Voisin: Brown Interested in Kings Job (merged)

Do you want the Kings to give Larry Brown a shot at the coaching position?

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Super Moderator Emeritus
I didn't say they can't start somewhere. I just said they were no names. and they are. Ah well. Anyway who do you want Brooks?

Then so be it bring on Brooks. And watch this exact conversation come up next offseason.
I said that I felt Brooks was at least worthy of consideration. I also think Brian Shaw and Reggie Theus are worthy of consideration, along with Terry Porter. I'm not that impressed with Rambis, who just looks too much like the guy from Ghostbuster to me.

My main desire is for a coach that will NOT repeat the myriad of errors visited upon us by Eric Musselman.

Rick Adelman wasn't the Kings first choice that year, either, but he seemed to work out rather well despite a lot of misgivings, if memory serves. I think Porter, Shaw or Brooks could also work out with Theus at the top of the second tier list for me.
What Brick just said.
worse case scenario was Muss, plain and simple

at least if we hired Brown and our team became a mess we'd be able to say "well, he's a winning coach with a championship, we thought he'd bring us some success" rather than "we took a chance on the guys who knows powerpoint"

i just hope that if the Maloofs hire Brown that Petrie realizes he has to be smart and start rebuilding. At least Brown is a coach with a resume that Petrie can look at and know what types of players will work under Brown's system. the same couldn't be said for Muss


Hall of Famer
I am not worshiping him. But right now the fact is. Larry Brown is a better basketball coach than anybody we have interviewed. Maybe he has seen the light. You never know. Hell Scott Brooks might be worse, Theus might choke K-mart, I can't say and nobody here can say for a fact what he will do if he is the coach of the kings. Although one fact remains RIGHT NOW he is a better coach than the 3 that have recieved second interviews since the SVG ordeal.

Try this on for size. the Maloofs feel slighted by SVG and Larry Brown is a better coach than him. Sooooooo to save face they just might hire him as to send that exact sentiment to SVG and others that think they and the Kings organization got PUNKED.
Let's be very clear here: New York was a complete debacle. And it was all him.
That is clearly debatable.
And all this for an old guy who hopped and skipped and abandoned franchise after franchise back when he was still in his prime. Now at 66 you expect him to tough it out?
Not at all, just give what he has to a flailing team and turn it over to whomever else they may pick now in a couple of years.I still have not heard worse case for the Kings, I believe those 22 games got some other team (because someone aside from LB made a stupid move) the second pick that year. Not a bad worse case scenario, when the best is clearly better that any other option short a miracle.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
At least Brown is a coach with a resume that Petrie can look at and know what types of players will work under Brown's system. the same couldn't be said for Muss

Mistake: Brown won't be around in a couple of years and we're rebuilding. Get the best talent, **** Larry Brown. You don't limit yourself to players who can play in his system, when his sytstem won't even be around by the time those players are ready to be anything.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I am not worshiping him. But right now the fact is. Larry Brown is a better basketball coach than anybody we have interviewed. Maybe he has seen the light. You never know. Hell Scott Brooks might be worse, Theus might choke K-mart, I can't say and nobody here can say for a fact what he will do if he is the coach of the kings. Although one fact remains RIGHT NOW he is a better coach than the 3 that have recieved second interviews since the SVG ordeal.

Try this on for size. the Maloofs feel slighted by SVG and Larry Brown is a better coach than him. Sooooooo to save face they just might hire him as to send that exact sentiment to SVG and others that think they and the Kings organization got PUNKED.
No, Entity. He had one season where he put it together and got a title. But what has he done recently? And why are you so intent on overlooking the train wreck he left in New York????

The Kings are going to save face because they were punked? Good lord, what are you? 12?

SVG made a business decision. It wasn't personal. People put way too much value on "saving face" or thinking other fans are laughing at us. Who bleeping cares how other fans think?


Super Moderator Emeritus
That is clearly debatable.
Not really. He took a decent franchise and demolished it the most insidious way possible. From the inside... And then, when the body was writhing on the ground and being devoured by rats, he forced the ownership of the Knicks into paying him an obscene amount of money to go away.


