Grades v. Suns 11/20

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Guy who drugged Nash and Marion's water ( A ) .
Guy who drugged Kevin's water? ( F ) .

Tonight's theme, just cuz, is: Megaselling Musicians (in new snazzy Jeopardy format)

Artest ( A ) -- The loss eliminated any question about whether to add a "+" to this grade, but I don't think I was going to anyway. It was a true Ron paradox of a first half -- simultaneously our best player...and our worst player. Big first quarter, dominating in there against lack of Suns size. But then went into bad bad Ron mode, and just started taking shot after shot after shot. Almost every shot not chucked by Douby there for a long dead stretch in the second quarter. And the offense ground to a halt with Ron having 13 shots by the mdipoint of the second quarter, and nobody else having more than 6. He started off the third the same way, and looked like he was going to kill us in the midst of trying to save us. But then he hit a big three to answer when the Suns dropped us down 17 and threatened to end it, and again was the primary force leading us back from 19 to finish the third only down 12. Big in the 4th again, and made some huge plays down the stretch, including singlehandedly breaking up a couple of Suns fastbreaks, and making a crazy 1 on 4 muscle steal to tear the ball away from Marion and a pack of Suns and give us a chance to tie or go ahead.

Tina Turner
This battered woman did not acheive true stardom until middle age, and yet has gone on to sell a staggering 180 million records worldwide, making her a feel good story as well as one of the most successful female artists of all time.

Moore ( B ) -- better than his modest numbers I think, or at least more significant. Pulled after the first 6 minutes or so of the first half, but wasn't really doing anything wrong. Just deemed too big to play in the 6'4" and under league. Took another couple of charges, and that remains the core of his, er, defense. Played big in the 4th quarter, primarily when working with Cisco on the pick and roll. did anice job of, well, setting picks, and rolling to the hoop. Also was mobile on defense, and combined with the sedatives that we dropped in Nash's water, was even abel to stay generally in front of Nash after the Sunus repeatedly got him switched onto their PG and tried to iso him.

Garth Brooks
This cowboy hat toting superstar has sold 123 million records in America alone. Of course given the popularity of his genre overseas, its likely 124 million worldwide.

Miller ( D ) -- had one fun first half full court gallop where he led the break and finsihed with the assist to Beno I think it was. But otherwise, jeesh. Use your damn size! Got frustrated in the third on calls, non calls, Brad mistakes etc. and began to do his whine, technical, frustration foul etc. spiral until Reggie finally yanked him. We tried to resinert him for the 4th, but Brad was still lost in Poutyville, and quickly fouled out.

The Rolling Stones
Coming soon to a retirment home near you. And why not, after 200 million records sold and coming off of their highest grossing tour of all time. Plenty of time to rest when you're dead.

Martin ( D+ ) -- I was thinking of trying to save this grade into the low Cs, but had to ask myself why? What did Kevin do tonight to avoid a D-ish grade? And the answer was really not much. If 15pts on 5-15 shooting sounds drab to you -- it was. If he had been dishing or boarding, or stopping Barbossa or something. If he had given us a late burst. But those things just weren't there. Got off to a surprisingly quiet start given that this type game seems made for him, and the Suns learned jsut before the game that Raja Bell was going to be out. But Kevin responded by going 1 for his first 6, and was largely a spectator to the Ron Artest show. Came up with a little burst after returning in the second, but he was never able to get any real rhythm going for any stretch after that. Of course while Bell is the better defender, one thing Barbossa does have that is critical is that he can match Kevin's quickness. But it was more than that. call it exhaustion, call it unhappiness, depression, maybe he's one of those people who don't do well in the winter because they need the sun. I don't know. All I know is he looked lifeless out there, couldn't get the shots he wanted, largely due to attentive, although hardly smothering, defense. But sometimes due to unwilling teammates. And when he did get a shot, it was normally forced and off balance. And he didn't seem to fight it very hard. Didn't do anything terrible to deserve an F, but did very few good things to deserve more than the grade he gets this time out.

