Artest: "I'm Not Retiring"

I do not agree. IMHO Ron is a genuine guy who does care for his team and his family. His problem is he does not have very good emotional regulation and is impulsive which leads him do things he later regrets.
You mistake me. I don't believe Ron ever intends to hurt others, he just does by his behaviors and choices. I'm sure he is sincere, because he sincerely has no insight into why things he says or does cause problems or harm to others. Doesn't lessen the damage, tho and the sooner you cut people like that loose, the better.
There might be a difference though.

Ron generally lacks malice I think. I don't think he is a "bad guy" in the sense of someone who plans to hurt people, who plots out his next self-aggrandizing move, or who is immune to the pain//damage he causes. I think he is somebody unbalanced with incredibly sloppy impulse control. In many ways a child. And a child trapped by his own limitations, wildly influenced by peer pressure, thumping his chest just like boys do in high school to cover their insecurity. He's just a mess. And the sad thing for him is I think he knows it, I think he;s embarrassed by it, and I think he tries to cover it up by acting out.

I think you nail it there.

The state of the team this season can't be helping him either. The basket case nature of the team this year can't be easy for a guy like Ron to take. I mean, it can't be easy for anyone up close to it, but it's got to be even harder on someone who has problems managing his emotions.
Seriously.. The Kings should buy him out, and if he's not willing to accept it than send him home ala Potapenko. That will make him want to accept a buyout if he loves basketball.
So you think Artest didn't make a conscious decision to go into the stands? Do you think he's just a victim of the chemicals in his brain or something? He may have some emotional instability, that shouldn't excuse his behavior or alleviate responsibility for his own actions. I seem to recall him saying he didn't think he did anything wrong in Detroit.
Exactly, he still doesn't think he did anything wrong in Detriot. Whatever judgement skill he has seems to be limited to basketball, and even that is pushing it. He thought he could be a big music star, but have you listened to any of his stuff? He thinks he can take us into the playoffs, which means going at least10-2. He's got a screw loose! I'm not saying that it justifies anything, I'm just saying that's Ron. Of course he's in control of his own actions, but that's only meaningful if he can tell right from wrong, good from bad. And his ability to determine those things is so poor that he might as well make his decisions by flipping a coin.
Seriously.. The Kings should buy him out, and if he's not willing to accept it than send him home ala Potapenko. That will make him want to accept a buyout if he loves basketball.
the problem with a buyout is that it only gets him off the team. it doesn't help with the cap and it doesn't get any talent in return. Maybe if he refuses to retire and there is nothing available in trade.
i think he just misses his kids. call me crazy too but id say some crazy stuff if i couldnt see my kids. id feel like that if i were in his situation. then you have to think about how he has a microscope over him and every little thing he says gets blown out of proportion with everyone from the media to the fans. but what i respect about ron artest is that he still knows that what he said isnt that big of a deal because of who he told. he did not intend for the media to get ahold of it and put thier own dramatical twist on it and just because they made it a big deal, still doesnt make it a big deal. its just basketball and thats secondary to his kids. am i the only one that doesnt think thats crazy?
i think he just misses his kids. call me crazy too but id say some crazy stuff if i couldnt see my kids. id feel like that if i were in his situation. then you have to think about how he has a microscope over him and every little thing he says gets blown out of proportion with everyone from the media to the fans. but what i respect about ron artest is that he still knows that what he said isnt that big of a deal because of who he told. he did not intend for the media to get ahold of it and put thier own dramatical twist on it and just because they made it a big deal, still doesnt make it a big deal. its just basketball and thats secondary to his kids. am i the only one that doesnt think thats crazy?
Well unless hiphopgames is lying then he didn't just tell his teammates this but the editor of that web site as well. It is a big deal if he says he's going to retire and doesn't mean it because when other teams hear that it's going to kill his trade value. If he plans on retiring fine go tell the world if you want to, but don't start blabbing about retirement if it's just a fleeting moment of missing your kids.
Did he actually say that on the radio?
He sure did. In fact he said exactly what is being said here. that Ron is not a bad guy. "Just dimented". He said Geoff Petrie should just tell Ron to have no comment on any question he is asked. Grant said "Just shut up Ron. Just shut up."
Struck me as odd because he usually towes the Maloof party line (which may be what it is now" because in his top 5 at 5 he was bashing some other sports figure who pretty much is a carbon copy of Ron by saying things like
I'm sick of his crap, see ya, good bye,...I was saying that Grant better say the same about Ron and to my surprise...he did. However Ron's "i'm retiring" schpeel did not make the top 5 at 5. He said all this shortly thereafter.
He sure did. In fact he said exactly what is being said here. that Ron is not a bad guy. "Just dimented". He said Geoff Petrie should just tell Ron to have no comment on any question he is asked. Grant said "Just shut up Ron. Just shut up."
Struck me as odd because he usually towes the Maloof party line (which may be what it is now" because in his top 5 at 5 he was bashing some other sports figure who pretty much is a carbon copy of Ron by saying things like
I'm sick of his crap, see ya, good bye,...I was saying that Grant better say the same about Ron and to my surprise...he did. However Ron's "i'm retiring" schpeel did not make the top 5 at 5. He said all this shortly thereafter.

