Who's gonna be your bandwagon team?


Hall of Famer
I'll be interested in watching the Bobcats and the Blazers some more...Maybe some Sonics as well...They should all be a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

That said, Kings always number 1...No competition.


Hall of Famer
Charlotte, Portland, Golden State, and the Celts are teams I will watch. I'm particular interested in the first two. Even Seattle will be fun to watch because of their young guys.
...will I ROOT for one team or another? Nope. ... If you have an allegiance to MANY teams...in my mind, you arent a real fan at all. Just my opinion...about 2 cents worth.
I think we've all rooted for another team before, it's just a matter of degree.

Let he who has never rooted for whatever team was playing the Lakers that day, throw the first stone.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I wanted to like Houston last year, but they were hard to watch. If Adelman really makes a difference in their style of play and Bonzi actually gets a regular spot in the rotation I might occasionally tune in. I've liked watching the Bobcats develop mostly because they have Gerald Wallace and I liked Brevin Knight. I'll keep up with them a bit still, if only to see what the longterm effect of Jordan's involvement will be. I was all primed to watch some Celtics games until they traded all their young players. Too many people on that bandwagon now, that's no fun. I'll check in on Rondo and Pierce though to see how they're doing. Minnesota has become interesting for once with Corey Brewer, Al Jefferson, Gerald Green, and the next chapter in the ongoing Sebastian Telfair saga. Seattle and Portland are going to be interesting for the novelty factor alone. Most of the goodwill I had towards Golden State in the playoffs is gone now with Barnes probably moving on and Dallas no longer the common foe. Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson are entertaining though. I'm looking forward to see a new Grizzlies lineup with Mike Conley and Darko added to an improved Rudy Gay and Gasol. That could be fun to watch.

As far as rooting for other teams though, it's mostly just passive interest until the playoffs. I'll watch a good game and I'll watch good players, but I don't care too much about the winning and losing unless the Kings are involved. Unless something major happens with our roster between now and the start of the season though, I'm going to have a tough time choosing to watch the Kings this year with so many more interesting teams to watch. They're in that dangerous middle ground between the actual contenders and the young developing teams where there's really no compelling reason to watch. Especially when they play such ugly, uninspired ball. Probably this is what will happen -- I'll watch them eagerly as the season starts and see how much of an effect Reggie Theus has on last year's squad. If I still want to turn off the games in disgust before they're over, I'll probably stop watching at some point and see what happens the next offseason. There are too many better ways to spend my time to waste it watching terrible basketball.
I think we've all rooted for another team before, it's just a matter of degree.

Let he who has never rooted for whatever team was playing the Lakers that day, throw the first stone.
Ok...Ok...you got me there...but only because I truly love the Kings and hate that team more than any other in all of sports, thank you!:D
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i think people, on the whole, take their fan status far too seriously. people inherently have a desire to gravitate towards larger groups. it's why we're all here at kingsfans.com, because we have a common interest and would prefer a larger group of people to talk about it with. we're kings fans, and for the vast majority of us, that is a distinction that falls under a larger categorization: nba basketball fans. and for many of us, that also falls under a larger categorization: basketball fans, in general. we root for the kings because they're our favorite team. for most of us, that means they're the home team. but even the "die hard fans" who had to put up with the suckage of the 90's often went to the home games to see the away team play. basketball fans appreciate good basketball, and the kings played good basketball under rick adelman. even as things fell apart under adelman, the basketball was still good enough to see playoff success. if someone wants to root for another basketball team because they appreciate a style of play or a team composition that's more appealing then the trudging-through-the-mud ways of the current kings roster, ya can't crucify them for it. they aren't calling themselves fans of another basketball team. they're just appreciating what is, ultimately, a more exciting style of play. it all boils down to entertainment, therefore it is all selective. if you wanna argue that being a fan of a sports team is more than entertainment, then go right ahead. basketball on the whole is a bigger concept, but a single team changes so much that one can't hardly expect to keep up unless one chooses to make that team a part of their personal identity. and that's dangerous territory. you never want to let someone else--greedy millionaires especially--dictate who you are.

really, what i'm saying is that "bandwagon" is a term that has an unnecessary negative connotation in this instance. if you've lived in boston your whole life, and never attended or watched a celtics game, but suddenly began watching this season because of the team's return to relevancy...well, then that's an instance in which the term "bandwagon fan" has a negative connotation. nobody likes the people who take notice when things get good and remove themselves when things go bad. but if you're talking about rooting for a team in addition to the one you typically root for because the latter has lost it's luster, i don't think there's anything wrong with that. if you abandon your team entirely, then you deserve the "fair-weather fan" distinction, which is a nasty appendix attached to the "bandwagon fan" term. i'm a kings fan, but i'm certainly going to do a fair share of rooting for houston this season, and i'll likely be rooting for whatever team chris webber lands on, as well. boston, charlotte, portland, seattle, and utah are all teams i'm interested in this season for the simple fact that they've accomplished what the kings have not: change and progression towards a viable future.

