Reggie Theus: "Miller is Overweight"

Personally I just wish the guy would never get another minute of playing time. Just buy him out and let him go sit around his farm or whtever and hunt everyday.
What was the context of the comment?
From what I recall he was talking about Spencer Hawes and his variety of basketball skills, and the commentator asked if Hawes would be used similar to our high post centers in the past like Vlade and Brad Miller. Reggie agreed, and then mentioned that he had spoken with Brad and dropped the fact he was overweight, but that Brad said he would be ready once training camp opened. That was it, they didn't belabor the point, or ask how much weight he gained.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
From what I recall he was talking about Spencer Hawes and his variety of basketball skills, and the commentator asked if Hawes would be used similar to our high post centers in the past like Vlade and Brad Miller. Reggie agreed, and then mentioned that he had spoken with Brad and dropped the fact he was overweight, but that Brad said he would be ready once training camp opened. That was it, they didn't belabor the point, or ask how much weight he gained.
Ballpark, but I think the nuance was the key here:

The interesting shift was from a) we want Brad to be ready for camp because we want to run the offense through him; to b) but he's quite? (forgot the exact word) overweight rihgt now, and he has to get himself into shape. We've talked to him about that. Because if he doesn't put in the work then its not going to work, for any of us.

That's paraphrased, but its pretty close I think. The two goofs doing the announcing were NOT the type to ask further about anything even remotely negative -- if they had been covering the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima they would been asking victims about their free new tans. So who knows. Did not sound like Reggie came into the interview intending to make a point of it -- the interview just went that way. But on the other hand it wasn't minimized and there was a definite "or else" bite at the end there that got my attention. The chuckles the happy hick way to finish the remark would have been "but that's to be expected given the foot injury, and now he's just got to get himself back into shape and be ready to have a great season" or some similar trite nonsense, but that's NOT where Reggie went with it. Sounded closer to something between a shrug and a grimace as to Brad's conditioning.
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WOW I don't know if I have even seen such a trivial comment blown this far out of proportion. I wonder how many ppl commenting on this actully heard the conversation IN CONTEX. I am not a Theus apologist by any means but, he was not bagging on Brad by any means. It was a conversation about the team and Spencer Hawes then it turned to how much Brad would help Spencer then Theus talked about Brads game a bit and said Brad said he was come into camp in great shape with his foot and everything then it was just mentioned that he was overweight now. It could be 10 to 15 lbs. Either way calm down.

Do you think you'd ever hear a story about Steve Nash or Kobe Bryant or Kevin Garnett or Tim Duncan packing on 10-15 pounds of fat over the summer??? ...Not a chance. These guys are committed professional athletes that know their body is their livelihood and they keep themselves in top shape year round. They may tone down the intesity of their workouts in July and August, but they don't become couch potatos.

The diffference between a guy in shape year round and a guy who "whips himself into shape" right before training camp is the same difference between a perennial playoff team and a perennial lottery team.
Wow, I'm amazed at the uproar over this. The guy is coming back from an injury and apparently has a new baby and has assured the coach that he'll be in shape and ready to go for the training camp and we're ready to lynch the guy? Tough crowd. I have a feeling some of had these feelings long before the coach ever said any of this and are just venting.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wow, I'm amazed at the uproar over this. The guy is coming back from an injury and apparently has a new baby and has assured the coach that he'll be in shape and ready to go for the training camp and we're ready to lynch the guy? Tough crowd. I have a feeling some of had these feelings long before the coach ever said any of this and are just venting.
Did you read the whole thread? I don't think MOST people are over-reacting. I think the majority are expressing some frustration with Miller's declining performance over the past couple of years. This little tidbit was the icing on the cake.

I honestly think people need to quit over-reacting in their zeal to accuse others of over-reacting.

It's TDOS. The least little thing will be blown up out of all proportion anyway...
One thing I heard today: Both Theus and Miller are avid hunters. Reggie, I believe, is a bow-hunter and so is Brad. Hard to believe Reggie is a hunter. If so, they do have something in common besides basketball. Just thought I'd pass it along. If anybody knows anything about Theus and killing animals for sport, enlighten us. :D
One thing I heard today: Both Theus and Miller are avid hunters. Reggie, I believe, is a bow-hunter and so is Brad. Hard to believe Reggie is a hunter. If so, they do have something in common besides basketball. Just thought I'd pass it along. If anybody knows anything about Theus and killing animals for sport, enlighten us. :D
Well, first I am not sure why it would be hard to believe that Reggie is a hunter.

But beyond that and more to your question, I believe that Reggie is a world class archer. I have not heard that he is a bow-hunter. He may hunt with a bow as well as being an archer - I just have not heard.
Well, first I am not sure why it would be hard to believe that Reggie is a hunter.

But beyond that and more to your question, I believe that Reggie is a world class archer. I have not heard that he is a bow-hunter. He may hunt with a bow as well as being an archer - I just have not heard.

Reggie loves to hunt and fish. He bagged some big game over in South Africa recently. I think it was by arrow as he's definitely into archery and bow hunting. Even when he was with the SacKings in the 80's he hunted local game in the area with his shotgun such as pheasants, ducks, etc.
^^^Thanks. It is interesting to me that Reggie is one of those people that is just flat-out talented....seems to have success at whatever he has tried. Hopefully that trend will continue.
Did you read the whole thread? I don't think MOST people are over-reacting. I think the majority are expressing some frustration with Miller's declining performance over the past couple of years. This little tidbit was the icing on the cake.

I honestly think people need to quit over-reacting in their zeal to accuse others of over-reacting.

It's TDOS. The least little thing will be blown up out of all proportion anyway...
Yes I read the whole thread, more than once actually. And after reading the thread I listened to Reggie's comment again to make sure I hadn't missed something. And when I read my post I think I said the same thing you did (maybe had a little more fun doing it). Notice the part where I tried (please excuse the grammatical errors) to say that I thought much of the reaction came from already existing feelings of frustration (or whatever you want to call it) towards Brad.

If I accused anyone it was to call them what? A tough crowd? Sorry, didn't know that was taboo. And the lynch mob crack was made in jest, I do know no one actually called to hang the man. It was an observation that much of the reaction to the comments were more extreme than such a comment would normally bring.

On a brighter note I had no idea Theus was a hunter/archer or whatever. That makes me like the man even more. Go Kings!!