This makes me wonder if what the Maloofs feelings about Ron have changed also.
I want to know which King aired the dirty laundry out. Even hear a "rumor" first before they asked Ron about it. This whole thing should never have hit the media. The players that got the text message should have gone to Musselman and Petrie. They would have had a talk with Ron and it would have all been sorted out behind the scenes and within the team. This should not have played out in the media at all.

What really bothers me is that everyone is so quick to jump on Ron that they didn't even look to see that there is a dagger in his back. One of his own team mates stabbed him in the back. I would hate to have friends like that when I'm going through a tough time in my life.
Ron is ALWAYS going through a "tough time in his life." And an awful lot of it he brings on himself. A whole lot of people have it tougher than Ron and actually manage to be responsible about their behavior. Its long past time for people to quit making excuses for this grown man.

If Ron text messages a bunch of people, he wasn't exactly being discreet. If I was his teammate, I'd be fed up with trying to be supportive of someone who won't quit being a screw-up and consequently is affecting my job, my life.

Ron's behavior is a stab in the back (multiple stabs at this point) to his teammates who are trying to get something going as a team. They're having a tough enough season without his childish, self-absorbed behavior.

There is a point at which "being supportive" becomes being an enabler (or sucker). He'll drain all the good will out of people, until they have no more to give.
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I want to know which King aired the dirty laundry out. Even hear a "rumor" first before they asked Ron about it. This whole thing should never have hit the media. The players that got the text message should have gone to Musselman and Petrie. They would have had a talk with Ron and it would have all been sorted out behind the scenes and within the team. This should not have played out in the media at all.

What really bothers me is that everyone is so quick to jump on Ron that they didn't even look to see that there is a dagger in his back. One of his own team mates stabbed him in the back. I would hate to have friends like that when I'm going through a tough time in my life.
actually we don't know how it went down with hiphopgames other than what they said and that's artest told the editor he's considering retirement. we don't know if they were following up a rumor or not or at least i havent heard anything like that. also, even if it went down like you said artest didn't need to feed the rumor like that, it would be probably nothing until artest gave hiphopgames what they needed to make it run.
He is giving me the ultimate ****s! I don't care how we do it but we need to get rid off him one way or the other. If it means reaching a settlement and buying him out, then so be it. He is just a HUGE distraction to the team and that cannot be good.
Ron is ALWAYS going through a "tough time in his life." And an awful lot of it he brings on himself. A whole lot of people have it tougher than Ron and actually manage to be responsible about their behavior. Its long past time for people to be making excuses for this grown man.

If Ron text messages a bunch of people, he wasn't exactly being discreet. If I was his teammate, I'd be fed up with trying to be supportive of someone who won't quit being a screw-up and consequently is affecting my job, my life.

Ron's behavior is a stab in the back (multiple stabs at this point) to his teammates who are trying to get something going as a team. They're having a tough enough season without his childish, self-absorbed behavior.

There is a point at which "being supportive" becomes being an enabler (or sucker). He'll drain all the good will out of people, until they have no more to give.

Well said KD.

Ron's actions are also affecting his teammates careers, i.e., potential future incomes. If people think these guys don't think about trying to score a big contract, ah...well. I'd say it's also entirely possible that Ron's current teammates want him gone, for reasons public and private.
Ron is ALWAYS going through a "tough time in his life." And an awful lot of it he brings on himself. A whole lot of people have it tougher than Ron and actually manage to be responsible about their behavior. Its long past time for people to quit making excuses for this grown man.

If Ron text messages a bunch of people, he wasn't exactly being discreet. If I was his teammate, I'd be fed up with trying to be supportive of someone who won't quit being a screw-up and consequently is affecting my job, my life.

