Who's to blame for the down-fall year?

Who's to blame?

  • Eric Musselman

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • The lack of effort to make a move during the off-season

    Votes: 23 44.2%
  • I blame the Garlic!

    Votes: 9 17.3%

  • Total voters


Hall of Famer
Everything but the garlic.

Muss is an awful coach, but I honestly think we wouldnt have done much better with Rick (5-10 more wins, max). Artest honeymoon period is over and our aging vets are one season older.

Petrie's gotta get his *** in gear this offseason and actually be a GM. We need a frontcourt, we need a PG, we need to unload practically all the starters (sans Martin of course), and we need a good coach...A very tall order to be filled, and one that will take more then one offseason to get done. But I at least want some PROGRESS this summer. Petrie hasnt given us that in about 3 seasons now.
gunks said:
Muss is an awful coach, but I honestly think we wouldnt have done much better with Rick (5-10 more wins, max). Artest honeymoon period is over and our aging vets are one season older.
Rick knows the exp of winning. Eric Musselman knows the experience of losing thats what seprates both of them. its to bad Eric Musselman couldn't preach "D" like he should he would during the time we got him.

gunks said:
Petrie's gotta get his *** in gear this offseason and actually be a GM. We need a frontcourt, we need a PG, we need to unload practically all the starters (sans Martin of course), and we need a good coach...A very tall order to be filled, and one that will take more then one offseason to get done. But I at least want some PROGRESS this summer. Petrie hasnt given us that in about 3 seasons now.
I would only trade Ron for someone like Rashard Lewis.. actually i wouldn't be shocked if there is a S&T involving Ron and Rashard Lewis. or maybe even Bibby and Chancey.

but at the end of the day we will probably do nothing.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Muss did manage to over achieve for two years in Golden State. Obviously he's not a great coach but I don't think he's the worst coach we've ever seen. He'd probably make a better college coach than NBA coach though. I'm sure he'll be slightly vindicated when whoever takes over next year also fails to live up to expectations. I doubt any big time coach is going to want the job given some of the things Adelman has about the Maloofs expectations. Unless we land a big time stud in the draft or make a blockbuster trade.

There is plenty of blame to go around. The Maloofs. Petrie, but maybe he's handcuffed by the Maloofs. Injuries to key players. The Kenny Thomas/Reef/Miller front court combo. Bibby's play until the trade deadline. We've got a huge mess on our hands and we can only hope that it can be fixed in a single offseason.
Petrie - Simple

Though I want to point towards the maloofs as well, when I look at the data I dont think they are that much to be blamed.

The trades that were made, the long term balloon contracts that were signed or taken in trades were all Petrie. Even last season when Bonzi was not available for that price, couldnt he have negotiated a little better with the agent and not played hardball by signing salmons.

Given that the team is over or close to the luxury tax every year, has been spending closer to the top half of the teams and is not spending miserly like some of the other teams, I am not going to point my fingers at the owners.

Some say that the maloofs are pulling the strings behind the scene, but then he should man up and quit if that is the case and if he is not able to do the job.
With the choices you offer in the poll, you've set up the coach as the fall guy.

How about players who won't listen and respond to the coach's direction?

If the starting 5 would do as the coaching staff say's, we'd have a much better record right now. Championship team? Not hardly but better than the pathetic display we've been force fed this season.
How about players who won't listen and respond to the coach's direction?

If the starting 5 would do as the coaching staff say's, we'd have a much better record right now. Championship team? Not hardly but better than the pathetic display we've been force fed this season.
why should they respect incompetence and inexperience?
Why were the players not included??

My vote goes to Petrie for a few reasons. One, the reason we traded Chris Webber was for moveable pieces....well, the only piece we moved was Brian Skinner(who actually could help us a little inside) for Pot. Not exactly the greatest trade.

Second was the inability to make a move during the season. Coach takes the blame with the on-court problems but with the team he was given he didn't really have anything to work with.
Why were the players not included??

My vote goes to Petrie for a few reasons. One, the reason we traded Chris Webber was for moveable pieces....well, the only piece we moved was Brian Skinner(who actually could help us a little inside) for Pot. Not exactly the greatest trade.

Second was the inability to make a move during the season. Coach takes the blame with the on-court problems but with the team he was given he didn't really have anything to work with.

That was actually a Maloof move, if any move was...as that saved the Kings quite a few bucks taking them out of the tax.

As far as blame, it's everybody.

Petrie...the players...Muss...and the Maloofs.

Nobody gets a pass but it's not all one groups fault either.

It's a "team effort", which is about the only "team" thing the Kings know these days.


Hall of Famer
Rigged Poll

Failure to make a move in the offseason is not a "who". The only "who" you have as an option is Muss. If you want to be fair, you should have Petrie and you should have the Maloofs.
Petrie - Simple

Though I want to point towards the maloofs as well, when I look at the data I dont think they are that much to be blamed.

The trades that were made, the long term balloon contracts that were signed or taken in trades were all Petrie. Even last season when Bonzi was not available for that price, couldnt he have negotiated a little better with the agent and not played hardball by signing salmons.

Given that the team is over or close to the luxury tax every year, has been spending closer to the top half of the teams and is not spending miserly like some of the other teams, I am not going to point my fingers at the owners.