Stevie Wonder
Despite more than 100 million album sales and a disability, this man's insipid insistence on singing a duet about salt and pepper can never be forgiven.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Beno ( C+ ) -- may have won his individual matchup with Nash in the first half, or at least not embarrassingly lost it. Not that Beno did much for us. But Nash was largely held quiet himself. At some point in the third, took a knee to the thigh or some such, and had to sit out the rest of the way. If that sounds like not mcuh of a description its because, well...there wasn;t much to describe. Beno only shot 2-10, but I'm not sure it felt that bad. Nash was quiet himself, but I'm not sure how much was Beno, and how much was Nash just not being himself. In general, Beno did ok out there, and neither factored into much we did well, or much we did poorly. So, I think give him an appropriate grade for such a game, with a minor bump for being Beno Udrih and not getting his pants pulled completely down in a game macthed up against Steve Nash.

This woman arrived in New York City with $35 in her pocket, and is now worth an estimated $850 million, having sold more thna 200 million albums worldwide. In her own way, she is a true genius.

Salmons ( C+ ) -- I would like to watch that game again, because I want to know where those alleged 8 rebounds came from. In fact I am so dubious I am thinking John knows somebody at the scorer's table. Or more precisely, knows something about somebody at the scorer's table. And their pet sheep. Spent most of the first half thinking he was playing football or rugby and running around with the ball without bothering to dribble it for multiple traveling calls. Picked up another turnover in the second half on a charge. Made it to the hoop a couple of times, but was missing his jumpers. And then there are those rebounds. Eight? Really?? I am going to give him a grade based largely on that number -- would make him our second leading rebounder and a key guy. But...eight???

Elton John
This very fey knight has sold more than 250 million albums worldwide, and recorded a staggering 59 Top 40 hits.

Cisco ( B+ ) -- okay first half. Forced a shot but grabbed several rebounds. Gave us a little boost after returning in the third, making a layup on the break off a Kenny feed, and jumping up to steal a Nash pass practically out of the maestro's hands. But he obviously didn't get his grade for that stuff. Played huge in the 4th quarter as we tried to steal the game, bringing major energy, hitting back to back threes, and repeatedly working the pick and roll with Mikki. Of course Cisco also had to have one of his Cisco moments, and after the two big threes he comes running on down court and chucks up a 30 footer trying to play the hero. The head slapping moments wiht him are amazing. Battled inside as well, but smallball caught up to us as he was too small to guard Amare in there. I seriously considered "A-" on this one, and only held off because I did not want to crowd Ron's grade. This was Ron's game. Cisco just came up big for about 10-12 minutes there to give him a wingman.

Bon Jovi
120 million albums later, I still find this band impossible to take seriously. Yet here they stand, up amongst the immortals in total sales.

Hawes ( C- ) -- came in and immediately grabbed a rebound. Followed by rushing his first post shot -- still hasn't shown what he can do there, and got no more opportunities as we went away and chose not to use his size advantage in there. Did not look particularly overwhlemed, but didn't get much accomplished either. Did nothing in a few scattered second half minutes.

The Beatles
Putting every other musician on this list to utter shame, this group had sold one BILLION 1985! If we ever meet an alien race, chances are they will have heard of these guys too.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Douby ( D ) -- just selfish tunnel vision gunning. Did not even remotely look up, and on his final gun before taking a nice warm seat next to Reggie, blatantly ignored Brad Miller being guarded by Steve Nash to dribble dribble dribble, dribble some more, and chuck up some junk. There could not be a more anti-PG performance. Scored 2 hoops in his 5+ minutes, and so I am not going to give him an F, but I was considerably unamused by this perforamance. May be pressing off the bench to try to regain minutes. At least I hope that's it. Option B is that he's an undersized selfish gunner with no court vision.

