Reggie Theus: "Miller is Overweight"


Hall of Famer
Theus just got points in my book. I love it. Call a spade a spade. Call fat, fat. I'd like to know what % of Miller's body is fat. All those beers and dogs and the largest weight he probably lifts is a crankbait. Hopefully Miller still has enough pride to get his butt in gear and start working out for next year.
Brad played for the summer TEAM USA team last year, was in the best shape of his career and then had an injury plagued year all last year. My bet is that Miller's weight gain, is caused moreso to resting his foot(the ONLY known CURE to allow the foot to actually heal) from plantar faciitis, and that between now and the start of training camp, Brad will being getting himself into shape for the NBA season, so that he will not have a chronic nagging injury(probably the worst kind) for next season. I have no worries that Brad will play himself into shape by the time the season starts.

People calling him out as lazy, undedicated, undriven individual are just flat wrong...the guy went from being an undrafted BIG MAN, to a two time all-star. How rare is that...the guy knows what it takes to play basketball and is a proven vet. Let's hold back judgement on the comment as, give Brad the benefit of the doubt, that's he's doing what's best for his body for this up-coming season and is a highly touted PROFESSIONAL about his game, which he is.


Hall of Famer
Hmm... can't help but think that Theus is just trying to spice things up, like when Phil Jackson would call out his own players just to get a rise out of them.

Either way, I don't condone the practice of belittling your own players, whatever your goal may be in doing so. Does he really think Brad is going to read this and think "wow, I better get my butt in shape so I can please my new coach?" Or "wow, this new guy has a big mouth".

I hope this becomes a moot point if/when Miller is traded...
What's this talk of "belittling"? He didn't say "Yo Mama!" to Miller. He didn't say he was a fat *$%$ piec of lard or a lazy piece of &%$!. He said he was overweight. And if the truth hurts, so be it. It's so PC to criticize a coach for saying his player is overweight. Well guess what? - HE IS. And if it hurts Miller's feelings, hopefully Miller will do something about it - like get his A$$ in shape!


Hall of Famer
Who in their right mind would take Miller's contract??? - you know that horrible one Petire signed him to:

07/08 $10,500,000
08/09 $11,375,000
09/10 $12,250,000
On the plus side....Petrie can DEFINATELY find a way to move an expiring that giant in the offseason of 09. Quite a trade chip there.

Back on topic: I think Miller needs to take some offseason tips from Martin.
Was it even said? I mean where is video, or transcript of this anywhere online? That's kinda huge for someone to say and it NOT get picked up by any news agency...I'm seeing it here and on KingsTalk, but nowhere else...makes me wonder if its just crap.
Was it even said? I mean where is video, or transcript of this anywhere online? That's kinda huge for someone to say and it NOT get picked up by any news agency...I'm seeing it here and on KingsTalk, but nowhere else...makes me wonder if its just crap.
I heard him say on NBATV yesterday on his interview with Rick Kamla during the broadcast of the Kings summer league game. He definitely said he was overweight at the present time, but he never alluded to it because of Brad being lazy, undedicated or anything like that. He said what his current state was and that he fully expected Brad to be in game shape come October. I believe he did not reference the resting of his plantar faciitis as to why Brad was overweight at this time
Brad played for the summer TEAM USA team last year, was in the best shape of his career and then had an injury plagued year all last year. My bet is that Miller's weight gain, is caused moreso to resting his foot(the ONLY known CURE to allow the foot to actually heal) from plantar faciitis, and that between now and the start of training camp, Brad will being getting himself into shape for the NBA season, so that he will not have a chronic nagging injury(probably the worst kind) for next season. I have no worries that Brad will play himself into shape by the time the season starts.

Ok, so his foot is hurt. Can the man not swim? There are ways to stay in shape when you can't run.


Hall of Famer
Ya gotta love the off season. One relitivly harmeless coment in an entire rah rah pitch from the new coach gets taken out of context and spun into a huge deal by some boored fans... god I wish something news worthy WOULD happen!
Brad played for the summer TEAM USA team last year, was in the best shape of his career and then had an injury plagued year all last year. My bet is that Miller's weight gain, is caused moreso to resting his foot(the ONLY known CURE to allow the foot to actually heal) from plantar faciitis, and that between now and the start of training camp, Brad will being getting himself into shape for the NBA season, so that he will not have a chronic nagging injury(probably the worst kind) for next season. I have no worries that Brad will play himself into shape by the time the season starts.

