Kings withdraw offer to Price

We haven't got MLE anymore thanks to Moore deal.

On the other hand I'm quite certain that we have full Bird rights for Potapenko and can resign him for max :D :eek:
I'm starting a BRING BACK POT movement :D lol Who's with me !!

and persuade Scottie Pippen to play for the LLE lol LETS GO KINGS
Thats my problem with it...He had hardly any time this past season, so there's that nagging uncertainty that he COULD put up good bench numbers on another team.
Yeah, but face it, he:
(1) is fast, athletic and usually gives it his all
(2) is a tenacious defender
(3) posterized a top-notch player

That's three strikes.

I wish him well wherever he goes, and am sorry that it probably won't be Sac.
It's really upsetting that the KINGS are going to let Gerald go... I mean Ronnie...

I can just feel it that he will blow up somewhere else and will can only watch and sigh...


Hall of Famer
I think that Ronnie had the ability to develop into a pt guard that can play in this league. He worked hard on his game, and I think he tried to play the way the Kings wanted him to play. Sometimes that takes away from your overall creativity.

I remember watching Kevin Johnson play at Cal. He had a coach, who's name excapes me, that made him walk the ball up the floor. Every once in while you could see the frustration in Kevin and he would just explode and take over a game. Of course he got his butt chewed for not doing what the coach wanted.

I'm not comparing Ron to Kevin, I'm just saying that sometimes the system your forced to play in hides some of your talent. I wish him well..
Comparing Price with KJ

I remember watching Kevin Johnson play at Cal. He had a coach, who's name excapes me, that made him walk the ball up the floor. Every once in while you could see the frustration in Kevin and he would just explode and take over a game. Of course he got his butt chewed for not doing what the coach wanted.

I'm not comparing Ron to Kevin, I'm just saying that sometimes the system your forced to play in hides some of your talent. I wish him well..
I've compared Price with KJ before, and people like to jump all over that one! But there is a useful comparison to be had there - as long as you don't predict that Price is going to be the next KJ.

In terms of size and athleticism, Price and KJ are very similar - both about 6-1 and 190 lbs and able to dunk easily. At the same point in their early careers, they also have a similar shot, and a similar defensive intensity. They also both needed some time to learn how to run an NBA team as the point guard. KJ was basically an apprentice for his first 2 years, and then took off as a quality starting PG. Ronnie is not where KJ was after his first 2 years, and he is probably not going to be another KJ. But the Kings didn't give him (or us) a fair chance to find out, either.

BTW, the CAL coach you're trying to recall is probably either Lou Campanelli or Dick Kuchen. (KJ went to my high school, so I also watched him pretty closely over the years...)
Not sure if we even need a true PG to back Bibby up. Heck Bibby isn't a true PG and neither was/is Price. We have about 10 guys that are dying to play PG on a part-time basis (Artest, Salmons, Garcia, Douby, etc.). It worked out so well last year. :D
While his coach may have slowed him down a little, KJ still stood out enough to be the 7th overall choice of the entire NBA draft. That year, if I remember correctly the Kings took Kenny Smith just before KJ (a big controversy at the time). Anyway Ronnie Price may have the same physical stature and be very athletic but he does not come close to having the all around game of KJ. I believe most if not all GM's around the league would concur. This is just the opinion of a casual, bored in the off season BB observer.
I liked Ronnie, but I definitely did not see him as a PG, or our future PG. I liked the way he played,but he's kind of the odd man out. He is more of an undersized SG if you ask me, and we already had a bunch of those. Plus he had that offer the whole time and didnt accept it, so that probably had something to do with it. Shakur has much better size, and is actually a true PG and can actually be a future starter at the PG spot, something I unfortunately couldnt say about Price.
He did give us the Kings best dunk ever though, so ill definitely remember him for that.
hi there my first post but i think these were the kings best dunks

:D :D :D :D
I really liked Wallace impersonating a helicopter, that has got to be a contender. I also liked it when Webber dunked on Shawn Bradley's face, although, of course, in those days my grandma could dunk on Shawn Bradley's face.


Hall of Famer
While his coach may have slowed him down a little, KJ still stood out enough to be the 7th overall choice of the entire NBA draft. That year, if I remember correctly the Kings took Kenny Smith just before KJ (a big controversy at the time). Anyway Ronnie Price may have the same physical stature and be very athletic but he does not come close to having the all around game of KJ. I believe most if not all GM's around the league would concur. This is just the opinion of a casual, bored in the off season BB observer.
Your right, he was taken right after the Kings took K. Smith. I was screaming at my TV, or radio, which ever it was because I wanted KJ. I beleive we too J. Klein before K. Malone also. Anyway, you miss the point of my comparison, and I just let it go. By the way. The coach was Lou Campineli, or however you spell his name.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yeah, that Wallace dunk over Nachbar remains the most ridiculous thing I;ve ever seen by a King.

Just for in your face style points Bonzi's power slam in Duncan's face in last year's playoffs was fun too. Its like Baron going through Ak47 -- do it over one of the game;s great shotblockers in the playoffs when it matters and it carries extra oomph.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't live in Sacramento so I really haven't seen Price play that much. That said, his stats say he stinks.
And that's exactly why you can't go by stats alone.

Ronnie isn't going to be the next all-star PG but I think he'll be in the league a while longer. People really need to remember that teams have to carry at least 12 players on their roster. Not all of them are going to be stars; some of them are going to be workhorses who don't get a lot of playing time but still have to be ready to contribute when their name is called.

lol Wow.