Michael Jackson
Much could be said about this, er...thing that has sold 750 million albums worldwide, including a record 104 million of ONE album. So I'll go with something that is rarely mentioned -- it has donated so much to charity ($300 million) that it earned a Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

Thomas ( B ) -- such happy happy joy feelings to see Kenny back, and replacing Justin on the active roster too. Woohoo! And yet tongiht, I am goig to suppress the gag reflex for the state the franchise has fallen into and be fair and note that Kenny gave us some energy minutes in the second half, and it helped. Even made a good pass to Cisco for a layup. There is no other team in the league we can get away with a Ron/Kenny frontline against, but we did for spurts against the Suns.

Now here's a group you can't help but respect, and purchase apparently (170 million albums sold). A group so universally esteemed they were the ones turned to in the wake of 9/11...and they aren't even American.

Reggie ( ) -- just when you thoguht the rotation was finally settling in, a return from injury (Kenny) and a new injury (Beno) shake it up again. I am particularly unamused to see KT return to a) knock Justin back onjto the practice squad; and b) steal half of the rotation minutes Spenser has been getting. Sigh. In game stuff: had to question an early substitution by Reggie, pulling a red hot Ron to put in Cisco at about the 4 minute mark fo the first quarter. Now Ron went on to play almsot the entire game, and have a huge game, but its hard enough to get in a scoring rhtyhm by yourself without having your coach decide to play cooler on you just when you are getting hot. I was going to question the wisdom of a literally nobody taller than Kevin team with a Ron/Kenny frontline, but we made a run with them (NOT becauae of them, but while they were on the floor), so I will refrain. If we try it against anybody but the Suns, however, you will be able to hear my scream all the way back in Sacto. Of course the big lingering memory tonight will ba the final possession, where one more time Reggie had simply burned up too many timeouts. And so we get the ball back on an absolute gift with 3 seconds to go (Barbossa should have cruised in for an easy layup but a bizarre sequence saw him flub the ball out of bounds and the horn go off accidentally), but we have used up all of our timeouts and can't advance the ball to midcourt. Thus forcing a desperation heave, and, that was that. And now we get to do it all over again tommorow. We'll see how Ron and Kevin hold up after so many minutes ona back to back (Kevin especially is puzzling given his huge minutes load this season and poor game), but the Suns actually racked up more heavy minutes guys in this one with Nash, Marion and Barbossa all over 39.

Led Zeppelin
This band poured forth so many huge hits in only 12 years that even the death of one of its members and subsequent demise of the group has not stopped it from selling 300 million records worldwide.

Skinner ( D ) -- man, blocks, FTs, 40 footers...fortunately he threw a couple of bad passes and could not guard Ron or this would have been an F.

P.Diddy/Sean Combs
Apparently now bypassed as the top earning hip hop mogul (although on a cheat, since his rival passed him by selling off a clothing line for $150mil), this character can console himself by crying into his $350mil of bling.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Clean Grades:

Artest ( A ) -- The loss eliminated any question about whether to add a "+" to this grade, but I don't think I was going to anyway. It was a true Ron paradox of a first half -- simultaneously our best player...and our worst player. Big first quarter, dominating in there against lack of Suns size. But then went into bad bad Ron mode, and just started taking shot after shot after shot. Almost every shot not chucked by Douby there for a long dead stretch in the second quarter. And the offense ground to a halt with Ron having 13 shots by the mdipoint of the second quarter, and nobody else having more than 6. He started off the third the same way, and looked like he was going to kill us in the midst of trying to save us. But then he hit a big three to answer when the Suns dropped us down 17 and threatened to end it, and again was the primary force leading us back from 19 to finish the third only down 12. Big in the 4th again, and made some huge plays down the stretch, including singlehandedly breaking up a couple of Suns fastbreaks, and making a crazy 1 on 4 muscle steal to tear the ball away from Marion and a pack of Suns and give us a chance to tie or go ahead.

