Voisin: Brown Interested in Kings Job (merged)

Do you want the Kings to give Larry Brown a shot at the coaching position?

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I don't think it would be the end of the world to interview Brown, but I also think it doesn't matter. Just because a reporter thinks its a good idea doesn't mean it's even going to come close to happening.
Sory Bawla we are going to have to go to the mat on this one. First off you want to disagree with my statement that just beceause a coach has reings he therefore is a beter candidate than one with out. You also conviently cliped the quot befoer my examples. Sloan and Adelman. So based on your statement we ahve to asume you would rather have Brown coaching than Sloan, Adelman, Nelly, Jeff Van Gundy... (you get my point)
I didn't disagree with your statement. In fact I started off by saying you make great points. It's just that you haven't convinced me that Brown is not a good option.

And don't assume that I'd rather have Brown coaching than any of the other candidates YOU listed. Sloan and Adelman aren't available last time I checked. I do, on the other hand, want Brown over Theus, Shaw, and all the other available candidates. And not just because he has rings, but that is one of the many reasons.

It would be one thing if Larry rode a Michael Jordan or Shaquille O'Neal to his rings but he took a group of guys and made champions out of them. And NOTHING, not even a pathetic stint in New York, can take that away from him.

HndsmCelt said:
Next you like other Brown appoligist want to claim that poor Larry was handed a bunch of loosers and did the best job he could with them. While that roster was NOT going to set the NBA on fire they had tallent, and they grossly UNDER performed under Brown. He actually seemed to bring out almost every player's innner knuckel head. Their record was no jsut bad it was the worst record in franchise history since the god awfull mid 80's when they were a bad team in a very strong confrence. Brown inhereted a arguably IMPROVED team from 2004-2005 that only won 33 games. Under Larry not only did they drop to 23 wins but player after player nutted out. The next year Zeek took virtually the same squad back up to 33 wins. The key factor missing was Brown.
Cool, now i'm in yet another apologist group. :D

Read carefully...I noted that Larry is not responsible for ALL the turmoil in NY. Isiah is an idiot. The players are idioits. And I do recognize that Larry could have done some things differently.

Didn't they "grossly underperform" because of guys like Marbury who wouldn't listen to Larry? One group of guys, in Detroit, had great success under Larry when they listened to him.

Brown inherited an "arguably improved" team? Hmm, lets see...

'02-'03: 37-45
'03-'04: 39-43
'04-'05: 33-49

Grossly underperform? Arguably improved? Looks to me like the team was a below .500 team in a weak conference to begin with. Then when they kept losing games they just tuned Larry out.

HndsmCelt said:
Ironically Muss managed to amass a 33 win season himself so IF history and past actions are an indicator of future performance we could expect Larry to once again amass 22 wins in 2008 and we can watch Bibby and Artest's fist fight on Youtube... and THAT is an opimistic view assuming Larry has not lost a step since 2005.:cool:
So Eric Muss' greatest coaching year amounted to the same wins as Larry Brown's worst coaching year? What are you trying to convince me of? That Eric Musselman = Larry Brown?

If past actions are an indicator of future performance could we also expect that Larry Brown will make the Kings champs?...Twice? I'm not saying he will, but your logic can go both ways.

You can't look to their worst moments OR their best moments when you choose a coach. You look at it all. And an average Larry Brown is still better than all of the competition combined.
I may be confused, but doesn't Brown have a job with the sixers right now? And isn't that a fairly new position for him? The time it takes before he sees greener pastures seem to be getting shorter by the job.

If so, that is good enough reason to stay away.


Hall of Famer
Here is a suggestion. Go to some Spurs, Clippers, and Detroit message boards and start threads entitled. "Larry Brown as Kings coach what do you think?" Then PM me the links... I could use a good laugh.
After that you do the same thing. But this time put "Scott Brooks as Kings coach what do you think?" Then watch as they all laugh as will the rest of the league.


Hall of Famer
I may be confused, but doesn't Brown have a job with the sixers right now? And isn't that a fairly new position for him? The time it takes before he sees greener pastures seem to be getting shorter by the job.

If so, that is good enough reason to stay away.
NO he can't have a job with the sixers can he??? Didn't he just ruin that franchise a few years back. why o why would they hire him.

No he is not tied to a position there. Its a front office job and once a coach always a coach.


Super Moderator Emeritus
you have to understand that to some ppl. amount of votes don't matter. its who votes for who that matters. If some of the respected posters vote no then the no's win. no matter if its 4 to 1 in favor of the yes's
Horse puckey. Pure and total horse puckey.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Whatever. Care to site some examples? There are lots of polls in the back threads. Show me where in public polls people have voted against how they really feel because some of the "respected members" have voted a certain way.

I'm sorry, Entity, but I think you're insulting a vast majority of our membership with that kind of comment. If they've shown anything over the years, it's their ability and inclination (for the most part) to go toe-to-toe with the "respect members* (whomever you're deciding they are) to stand up and argue their beliefs.
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to you yes not to some.

By your theory it would matter who "the some" are.

Why would someone who gets the chance to post here more often have an opinion that should be deemed better than someone who doesn't post as much?
I agree with VF on this one 100%.

I voted "Don't care". While I'm not against the hiring of Brown, it doesn't bother me too much. I'd rather have Shaw, a good young proffesional and a winner. A smart mind who is a young coach and who can hopefuly find a good start to his career with a good young rebuilding team.


Hall of Famer
hmm interesting the ppl voting against Larry Brown all of a sudden now that the pros have out numbered the cons have changed the subject all together.