i've definitely never jumped on the bandwagon of another team for an entire season, and that's primarily because i can't afford league pass and i've got a home team mentality. that is, i root for the team that's closest to me. once again, that appeals to my desire to affiliate myself with a larger group of people, preferably those who are closest to me in terms of proximity. i'm thinking about doing post-graduate work in oregon or washington, where the weather is much cooler. i was born a northern californian, but i'm a pacifc northwester at heart. i love the coastline up there. if i settled in portland or seattle, let's say, i would become a trailblazers or supersonics fan. it's sheer coincidence that those two states are now home to two of the most promising young teams in the nba, and that's fortunate for me. if i moved to atlanta--nba purgatory, by all accounts--i'd become a hawks fan. if i moved to new york, i'd become a knicks fan. and yes, if i moved to la, i'd become...well, i'd probably become a clippers fan. ;)
The next time someone tries to define a "real fan", I am gonna puke. To each his own, after all it is just a game.

Phoenix Suns all the way baby!

With Donoghy (sp?) gone the title will be theirs. Nash is my favorite player and the Suns have been my second team for a few years now.

Guess I am not a real fan. :rolleyes:
We root for the Kings and only the Kings. There is a difference between "rooting for" and "watching" other teams. We will be "watching" with interest other teams as well. Go Kings! Annie.
We root for the Kings and only the Kings. There is a difference between "rooting for" and "watching" other teams. We will be "watching" with interest other teams as well. Go Kings! Annie.

edit: all I was saying is that the people that openly 'root' for other teams...isnt that kinda weird/wrong if you're a 'fan'?
I'm looking at Charlotte and Boston to supplement the basketball enjoyment I won't be getting from the Kings. Hopefully both make the playoffs. There are a few other teams that could get my attention, I just want to really enjoy the NBA this season. The Kings will be depressing on many nights.
We root for the Kings and only the Kings. There is a difference between "rooting for" and "watching" other teams. We will be "watching" with interest other teams as well. Go Kings! Annie.
nope. don't put all fans in a box. not everybody reacts the same way to sports as you do.

"rooting" for a team means you lend them your support. you cheer for them. you prefer that they achieve success over the team that they are playing. for example, when the playoffs start in any sport, if the team i typically root for is not among the playoff teams, i root for whoever is closest by proximity. i was rooting for golden state in the nba playoffs this last year not because i was choosing to buy into the hype of their bandwagon, but because they're a northern california team, and i root for nor cal teams.

"fan" is short for "fanatic," a term that is generally applied to someone that directs unbridled enthusiasm towards a particular entity. in this case, that entity is a basketball team. i am a kings fan, yet i can root for anybody i want. i'm not just going to be watching the portland trailblazers on tv. i'm going to be hoping that they achieve success, because they're a young team with potential and vision. but i don't buy charlotte bobcats tickets, i don't wear houston rockets jerseys, and i don't post on boston celtics message boards. these are all things that accompany the "fan" distinction. i go to kings games, i wear kings jerseys (i don't really, i'm not into jerseys...just illustrating a point), and i post on a kings message board. the team that i invest the most time in and lend the greatest amount of moral and financial support to is the team that i am a fan of, but i can root for anybody i want at any time that i want. if a trailblazers/knicks game is on tnt, why shouldn't i be able to say "hell yeah! i'm rooting for portland! they're a pacific coast team with lots of fantastic young talent! boooo isiah thomas!" that's my right as a basketball fan...

open up the box a little bit...

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I'll put it to you like this: the Kings are my favorite team, first and always, but I'll also be rooting for the Bobcats. They're about three thousand miles closer to me than the Kings, they play exciting basketball, and they have a lot of players that I like.

So yeah, I said I'm rooting for the Bobcats. Anybody that has a problem with that can meet me out back.
I'll have a lukewarm interest in the Warriors. A couple of my buddies are Warriors fans and it's always fun to razz them a bit. Last season, they got most of the razzing in. The Warriors are an entertaining team.


Super Moderator Emeritus

edit: all I was saying is that the people that openly 'root' for other teams...isnt that kinda weird/wrong if you're a 'fan'?
I intend to follow the Celtics at least casually because they could be amazing to watch and I'll be rooting for them. I like watching the Pacers and root for them to win except when they're playing the Kings.