Moore ( B ) -- better than his modest numbers I think, or at least more significant. Pulled after the first 6 minutes or so of the first half, but wasn't really doing anything wrong. Just deemed too big to play in the 6'4" and under league. Took another couple of charges, and that remains the core of his, er, defense. Played big in the 4th quarter, primarily when working with Cisco on the pick and roll. did anice job of, well, setting picks, and rolling to the hoop. Also was mobile on defense, and combined with the sedatives that we dropped in Nash's water, was even abel to stay generally in front of Nash after the Sunus repeatedly got him switched onto their PG and tried to iso him.

Miller ( D ) -- had one fun first half full court gallop where he led the break and finsihed with the assist to Beno I think it was. But otherwise, jeesh. Use your damn size! Got frustrated in the third on calls, non calls, Brad mistakes etc. and began to do his whine, technical, frustration foul etc. spiral until Reggie finally yanked him. We tried to resinert him for the 4th, but Brad was still lost in Poutyville, and quickly fouled out.

Martin ( D+ ) -- I was thinking of trying to save this grade into the low Cs, but had to ask myself why? What did Kevin do tonight to avoid a D-ish grade? And the answer was really not much. If 15pts on 5-15 shooting sounds drab to you -- it was. If he had been dishing or boarding, or stopping Barbossa or something. If he had given us a late burst. But those things just weren't there. Got off to a surprisingly quiet start given that this type game seems made for him, and the Suns learned jsut before the game that Raja Bell was going to be out. But Kevin responded by going 1 for his first 6, and was largely a spectator to the Ron Artest show. Came up with a little burst after returning in the second, but he was never able to get any real rhythm going for any stretch after that. Of course while Bell is the better defender, one thing Barbossa does have that is critical is that he can match Kevin's quickness. But it was more than that. call it exhaustion, call it unhappiness, depression, maybe he's one of those people who don't do well in the winter because they need the sun. I don't know. All I know is he looked lifeless out there, couldn't get the shots he wanted, largely due to attentive, although hardly smothering, defense. But sometimes due to unwilling teammates. And when he did get a shot, it was normally forced and off balance. And he didn't seem to fight it very hard. Didn't do anything terrible to deserve an F, but did very few good things to deserve more than the grade he gets this time out.

Beno ( C+ ) -- may have won his individual matchup with Nash in the first half, or at least not embarrassingly lost it. Not that Beno did much for us. But Nash was largely held quiet himself. At some point in the third, took a knee to the thigh or some such, and had to sit out the rest of the way. If that sounds like not mcuh of a description its because, well...there wasn;t much to describe. Beno only shot 2-10, but I'm not sure it felt that bad. Nash was quiet himself, but I'm not sure how much was Beno, and how much was Nash just not being himself. In general, Beno did ok out there, and neither factored into much we did well, or much we did poorly. So, I think give him an appropriate grade for such a game, with a minor bump for being Beno Udrih and not getting his pants pulled completely down in a game macthed up against Steve Nash.

Salmons ( C+ ) -- I would like to watch that game again, because I want to know where those alleged 8 rebounds came from. In fact I am so dubious I am thinking John knows somebody at the scorer's table. Or more precisely, knows something about somebody at the scorer's table. And their pet sheep. Spent most of the first half thinking he was playing football or rugby and running around with the ball without bothering to dribble it for multiple traveling calls. Picked up another turnover in the second half on a charge. Made it to the hoop a couple of times, but was missing his jumpers. And then there are those rebounds. Eight? Really?? I am going to give him a grade based largely on that number -- would make him our second leading rebounder and a key guy. But...eight???

