Horford & Noah

Heh, for once being old is good for something.

Wilt Chamberlain, 7'1", 275 lbs.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, 7'2", 267 lbs.
I'm pretty sure Vlade, all those weights and some of those heights are off unless you were talking about right out of school. Oden is without a doubt a freak, we'd be so lucky to get him but we'd have to also get extremely lucky.
I'm pretty sure Vlade, all those weights and some of those heights are off unless you were talking about right out of school. Oden is without a doubt a freak, we'd be so lucky to get him but we'd have to also get extremely lucky.
Of course we're talking right out of school why would we do anything else? Oden is 7-0 280 at 19 years old. Why compare him to other players at the end of their careers?
you're right on with kareem, but chamberlain was around 250 according to databasebasketball and draftreview
OK, I used his weight as given by the NBA. If he was like most people, it probably varied, I've seen a few claims that he eventually passed 300. So maybe 275 was his typical weight or something... *shrug*


Hall of Famer

I totally agree. If we don't get a big out of this year's draft, and go instead for the best player regardless of position, we're going to be looking at another year of disappointment and frustration. Talented bigs aren't out there growing on trees and teams who have them aren't willing to part with them.

We have to grab someone decent from the draft and then build accordingly. He doesn't have to be the next Amare or the next LeBron, but he has to be better than what we have right now...
I disagree as well. We should really take the best player available. If that's a big then great! But if not then drafting a big with our pick could be a dumb move.
I disagree as well. We should really take the best player available. If that's a big then great! But if not then drafting a big with our pick could be a dumb move.
So your saying if the BPA is a skinny shooting guard we should take him? Give me a break. BPA isn't always the best option.
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So your saying if the BPA is a skinny shoot guard we should take him? Give me a break. BPA isn't always the best option.

If the BPA is by far heads and shoulders above the next, then yes I would say it is the best option regardless of position...However, if it's somewhat close, then The Hawks situation of Marvin Williams/Chris Paul is a perfect example of what not to do.


Hall of Famer
he said size and athleticism. that wouldn't be how i'd describe yao ming. alonzo mourning and shaq were, in their younger years, mildly athletic, but oden has incredible quickness to go along with supreme upper body strength. no disrespect to the aforementioned, but i wouldn't bother with those three names. only one of them is going to be relevant for the next 10+ years. bosh, howard, and stoudemire are oden's company.
You better go back and watch some tape of Shaq in his early years. He was significantly more athletic than Oden, incredibly quick laterally and in his jumping, both qualities that Oden doesn't have. Oden has to gather himself when he jumps. Shaq just exploded when he jumped. He was a much better rebounder than Oden. Oden is more advanced than Shaq though in his offensive skills. He'll be a fine NBA center, no doubt.
Oden is a far better athlete then Duncan ever was. He has the best combo of Size, strength, and athletecism since Shaq.
Which is NICE don't get me wrong, but Duncan is that special player that does not come around that often. Duncan plays team ball.. If we got Oden I am hoping he is a team player. If we finish 6th worst than we would have a 7% at top, and 33% at top 3 right?
Shaq was an athletic freak back in his college/Orlando days.


What makes Oden so special was that he is probably just as athletic as Howard with even more size and 10x the defensive instincts. Also, he has an extremely advanced post game for his age. Look at freshman numbers for Ewing, Olajuwon, Shaq, etc. Oden's numbers this year compare pretty well.

He's going to dominate on the next level. Just look what he did against Florida's two lottery big men (Who are also 2 years older than he is).

25 points 12 rebounds 4 blocks, completely dominating the paint.
Shaq was an athletic freak back in his college/Orlando days.


What makes Oden so special was that he is probably just as athletic as Howard with even more size and 10x the defensive instincts. Also, he has an extremely advanced post game for his age. Look at freshman numbers for Ewing, Olajuwon, Shaq, etc. Oden's numbers this year compare pretty well.

He's going to dominate on the next level. Just look what he did against Florida's two lottery big men (Who are also 2 years older than he is).

25 points 12 rebounds 4 blocks, completely dominating the paint.
Unlike previous games where he's been doubled from time to time, he was hardly ever doubled last night. They decided to stop the 3s from killing them which worked. Oden hardly get's 1 on 1 ever and if he does, and is motivated, you get what you saw last night. An amazing performance.
What is this once every ten or twenty years? Do Mourning, Yao, Shaq not exist.

Umm...Shaq and Mourning entered the league FIFTEEN years ago. That is within his 10-20 year range.

And if you think Yao is as athletic as Oden, you are certifiable.

Later you mention Duncan. He was drafted in 1997. Ten years ago.

Explain how the 10-20 year thing isn't true?
Umm...Shaq and Mourning entered the league FIFTEEN years ago. That is within his 10-20 year range.