People calling him out as lazy, undedicated, undriven individual are just flat wrong...the guy went from being an undrafted BIG MAN, to a two time all-star. How rare is that...the guy knows what it takes to play basketball and is a proven vet. Let's hold back judgement on the comment as, give Brad the benefit of the doubt, that's he's doing what's best for his body for this up-coming season and is a highly touted PROFESSIONAL about his game, which he is.
If there was so much as ONE gm anywhere in the NBA who shared your view of Brad, I'm sure he could be had for the asking.

Ever since the Spurs playoff series Brad Miller has been like a deer in the headlights and absolutely useless on the court. Somewhere along the way the white towel flew into the ring - I'm not sure when exactly and it doesn't matter.

I for one, did not need Reggie's quote to let me know Brad is out of shape. I'd have bet dollars vs donuts on it. If he shows up next season and it is not obvious to any observer that he has mailed in the rest of his career, I will start a thread called "I was wrong about Brad and I am sorry".
Ya gotta love the off season. One relitivly harmeless coment in an entire rah rah pitch from the new coach gets taken out of context and spun into a huge deal by some boored fans... god I wish something news worthy WOULD happen!
Funny I was thinkin the exact same thing. If anything I thought Theus was saying how important Brad was going to be to the team this year. He was in no way calling him out.

Hey can I volunteer to go talk to him (the shotgun toting redneck doesn't really strike fear into my heart)? I want his opinion on which shotgun I should get?:D
Not to overanalyze this too much, but... I agree with the people who have said that this type of thing shouldn't be carried out in public, but I also have to say that I'm a bit more encouraged about Reggie as a coach. Remember when Muss was hired and Brad was asked to comment and he said something like, "Uh.... he's short"? Already you knew he didn't respect Musselman.

But with Reggie, he seems like the type of guy who isn't going to take any **** and isn't the type of guy players are immediately going to disrespect. It's not necessarily the best long term strategy to carry out business in the media since it's probably the absolute best way to get your players to turn on you, but hey. At least he's not afraid to be the boss.
On a good note....

What if this is something that has been talked about between Brad and Theus. We don't know the specifics of what is going on. Brad does have health problems and once those are worked out maybe they have already laid out a plan for getting him back in shape.

If Reggie Theus knows what's up, IMO, he is going to move Brad to the bench or to the 4. No more of this C stuff....again, IMO


Hall of Famer
WOW I don't know if I have even seen such a trivial comment blown this far out of proportion. I wonder how many ppl commenting on this actully heard the conversation IN CONTEX. I am not a Theus apologist by any means but, he was not bagging on Brad by any means. It was a conversation about the team and Spencer Hawes then it turned to how much Brad would help Spencer then Theus talked about Brads game a bit and said Brad said he was come into camp in great shape with his foot and everything then it was just mentioned that he was overweight now. It could be 10 to 15 lbs. Either way calm down.
Totally agree, it's pretty much nothing.

I've heard coaches say this many times saying so and so is a little over weight, just means they need to get in shape and I'm sure by camp he will be in better shape.
People are commenting because they're basically fed up with Miller's lack of committment. Gaining weight is one of the worst things you can do for a foot injury. I applaud Theus for speaking his mind. Miller's career has no where to go but up from this point, so what's the harm in dropping the fat-bomb on his lazy butt?


Hall of Famer
People are commenting because they're basically fed up with Miller's lack of committment. Gaining weight is one of the worst things you can do for a foot injury. I applaud Theus for speaking his mind. Miller's career has no where to go but up from this point, so what's the harm in dropping the fat-bomb on his lazy butt?

Speaking his mind???? did you ppl hear the interview?? its was not Theus speaking his mind. It was a casual conversation in which he acted as if it was nothing. This has gotten beyond stupid the way you guys are acting as if Theus had a press conference in which he said Miller is to fat to play basketball ever again. Geez its laughable at this point.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Speaking his mind???? did you ppl hear the interview?? its was not Theus speaking his mind. It was a casual conversation in which he acted as if it was nothing. This has gotten beyond stupid the way you guys are acting as if Theus had a press conference in which he said Miller is to fat to play basketball ever again. Geez its laughable at this point.
IMHO you're way off base. The people in this thread, for the most part, are expressing mixed feelings about the comment BUT they're also expressing frustration (and doing so pretty civilly) about a player who is going to be receiving a major chunk of our salary for the next three years.