Cisco ( B+ ) -- okay first half. Forced a shot but grabbed several rebounds. Gave us a little boost after returning in the third, making a layup on the break off a Kenny feed, and jumping up to steal a Nash pass practically out of the maestro's hands. But he obviously didn't get his grade for that stuff. Played huge in the 4th quarter as we tried to steal the game, bringing major energy, hitting back to back threes, and repeatedly working the pick and roll with Mikki. Of course Cisco also had to have one of his Cisco moments, and after the two big threes he comes running on down court and chucks up a 30 footer trying to play the hero. The head slapping moments wiht him are amazing. Battled inside as well, but smallball caught up to us as he was too small to guard Amare in there. I seriously considered "A-" on this one, and only held off because I did not want to crowd Ron's grade. This was Ron's game. Cisco just came up big for about 10-12 minutes there to give him a wingman.

Hawes ( C- ) -- came in and immediately grabbed a rebound. Followed by rushing his first post shot -- still hasn't shown what he can do there, and got no more opportunities as we went away and chose not to use his size advantage in there. Did not look particularly overwhlemed, but didn't get much accomplished either. Did nothing in a few scattered second half minutes.

Douby ( D ) -- just selfish tunnel vision gunning. Did not even remotely look up, and on his final gun before taking a nice warm seat next to Reggie, blatantly ignored Brad Miller being guarded by Steve Nash to dribble dribble dribble, dribble some more, and chuck up some junk. There could not be a more anti-PG performance. Scored 2 hoops in his 5+ minutes, and so I am not going to give him an F, but I was considerably unamused by this perforamance. May be pressing off the bench to try to regain minutes. At least I hope that's it. Option B is that he's an undersized selfish gunner with no court vision.

Thomas ( B ) -- such happy happy joy feelings to see Kenny back, and replacing Justin on the active roster too. Woohoo! And yet tongiht, I am going to suppress the gag reflex for the state the franchise has fallen into and be fair and note that Kenny gave us some energy minutes in the second half, and it helped. Even made a good pass to Cisco for a layup. There is no other team in the league we can get away with a Ron/Kenny frontline against, but we did for spurts against the Suns.

Reggie ( ) -- just when you thoguht the rotation was finally settling in, a return from injury (Kenny) and a new injury (Beno) shake it up again. I am particularly unamused to see KT return to a) knock Justin back onjto the practice squad; and b) steal half of the rotation minutes Spenser has been getting. Sigh. In game stuff: had to question an early substitution by Reggie, pulling a red hot Ron to put in Cisco at about the 4 minute mark fo the first quarter. Now Ron went on to play almsot the entire game, and have a huge game, but its hard enough to get in a scoring rhtyhm by yourself without having your coach decide to play cooler on you just when you are getting hot. I was going to question the wisdom of a literally nobody taller than Kevin team with a Ron/Kenny frontline, but we made a run with them (NOT becauae of them, but while they were on the floor), so I will refrain. If we try it against anybody but the Suns, however, you will be able to hear my scream all the way back in Sacto. Of course the big lingering memory tonight will ba the final possession, where one more time Reggie had simply burned up too many timeouts. And so we get the ball back on an absolute gift with 3 seconds to go (Barbossa should have cruised in for an easy layup but a bizarre sequence saw him flub the ball out of bounds and the horn go off accidentally), but we have used up all of our timeouts and can't advance the ball to midcourt. Thus forcing a desperation heave, and, that was that. And now we get to do it all over again tommorow. We'll see how Ron and Kevin hold up after so many minutes ona back to back (Kevin especially is puzzling given his huge minutes load this season and poor game), but the Suns actually racked up more heavy minutes guys in this one with Nash, Marion and Barbossa all over 39.

Skinner ( D ) -- man, blocks, FTs, 40 footers...fortunately he threw a couple of bad passes and could not guard Ron or this would have been an F.
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Kings really looked like the Mussellman team of last year in the third quarter (low energy, minimal ball movement), but it was good to see them pull out of it in the 4th to make it interesting. Who knows how things will go on the road this year, but at least home games will be competitive.

And how lucky was that Skinner shot, and that he didn't miss from the free throw line? Wow.

