Ron Artest To 76ers For Carney, Green and A 1st Rnd Pick

I go this from real gm so take it for what its worth, and i guess the guys who posted this says he herd it from stephan a smith.. so now it loses even more credibility.. He went on to say that the 76ers are the current front runners for artest and the offer stands at green, carney and Utahs first rounder.. the salaries dont match but if you through in Ollie they match up..

Like i said i dont know if theres any truth to this but i hate it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I go this from real gm so take it for what its worth, and i guess the guys who posted this says he herd it from stephan a smith.. so now it loses even more credibility.. He went on to say that the 76ers are the current front runners for artest and the offer stands at green, carney and Utahs first rounder.. the salaries dont match but if you through in Ollie they match up..

Like i said i dont know if theres any truth to this but i hate it.

I have no idea what we would do with Green and Carney -- two more young OGs. But if they are in the running, with kids and a pick, I am interested. Jason Smith hasn't looked great, but I'd be interested in him as another young big for instance.
Carney's raw clay; freak athlete, chiseled body, and a raw foundation of shooting/slashing ability, but his overall basketball knowledge is lacking to a certain degree. We certainly don't have that type of athlete on our team, but with Salmons, Martin, and Garcia, our foundation of OGs are already there. Willie Green...I just hate undersized scoring guards. So commonplace in the NBA. He seriously needs to diversify his game, because after his surprise rookie year he's just a known commodity, and it's not helping him.

A flier on Jason Smith could be okay; I saw a couple of games of him, he's pretty mobile, can run the court, and pretty athletic given that he's a big. Has a nice turnaround jumpshot as well--sort of Keith Van Hornesque imo. A tad soft, but he does have a mean streak from what I've seen.
Seeing as the Kings are already at roster limit, I don't think they'd be trying to get MORE players. If they could turn a few of their players into a big expiring and a 1st round pick, that would be golden.


Doesn't look like Ron is going anywhere now. They cleared some cash for him with the Bibby trade and honestly its best that he stay on the team and they do trade him it needs to be the same deal where they get expiring contracts.
Doesn't look like Ron is going anywhere now. They cleared some cash for him with the Bibby trade and honestly its best that he stay on the team and they do trade him it needs to be the same deal where they get expiring contracts.
Since Ron is himself an expiring contract why would you only want expirings back? Only reason i can think of is Salmons. You want picks and young talent if you trade Ron.
Since Ron is himself an expiring contract why would you only want expirings back? Only reason i can think of is Salmons. You want picks and young talent if you trade Ron.
If you could get a decent pick and/or a KT dump, do it. Otherwise, I guess wait and see what the prospects are for a sign and trade are this summer (traditionally not that great). Plus there's always a risk that the frustrations of losing (which we will continue to do) will exacerbate Ron's... um, eccentricities. In short, I still expect Ron to be gone by Friday, but we'll have to see.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Seeing as the Kings are already at roster limit, I don't think they'd be trying to get MORE players. If they could turn a few of their players into a big expiring and a 1st round pick, that would be golden.

There are some interesting possibilities when you begin to look at things.

For instance, we just acquired Tyrone Lue and Anthony Johnson. Both PGs. One earns $3.5 mil (Lue) the other $2.8mil (Johnson). You could take one of them, trade him to Cleveland straight up for Ira Newble (also a 3.5mil ending contract) and another 2nd round pick.

Meanwhile, courtesy of the giant Webber deal expiring at the end of the year, Philly is one of the few teams in the league who could trade for Ron and have enough cap room in the offseason to resign both he and Igoudala. Their tough, nutty fans are also used to rooting for tough nuitty players (A.I.).

So then you trade :

Ron $7.8mil


Kevin Ollie $3.4mil (ending) Age:35
Rodney Carney $1.5mil (rookie deal) Age:23
Jason Smith $1.2mil (rookie deal) Age: 21
the Utah #1
Total: $6.1mil (within the 25%)

You waive Newble. You waive Ollie. Obviously need neither old marginal guy. Come out of the Bibby & Artest trades with: 3 young guys (Williams 24, Carney 23, Smith 21) a late 1st, two 2nds, our own #1 lottery pick, along with four expiring contracts (Newble (waived), Ollie (waived), Johnson (or Lue), Wright).

You've still got the PF mess and Brad (Orlando?) but you would have the new world finally forming up. Basically Bibby and Artest (and a little bit Justin/Danhtay) for 7 new young players by next year.
If that trade was on the table we'd have to do it. That's value for Artest. And it's an extra kick in the rebuilding direction. Some are saying that the Bibby trade opens the door for a Ron trade, I'm of the opposite opinion. I want Ron to be traded, but I just can't see Geoff making two huge moves before the deadline. It would be uncharacteristic, but you never know. Personally, I hope Ron is traded, all I want back is a young guy and/or a pick.
I hope to know something on Monday in re: to Artest. I will let you all know once I talk to my buddy.
By chance, did your buddy know about the trade regarding Mike Bibby? Last I read, your buddy knew nothing of any trades going day and then the next day, Bibby was traded.
There are some interesting possibilities when you begin to look at things.

For instance, we just acquired Tyrone Lue and Anthony Johnson. Both PGs. One earns $3.5 mil (Lue) the other $2.8mil (Johnson). You could take one of them, trade him to Cleveland straight up for Ira Newble (also a 3.5mil ending contract) and another 2nd round pick.

Meanwhile, courtesy of the giant Webber deal expiring at the end of the year, Philly is one of the few teams in the league who could trade for Ron and have enough cap room in the offseason to resign both he and Igoudala. Their tough, nutty fans are also used to rooting for tough nuitty players (A.I.).

