I'm mad at Petrie because...

Put them in order (what Petrie has done to tick you off the most):

1. Signing Mikki Moore
2. Not trading Shareef Abdur-Rahim
3. Not trading Artest
4. Trading Bibby
5. Not trading Miller
6. Not trading Thomas
7. Releasing Justin Williams

Here's mine:

1-Signing Mikki Moore
2-Not trading Thomas
3-Not trading Shareef
4-Releasing Justin Williams
5-Not trading Artest
6-Not trading Miller
7-Trading Bibby

The Moore signing was a waste of money, period. I understand dealing SAR and KT is like asking Petrie to turn water into wine, but the simple fact they're still on the roster bugs me more than the fact that Artest is still here. The Bibby deal had to be done, so that doesn't bother me at all. Not trading Miller is a good thing so he can help develop Spencer. And I would have rather seen Petrie buy out Lorenzen Wright so Justin Williams could stay. The Rockets game proved to me he can play in this league. I also think JW was being showcased to the rest of the league in that game.
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I am not mad about the Bibby trade. I LOVE Bibby and very sad that he was traded, but I expected it. It will be better for him and us. However, I am upset that we did not trade Artest. He is not the player I want representing this team. Maybe Petrie tried and there were just not takers. Anyway, I am upset that he is still here. I will continue to cheer for him while he is on the court as a King, but I am sad that we have come to this. The other options pale in comparison to my feelings about this.
I'll put my answers in tiers:

1) Not trading Kenny Thomas
2) Signing Mikki Moore
3) Not trading Artest

*The top three are arguably my three biggest gripes. Kenny Thomas needs to go, and it's rather self-explanatory. Mikki Moore I was very disappointed when we first signed him because we could've leapt for bigger fish with the $$$ we were offering, but after seeing him get acclimated and being sometimes irrelevant it's gotten to the point of relative indifference for me. However, I still don't think he's worth that $$$, so he belongs in this tier. Artest could've yielded us certain players in the deadline (like Kleiza, Nene, etc) but we'd never know. However, I thought we should've traded him because it's nearly obvious we're not going to try to get him back, so him walking for free isn't really a smart move on our part.

4) Releasing Justin Williams

*Eh. I'm in the middle for this one. It could've gone both ways, but I thought that with the ramifications of the team, Justin would never have found his niche here, and he could certainly afford greener pastures. Besides, Shelden Williams may be a solid replacement.

5) Not trading Shareef Abdur-Rahim

*Rather indifferent. How could we have done it? A quickly aging injured player with 3 years left on a hefty contract? It's tough to do. At least he's actually a willing supporter of the team, unlike Thomas. If we can get his contract off, however, and that's why I put him in a separate tier, then by all means go for it.

6) Trading Mike Bibby
7) Not trading Brad Miller.

*These two were good moves. Bibby gave us cap relief via expiring contracts, and even though his value kept declining we were getting lowball offers with inadequate super role players and no star players being offered for Bibby. It was the best we can do. As for Miller, I know he was disappointing last year with his SG in a C's body sort of play, but he's had a mini-renaissance and he's still a useful center who can teach some tricks for our young'uns.
Is this limited in scope to recent history? Otherwise add trading Webber with the goal of more flexibility, only to saddle us with the even more untradeable contract of KT.
I'm still mad at him for not resigning Eddie House, Sangia, and Mo Evans. Also, I'm mad at him for signing a tub of lard center from Utah that broke his hand before the season even started. How about that brilliant move to trade the only good piece from the Weber trade, Skinner for a guy that never played.

How many times over the past 3 years did Kings fans wish we had a backup PG? We had one. Petrie just didn't resign him.

Why develop Sangia for 3 years, protect him from the expansion draft and then just let him go in the off season?
1. Signing Mikki Moore... Who should he have signed... our front court was week last year. He'll be gone in a year when we need him gone.
2. Not trading Shareef Abdur-Rahim... Did we miss a trade you know of?
3. Not trading Artest... For junk? We're not done with our options with him yet... he could still bring a sign and trade this summer, or free $8m in cap.
4. Trading Bibby... Or keep paying him a premium to shoot 3 for 14 another 2yrs? Time to move on.
5. Not trading Miller... again, what did we miss on you know of?
6. Not trading Thomas... Seriously, who what where?
7. Releasing Justin Williams... League rules had to happen to make room for Bib trade. Not a guy to stress about losing. Someone had to go to make room... who else did we have that made no money??? Douby?
Here's mine:

1-Signing Mikki Moore
2-Not trading Thomas
3-Not trading Shareef
4-Releasing Justin Williams
5-Not trading Artest
6-Not trading Miller
7-Trading Bibby
My list would start earlier, e.g., I'm not very upset that we didn't trade SAR, I'm upset that we signed a guy with deteriorating knees to a 5 year deal in the first place. KT's nightmare of a contract would fit into the same category, even if it was not originally our contract. And there have been a number of cost cutting moves (Keon Clark + two 2nd round picks in return for one 2nd round pick would be a classic example) which really bothered me. I was not annoyed at all by trading Bibby per se, but the collateral damage to our roster bothered me a lot. Very bothered by the lack of an Artest trade. I'd have a hard time trying to prioritize it all, or even itemize it all. Is "going from four players who were 30+, and four extremely promising players 25 or younger, to seven 30+ players and one promising youngster" one item, or half a dozen?