Hall of Famer
come on VF21 i was clearly saying that could be the mindset of the Maloofs and you know that is wha i am saying. Don't start with the insults calling me immature. I clearly stated it was something the Maloofs might do. not my thinking at all.
Not really. He took a decent franchise and demolished it the most insidious way possible. From the inside... And then, when the body was writhing on the ground and being devoured by rats, he forced the ownership of the Knicks into paying him an obscene amount of money to go away.
I was talking about the part about it being entirely his fault. Some of the players and the GM clearly had a part in this fiasco.
Not sure about the decent franchise part either.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
That is clearly debatable.
No, its really not. When you are sandwiched in between Herb Williams and Isiah Thomas and you come out 10 games worse than either of them, you just suck. But that was the key -- he didn't just suck. He intentionally destroyed that team in a power play. He didn't want to coach that team, so he threw a tantrum and was going to show them. Frankly, if I were the Knicks, I would have sued him, just to **** with him if nothing else. 45 different starting lineups or some such? It was pathetic.

Not at all, just give what he has to a flailing team and turn it over to whomever else they may pick now in a couple of years.I still have not heard worse case for the Kings, I believe those 22 games got some other team (because someone aside from LB made a stupid move) the second pick that year. Not a bad worse case scenario, when the best is clearly better that any other option short a miracle.
Under your rubric there is no worst case scenariuo for anybody then -- no matter how bad Scott Brooks sucks he's actually helping, right? That just gets silly. In that case let's just hire Salmson, get a Top 4 pick next year, and move on. Unfortunately Brown is a danger beyond mere incompetence. He is a sower of discord and chaos. Sucking is one thing, but the infighting and nastiness that tail that turd around are the exact things you want to find a way to avoid even while you are sucking.


Super Moderator Emeritus
come on VF21 i was clearly saying that could be the mindset of the Maloofs and you know that is wha i am saying. Don't start with the insults calling me immature. I clearly stated it was something the Maloofs might do. not my thinking at all.
No, it wasn't clear that you were saying it could be the mindset of the Maloofs. You said:

Try this on for size. the Maloofs feel slighted by SVG and Larry Brown is a better coach than him. Sooooooo to save face they just might hire him as to send that exact sentiment to SVG and others that think they and the Kings organization got PUNKED.
That doesn't say you think they could be thinking that. At least that's not how I interpreted it. In saying "try this on for size" and then "the Maloofs feel slighted" it's just as open to the interpretation that those comments are how you view the situation not how you think the Maloofs might be feeling. Regardless, however, the Maloofs (while childish in some respects) are businessmen. I'm pretty sure they're concerned with the bottom line and possible hits to their finances much more than "saving face" or retaliating for being "punked"...

Anyway, I'm done. We are clearly not looking at things from the same perspective and, apparently, never will be.
Under your rubric there is no worst case scenariuo for anybody then -- no matter how bad Scott Brooks sucks he's actually helping, right?
Exactly, really all choices have the same worse case scenario - a great lottery pick. LB is the choice with the greatest upside minus a miracle. Seems like a no brainer to me.


Super Moderator Emeritus
A great lottery pick is NOT a worst case scenario. It's the silver lining to the black cloud. The worst case scenario here could be abandonment by the fans because of the dischord, etc. generated by Larry Brown. That, in turn, could kill the franchise. Sacramento is NOT New York City. Once the loyal fans leave the Kings, they might not come back and there isn't anywhere near as large a pool to find new ones in.
A great lottery pick is NOT a worst case scenario. It's the silver lining to the black cloud. The worst case scenario here could be abandonment by the fans because of the dischord, etc. generated by Larry Brown. That, in turn, could kill the franchise. Sacramento is NOT New York City. Once the loyal fans leave the Kings, they might not come back and there isn't anywhere near as large a pool to find new ones in.
Polls is not over yet, but it seems to me it is two-to-one that the fans would rather have some excitement at this point.
Seriously, I think all the faint of heart jumped ship to the Warriors bandwagon last season.
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Hall of Famer
as far as his 1 season he put it together. He is known for rebuilding teams. he has taken teams to the playoffs in his first season that hasn't seen the playoffs in 23 years. and did it the next year also. he took Indiana in his first season with the to the playoffs where they won their first playoff series EVER over Shaq and Penny in Orlando. he took San Antonio to the playoffs after they hadn't been there in 5 years. He took Detroit to the playoffs with and go a championship. He took the 76ers to the finals and were a perenial playoff team with him. he had 1 i repeat 1 ****ing season where he didn't do well and he is banished for life from all the fans because of a franchise that is poorly ran has been poorly ran for years. They have the highest payroll in the NBA and that was not due to Larry Brown it was due to the idiots they have in the front office.