I think Price has the chance to be a decent player in this league and a back up PG down the line but we already have Douby+Geoff likes Shakur a lot. Sorry but Ronnie was expendable.

And the main problem with last year's team was chemistry. I love how everyone says "ZOMG RON IS THE TICKING TIME BOMB!!!111" but when we sign a good lockerroom guy who can be a decent player for us people say "ZOMG THIS IS AWFUL!!!!11!"


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
lol Wow.

I think Price has the chance to be a decent player in this league and a back up PG down the line but we already have Douby+Geoff likes Shakur a lot. Sorry but Ronnie was expendable.

And the main problem with last year's team was chemistry. I love how everyone says "ZOMG RON IS THE TICKING TIME BOMB!!!111" but when we sign a good lockerroom guy who can be a decent player for us people say "ZOMG THIS IS AWFUL!!!!11!"

I love how people try"win" the Mikki debate by intentionally ignoring the issues (age, minutes from youth, contract runs past 08-09, career year).

And BTW, -Corliss, +Mikki, how exactly does this change anything? It doesn't.
Greetings all, I'm new here, but I've been reading around here for quite awhile now, so I decided to finally join ya'll to some posting.

Now, about the Ronnie Price situation, Yes..I wanted him to stay on the Kings, but since it looks like he may not return, I would atleast like the Kings organization to give Mustafa Shakur a try, that would be dope.
I love how people try"win" the Mikki debate by intentionally ignoring the issues (age, minutes from youth, contract runs past 08-09, career year).

And BTW, -Corliss, +Mikki, how exactly does this change anything? It doesn't.

It gives the team some more athleticism and length. I know Mikki's not a great rebounder either but he's better at it than Corliss, also has a better mid range J. Stats say they're kinda similar but they're not. He's a good lockerroom guy and if you can't trade Mike/Ron you need good lockerroom guys.

And honestly all I think the Price thing means is that Petrie likes Shakur more than Price.
It gives the team some more athleticism and length. I know Mikki's not a great rebounder either but he's better at it than Corliss, also has a better mid range J. Stats say they're kinda similar but they're not. He's a good lockerroom guy and if you can't trade Mike/Ron you need good lockerroom guys.

And honestly all I think the Price thing means is that Petrie likes Shakur more than Price.
Are you suggesting that Corliss is not a great locker room guys?!

Because what Brick was saying is that you loose Corliss from the locker room but you gain Moore which doesn't change anything from that perspective.

Corliss is just about the ultimate locker room guy there is in this league.
Are you suggesting that Corliss is not a great locker room guys?!

Because what Brick was saying is that you loose Corliss from the locker room but you gain Moore which doesn't change anything from that perspective.

Corliss is just about the ultimate locker room guy there is in this league.

Calm down and no I never said he's a better lockerroom guy. I'm saying MIKKI is a good lockerroom guy. If you're losing Corliss you NEED another good lockerroom guy. But Mikki's a good lockerroom guy and a better PLAYER than Corliss(stats are probably similar but the impact on a game aren't and Corliss probably wants to go to a contender anyway).
Yeah, the stats are similar. The closest match is actually Mikki and SAR, whose rebounds per minute are within a fraction of a percent of each other (8.70 per 40 and 8.69 per 40). For contrast, KT has maintained an average of 10.07 per 40, Brad has done 10.27, and Justin 13.75.
I love how people try"win" the Mikki debate by intentionally ignoring the issues (age, minutes from youth, contract runs past 08-09, career year).

And BTW, -Corliss, +Mikki, how exactly does this change anything? It doesn't.
sorry but that made me laugh, and just to refresh some memories....

What! Why! Why did we let him go. He can run, jump, shoot, defend and has this amazing explosion of energy, and here we are letting him go. I'm a huge Geoff Petrie supporter, but I don't get this move. The guy wasn't given that many opportunities last year. How's the kid supposed to show what he can really do when the coach (muss) says he wants to play hard workers and yet doesn't show Ronnie floor time?

Maybe the office wants to have experienced players now, but I hate to see Ronnie go especially when he really wasn't given a chance.

Plus, some people said that Douby is going to back-up Bibby. I can see him bringing the ball up court sometimes but I don't see him as a pure back-up.
Ok, I don't get the adoration. He was given a 2 yr. guaranteed contract, on a team that loves scoring guards, with no backup PG since his time here. That's more than fair. He had every oppourtunity under Muss to break into the rotation and own that backup PG spot. He failed to do any of that. Why pay him to fight for the spot again when you already have three other guys under contract that are vying for minutes and can also play the 1 spot some.

He had a nice dunk... but it wasn't like it was on Fredrique Wiess.
Ok, I don't get the adoration. He was given a 2 yr. guaranteed contract, on a team that loves scoring guards, with no backup PG since his time here. That's more than fair. He had every oppourtunity under Muss to break into the rotation and own that backup PG spot. He failed to do any of that. Why pay him to fight for the spot again when you already have three other guys under contract that are vying for minutes and can also play the 1 spot some.

He had a nice dunk... but it wasn't like it was on Fredrique Wiess.
Someone who sees it like me and and for what it big deal!

Good post.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Someone who sees it like me and and for what it big deal!

Good post.
Ronnie posterized Carlos Boozer. Much like the posterization of Shawn Marion by Brian Skinner, I think it gave Price instant hero status that's unfortunately been blown a little out of proportion.