Oh well, a good effort.
A lot of things did not go the Kings way in this game, including the refs. Skinner making everything was just a wow. Of course, Marion and Nash having quiet games and all the Suns screw ups went the Kings way as well. Ultimately, as well as Ron was going, he didn't get anyone else involved and Kevin failed to get himself going.
Just got back from the game, had the good fortune of sitting in section 116, row AAA (5 feet from the King's bench). A few observations -

Randy Brown is hilarious.
Arco was rocking tonight.
Steve Nash actually looked his age for once.
Mikki played intensely tonight, it was fun to see him up close. Seems like a real intense guy.
The Suns made a special effort to deny, deny, and deny Kevin all game.
We need to make our free throws!!
I think Beno was hurt, he left the bench and never came back after the beginning of the third quarter. I really think that hurt us in the last couple of possessions.
The comeback was awe aspiring. I liked what I saw in the character of the team. What 4-6 team wouldn't have just packed it in against one of the top 3 teams in the NBA after being down by 20 points in the third quarter?
The strength of our team is in its wings - there are not many players that can stop Ron in this league, while Salmons, Garcia and Martin are all very good wing players in their own right.
Did I mention Arco was rocking tonight?
Is there a guard in this league who gets more easy baskets than Barbosa?
KT made a good showing in his limited minutes, he played hard.

It was a blast to go tonight - if we get more efforts like that, I'll be glad to attend a ton more games.

Go Kings!
Martin is wasting all his energy on the fastbreak,he should be getting way more outlet passes on the run, they need to utilitize his running skills more.I saw about three or four times in tonight game when Martin could of been hit with an outlet fastbreak pass but he wasnt, hes putting in the work and not getting the proper pay.

I used to be one of B. Miller's big fans....
but come on, I give up this guy already.
We can never rely on him if we want to challenge the champion.
Miller is good, but he is only good when playing with the average team :(
Of course the big lingering memory tonight will ba the final possession, where one more time Reggie had simply burned up too many timeouts. And so we get the ball back on an absolute gift with 3 seconds to go (Barbossa should have cruised in for an easy layup but a bizarre sequence saw him flub the ball out of bounds and the horn go off accidentally), but we have used up all of our timeouts and can't advance the ball to midcourt. Thus forcing a desperation heave, and, that was that.
I, at first, was frustrated about this too, but then I realized (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) but I don't think they could have advanced the ball with a timeout anyway. Isn't that only after a made basket or after obtaining possession of the ball and not dribbling that you can advance the ball after a timeout? I think they would have had to inbounds from the same location anyway.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
When RonRon takes over a game, Kevin definitely gets left out and when your scoring at a 27 ppg clip, that hurts. But Coach let RonRon dictate tempo (a Rugby like approach) but in doing so everyone else stands around to watch. The standing in the early 3rd was hard to watch, even my wife hollering at the TV "move, move!!". Sure he led the come back but the team has to get Kevin involved more when the RonRon Rugby Club is out there. RonRon drew a lot of double-triple teams but not once do I remember the ball getting out to Kevin. That's gotta change.

Douby is becoming a mystery but definitely tunnel vision.

Hawes needs more playing time before he gets much time against Phoenix.

Cisco is Cisco and you have to take the bad with the good.

