Reggie Theus: "Miller is Overweight"

According to Reggie Theus and his 2nd half interview during the summer league game against the Wizards, Brad Miller is a fat tub o' lard. OK, those weren't his exact words, he used the term overweight, but isn't this kind of pathetic to hear? I know it's early in the off-season, but WTF...?

Say what you want about Artest and Bibby, at least they hit the gym hard.

Miller just had a career worst season, his performance was consistently sub-par, 2 for 9 shooting, 3 rebound games aplenty, and this is how he responds? Loading up on Twinkies and hot wings and downing 40s? He wasn't even in good shape during the course of the season, he must not be a slob now.

You would think any professional athlete with a sense pride, dedication, and commitment, and not to mention a guy scheduled to get paid $34 million over the next 3 years would feel like he owes something to himself, his employer, his teammates, and the fans who support him.

Here's a guy who can afford every advantage imaginable to maximize his physical condition: a personal trainer, a personal chef, home gym, state of the art equipment, you name it, and yet he disdains any sense of professional pride in favor of off-road four-wheeling and bow hunting innocent animals.

All you can really hope for as a fan is a player maximizes his potential and gives it his all; then it's not hard to root for them and respect their effort even when they fall short - guys like Ronnie Price and Justin Williams, and Cisco. These are guys you want to see succeed.

And then you get a guy like Miller who doesn't seem to care anymore. Who wants to root for him? Not me.

And it goes w/o saying there is correlation between physical condition and injuries, so it might not be a bad idea to consider a renewed commitment to conditioning if you have been injury prone, like Miller was. And this becomes even more important as you get older, like Miller is.

On a positive note, Spencer Hawes was not a terrible pick. Not exactly cause for excitement (see Bellinelli), but has some game.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
You know, I'd love to disagree but I simply can't.

I don't really care for Coach Theus making that kind of comment, but if it's true then I have to wonder just what Brad thinks he's gonna be doing. I do not ever like to dump on anyone in a Kings uniform but bb pretty much said it all:

You would think any professional athlete with a sense pride, dedication, and commitment, and not to mention a guy scheduled to get paid $34 million over the next 3 years would feel like he owes something to himself, his employer, his teammates, and the fans who support him.
ouch thats pretty harsh :eek:

Well I hope brad heard what Theus said and its up to brad now if he wants to continue being fat or prove coach and everyone else wrong and put up the kind of numbers he was before he got this huge contract.

I just hope Brad plays productive enough to the point where a team might want him despite his horrible contract...


Wow seriously sad to see someone with so much talent just lay it to waste. If only Justin Williams had the court vision and shooting touch. he'd be an all-star for years. So many players would give everything to have the natural talent Miller has and what does he do with it? hang out with Greg Ostertag in the off-season. WOW


on more thing.

I seriously hope Reggie's calling out Brad like that on TV is a sign that Brad better get his @$! on track and Reggie's not gonna allow his should be all-star starting center self to be such a lazy joke. I hope Reggie is the kind of coach that will lay into these overpaid lazy,vets and get a stronger commitment from them. without getting himself choked of course.
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Wow seriously sad to see someone with so much talent just lay it to waste. If only Justin Williams had the court vision and shooting touch. he'd be an all-star for years. So many players would give everything to have the natural talent Miller has and what does he do with it? hang out with Greg Ostertag in the off-season. WOW
Honestly to tell you the truth. I look forward to seeing Justin Williams next season than Brad Miller's shooting touch and court vision.

I value Justin Williams hustle, athleticism, and teamwork over Brad Miller's skills at this point.
Hmm... can't help but think that Theus is just trying to spice things up, like when Phil Jackson would call out his own players just to get a rise out of them.

Either way, I don't condone the practice of belittling your own players, whatever your goal may be in doing so. Does he really think Brad is going to read this and think "wow, I better get my butt in shape so I can please my new coach?" Or "wow, this new guy has a big mouth".

I hope this becomes a moot point if/when Miller is traded...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hmm... can't help but think that Theus is just trying to spice things up, like when Phil Jackson would call out his own players just to get a rise out of them.

Either way, I don't condone the practice of belittling your own players, whatever your goal may be in doing so. Does he really think Brad is going to read this and think "wow, I better get my butt in shape so I can please my new coach?" Or "wow, this new guy has a big mouth".

I hope this becomes a moot point if/when Miller is traded...
I agree with you, too.

The OP made some very valid points, though. IF - and at this point it is still an if - Theus was serious about Miller being overweight, it's a problem.

What I hope this thread doesn't become is just a bash on Brad Miller. We don't have all the facts yet, but I think if it's true, bench_blob has done a pretty good job of summarizing the feelings I know a lot of Kings fans will have.
I like Theus he says whats on his mind and doesn't bend the truth. But this is really not a big deal! He just said Brad is a bit overweight, nothing more nothing less. :)
What would you rather have... an overweight lazy brad miller that we hope doesn't have hurt feelings, or a coach that isn't afraid to get his point across and won't put up with a lack of work ethic?

Sure, there are other ways of dealing with this. But we will all be pretty pissed off if BRAD Miller starts looking like OLIVER Miller. Call him out on it now before he thinks he can come to camp overweight and get away with it.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Good point. And the idea of another Oliver Miller just made me throw up in my mouth ... just a little.
I've been wondering if Brad has gotten any treatment for his plantar fasciitis or if he is just hoping rest will take care of it? We never hear much about Brad in the off season.