Good job. it is not longer about Larry Brown it is about who insulted who or who.


Super Moderator Emeritus
this was a good debate and you come in with your hourse puckies and whatevers. Whats your problem?
I don't have a problem. If you'll check my post again - which has been edited, BTW - you'll see that I stated my objections.

YOU are the one who made this about members and not about Larry Brown. YOU are the one who had to make a blanket comment you cannot substantiate for whatever reason. And I - as someone who holds the membership of this board in great respect - called you on it. You pretty much inferred they're mindless sheep. I disagreed. And I still do.

You have NO idea whatsoever why some people vote the way they do and last time I checked there hadn't been a vote to elect you the speaker for the unnamed masses.

There are points to be argued on both side of the Larry Brown issue and it was going along quite nicely until you threw the snide comment into the mix.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hmm interesting the ppl voting against Larry Brown all of a sudden now that the pros have out numbered the cons have changed the subject all together.

Good job. it is not longer about Larry Brown it is about who insulted who or who.

The pros have been leading all along. And we didn't change the subject. You did.

Now, prove your theory or step aside and let people get back to what they were originally discussing.

Thanks ever so.


Hall of Famer
so once i say something about you just saying Whatever. You all of a sudden edit it and make me look stupid for saying my comment by actually adding substance to your post. Good move and I should not be suprised by it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
so once i say something about you just saying Whatever. You all of a sudden edit it and make me look stupid for saying my comment by actually adding substance to your post. Good move and I should not be suprised by it.
I'm sorry if you look stupid because I realized I needed to edit my post. It shows it was edited.

Once again - prove your allegations, Entity. That's all I'm asking.


Hall of Famer
Can't prove it. but it is a fact that you VF21 would respect Bricklayers opinion over MillerTime21 or 6ths opinion over Jdub^^55. If you say thats not true than you are a liar. Hell I would respect it more. because you kinda of know them from here. where as anybody else is a stranger and you don't respect strangers opioions. It works that way anywhere in life including here.
but it is a fact that you VF21 would respect Bricklayers opinion over MillerTime21 or 6ths opinion over Jdub^^55. If you say thats not true than you are a liar. Hell I would respect it more. because you kinda of know them from here. where as anybody else is a stranger and you don't respect strangers opioions. It works that way anywhere in life including here.

I cannot speak for VF, but I know that I'd respect whichever opinion seemed more valid. The reason why people like 6th and Bricks opinions are because they are usually spot on. That does not mean that on one particular topic I would respect Bricks opinion anymore than some poster I had never seen in my life. That's my perspective, anyway.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Can't prove it. but it is a fact that you VF21 would respect Bricklayers opinion over MillerTime21 or 6ths opinion over Jdub^^55. If you say thats not true than you are a liar. Hell I would respect it more. because you kinda of know them from here. where as anybody else is a stranger and you don't respect strangers opioions. It works that way anywhere in life including here.
Oh good lord. Have you been in a cave over the years? Have you not seen the arguments Brick and I have gotten into? If someone brings their opinion and can substantiate it, I have no problem respecting them. But if someone makes a bold-faced statement WITHOUT being able to prove it, I'm going to call them on it. I don't care if they have 10,000 posts or 2 posts.

It's apparent you are obviously swayed by how someone else votes. That's on you. The fact you cannot prove it negates it being a fact and relegates it to the "it's my opinion" category.

Can we just let it go and get back to the topic at hand?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Rather than edit my post above, which really made Entity look stupid by his own statement the last time I did it, I'm going to add one more thing:

You, Entity, do not have the right to call me a liar because you think I would do something and I disagree. Do not tread there.


Hall of Famer
LOL. Seriously dime. Maybe its me looking at it wrong. I was actually talking about the votes moreso but, i said opinions. Just saying you look at the public poll results and you instictively look at who voted the same way you did. Its human nature.


Super Moderator Emeritus
LOL. Seriously dime. Maybe its me looking at it wrong. I was actually talking about the votes moreso but, i said opinions. Just saying you look at the public poll results and you instictively look at who voted the same way you did. Its human nature.
Then don't click on the "view poll results" until AFTER you've voted. Problem solved.

The results don't show until you have either voted OR manually clicked that button. They don't show for a reason. Most people will VOTE and then see how others did.
Can't prove it. but it is a fact that you VF21 would respect Bricklayers opinion over MillerTime21 or 6ths opinion over Jdub^^55. If you say thats not true than you are a liar. Hell I would respect it more. because you kinda of know them from here. where as anybody else is a stranger and you don't respect strangers opioions. It works that way anywhere in life including here.
Sorry, just not so. VF and Brick go at it all the time, they have completely differing opinions of GP for example.

And if a new poster has a good opinion, it is as respected as those with more posts.

And again, this is about how the fans feel and all fans have equal weight in this type of situation. In another situation, a respected poster may get more weight, because we have experience with them. It would be more like if one were to throw out a rumor, it would have more weight with an established member. Certainly not in a poll, VF has asked you come up with specific examples and you will not be able to. I would drop it and move on if I were you.
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LOL. Seriously dime. Maybe its me looking at it wrong. I was actually talking about the votes moreso but, i said opinions. Just saying you look at the public poll results and you instictively look at who voted the same way you did. Its human nature.

I wasn't disagreeing with you or telling you you're wrong, so apologies if you took it that way. However, I do feel you're being a bit harsh.
I was just saying how I go about rating different posters opinions. We're just different. And I never, ever look at who voted for who. I'll start doing so in future, but I never really cared who voted who, I always prefered to see who the majority of fans chose.