it’s happening.