Man I am loving this coach more and more everyday.

It's about damn time someone called his lazy *** out!

Earn that paycheck Miller!!!!!
Ugh. These are professional, big-headed, egoistical athletes. You think coaches, much less rookie coaches, make any impact on their thought process?

You think if Brad Miller hears that his new coach is "calling his lazy *** out", he is going to try any harder? Of course not.

I'm not saying that Reggie has to cater to the ego's of his players, but now is not the time to be picking fights. He is a new guy, he is replacing an embarrassment of a coach in Musselman. If anything, he should be trying to get in good with his players, not bashing them before he coaches his first game.

I just don't see any good from Reggie making these comments.
For what it's worth, I'm putting #52 on notice. I will BOOO my lungs out directed at Brad Miller if he gives an out of shape, half-arse effort on the court this season. Last year, I think he blamed most of it on his bad foot while whining at officials ad nauseam or into thin air - meanwhile his man, the opposing team, quickly scoring at the other end. Kings fans care a lot about their team and Miller needs to show he gives a damn just as much. Otherwise, its gonna get ugly as far as this homer for the home "team" - but not every last slacker wearing a purple uniform.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The question wouldn't be coach saying this TO BRAD, the question is whether its a good thing for coach to be saying this to the media. That is often resented by players, and really rightfully so. You are supposed to have a relationship of trust with your coach, of privity. When he turns around and makes a point of spilling the beans and publicly shaming I say, resentment can follow.

In any case, I am no fan at all of Brad's work ethic, nor of Brad's continued presence on the team eating up 20% of our cap room. I think his laziness is defnitely accelerating an aging process that was already going to look ugly for a guy who would be considerd a poor athlete at the YMCA level. That said, it is midsummer, so as long as he hits camp in reasonable shape...used to have another center who took a similar approach to offseasons I seem to recall. And the weight gain might have soemthing to do wiht resting the foot to try to get past the pnatar fasciitis (admittedly that's kind of an excuuse as all that means is no running/cutting etc., things Brad is disinclined to do anyway).
Who in their right mind would take Miller's contract??? - you know that horrible one Petire signed him to:

07/08 $10,500,000
08/09 $11,375,000
09/10 $12,250,000
The question wouldn't be coach saying this TO BRAD, the question is whether its a good thing for coach to be saying this to the media. That is often resented by players, and really rightfully so. You are supposed to have a relationship of trust with your coach, of privity. When he turns around and makes a point of spilling the beans and publicly shaming I say, resentment can follow.

In any case, I am no fan at all of Brad's work ethic, nor of Brad's continued presence on the team eating up 20% of our cap room. I think his laziness is defnitely accelerating an aging process that was already going to look ugly for a guy who would be considerd a poor athlete at the YMCA level. That said, it is midsummer, so as long as he hits camp in reasonable shape...used to have another center who took a similar approach to offseasons I seem to recall. And the weight gain might have soemthing to do wiht resting the foot to try to get past the pnatar fasciitis (admittedly that's kind of an excuuse as all that means is no running/cutting etc., things Brad is disinclined to do anyway).

The way Reggie said it was almost as if he was specifically talking about this situation and it would be common knowledge that Brad would inherently gain weight.


in no way was Reggies calling out brad miller compairable to Larry brown calling out STARbarry while with the knicks. Brown lit up his players in the media and was well over the line with handling problems though the media. Reggie was asked about Miller through his comment seemed not pleased about millers weight but was going to make sure that he came ready to play by the beginning of the season,

OR will probably face the music with reggie? It sounds like this is an issue for Reggie. and he wont allow a player making 10mil a yr to perform but cant cause hes so outa shape.

I have no problem with Reggie saying that in the media. Miller might be one of the most lazy players in the NBA. Someones bound to say something sooner or later. trust me if reggie crossed the line with punk'n a player in the media im sure we would all be going crazy about it.
I think Brad has been lazy ever since C-Webb left. Maybe C-Webb got in his butt to stay in shape and now we have the coach(hardcore to an extent)taking over that responsibility. Bottom line as a professional you should do everything possible to be ready to do your job. Remeber there is ALWAYS someone that can do the job better.
I agree with VF and Brick here. I mean I agree bb's comments whole heartedly, but it's not a good thing for your coach to call out people in the media. Calling you out in person face to face in private is the way to do it.

VF you were leaving this open to "if" Brad is overweight. Well overweight is all subjective, up to a certain point. In Reggie's opinion Brad is overweight, so that's all that really matters in the Kings world since Reggie is the coach. And apparently Brad is heavier or not in as good of a condition as his coach would like to see him.


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Staff member
I've been wondering if Brad has gotten any treatment for his plantar fasciitis or if he is just hoping rest will take care of it? We never hear much about Brad in the off season.
Uh, probably because nobody wants to get close to a shotgun-toting redneck in the hills of Indiana. ;)
Did you guys listen to the podcast? Coach discusses why dropping weight for guys later in their career is extremely important; he says Jerry Reynolds told him to drop weight and that helped Coach have a longer and more successful career.