Knock off the "beyond stupid" stuff. The moderators are more than able to handle the situation if the comments go over the line.


Hall of Famer
I'm sorry but with statements like these

"Brad Miller is a fat tub O' lard"
"Theus called his lazy *** out"
"Brad is undedicated"

I got to call it 1 of 2 things either stupid or ignorant. Take you pick because it is definatley 1 of the 2


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sorry but with statements like these

"Brad Miller is a fat tub O' lard"
"Theus called his lazy *** out"
"Brad is undedicated"

I got to call it 1 of 2 things either stupid or ignorant. Take you pick because it is definatley 1 of the 2
No, actually you don't have to call it either stupid or ignorant...or anything else. This thread has over 50 posts. As I mentioned before, the MODERATORS are the ones to decide whether or not someone has stepped over the line. Now, could we please get back to the topic at hand?

If you want to discuss this further, please do so with me or any of the other moderators via PMs. Thanks ever so.
is caused moreso to resting his foot(the ONLY known CURE to allow the foot to actually heal) from plantar faciitis
Resting the foot isn't the only known "cure" for PF. I am kind of an expert in the area since I had it for 14 months (I am a Marathon runner). Here are some others: rolling frozen water bottle, golf ball, stretching, night sock, night boot, injections, surgery, orthodics, etc, etc, etc. Those are just the ones I thought off the top of my head. What worked for me (my "cure") was custom orthodics (shoe inserts) from a podiatrist. Hopefully he has already done that.

I did plenty of work on the stationary bike while battling with PF. There are plenty of other things he can do including hitting the weights. No doubt Brad could stand to be stronger playing Center in the NBA.

I hope Theus isn't affraid to bench Miller if he comes in fat. He doesn't need to start by default.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Resting the foot isn't the only known "cure" for PF. I am kind of an expert in the area since I had it for 14 months (I am a Marathon runner). Here are some others: rolling frozen water bottle, golf ball, stretching, night sock, night boot, injections, surgery, orthodics, etc, etc, etc. Those are just the ones I thought off the top of my head. What worked for me (my "cure") was custom orthodics (shoe inserts) from a podiatrist. Hopefully he has already done that.

I did plenty of work on the stationary bike while battling with PF. There are plenty of other things he can do including hitting the weights. No doubt Brad could stand to be stronger playing Center in the NBA.

I hope Theus isn't affraid to bench Miller if he comes in fat. He doesn't need to start by default.
Here is the great quandry, and the reason, or a major one, why if Geoff is NOT working his *** off to trade Brad, he's a fool: if you bench Brad enxt season, his deal, which is already scaring teams off, becomes as unmoveable as Kenny's. You are permanently stuck with a lazy aging unathletic bench center earning $12mil a year through 2010. That would be a huge impediment to a rebuild. Combined with Kenny you would have 1/3 of your cap sitting around on the bench growing more worthless annually, wasting bench spots, $$, minutes.
Yeah that's why the pay the coaches and GMs the big bucks to figure those kind of things out. Very tough call.

I think Geoff is trying to trade all the starters from last year's team not named Kevin. Geoff won't ever admit it and deny it. They are "Kings untill they aren't Kings" afterall :D . Only problem is Kevin is the only one with any value.


Hall of Famer
People are commenting because they're basically fed up with Miller's lack of committment. Gaining weight is one of the worst things you can do for a foot injury. I applaud Theus for speaking his mind. Miller's career has no where to go but up from this point, so what's the harm in dropping the fat-bomb on his lazy butt?
Totally agree. The sensitivity to the comment is from the frustrations due to Miller's underperformance over the last 2 years. If Theus would have said this about a player who everyone knew was very dedicated to the game and who took his condition very seriously, then nobody would have said boo.
Here is the great quandry, and the reason, or a major one, why if Geoff is NOT working his *** off to trade Brad, he's a fool: if you bench Brad enxt season, his deal, which is already scaring teams off, becomes as unmoveable as Kenny's. You are permanently stuck with a lazy aging unathletic bench center earning $12mil a year through 2010. That would be a huge impediment to a rebuild. Combined with Kenny you would have 1/3 of your cap sitting around on the bench growing more worthless annually, wasting bench spots, $$, minutes.
This has been my biggest concern with Reggie coming in to coach. He has a big job on his hands. Develop the young guys while at the same time keep the value up (or create some where there wasn't any) for the rest of the guys that we don't really want.