Mikki is coming around.
I just think "The Beast" is tired! he is 2nd in mins played in the nba. you can see it in his shot. not a big deal. I am more worried that we will win 35-38 games and ron artest walks away and we get a crappy draft pick.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I just think "The Beast" is tired! he is 2nd in mins played in the nba. you can see it in his shot. not a big deal. I am more worried that we will win 35-38 games and ron artest walks away and we get a crappy draft pick.
Good point. Tired plus RonRon Rugby time makes best sense.
Thought grades were fair, but you are wrong about Kevin not "being smothered" with Sun's defense. He was smothered by several Suns at times, but mostly by Barbosa. It looked like Barbosa was "long-armed" draped over him sometimes. It would be nice if Kevin's teammates, other than Brad, would pass him the ball as well. And wish Coach Theus (who I really like) would manage his time-outs better. For the second game, we were left without a final time-out when we needed it. I like this coach (and the team for the same reason) in that he never gives up. Just as Phoenix scored to put them up by 19, I looked at Theus and he was still standing up clapping and encouraging the team. He is the first coach we have seen that gets an ovation when introduced after the team introductions. I am not saying the fans didn't like Adleman, just didn't respond in this way.
Of course the big lingering memory tonight will ba the final possession, where one more time Reggie had simply burned up too many timeouts. And so we get the ball back on an absolute gift with 3 seconds to go (Barbossa should have cruised in for an easy layup but a bizarre sequence saw him flub the ball out of bounds and the horn go off accidentally), but we have used up all of our timeouts and can't advance the ball to midcourt. Thus forcing a desperation heave, and, that was that.
The lingering moment for me will be the timeout call (our last timeout) with 20 seconds to go, just to call the "Watch Ron run-around" play. Ron ran around, passed the ball, quickly got it back, then jacked up a contested jump-shot. Why not call a play to get someone a decent look, or simply save the timeout and let Ron run the play in the first place. That way, when Barbosa lost the ball out of bounds with 3 seconds to play, we would of had a timeout.


Hall of Famer
I only watched 1/2 the game, but am particularly troubled by the Kenny Thomas sighting. I was really hoping the shin contusion could have kept him out of action for the rest of the season. Now, apparently, he will be taking minutes from Hawes and Williams? That has more significance to me than a win or a loss...That is painful.
I'd like to see you stop going so soft on Mikki. It seems he has set a low low bar for himself... and you've bit. Like a guy who sandbags when the industrial engineer is standing there with the stopwatch, because he knows benchmark performance is being established (workers are not half as stupid as industrial engineers). Not likening you to an industrial engineer... just saying.. you know..... a B for Mikki? puhleeez. I'm rooting for the guy but just puhleezz.

I don't think the PF should ever get a "B" without producing a double-double.... or at the very very very least more rebounds than personal fouls.
No place for "America's Band"? Believe it or not I was actually listening to Pet Sounds while waiting for the game to start (and no, that is not a diss on Raynolds, I am talking about the album).
I got Mussed up last night, when...

...I quit watching the game near the end of the 3rd quarter thinking that it was hopeless. A lingering Muss effect. A mistake, it's now clear, as the Kings made a surprise comeback against a superior team with two of their current starters off the floor in the 4th quarter.

I'm gonna watch the whole game tonight this time.

Memo to Coach T:

  • If Brad bitches, yank him;
  • Cancel the invitation of the Phoenix Suns mortuary's invitation to Kevin to hang out in a coffin corner during the game.
  • If Beno does not play tonight, as I expect (such injuries like his don't usually heal within 24hrs) , that's gonna be tough, so it's going to be more of an audition for backup PG than a real game.
  • Have the team really emphasize the damn defensive boards--the more defensive boards the team gets, the LESS opportunities that run-'n-gun Suns would have to quickly bury the Kings with a big scoring run-'n-gun run.
  • Start Salmons, not Mikki, for a small-ball approach, more scoring and more defensive boards, not to mention the offensive boards.
  • Keep SAR glued to the bench; same with KT.
  • Give more minutes to the young and restless bench players--use their little-used-last-night energy to tire out the Suns for a better chance at a surprise eclipse of Sunlight at the end of the game.
  • Yank Cisco/Artest if either one of them spend too much time dribbling for their own plays, instead of thinking team first, then themselves, if...and I mean IF there is a legit, open-look play for them, beit a layup or a shot from the field. If either tosses up a wild shot...yank; if either one misses an assist opportunity...yank; if either one dribbles'n dribbles...yank.
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