Ron's behavior is a stab in the back (multiple stabs at this point) to his teammates who are trying to get something going as a team. They're having a tough enough season without his childish, self-absorbed behavior.

There is a point at which "being supportive" becomes being an enabler (or sucker). He'll drain all the good will out of people, until they have no more to give.

First, I would like to know how Ron's off court behavior has any effect on his teammate's careers. Give me some specifics.

IMO Mike Bibby and Brad Miller have cost the team several losses over the years with their technical fouls, on court tantrums, and arguing with refs while their unguarded man scored. Those losses DO have an effect on their teammate's careers. If given the choice between bad on court behavior and bad off court, I'll take bad off court.

Second, Ron texted his teammates. The simple fact that it was leaked anonymously should tell you how ashamed the person is who did it. If you can't understand that you don't air the team dirty laundry out, then I don't have any words that will help you.

Also, Ron is not "ALWAYS" going through a tough time in his life. He behaved for a full year here and was a great teammate. Now all of a sudden he is having family problems. I count the problem with his dogs as part of the family problems. Why? Think about it, who is making sure the dogs are fed and restrained property when Ron is on the road with the team? If you said anyone but the lady of the house, you are wrong.

Ron needs help off the court. He needs counselling and a mentor. He is not a bad guy. If you want to know about bad guys, try a teammate that sleeps with another teammate's wife. Or a teammate that gets popped for drug abuse so many times he is kicked out of the league. How about a teammate that steals gear and sells it on eBay. Sorry, but Ron's troubles in Sacramento don't even come close to what I consider to be bad teammate material.

Maybe this really is a cow town since so many people get their danders up so easily.
I think Ron is a dumb guy who carries his emotions up his sleeve for the past incidents. But this is NOT an incident.

This is nothing, he did not tell that to reporters after a game or a shoot out, he did not yell that to fans after an upsetting loss. It was just innocent words uttered to a team mate in whom he must have confided his emotions, its a shame on that person and NOT Ron.

I have said that so many times and I didnt mean it, sometimes its frustration or sometimes its cos of the stock boom that could have made me cocky. As long as I dont go and tell that to my boss or my subordinates i dont think a sentence used in a friendly environment after a beer makes a difference.

If you talk about domestic abuse i would say yes he needs counselling, to control his anger. I work with a client who goes apes about nothing but I know he means nothing cos he has told me about his problem, why cant people treat this problem similarly, he needs maybe anger management counselling and if that doesnt work more counselling. Apart from that doemstic incident he has been a model citizen on the court (maybe some of the time outs or taking himself out are issues, but i dont think its that bad compared to a couple of players dialing in the whole season except for nationally televised games )

Atleast he gives everything when he is on the court and has been good on that side, no flagrant intentional fouls, no interactions with fans etc etc.

When some players dont even put in the effort, as a teammate i might also feel like retiring if i were in his shoes, wouldnt you ?
Since I do not know how to put a "quote" on the post, I'll answer to SacDoug. First, I'll ask for specifics from you--exactly which games did Brad and Mike lose when their unguarded man scored. And was the loss by that exact amount? Although we can't remember what game, we remember Bruce Bowen, Kobe, Rasheed Wallace and Cuttino Mobely doing the same thing--many players have done this--doesn't make it right, but in the heat of the game it happens.

How do you know it was a teammate that leaked the "retirement" text message? Was it the same "unnamed source" that leaked the information about the post-Atlanta game when Ron went into a tirade in the locker room? Would that affect his teammates when he is yelling at the coach? Why should they have to put up with any of this/his mess? The other players on this team are by association with him as a teammate affected. Did Bibby get fair treatment of coverage of his great game and record of scoring threes--hell no--the front page of the sports section was about Artest and his retirement plans. Was our win over Arizona on the front page? NO!

We don't think Ron is a "bad person." He has shown he has a troubled personality and true compassion is felt for him and his family. We all want the best for him. But, we should be posting about basketball, not player behavior.

Cow town or not, Ron Artest's behavior has nothing to do with it. It is getting to be about "Ron" and not the "Sacramento Kings." We want it over with. The Wrights.
I do not get where some of you have gotten the idea that one of his teammates "leaked" that he was considering retirement. RON gave the interview to hiphop mag. He also sent texts to teammates, among others. When the media ASKED the players about it, they did not get much. Corliss said that he did not think he would retire. Mike had "No Comment," and Salmons (I think) shook his head and did not indicate that he thought it would happen.

IMHO, if Artest wants to think about retirement, so be it. If he doesn't, fine. I do think that it hurts his trade value and gives the team one more thing to deal with, but that is the nature of the business.