Now if you'll excuse me, the UPS guy just showed up, and I have a new Justin Williams jersey to try on.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Moves that I remember disagreeing with:

Signing Greg Ostertag (I'm still upset he was ever on this team -- terrible signing)
Drafting Spencer Hawes
Drafting Quincy Douby
Giving up on Webber (that was no way to reward our only franchise player ever)
Poor handling of Peja trade (he deserved at least a phone call)
Leaving Gerald Wallace unprotected
Signing Shareef (we knew his knees were bad)
Signing Mikki Moore
Signing John Salmons (We could have had Bonzi back for the same $ -- and this was predictable at the time for people who were paying attention)
Cutting Justin Williams for Mo Taylor
Cutting Justin Williams again for Lue/Wright/Johnson
Trading Brian Skinner for Monia (and then never playing him)
Not re-signing Mo Evans (after he was the only good player in that Seattle series)
Not re-signing Jim Jackson

Over that same time-period I thought the Artest trade was good for us, Kevin Martin and Cisco were pretty good draft picks, I liked the Bonzi trade, the Christie/Mobley trade was a good attempt to salvage talent, the Bibby trade was decent if Shelden Williams plays. But most of the time my general attitude towards anything Petrie does is "umm, what?"
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God, the whining on this board has gotten so insufferable. If you had told me a month ago that we would shed Bibby for a expirings, a young power forward and a pick I would have been ecstatic. People just got their hopes up too much with the possible Artest trade.

It's just freaking basketball. No one's puppy is getting run over.


Hall of Famer
God, the whining on this board has gotten so insufferable. If you had told me a month ago that we would shed Bibby for a expirings, a young power forward and a pick I would have been ecstatic. People just got their hopes up too much with the possible Artest trade.

It's just freaking basketball. No one's puppy is getting run over.
I don't think this is limited to this board. I think for some reason it is inherently easier to complain rather than congratulate.
If you had told me a month ago that we would shed Bibby for a expirings, a young power forward and a pick I would have been ecstatic.
Other than the original poster, nobody has complained about trading Bibby for expirings, replies have only approved.

Yeah, a lot of people are let down about other stuff. I think that trading Ron was #1 on the list of things that many considered absolutely vital for the front office to do this year, if not last year. So expect them to be pissed.

I don't think their being pissed runs over your puppy, either...
i know we all what thomas gone but who wouldnt want to be in his shoe right now hes making 7 mill for doing nothing besides getting DNP i know i would love to be in his shoes


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
what do you expect, for us to dance a little jig over the state of the team?
I won't speak for anyone else, but showing a little maturity would help. If you look at things objectively:

  • Petrie got rid of a big contract and exchanged it for youth, expirings, and a pick - NOT for flexible pieces.
  • Ron walking at the end of this year or next still clears money. If teams weren't offering a good deal, I don't see why you take the deal just to get rid of arguably the best player left on the team. (And again, I'm not a Ron fan.)
  • We will never know what was offered. Nene/Najera or Kleiza/Najera/1st? Denver's 1st isn't going to be all that hot anyway. Low 1st or Artest for another year? (Assuming he stays.)
  • How aggressive was Petrie in demanding that KT be part of a deal? That may have been the biggie, or the deal breaker.
Anything else I missed?
There's still the summer, with hopes of a S&T. As long as he stays away from the MLEs, he should be OK.


Super Moderator Emeritus
i know we all what thomas gone but who wouldnt want to be in his shoe right now hes making 7 mill for doing nothing besides getting DNP i know i would love to be in his shoes
I doubt it.

Professional athletes may like the money but they also want to play the game. To be taking money for doing something and yet not being able to do it doesn't sound like my idea of fun. And he can't go do anything else.

That's more like a "Be careful what you wish for" scenario than anything I'd ever want.


Hall of Famer
I doubt it.

Professional athletes may like the money but they also want to play the game. To be taking money for doing something and yet not being able to do it doesn't sound like my idea of fun. And he can't go do anything else.

That's more like a "Be careful what you wish for" scenario than anything I'd ever want.
he can opt out after this year. I brought up this question before. Is it disturbing enough to him to exercise that option? If so is that our mindset all along in not playing him?
Why do people blame him when it takes two to tango?

Honestly, Artest wasn't dealt to the nuggets because AI and Melo expressed their desire to NOT alter the roster, and the team listened. Elson and Barry + pick was rumored for Ron, but it was just a rumor, and it turned out to be for KT. I don't understand why people here think that there are just deals out there for Ron, when 1: other teams have to WANT to make a deal for him, and 2: the trade has to make sense for both teams. Making a trade just to trade Ron before he opts out isn't going to make sense if the deal doesn't improve the team or it's future.
Your post implies that these were all bad things. That is of course, your opinion, but I think some of these are not bad, and others were necessary or inevitible.

1. Signing Mikki Moore - Given that Shareef is now pretty much useless, there is no player on the Kings that has shown more ability than Mikki to play the 4, unless you go small and shift Ron over to the 4. There wasn't really anyone out there that could fill this spot any better for what Mikki was paid, so this wasn't that bad. He seems to have a good attitude, so I don't see less time as we develop the young kids being a problem either.

2. Not trading Shareef Abdur-Rahim - Impossible. No one wants him. If you are unhappy with picking up Shareef that is one thing. But in his current state, trading him isn't an option.

4. Trading Bibby - Why pay $13 mil for a player who is on the downside of his career for a team not making the playoffs.

5. Not trading Miller - Too valuable in developing the young guys with his passing.

6. Not trading Thomas - Impossible. Are you kidding?
BY the way...this thread will be never ending and will probably end up being locked. Anyway, I'm mad that he picked Dan Dickau in the draft instead of Carlos Boozer.....:confused:


Super Moderator Emeritus
BY the way...this thread will be never ending and will probably end up being locked. Anyway, I'm mad that he picked Dan Dickau in the draft instead of Carlos Boozer.....:confused:
while I agree it might be never-ending, I don't see it being closed. I see it breaking the record for longest ongoing thread... provided it doesn't just become full of +1-type comments.
