Kings close to trade?

I honestly can't give out any details, but I know someone involved with the Kings organisation and I just got word from them that the Kings are very close to finalising a trade, possibly within the next few hours. The teams he mentioned were Cleveland, Atlanta and Miami. He couldn't tell me which team but said it was certainly one of them. I really am sorry that I can't tell any more, but I can't put his position at risk. If this doesn't happen, don't go blaming me for "lying", I just thought I'd share what I know with you. Take it for what it's worth. If you want to discard it as nonsense, that's fine with me. Just don't go bombarding me with questions you know I can't answer.
Whoa, I hate to see Kings players go, but there is so little to lose this year that I am very excited at the prospect of a trade actually happening. Wish we could know more, but thanks for the heads up anyway.:)
Thanks so much for the heads up DD.

When GP says that no deals are in the works, get ready for deals to be made! With Bibby saying he wants to stay, maybe he is the one to go like Peja said before he was dealt.
I'll believe when I see it. No offense to you or anything, but I'm a cynic when it comes to rumors like this.

Hey, no problem. I'm exactly the same as you. Deal might not even happen, I'm literally sharing all I can with all of you guys. I hope something goes through, but I'm also prepared for the disappointment if a trade doesn't happen. I'm just giving you a heads up, but still I don't want people to be disappointed (myself included).
Yeah man thanks for the heads up. If something doesn't happen it doesn't mean you're a liar, just that the trade fell through or a physical was failed or something. Hope it happens soon though we need to make some trades.
Hey, no problem. I'm exactly the same as you. Deal might not even happen, I'm literally sharing all I can with all of you guys. I hope something goes through, but I'm also prepared for the disappointment if a trade doesn't happen. I'm just giving you a heads up, but still I don't want people to be disappointed (myself included).
thanks for the info, much appreciated. good to know they're at least trying to get something done. hopefully it's not patchwork.
Not sure if anything will happen..but whenever a trade happens it is bitter-sweet..happy to see the changes made if it improves the team, but it's always sad to see one of the boys go.

Of course it may be different this time..only a few players I would really be sad to see go, since a lot of the guys are 'new' to the team.
Why do you think that?
Trades not panning out because contracts don't match up, other teams wanting to get the better end of the deal and asking too much, and giving up too little, etc etc.

Rarely is a trade truely beneficial for both sides and GMs want to save face and feel they get the better deal and move out their trash to other teams if possible. We have a whole pile of trash for pick up and hopefully can turn that output into some good's hard but not your magic GP! ;)

We have a lot of $ in expiring contracts that is attractive to other teams wanting to rebuild as we should definately be doing as well. Sometimes it's better to just wait it out and let the contracts come off the books, while other times a team will be willing to give you much utility/value for your expiring or players sitting on the bench collecting cob webs. Teams are all at different levels in terms of where they are and where they're going.


Hall of Famer
I honestly can't give out any details, but I know someone involved with the Kings organisation and I just got word from them that the Kings are very close to finalising a trade, possibly within the next few hours. The teams he mentioned were Cleveland, Atlanta and Miami. He couldn't tell me which team but said it was certainly one of them. I really am sorry that I can't tell any more, but I can't put his position at risk. If this doesn't happen, don't go blaming me for "lying", I just thought I'd share what I know with you. Take it for what it's worth. If you want to discard it as nonsense, that's fine with me. Just don't go bombarding me with questions you know I can't answer.
Interesting. For the first time I heard Napier say that he expected the Kings to go with a "new breed" of point guard - younger, quicker, more athletic. He said though that he expected a trade in the off-season. I actually pay attention to these little tidbits from Napier because he is typically dialed into what Jerry Reynolds is thinking, and Reynolds is dialed into what Petrie is thinking. I also heard on the NBA pregame show that Bibby's name is still associated with a possible Cleveland deal and there may be a three-way. The Kings reportedly want Anderson Verejao (sp?). To me, there's enough smoke to believe that there really might be a deal. Oh, also I heard that the Kings like Bibby and don't know if they want to give him up. That sure sounds like Petrie playing the hard-sell.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey VF?




Hope something happens...This team is so boring and mediocre!
There's not much there to confirm or deny. I haven't heard anything... and I'm not in Europe like dime dropper is.

I think he might just have been kidding, especially since he's made sure to qualify his comments with a whole bunch of "don't blame me" type stuff.
There's not much there to confirm or deny. I haven't heard anything... and I'm not in Europe like dime dropper is.

I think he might just have been kidding, especially since he's made sure to qualify his comments with a whole bunch of "don't blame me" type stuff.
Kinda agree, I'm pretty skeptical.
Well the trade deadline is Thursday at 3 PM so about 45 hours away and we have huge gapping holes. I sure the hope we are trying to work trades out, whether they happen or not is up to the 2, or more, team's GMs working out the deals.
Well the trade deadline is Thursday at 3 PM so about 45 hours away and we have huge gapping holes. I sure the hope we are trying to work trades out, whether they happen or not is up to the 2, or more, team's GMs working out the deals.
I hope any trades are not about patching up "gaping holes," but is about trying to position the team to be much, much better in the future.