None of that will interfere in any way with me being a Kings fan to the bone.
I think we've all rooted for another team before, it's just a matter of degree.

Let he who has never rooted for whatever team was playing the Lakers that day, throw the first stone.
Actually, I'm not rooting "for" the other team so much as rooting "against" the Lakers. ;)

Will I watch other teams and be interested in some teams more than others? Of course. Will I "root for" any of them? No way. The only team I root "for" is the Kings. Period.:)
I intend to follow the Celtics at least casually because they could be amazing to watch and I'll be rooting for them. I like watching the Pacers and root for them to win except when they're playing the Kings.

None of that will interfere in any way with me being a Kings fan to the bone.

Explain that to Circa_1985_fan.

I too will be cheering for the Celtics this year. My all-time favorite dynasty is the Bird led Celtics so I'm happy to see them be relevant again. But of course if Artest magically becomes the second coming of MJ all of a sudden and Miller decides to become Bill Russell and both teams meet in the Finals I'll be cheering for the Kings all the way. But that's just not happening now is it. So it's ok to temporarily cheer for another team. It doesnt make you less of a fan. That logic is BS. It just makes it more exciting to watch Basketball this year because everyone here knows the Kings won't be keeping us on the edge of our seats in 07-08. If Boston does end up winning it all, I'm gonna be very happy for sure. But not nearly as happy as if the Kings would go all the way.
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i'll be watching the rockets, blazers and celtics closely this year. i'm not sure how much enjoyment i'll get from the kings if they don't play the young guys again.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Kings for sure as we started for real in 1989. But will have an eye on the Rockets and Bulls who will really be interesting this year. 'Course will follow the Lakers too......... just to keep up on who is beating them and how often!!! ;) They might just implode this year and give us all some bonus joy. :D


Hall of Famer
I am like you Cruz i love to see the lakers lose. I will be watching everybody as always scouting for the Kings as if they are going to ask for my input. The Celtics will be fun to watch if they get it together real fast.
Bandwagon fan of another team? Nope.

Will I be watching to see how things play out with other teams? Yup, out of curiousity. But I guess I have a twisted logic, when watching other teams play I usually find myself rooting for a team to lose rather than the other to win. I suspect that will continue.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I spent 9th grade in New England (1988-89). Then I went to college in Boston. My first "real" job was there. Boston is like my second home town (although Portland is moving up with a bullet). I spent some of the best years of my life there. I don't see how my integrity as a Kings fan is compromised by rooting for a second team 80 nights a season. I've always been a Sox and Bruins fan but I can honestly say that in the nearly 20 years I've followed the Celtics and Patriots I have never rooted for them to win a single game over the Kings or Broncos, my "A" teams.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I only pour my heart and soul into the Kings (and Monarchs). However, I love to watch basketball and there are other teams I enjoy watching. Being a native of central Illinois, I watch (and cheer for) the Pacers. Yes, Indy is as close as Chicago to my home town.

I also have been following the Bobcats since Gerald was taken by them. They are an enjoyable young team to watch.

This year, I will add the Rockets to the teams that will have me cheering. I love Rick Adelman as a coach. He brought Sacramento into national prominence; he is an excellent coach; and, he deserves a chance at a ring.

Note: The only time I will not cheer for the Pacers, Bobcats, and now the Rockets, is when they play my Kings. When they play each other, it will depend on my mood that day. :p
DAMN STRAIGHT! WE(I) DONT WANT YOU AND HATE YOU! YOU ARENT REAL FANS! I've been here since day freaking 1...and NOTHING will change that!! I will NEVER openly ROOT for another team, even in the playoffs just to have a vested interest. I cry, bleed and my heart will always be with the Kings...and ONLY the Kings...any Sacramentan that was born and raised here better have a DAMN good reason for being a 'fan' of another team! Bandwagons can go to hell!!! That is all...


thanks for the reply of my post that magically disappeared...

don't you just hate censorship.:mad:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat

thanks for the reply of my post that magically disappeared...

don't you just hate censorship.:mad:

We are NOT going to have people questioning other people's fandom around here. Losing is tough enough without that kind of insulting behavior.

As an aside, your post was deleted when somebody took the bait and responded. Best to delete the whole ugly sequence.
this whole thread should be 're-named', or something...perhaps: 'What OTHER teams will you keep an eye on this season'...instead of using the word 'bandwagon'. That rubs SOME:Dpeople the wrong way. I didnt mean to offend other members after my tyraid...I meant what I said, but at the same time, meant no harm in it, as well.