Some say that the maloofs are pulling the strings behind the scene, but then he should man up and quit if that is the case and if he is not able to do the job.
Giant contracts were, in large part, because the Maloofs we're willing to pay big for the players they thought would bring a championship. I don't think most Kings fans were too upset at the time by the contracts Webber or Bibby got.

After the 02-03 season, it was the Maloofs that made it clear they were going into salary reduction mode. At that point the Kings had one of the highest payrolls. They reduced payroll consistently until they made it under the luxury tax last year by moving Skinner.

GP isn't perfect, but it could not have been easy to try and keep a team at a high level, when you've been told your goal is to reduce team salary by millions. A lot of teams were already below the luxury tax, including good teams like the Spurs (I think they are under the salary cap, too.)

It has to be easier to maintain a certain salary level that can go up a bit every year, than to have to slash payroll and try to stay good.

So the Maloofs were behind the major payroll cutting going on over several seasons. On the other hand, they came to the realization that that kind of payroll was untenanble in this market, over time. And they were right about that.
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I say it is the Maloofs. Who I still maintain are engaged in a multi-year plot to move the Kings out of Sacramento.
Two years ago I would have argued against that statement until I was blue in the face.

It's sad how the Maloofs have gone from being arguably the best owners in the NBA to being considered underhanded and deceitful by most of their fanbase.

And by the way, I don't even live in Sacramento, and the thought of the Kings leaving upsets me as much as anyone else. I know the Maloofs aren't totally to blame for the whole arena mess, but still. At least consider the fact that your fans have supported the team through good times and bad (more of the latter than the former, mind you), and they deserve a bit of effort on the part of ownership and management to put a winning product - or at least a competitive one - on the floor every night.

I don't know who the blame should fall on. I don't think you can blame one person, one group of people, one factor... But I know that I am NOT satisfied with the way the team has performed - top to bottom, this season.
Several things wrong with this question/poll.

Firstly, it's not a downfall year -- the downfall has been going on for several years now.

Secondly, it's far too simplistic to try and blame this all on one person or thing. Way too many factors. Way too many mistakes. And way too much denial.

However, if I were going to try to pinpoint the exact moment that it started... I'd go with May 8, 2003 (as mentioned elsewhere), the day Chris got injured against the Mavs. Team's never been the same since. And not entirely because we were without our best player for so long. A lot of it, I think, has to do with how well the team played to start the next season while Chris watched. I'm of the opinion that a lot of the asinine "moves" and patch jobs that we've seen since have been a direct result of that incomplete team fooling the organization into thinking that you can be successful without either a superstar or a dominant big. Utterly wrong on both counts. And stupid.

Part of me wishes Webber had never come back that year, if only to prove, once and for all, that Peja would not have been named MVP and that the team would not have gone on to win a championship without Chris. At least then the powers that be (and I mean ALL of them) might have gotten this pretty-but-irrelevant silliness out of their system.
Part of me wishes Webber had never come back that year, if only to prove, once and for all, that Peja would not have been named MVP and that the team would not have gone on to win a championship without Chris. At least then the powers that be (and I mean ALL of them) might have gotten this pretty-but-irrelevant silliness out of their system.
I've felt that way myself on several occasions. And I hate that idea.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Personally, I'm glad this year happened because it was time for a much needed rebuild
Well... last season they fired the coach, got rid of one of our most productive players, did absolutely nothing to beef up the front court but drafted and signed 2 more swingmen and pronounced the team ready to contend. What's to say they won't do exactly the same this year?
The Maloofs. I still think Petrie is plenty crafty when he is not handcuffed. As stupid as the rest of the NBA GMs are there is no way that Petrie could not have swung some deals to increase our draft standing at the dealine. And yes, our draft standing should be the goal at this point.
Muss hasn't helped and he isn't half the coach Rick adelman was, but this has to fall on Petrie. When Webber was traded we were 36-20... how bad is that teams record looking right about now? At the time it was said that just having Webber on the court destroyed your team defensively and that if we moved him guys like Mickey Moore and Zaza P would stop having career games everytime they played the Kings. Sorry, but that idea was disproven long before this miserable stretch(even before Webber was matched with an athletic Big and Detroits Opp ppg and fg% actually went down with him added to their lineup... shocker... :rolleyes: ). You don't make moves just for the sake of making moves, the Kings 2 years ago were def flawed and not quite elite but they were a hell of lot closer than what we have now, not to mention more entertaining, and unfortunately we could be stuck at this level for quite awhile now. The Webber trade hasn't panned out, Peja didn't pan out, Mike and Brad didn't pan out, Reef hasn't panned out, even Artest isn't panning out...

You know tonight when I watched the game I really felt bad for these guys, the look on their faces, the way they played hard but once again came up short, they seem bewildered out there. I know I've been as down on them as anyone but in the end I really feel, and have felt all along that it is a lack of overall talent more than anything else that is killing us. The team just isn't as good as some people thought they were... and I can't put the blame on phantom moves that the Maloofs might or might not have made, Geoff is the GM if he can't do his job the way he wants to he should quit anyway. He must bear ultimate responsibilty for the makeup of this team.
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