Kings withdraw offer to Price

there better be some offseason movement that is actually pleasing to the ear from the kings.. we signed mikki f'ng moore for 5m per year and couldn't retain price? :rolleyes:

Price didn't accept the offer, and since it was sitting out there that might have stopped him from signing smoewhere else. I am sure (1lmost 100%) that it was mutual.
I'm surprised that we're not keeping this guy, but oh well...I haven't seen any summer league games so I don't know what Shakur is like, but it seems like he has more potential than Price, so hopefully we keep him
The CBA rule says next Monday is the deadline for a team to withdraw a qualifying offer freely (without the player's consent). I think this is just in case Petrie decides not to bring back Price, say if we sign Shukur, that he won't be stuck with Price's offer still on the table.

I don't think it means Price is not coming back. And considering there is very little noise in teams wanting Price, it is not a risky move to withdraw the QO.

And I'd think Price and his agent is well aware of the deadline and should have expected this withdrawal in light of their, so far, refusal to accept the offer.
I want to believe you are right. I really hope that we do retain him. At some point Price has to be thinking: Kings not in contention so no pressure, Bibby faultering and could potentially be traded, young new coach in a rebuild...Sac is a perfect place for him to develop his career. Oh well, maybe I valued him more than he valued the Kings - his loss.


Hall of Famer
Doing things like signing Moore and withdrawing the offer to Price make me feel like the organization is proceeding without any cohesive rebuilding plan whatsoever.
Those video's were hard to watch. I guess the lesson is, enjoy what you have while you have it. AND, we had it. Thanks


Peace out Price.... you were fun to watch at times.... like when you turned it over but ran back to block the shot of the break away layup. he had one of the most awesome dunks in kings history for sure. but his game was full of flaws and will most likely just come up short as an NBA PG. no steady shot, no real passing skills, no real floor comand. has all kinds of talent but just not a the PG spot.

if you were 6'7 you would have been a superstar.

good luck thanks for the memories.
Ronnie Price is a lucky guy in a sense. He got to bask in serious Arco Thunder for that facial he did on Boozer. It was the highlight of last season - the place went nuts like the good old days. He knocked down some timely threes in the same stretch and got to have just one of those nights that most kids dream about.

So good on you Price! I hope you get another NBA gig!
Eh...Ronnie brought some good energy and athletism...but I think this just opens up alot more doors for guys...Garcia and Douby, mainly. So we'll have a backcourt of Bibby/Martin with Garcia/Douby off the bench, and Shakur for emergencies(and depending on how many guys Reggie runs in his rotation, too). And this is not to say that we wont pick up another free agent PG, also. So for this year, it wont be the end of the world...or next year, for that matter. I dont see any big splashes being made, roster-wise, for quite some time.
So we sign Mikki Moore... And lose Ronnie Price... Brilliant... Price is pretty lucky though, he'll go and get a pretty hefty contract in comparison on his contract after this. It's what's typical of the Kigns players we let go.
Makes me think we have a trade coming and will be getting a pg in return.. Maybe Ron Ron for Jason Williams and Dorell Wright. Bibby, Williams and Shakur at pg spot.. Shakur could learn some stuff from those 2 guys.
Here we go again! :D

There must be a trade coming, but really there isn't!

I can't say I am surprised by this. I have always thought that Price would be the odd one out in the back court. Nice little player no doubt but with Bibby and Douby on the roster and apparent signing of Shakur, it was pretty much a given.

We couldn't go into next season with only one PG thats capable of running a team. Price was really just an undersized SG and is Douby but both can pinch hit at PG. We needed someone who is more of a distributor and a play maker and Shakur fits that role a bit better than Price.

There is nothing that Price could give us that Douby couldn't next year.

Predictable move IMHO.
Ronnie Wanted 2 Year Deal

Spoke to someone in the know who said Ronnie wanted at least a 2 year deal and Kings would only do 1 year. IMHO this is another Gerald Wallace mistake. Ronnie was a class act in person and on the court. He has that athleticism and fire we want in our team's rebuilding phase. The Kings will regret this decision.
His talent was no where near Wallace's so to me he's just another player, him and Shakur are much of the same.

