Shelden Williams


Hall of Famer
Petrie says we basically drafted a very high draft pick when we got Williams. Reynolds said he shouldn't have been drafted as high as he was. I'll defer to Reynolds this time because he made the statement before the trade, not after. A lot of guys are big and muscular. That doesn't mean a hill of beans unless you have quickness, coordination, and jumping ability to go with it. That's what I'll be keying on when I watch him. I continue to think that we need an uber-athlete at the 4 position if Hawes is to be our center of the future. By all accounts, Williams is not that guy. Time will tell...
Petrie says we basically drafted a very high draft pick when we got Williams. Reynolds said he shouldn't have been drafted as high as he was. I'll defer to Reynolds this time because he made the statement before the trade, not after. A lot of guys are big and muscular. That doesn't mean a hill of beans unless you have quickness, coordination, and jumping ability to go with it. That's what I'll be keying on when I watch him. I continue to think that we need an uber-athlete at the 4 position if Hawes is to be our center of the future. By all accounts, Williams is not that guy. Time will tell...

Williams is not meant to be "that guy". A team does not get "that guy" along with 3 expirings and a pick. Mike Bibby is not worth "that guy". Williams can develop into a solid player, maybe even better than solid - he could average 10 boards a game. Depending on where we pick this year, we could get that guy you're talking about. Even if we pick 10 - 12 range, someone like Arthur might just fall. He could definitely be that guy.
I don't think anyone should expect Shelden to develop into that guy, he just doesn't have the attributes. It doesn't mean I'm not excited by him, though.


Hall of Famer
Williams is not meant to be "that guy". A team does not get "that guy" along with 3 expirings and a pick. Mike Bibby is not worth "that guy". Williams can develop into a solid player, maybe even better than solid - he could average 10 boards a game. Depending on where we pick this year, we could get that guy you're talking about. Even if we pick 10 - 12 range, someone like Arthur might just fall. He could definitely be that guy.
I don't think anyone should expect Shelden to develop into that guy, he just doesn't have the attributes. It doesn't mean I'm not excited by him, though.
You and I are in agreement on Williams.
I'm happy we got Sheldon and the other 3 players who come off the books and also the 2nd rounder (something we haven't had in some time now)! :p

While people are saying that SW isn't athletic etc, he is a young and strong 6'9" PF with a 7'2" wingspan and here in King's land with our crappy K9 at 6'7", washed up SAR at 6'9", & 7'0" roleplayer Mikki...he should have a shot to reinvent himself which would be nice to see.

It sucks though that we had to gut our other Williams (JWill2), I have really rooted for that guy. Do you know if we can cut 1-2 of the new guys and get JWill2 back off the wire, or do they now need to stay and come off the books at the end of the season? I'd understand that they'd stay and come off the books, but they could also be packaged with an Artest to Denver trade.

While we didn't send K9 packing like we'd all dream of doing...we did start the rebuilding process and I look forward to that as all of us do. Now if only we could lose SAR & K9, or at least just K9. SAR was a o.k. guy off the bench as he is near his NBA retirement.
Williams is not meant to be "that guy". A team does not get "that guy" along with 3 expirings and a pick. Mike Bibby is not worth "that guy". Williams can develop into a solid player, maybe even better than solid - he could average 10 boards a game. Depending on where we pick this year, we could get that guy you're talking about. Even if we pick 10 - 12 range, someone like Arthur might just fall. He could definitely be that guy.
I don't think anyone should expect Shelden to develop into that guy, he just doesn't have the attributes. It doesn't mean I'm not excited by him, though.
Darn it, last year with 1 more loss we would of had Yi, or at least Noah and man that would have been nice!!! I guess as a King's fan we are used to disappointments!!! :p
My 2 cents for what its worth. Most big men take around three years to develop ,and of course that depends on the amount of playing time and the coaching they get.
The truth is, I don't know squat about Williams other than when I saw him play in college. I always thought then that he looked a little robotic at times, but I couldn't argue with the results. All we have now are stats, and they can be very misleading, especially if you haven't seen the player actually play. I don't know about you, but the Hawks haven't been on my, I can't miss this game list. The Hawks also seemed to draft another PF every year. It seemed they wanted instant gratification, which seldom happens.

If one had looked at Robert Parrish's stats after two years you wouldn't have been impressed, and apparently neither were the Warriors, who traded him to the Celtics and the rest was history. Not saying Sheldon is the next Parrish, I'm just saying we have to wait and see.
Great points...big men do take time to develop. While athletism is really a gift...with SW's nice muscular size (considering he is 6'9" & young...only his 2nd season in the NBA) and great arm length...and the fact that we have sucked at PF post Webber...the kid could really make a name for himself here in Sactown!
Do you think with that with the effort and consistent playing time, Shelden can become a Boozer lite. I mean I don't think he will ever be as good offensively as Boozer, but both are smart players coming from a good Duke system. Both undersized, but strong and powerful. It took Boozer a few years to become the player he is today, he was on a bad Cavs team before they got Lebron, but he got consistent minutes and worked hard. I don't think Shelden will get us 22 pts and 12 rebs a game, but maybe as high as 15 and 10 rebs a game?
I don't think Shelden will get us 22 pts and 12 rebs a game, but maybe as high as 15 and 10 rebs a game?
I think if Shelden averages 12 and 10 a game, and contributes to the overall defensive intensity we're trying to achieve, I'd say we got our money's worth for Mike Bibby. I'm not asking Shelden to incredible things, he's just not that type of player...BUT, I think an Antonio Davis/Dale Davis type of player isnt too far out of his realm, and should be right about what he gets to, ultimately...and that's fine with me.

I think it's pretty funny that people talk non-stop about how much potential Nene has, even though he's never done anything in six years in the league. Williams has been in the league a year and half, has never played consistent minutes and he's Malik Rose.