If Ron is getting heat for talking about retirement, he has HIMSELF to blame. If he did not want it getting out, he should not have said anything.


Super Moderator Emeritus
First, I would like to know how Ron's off court behavior has any effect on his teammate's careers. Give me some specifics.
Specifics? How about the whole bleeping season has been affected by Ron Artest? Even when guys do admirable things, like Kevin getting POTW and Bibby setting a new team record for threes, it's overshadowed by Artest's problems.

IMO Mike Bibby and Brad Miller have cost the team several losses over the years with their technical fouls, on court tantrums, and arguing with refs while their unguarded man scored. Those losses DO have an effect on their teammate's careers. If given the choice between bad on court behavior and bad off court, I'll take bad off court.
Oh please. This is comparing apples to very big watermelons. Look in the threads. How many of them are about Artest, his misdeeds, his missed games, etc? That's a distraction NO team needs to put up with.

Second, Ron texted his teammates. The simple fact that it was leaked anonymously should tell you how ashamed the person is who did it. If you can't understand that you don't air the team dirty laundry out, then I don't have any words that will help you.

Also, Ron is not "ALWAYS" going through a tough time in his life. He behaved for a full year here and was a great teammate. Now all of a sudden he is having family problems. I count the problem with his dogs as part of the family problems. Why? Think about it, who is making sure the dogs are fed and restrained property when Ron is on the road with the team? If you said anyone but the lady of the house, you are wrong.
Ron texted his teammates AND talked to the editor of and probably others. And it's NOT all of a sudden he's having family problems. The police have been called to his home over a half-dozen times since he's been there. That's not all of a sudden. That's a pattern.

Ron needs help off the court. He needs counselling and a mentor. He is not a bad guy. If you want to know about bad guys, try a teammate that sleeps with another teammate's wife. Or a teammate that gets popped for drug abuse so many times he is kicked out of the league. How about a teammate that steals gear and sells it on eBay. Sorry, but Ron's troubles in Sacramento don't even come close to what I consider to be bad teammate material.
It's not about him being a bad guy. It's about him being incredibly high maintenance to the point where he's simply more trouble than he's worth. It can't always be the Ron Artest show, 24/7.

Maybe this really is a cow town since so many people get their danders up so easily.
No, maybe it's a message board where a whole bunch of really devoted Kings fans feel sorry for Ron Artest the person but, just like the fans in Indiana, they've simply run out of excuses for him.
First, I would like to know how Ron's off court behavior has any effect on his teammate's careers. Give me some specifics.

IMO Mike Bibby and Brad Miller have cost the team several losses over the years with their technical fouls, on court tantrums, and arguing with refs while their unguarded man scored. Those losses DO have an effect on their teammate's careers. If given the choice between bad on court behavior and bad off court, I'll take bad off court.

Second, Ron texted his teammates. The simple fact that it was leaked anonymously should tell you how ashamed the person is who did it. If you can't understand that you don't air the team dirty laundry out, then I don't have any words that will help you.

Also, Ron is not "ALWAYS" going through a tough time in his life. He behaved for a full year here and was a great teammate. Now all of a sudden he is having family problems. I count the problem with his dogs as part of the family problems. Why? Think about it, who is making sure the dogs are fed and restrained property when Ron is on the road with the team? If you said anyone but the lady of the house, you are wrong.

Ron needs help off the court. He needs counselling and a mentor. He is not a bad guy. If you want to know about bad guys, try a teammate that sleeps with another teammate's wife. Or a teammate that gets popped for drug abuse so many times he is kicked out of the league. How about a teammate that steals gear and sells it on eBay. Sorry, but Ron's troubles in Sacramento don't even come close to what I consider to be bad teammate material.

Maybe this really is a cow town since so many people get their danders up so easily.
I'm just going to assume you missed the article in the paper this morning reporting that Ron told of his retirement plans as well.

Specifics? How can this erratic behavior (locker room tirades, impromptu retirement plans, etc.) NOT affect the team and therefore careers of his teammates.

I don't think Ron is a bad guy either. And I think therapy could really help him. But being an adult with a job and working with others takes a certain level of emotional maturity, that, unfortunately, I think Ron is nowhere near.

I do wish Ron the best, though.
First, I would like to know how Ron's off court behavior has any effect on his teammate's careers. Give me some specifics.