So then you trade :

Ron $7.8mil


Kevin Ollie $3.4mil (ending) Age:35
Rodney Carney $1.5mil (rookie deal) Age:23
Jason Smith $1.2mil (rookie deal) Age: 21
the Utah #1
Total: $6.1mil (within the 25%)

You waive Newble. You waive Ollie. Obviously need neither old marginal guy. Come out of the Bibby & Artest trades with: 3 young guys (Williams 24, Carney 23, Smith 21) a late 1st, two 2nds, our own #1 lottery pick, along with four expiring contracts (Newble (waived), Ollie (waived), Johnson (or Lue), Wright).

You've still got the PF mess and Brad (Orlando?) but you would have the new world finally forming up. Basically Bibby and Artest (and a little bit Justin/Danhtay) for 7 new young players by next year.
You could also trade a Tyronn Lue or an Anthony Johnson to a team looking for a back-up PG for their play-off run, PHX, GS, Bos are three team that come to mind that have TPE's that could absorb their contracts and get a 2nd round pick back in return.
You could also trade a Tyronn Lue or an Anthony Johnson to a team looking for a back-up PG for their play-off run, PHX, GS, Bos are three team that come to mind that have TPE's that could absorb their contracts and get a 2nd round pick back in return.

yea but a second round pick from a team like phx or boston could possibly be the last two pick of the whole draft... i guess its better than nothing cause lue prob wont be on the team next year..
I have no idea what we would do with Green and Carney -- two more young OGs. But if they are in the running, with kids and a pick, I am interested. Jason Smith hasn't looked great, but I'd be interested in him as another young big for instance.
Definitely interested in Smith.. But not sure if they would include him. I was hoping for Smith over Hawes because of the PF need we had last year. Couple knocks on him were the blocked shots translating to the NBA (which it looks like it has). Smith is an average shot blocker at the PF/C position at something like 2-2.5 per 48mins which isn't bad. He has a midrange jumper and a turnaround from the baseline which he uses a lot, but nothing significant in the post from what I have seen. Rebounding is there as well but could be better. Overall a decent project, and I wouldn't mind Smith, an expiring, and a 1st rounder.
By chance, did your buddy know about the trade regarding Mike Bibby? Last I read, your buddy knew nothing of any trades going day and then the next day, Bibby was traded.
Nah, he didn't know any kind of specifics, just a few people he walked into saying something big was to be announced on Monday or Tuesday when he was getting coffee. I don't consider him any kind of source or anything though because he's just in the relations dept for season ticket holders. He does work close to a lot of the Kings top brass though so he does stumble into things. Plus he's a huge Kings fan so he does digging whenever something big is in the works.

He called me Thurs night, and was just bouncing off the walls saying something was going to happen early next week, but when he went back to work Friday there was no buzz or anything in the office. I went to Thunder Valley last night with him and we came to the conclusion that there was no "buzz" in the office on Friday because there wasn't any of the big wigs in the office. They were all gone to New Orleans. Take it for what you will, I believe him when he tells me something is going to happen because he has no reason to lie to me. We have known each other since we were 5 years old and I beat him at marbles.

I am assuming the only player left that we wanted to get rid of is Artest so if there is a buzz it might be about Artest? We had assumed that on Thursday as well since there were a ton of rumors floating around about him. Nothing in regards to Bibby though.. But who knows.. They might be shopping Miller since he has had that resurgence. Craziness if it's both eh? Hawes is too young to start :D
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Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
he didn't know any kind of specifics, just a few people he walked into saying something big was to be announced on Monday or Tuesday
Isn't it entirely possible that the "something big" was the Bibby trade and it just got announced sooner than expected at the time?
There are some interesting possibilities when you begin to look at things.

For instance, we just acquired Tyrone Lue and Anthony Johnson. Both PGs. One earns $3.5 mil (Lue) the other $2.8mil (Johnson). You could take one of them, trade him to Cleveland straight up for Ira Newble (also a 3.5mil ending contract) and another 2nd round pick.


So then you trade :

Ron $7.8mil


Kevin Ollie $3.4mil (ending) Age:35
Rodney Carney $1.5mil (rookie deal) Age:23
Jason Smith $1.2mil (rookie deal) Age: 21
the Utah #1
Total: $6.1mil (within the 25%)

You waive Newble. You waive Ollie. Obviously need neither old marginal guy. Come out of the Bibby & Artest trades with: 3 young guys (Williams 24, Carney 23, Smith 21) a late 1st, two 2nds, our own #1 lottery pick, along with four expiring contracts (Newble (waived), Ollie (waived), Johnson (or Lue), Wright).
Well, not quite, we run into the same problem as with the Bibby trade, which is that we have to waive players in order to have room for the trade. So we'd still have to waive at least one more of our current roster, we couldn't just waive Ollie.

But it would work if we waived Wright, did the deal for Newble, waived Newble, did the Ron trade, waived Ollie, then might even have a shot at getting Justin back before someone else snags him.

But we can't do the trade without waiving at least one player beforehand.
Isn't it entirely possible that the "something big" was the Bibby trade and it just got announced sooner than expected at the time?
I have no idea.. It could have been. I wish I worked there instead of him. I would definitely be doing my own detective work. Not that I fault his. He's not in a position to know any of this anyway. He just passes it to me as he hears it. He's not a source for anythig specific. He works around a lot of these people who are though and can tell when somethings about to happen. I guess it's the same for any company. Anytime somethings about to happen it's the workers who sense it, right?