Grades v. Bucks 01/24

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Artest ( A ) -- one of those SuperRon games that he will have every once in a while on onbodies schedule but his own. Easy and strong first half offensively, and finished with something like 14 pts. Was actually fairly quiet in the 3rd as we just kind of waddled on along. BUt stepeed back up with a huge 4th as he completely carried us, and in the end may well have been the only reason we beat th Milwaulkee Bucks' J.V. squad. Has somethign like 18 in the quarter alone, and was jsut hitting everything. Never a blown shot. Jumpers, layups. All so very easy. I was more than a little confused at the Bucks defensive stratgy against him (the obvious one would have seemed to be be just let Patterson bang against him all night), but then again, the Bucks might be the worst defensive team in the league and their coach is only still there because he must have naked pictures of Senator Kohl (owner) with some geese or something, so who knows. There can be no "+" when you beat the Bucks at home, but Ron was unquestionably that man tonight.
Thomas ( A- ) -- got the start again, but did little indiviudally in the first quarter other than stay out of the way as everybody else poured in 37 points. At one point got backed down and overpowered by Patterson. Patterson is powerful and just as tall as Kenny, but still man, you're a PF, he's a SF, stand your ground! Scored several hoops in the late 2nd to help us open the lead back up and got himself going. And then lit up former fellow "flexible piece" Skinner in the third, with Brad in particular setting him up for layup after layup. Kept it very simple, did not shoot unless he was hit with a pass right on top of the basket, and converted nearly everything. And the scorng seemed to spur a little energy on the boards as well. Major factor in keeping the lead for us as the Bucks would not go away and were constantly threatening to trigger another one of our infamous collapses. Best game in forever for Kenny.
Miller ( B+ ) -- I remember this style of Brad game from last year, and remember I always gave it a B+. Effective in the overall sense, but complete anathema for a big man, centered as it was around passing and long standstill jumpshots, and not including rebounding, inside work or defense. Got off to the excellent start taking advantage of Bogut and moving the ball, and came back to splash in a three after returning in the late second. Which is actually a bit frightening as Brad has one foot in the Brian Cook/Terry Mills/Raef LaFrentz grave as it is, and I would hate to see him give up his last scrap of big man dignity to go become Damon Jones. Slowed down a lot after half, which was actually the tipper here between the A- and B+. Did set KT up repeatedly in the third, but otherwise largely invisible.
Martin ( C ) -- point total here is a bit deceptive as this actually ended up being another struggling game for Kevin. Got off to the fast start as the Bucks had to be reminded that he is somebody you still have to guard. Had 10-12 points in the first quarter, and also set several guys up with assists. But then cooled way off and began barely missing everything, FTs, threes, layups. I say barely because they were all just rolling out. Added a nice block inside on Ersan Ilyasova, swooping in from behind to disrupt a layup. And at one point in the 4th bit on an up fake from Boykins and clobbered the little guy -- I suspect Kevin never felt so buff before. In the end had basically one good quarter, and then three struggling ones.
Bibby ( C- ) -- So Mike figured a new way to be ineffective tongiht, and simply didn't even try to score. Fortunately Ron rode to the rescue, because otherwise we were going down to a bottom five team right now on our home floor. Meanwhile Mike took all of 7 shots, never looked comfortable, and watched his counterpart, itsy bitsy Earl Boykins dazzle with a career high 36. and after an sinspiring run at thend of December/early January where Mike scored 20+ in 6 of 7 games, he;s now colapsed and scored 13 or fewer in 6 of the last 8. At least this time he did soemthign else -- racked up 8 assists, alebit most of them in our first quarter explosion. Beats the completely drab efforts that have typified this streak. But on the other hand on most nights of the streak the opposing PG hasn't stood only belly button high and dropped a career high on us while almost singlehandly putting his team in position to steal the game. Of course Mike was not the only one who could not contend with Boykins when he had to try to guard him. You can add Kevin, Ron and Salmons to that list. But noentheless when you have a Mike Bibby vs. Earl Boykins starting matchup and one scores 36 and the other 11, Mike is supposed to have that 36.
Salmons ( C ) -- eh... first half. Just eh. I don't even feel obligated to discuss it any further. It was one of those. And followed it up with a mostly eh..2nd half, except highlighted this time with a fun little matchup with Boykins for a short stretch. We tried to pay Salmons at the point to maybe take advanatge of the mighty mite, and it was an amusing contest to wacth the relatively hulking Salmons try to bring it up agains the little guy, smartly post the mite up several times (to no effect actually), and then have to try to chase him around on the other end. Still not much of an overall game by John.
Cisco ( B- ) -- gave us hustle in his first half stint for modest effect. Came in early for Kevin in the third quarter and hit a pair of jumpers, one a three, that helped us open the lead back up again. Got into foul trouble in another not so bright Cisco hackfest and didn;t play for much longer, but those two shots came at a critical time when basically Cisco Garcia and Kenny Thomas were the two Kings holding the Bucks off. :eek:
Reef ( B- ) -- back off the bench again, and as I assume he was healthy this time guess we've switched back again? Grabbed some boards in the first half, but provided no offense and was very quiet out there. Came back with a burst to open the 4th, and while it was shortlived and he was soon supplanted by Ron's heroics, Reef still ended up with a solid 8pt 6reb effort after looking lost out there in the early going.
Corliss ( INC ) -- got his normal first half stint, but did nothing coinciding with our worst stretch of the game, and never got a return call after halftime.
Douby ( INC ) -- in the first half came in and immediately took advantage of little Boykins on a drive, but then bricked a three and was quickly rebanished to the bench as we were playing awful ball for a stretch.