Except I see Shakur as better.

To me it's a non move that doesn't matter, he's nothing special.

On bad teams bad players can look good, I liked Price but he wasn't someone we just can't lose.
Wow. I'm very disappointed over this. I don't care what anyone else's opinion is Ronnie Price was the guy. I hope this one comes back to bite the Kings in a BIIIIG way.

Go get 'em Ronnie. Get signed to a team and be wildly successful.
Makes me teary-eyed, but gonna wait and see how it all works out (or doesn't). Loved watching Price. The lad was always in the rah-rah spirit on the bench, too. Good team player.
Douby and Shakur are looking better than Price. He brings a lot of energy and hustle. I like the kid but we have way too many Guards on the team as is.


Hall of Famer
Well, I wish Price all the luck in the world. He's a class act. He'll be an asset for some team, no doubt.

As far as the implications for the team.....? I refuse to draw any inferences. He's just one dot on a board of many dots, none of them connecting to reveal a picture of any kind. It's a Rorschach test.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have no real problem with this at all. Aside from a couple of highlight nights, Price just never seemed to do that much. Adequate, I suppose, but if we're going to bring Shakur in and still try and develop Douby as an occasional point, I don't see much time left for Ronnie.

I wish him well in his future endeavors.


Hall of Famer
Ronnie was a good hustle guy and all that. He just picked up a few defensive skills and he can jump high. other than that he had nothing to offer. We got enough hustle guys as it is on the bench with Justin and Cisco. Having 3 is redundant because at some point you need skillsets off the bench. I am sorry but dunking is not a skillset. Shakur has great size for a pg and doesn't lose the quikness needed to be a good defender in which he is. He has a base skillset that can easily grow faster than that of Price. Yes Ronnie was a good guy and all but just being a good guy isn't always enough to win games in the future.
I have no real problem with this at all. Aside from a couple of highlight nights, Price just never seemed to do that much. Adequate, I suppose, but if we're going to bring Shakur in and still try and develop Douby as an occasional point, I don't see much time left for Ronnie.

I wish him well in his future endeavors.
what i specifically admired in ronnie is that he NEVER let a layup go uncontested.
Whether the opponent was near the free throw line on a fast break while Ronnie was well behind halfcourt....he would sprint and attempt to block the shot. His hard fouls were fun to watch.
I have no real problem with this at all. Aside from a couple of highlight nights, Price just never seemed to do that much. Adequate, I suppose, but if we're going to bring Shakur in and still try and develop Douby as an occasional point, I don't see much time left for Ronnie.

I wish him well in his future endeavors.

I agree 100%


Hall of Famer
I liked Price but crucifying Petrie for pulling the offer is going a little over the top. Lots of guys look good when they are getting part time play but when they have to get 36 minutes a game and go up against the other teams starters and have to carry the load for a game/season.....guys get exposed. This won't be another Gerald Wallace event as Price is not a true point and he's undersized for a SG.

Like I said, I liked the guy but I think we'll manage to survive this. I think he's easily replaced by a Shakur or a Jeter or any other hustling backup-type PG trying to break into the league.
IMHO this is another Gerald Wallace mistake. Ronnie was a class act in person and on the court. He has that athleticism and fire we want in our team's rebuilding phase. The Kings will regret this decision.
I agree, but apparently a lot of Kings fans see something in Mustafa Shakur that makes Price seem expendable. I see a player (Shakur) who couldn't work out the mechanics of his shot in 4 years of college, so I'm not optimistic about him having a great NBA career. But I certainly hope he proves me wrong.

I don't think Price was given a fair chance by the Kings to prove he can (or can't) be a starting PG. Let's hope someone else now gives him that chance.


Hall of Famer
I don't think Price was given a fair chance by the Kings to prove he can (or can't) be a starting PG. Let's hope someone else now gives him that chance.
Thats my problem with it...He had hardly any time this past season, so there's that nagging uncertainty that he COULD put up good bench numbers on another team.

Ah well...Least we resigned Williams haha.

Good luck Ronnie!!