IMO Mike Bibby and Brad Miller have cost the team several losses over the years with their technical fouls, on court tantrums, and arguing with refs while their unguarded man scored. Those losses DO have an effect on their teammate's careers. If given the choice between bad on court behavior and bad off court, I'll take bad off court.

Second, Ron texted his teammates. The simple fact that it was leaked anonymously should tell you how ashamed the person is who did it. If you can't understand that you don't air the team dirty laundry out, then I don't have any words that will help you.

Also, Ron is not "ALWAYS" going through a tough time in his life. He behaved for a full year here and was a great teammate. Now all of a sudden he is having family problems. I count the problem with his dogs as part of the family problems. Why? Think about it, who is making sure the dogs are fed and restrained property when Ron is on the road with the team? If you said anyone but the lady of the house, you are wrong.

Ron needs help off the court. He needs counselling and a mentor. He is not a bad guy. If you want to know about bad guys, try a teammate that sleeps with another teammate's wife. Or a teammate that gets popped for drug abuse so many times he is kicked out of the league. How about a teammate that steals gear and sells it on eBay. Sorry, but Ron's troubles in Sacramento don't even come close to what I consider to be bad teammate material.

Maybe this really is a cow town since so many people get their danders up so easily.

Ummm LMAO no. The day before he told his teammates he told's editor!

And there are some specifics how it hurts the team and fans. Kev Martin won his first player of the week but Ron Ron's problems got all the spotlight. Then Bibby shatters a franchise record by making 9 3s in a game and instead of that being in the spotlight it is RON'S troubles again. He is an attention whore. He's always going to have troubles. And people from all over on other message boards are saying "man I'm glad I'm not a kings fan I wouldn't want Ron Ron on my team". People from cities like LA, Chicago, Portland, PHX, anywhere. I don't see how this makes Sac a cow town.
Maybe this really is a cow town since so many people get their danders up so easily.
If getting bugged by an attention hogging, "its all about me" person; if getting really tired of hearing all about poor little Ron-Ron and all his troubles rather hearing about my team; if expecting a 27 year-old man to grow up and be responsible for what he says and does is cowtown, then so be it.

I have never, ever called Ron a bad guy. I'm pretty sure that Ron's intentions are almost always good. I know most people that know him say he is a great guy. On a personal, human level, I feel deep compassion for Ron and his family and all the problems they have.

But its wrong when people around him are forced to bear the burden of his problems. None of the recent "Ron issues" is new, not the dogs, not the domestic violence in the household, none of it. It went on in Indiana, too.

Off the court behavior most certainly affects the team. Everybody in the Kings organization has had to expend a lot of time and energy dealing with the myriad issues that Ron brings. Trying to support, help, or be friends with someone like Ron is exhausting and endless. It's only worth it, if the person shows some signs of actually changing.

There are reasons why people act the way they do and often have serious problems. Reasons shouldn't be mistaken for excuses.

The bull in the china shop doesn't mean to smash all the dishes, but the dishes are all smashed nonetheless. At least the bull has a real excuse, he can't choose to change.
whats all this negative talk abour ron ron? look weather u folks want 2 admit it or not RON is our clubs best player, both ends of the court... he may have mislead the locker room but my god he backs up his bad off court antics up on the court by playing his best(which is more then good enough) on this kings team. Last season not under Muss, Artest was a real fan favourite 2 the kings fans and now look he does afew bad things off court, which dont really effect how the team operates or how we play the game as a team and now hes an enemy.. if u want 2 pick on a player pick on bibby or thomas, i think they're tiem with the kings has passed n now 2 rebuild around ron, even if u get a better small forward and ron starts on the bench(if that'll make u happy) but ron is the best thing 4 this team ON COURT(hence the word on court)

thank u
whats all this negative talk abour ron ron? look weather u folks want 2 admit it or not RON is our clubs best player, both ends of the court... he may have mislead the locker room but my god he backs up his bad off court antics up on the court by playing his best(which is more then good enough) on this kings team. Last season not under Muss, Artest was a real fan favourite 2 the kings fans and now look he does afew bad things off court, which dont really effect how the team operates or how we play the game as a team and now hes an enemy.. if u want 2 pick on a player pick on bibby or thomas, i think they're tiem with the kings has passed n now 2 rebuild around ron, even if u get a better small forward and ron starts on the bench(if that'll make u happy) but ron is the best thing 4 this team ON COURT(hence the word on court)

thank u
Ron? ;)

Artest is not our best player. He is inconsistent as any other guy on the team.

It's easy to be a fan favorite for 3-4 months during a honeymoon period. Unfortunately honeymoon is over.