So your telling me that almost 15 seasons being great for teams and getting to the playoffs almost every year he has been a coach is not worth a damn phone call because of the Knicks whos best player on the team was an oft injured Stephon Marbury??? he was the franchise player and missed over 20 games (hmm wonder how many he missed when they won 33 the next year) 8
Yeah, I don't really understand why people think Muss was the worst case scenario. He was a disaster, but at least, say, Martin didn't come away with his confidence wrecked and at least players for the most part didn't quit playing hard. Brown could destroy a player like Martin, and you know what? He might even enjoy destroying Martin. He sure took a shining to benching LeBron and the other guys in the Olympics just for the heck of it.

Brown is a sick person and he needs a whole team of psychaitrists working around the clock to heal him. He does not need another head coaching position.

Screw me once you're the Pistons, screw me twice you're the Knicks, screw me three times, well, you're just an idiot.
A great lottery pick is NOT a worst case scenario. It's the silver lining to the black cloud. The worst case scenario here could be abandonment by the fans because of the dischord, etc. generated by Larry Brown. That, in turn, could kill the franchise. Sacramento is NOT New York City. Once the loyal fans leave the Kings, they might not come back and there isn't anywhere near as large a pool to find new ones in.
So tell me how is hiring an unaccomplished coach going to keep the fans? If the fans are gone, they are gone. Hiring Reggie Theus isn't going to stop that. If the fans cannot realize that this organization is in complete limbo right now then it really doesn't matter which coach is selected.

There have been some great points on both sides of the discussion. And Brick is really getting colorful in his opposition to Brown. :D

Personally, I'll take my chances on someone like Brown, who has established that he can teach fundamentals to the inexperienced. If the players embrace him, and he doesn't go haywire, it could mean wonders for our team. There is certainly much less hope for someone like Shaw to come in and take someone like Francisco Garcia to the next level. Look at how Musselman stunted Cisco's growth last year. Brown could make him into a Teyshaun Prince clone. And isn't this whole debate about hope? Because you have to have a lot of hope to think that Theus and co. are going to do anything better than Musselman.

He has experience coaching against great coaches and players and teams. He will be able to make adjustments better than any of the competition.

Brick and VF would have me belive that Larry Brown is going to rip the heart out of our oganization and leave us for the rats. Is he going to suck our blood too? Do you honestly think he wants to just come to Sacramento, which is known for its great fanbase, and just screw us over for a payday?
A great lottery pick is NOT a worst case scenario. It's the silver lining to the black cloud. The worst case scenario here could be abandonment by the fans because of the dischord, etc. generated by Larry Brown. That, in turn, could kill the franchise. Sacramento is NOT New York City. Once the loyal fans leave the Kings, they might not come back and there isn't anywhere near as large a pool to find new ones in.

Also we could lose Petrie in the proccess aswell.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Brown is a sick person and he needs a whole team of psychaitrists working around the clock to heal him. He does not need another head coaching position.

Screw me once you're the Pistons, screw me twice you're the Knicks, screw me three times, well, you're just an idiot.

No but I am sure the New York fans were thinking the same thing as you when Brown got hired.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. I'll bet that NY fans were thinking about themselves and how happy they would be when he magically turned a bunch of overpayed overhyped underachievers into a championship team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. I'll bet that NY fans were thinking about themselves and how happy they would be when he magically turned a bunch of overpayed overhyped underachievers into a championship team.
And isn't that what some people are thinking here?

Remember the old saying ... Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Whether or not we hire Larry Brown, we all know which ones of the fans think that the New York Knicks are actually better than what has happened for the last, umm, i don't know decade? On ESPN the team history only goes back to the '01-'02 season but it clearly shows that they haven't had a winning season in quite a while.

But it is all Larry Browns fault right? Because he is Dracula.


Hall of Famer
I see it a different way. He is regaurded by most as a great coach but, by some as the guy that nbrans mentioned. Now he knows this and he don't want to be known for that last stint with New York I bet he would do one of his best jobs ever with us just to go out respected again.

This is almost like the ones that thought just because we got Ron Artest he was going to run into the stands again. I thought those ppl were unfounded as well. you can't go by what happened 2 or 3 years ago. Some posters won't let us go back to when Bibby was a great player or Brad so lets give the same treatment to when its a bad thing in the past.

in response to poll question of is he worth the interview then yes he is. If GP interviews him and sees the guy from NY then i am sure he will say bye bye. But Larry could be the one that was saught after just 2 years prior. I don't know and you guys don't know but, HE DESERVES AN INTERVIEW.