Season predictions, short and sweet

Packt said:
Dangerous, bottom of the pack playoff team.
That sounds about right, people need to realize we're not a team whos gonna fight in the middle pack or high seed. right now Eric's goal should remain: getting the Kings to the playoffs hes never accomplished such a goal but he has his chance now.

8th seed and a 1st round exit is all i see this year unfortunately we're in a tough position but we have room to grow thats for sure.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
That sounds about right, people need to realize we're not a team whos gonna fight in the middle pack or high seed. right now Eric's goal should remain: getting the Kings to the playoffs hes never accomplished such a goal but he has his chance now.

8th seed and a 1st round exit is all i see this year unfortunately we're in a tough position but we have room to grow thats for sure.
People don't need to realize anything, IMHO. We're fans. If some of us think the team will do better than others do, that's what makes discussions. None of us know with any certainty what's going to happen.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I went to check my crystal ball, but remembered that it is in the shop for repairs. So, I got out the tea leaves, and they said the Sacramento Kings will win some games.



That sounds about right, people need to realize we're not a team whos gonna fight in the middle pack or high seed.

8th seed and a 1st round exit is all i see this year unfortunately we're in a tough position but we have room to grow thats for sure.
too bad you're not psychic, because i predict you're wrong:cool:
Kind of low...I will say about anywhere from 43-48 wins and as high as 6th seed. I do believe they have an outside shot at possibly the 4th or 5th spot if almost everything goes our way. I mean no injuries and we overachieve. i wish we kept Williams...

I predicted about 20 wins a few months ago.
I just can't bing myself to post in answer to this type of questions. I tend to be pessimistic. I refuse to let my head beat up on my heart. ;)
My honest expectations are ending the season at the 7th or 8th seed and another first round exit. I hope I'm proved wrong & we end up going much farther, but that's just what my honest guess would be at this point. While I suppose it's possible that we miss the playoffs altogether, for some reason I find it impossible to imagine. I think Musselman is going to do everything humanly possible to get us in the playoffs this year.


Hall of Famer
What's healthy mean? I'm a Kings fan, please let me know what healthy means... :rolleyes:

I'm a Kings fan, and as a die hard fan it's hard for me to say anything that isn't considered an outstanding season. So I'm going to be VERY optimistic being a true fan and say 52-56 Wins and we will finish 3rd in the WEST.
Healthy means not having Miller or Bibby on your team.
Wow what a disappointing season. We will not make the playoffs for the 1st time in 9 seasons! Hopefully greener pastures are over the hill ahead! :D
Considering that the thread was started the day after Amundson and Williams were waived, I'm not surprised that so few of us were correct in our guesses. We still had half a dozen or so games to go where the Kings would play good D, before the true impact of the Muss factor would set in. We failed to anticipate how damaging the coaching change would be.


Hall of Famer
And people are always trying to tag me as a pessimist. ;)
could have been right on if you think of the injury's to Miller and Bibby as major. I think they were as they happened at the beginning of the season when the team is trying to grow. with thiere shots off the team grew in a different direction and when they finally came around its hard to changed that direction without infact starting all over so we tried to them both at the same time to keep everybody happy and we failed as a team.
I really have no idea. Sometimes I think this team is headed for 35 wins and the lottery, sometimes I think Martin is going to have a breakout year and the team's headed for a 55 win season. So, uh, somewhere in there.
Who would have thought Martin would have a breakout year and it would mean 35 wins and the lottery?
38-42 wins, and an 8th-11th seed depending on the other teams. BUT K-Mart will show he is one of the up and coming 2guards in the league. Bibby will be Bibby, and Artest will play well.

On the other hand Miller/SAR/KT will all play like crap. Miller will have 11ppg 6rpg 3apg, SAR will have 7ppg 4rpg 1apg, and KT will have 7ppg 7rpg 1apg. This will be our weakness this year.

How right was I? LOL GOOD GOING GARY!!! And I called the KMART prediction!

Also the miller/sar/kt pretty well as usual..

Damn I am good.
How right was I? LOL GOOD GOING GARY!!! And I called the KMART prediction!

Also the miller/sar/kt pretty well as usual..

Damn I am good.
You sure were Gary. Yeah the trio isn't exactly a powerhouse, at least not anymore. :rolleyes:

Yeah, we sure did suck to deflate KMart's breakout year stats. Not only was our backcourt a bust which we knew already, but Mike had one of his worst years as well. If Mike would play like we though he would, Grant N. was raving how he thought that Mike and Brad would have breakout years due to their conditioning in the off-season, what a reverse of fortunes that turned out to be!!! :-(
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Ha! I blame it on Muss!
I do too.

We got to see the results of roster changes quite often, so it got to be fairly easy to see what changing a single variable of that sort would do. The only constants were Petrie and Adelman, so we had no way of knowing what the impact of changing one of those would be. Nobody did, or we would have had all kinds of teams trying to recruit Adelman.

So this year has been a learning experience for us fans. I hope it has been for the owners, too.