And if you think Yao is as athletic as Oden, you are certifiable.

Later you mention Duncan. He was drafted in 1997. Ten years ago.

Explain how the 10-20 year thing isn't true?
I think your talking about viable centers in the league. Maybe Oden has a lot more athleticism but he's on the same level as Yao with skill on potential. Howard has a ton of potential and is still growing.

There have been 6 really good centers over the last 25 or so years. Yao, Shaq, Mourning, Hakeem, Ewing and if you want to count Duncan, 6. So how is it possible that there are only a great center wonder every 10-20 years? Honestly in this day and age Howard and Amare would be considered top of the line "centers." I don't think they are as rare as your saying they are. Maybe ones with his type of skill set, but we haven't yet seen him dominate the pros like we all think he can.
Shaq was an athletic freak back in his college/Orlando days.


What makes Oden so special was that he is probably just as athletic as Howard with even more size and 10x the defensive instincts. Also, he has an extremely advanced post game for his age. Look at freshman numbers for Ewing, Olajuwon, Shaq, etc. Oden's numbers this year compare pretty well.

He's going to dominate on the next level. Just look what he did against Florida's two lottery big men (Who are also 2 years older than he is).

25 points 12 rebounds 4 blocks, completely dominating the paint.
Not to mention getting the florida team in foul trouble all by himself. He would've dominated even more if OSU's guards fed him the ball more. He would've gotten noah or horford to foul out and richard earlier. Oden did more than show he's the obvious no.1 draft pick.
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I think your talking about viable centers in the league. Maybe Oden has a lot more athleticism but he's on the same level as Yao with skill on potential. Howard has a ton of potential and is still growing.

There have been 6 really good centers over the last 25 or so years. Yao, Shaq, Mourning, Hakeem, Ewing and if you want to count Duncan, 6. So how is it possible that there are only a great center wonder every 10-20 years? Honestly in this day and age Howard and Amare would be considered top of the line "centers." I don't think they are as rare as your saying they are. Maybe ones with his type of skill set, but we haven't yet seen him dominate the pros like we all think he can.
I didn't talk about his "greatness" or "domination", I was merely mentioning the combo of size and athleticism. We haven't seen anything like him in those categories since shaq.
Oden obviously did great but the thing to remember is that he was never double-teamed in this game and considering his weight advantage he should have dominated.
Oden obviously did great but the thing to remember is that he was never double-teamed in this game and considering his weight advantage he should have dominated.
He did dominate. He dominated against three lottery picks with crap guard help and barely any rest at all.
Oden obviously did great but the thing to remember is that he was never double-teamed in this game and considering his weight advantage he should have dominated.

So because he's expected to dominated it's not impressive when he DOES dominate? That makes no sense. I agree with Vlade4GM.
Oden obviously did great but the thing to remember is that he was never double-teamed in this game and considering his weight advantage he should have dominated.
It looked to me like he did dominate. He just didn't get much help from his teammates.
I know it seems like most of you are against taking the BPA in the draft, but what if all of the decent bigs are gone and a guy like Conley from Ohio State is suddenly sitting there. I love watching this kid play. He's athletic, has guick hands, and he plays great defense. I would love to have a guy like him runnng our offense in a couple years. I''m also a huge bruin fan, so of course I love Collison, mostly because I think he's one of the best defenseive guards in the country, but I would still take conley over him. I would also love to see us pick up a guy like Humpries from Florida in the second round. Wouldn't it be great to have a decent outside shooter on this team again that could give us a huge lift off the bench.
I know it seems like most of you are against taking the BPA in the draft, but what if all of the decent bigs are gone and a guy like Conley from Ohio State is suddenly sitting there. I love watching this kid play. He's athletic, has guick hands, and he plays great defense. I would love to have a guy like him runnng our offense in a couple years. I''m also a huge bruin fan, so of course I love Collison, mostly because I think he's one of the best defenseive guards in the country, but I would still take conley over him. I would also love to see us pick up a guy like Humpries from Florida in the second round. Wouldn't it be great to have a decent outside shooter on this team again that could give us a huge lift off the bench.

The needs of this team are in the frontcourt (PF/C) and a starting caliber PG. We really don't need wings. Bibby is our best trading chip(which isn't saying much right now)...if all the good bigs are gone....Oden/Durant/Wright/Horford/Hibbert/Arthur/Noah then sure if Conley declares take him. The only WING player worthy of a lotto pick IMO is Corey Brewer.
So because he's expected to dominated it's not impressive when he DOES dominate? That makes no sense. I agree with Vlade4GM.
Put Shelden Williams on Shaq and put on him idk Chris Kaman. I think results would be quite different. Horford is PF on the next level and Oden is not ready offensively (as in 18-20 points ready). He's still #1 pick though and to me was all season long.