Muss ( ) -- This game came down to this simple observation -- we had a starting lineup, the Bucks did not. 4 of the 5 projected Bucks starters are gone, and their best weapon was a 5'5" career backup who they traded for 2 weeks ago and told him just score as many as you can. Well the "can" for today was a career high 36. I don't have much to say here. We won. At home. By 5 over a 17-24 team missing its starting PG, OG, SF and PF and on the back end of a back to back. We did what we had to do...or ratehr i the end Ron did. We jumped out on them wiht a huge 37 point first quarter, but it should surprise nobody when I say the lead did not last. Nor shoudl it surprise many if I say Muss may have had a hand in that as he deced to trot out a 100% backup crew to opent eh 2nd quarter after the starters had played so well to beign the game. The backups didn't get it done, we lost all momentujm, and form that point onward we never were able to shake a team who's best players were Ruben Patterson and Earl Boyklins. We did I think pass them in the standing however, something that we may one day soon regret.

Boykins ( A+ ) -- most entertaining player on the floor. Fun game. Favorite moment was when Stotts put him in there between 6'7" Thomas and 6'7" Artest to try to grab a potential missed FT.
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placeholder: Please, (insert deity of choice), tell me we're not making an inspirational turnaround just in time to fight for that #8 spot yet again...
Run that by me again.
I, personally, don't think it could be done more clearly, but...

Considering that the best this team could do this year in terms of wins/losses would be to, once again, possibly squeak into the 8th playoff spot, losses are more valuable to the team's future than wins are. Making the last playoff spot and getting knocked out of the first round would mean that not only are we not winning the championship this year, but we're severely limited in what we can do towards winning a championship in the next few years.

To this team, at this point, with this record, wins are hurting more than they are helping.
Then again on the flipside maybe this team is building towards the 8th seed. Maybe that is realistic for where this team is at this point. Start with the 8th seed and build from there?
Then again on the flipside maybe this team is building towards the 8th seed. Maybe that is realistic for where this team is at this point. Start with the 8th seed and build from there?
Well, if that's the great goal of the organization (and, frankly, I often fear that it is), we're ****ed. And being led by idiots.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Then again on the flipside maybe this team is building towards the 8th seed. Maybe that is realistic for where this team is at this point. Start with the 8th seed and build from there?
Start with the what?

The complete extermination at the hands of the Mavs or Suns followed by the middling draft pick followed by watching all the teams who were recently worse than us race on by us with their shiny new stars while we toddle on along with the middlingest show on Earth spewing season ticket holders left and right until the Maloofs say **** it, the only thing this market had going for it was its ticket base, and they aren't buying our dog and pony act anymore so time to move on?


We need some.
Start with the what?

The complete extermination at the hands of the Mavs or Suns followed by the middling draft pick followed by watching all the teams who were recently worse than us race on by us with their shiny new stars while we toddle on along with the middlingest show on Earth spewing season ticket holders left and right until the Maloofs say **** it, the only thing this market had going for it was its ticket base, and they aren't buying our dog and pony act anymore so time to move on?


We need some.

Bricklayer for GM.
placeholder: Please, (insert deity of choice), tell me we're not making an inspirational turnaround just in time to fight for that #8 spot yet again...
It's probably just a stretch of easy opponents, I wouldn't worry to much about it.

...lot of positives though, Jer. Lot of positives. ;)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Well, if that's the great goal of the organization (and, frankly, I often fear that it is), we're ****ed. And being led by idiots.
Sadly I think it may be the case... at least as far as the Maloofs are concerned based on the recent Adelman articles. As much as I'd like to lose enough to insure a good draft pick I also think missing the playoffs this year is imperative to get it through their heads that wholesale changes to this lineup are needed and that we aren't just one piece away from being one of the top 3 teams in the league again.
Start with the what?

The complete extermination at the hands of the Mavs or Suns followed by the middling draft pick followed by watching all the teams who were recently worse than us race on by us with their shiny new stars while we toddle on along with the middlingest show on Earth spewing season ticket holders left and right until the Maloofs say **** it, the only thing this market had going for it was its ticket base, and they aren't buying our dog and pony act anymore so time to move on?


We need some.

Sorry I just don't see how moving up from the 15th pick in the draft to the 13th or 14th betters us as a franchise. Just my gut feeling though.

No question about the VISION thing. And no question that this team needs an adjustment in both it's mindset and personnel, but I will never wish for my team to lose. Either the owners and management know what's up or they don't. They are going to do what they are going to do, and we can rant and rave about this and that but in the end all we can do is support the team we have. Or not. We can go to the games and boo I guess, but I hear the players don't like that. Or we can stop watching the team altogether and stop buying tickets, but I would assume that means we'd no longer be fans.

As fans we are often left helpless and confused because of a lack of any sort of communication between an often quiet and reclusive GM that never gives any solid indication of his intentions. Good thing for making moves? I guess. But bad for fans wanting answers. A meteor oodling out of a chicken as it's laying eggs and pointing a finger at the moon (or something like that :p) is the type of
reassurrance we get.

I'll just have to trust the people in power that they know the situation better than any of us do. And if that is not the case, we the fans are not just screwed. We are BIG TIME screwed.

If this team goes into tank mode and there is a long term plan then I can see the point in that. But I can also see the point in keeping a boderline playoff team and trying to make improvements on that if possible. What has this team regressed from? Granted there are no doubt issues but this isn't the 2002-2003 Kings here, this is a completely different team. They haven't even brought in any personnel to suit Musselman yet. I would hope they have intentions of giving the new coach what he feels he needs otherwise it's counterproductive from the get.

50 games are almost up, I expect some noise after that 50 and some inclination Muss understands the situation and where to go from here.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I was at the game tonight and the number of empty seats was striking. I'd say a good 20-30% were empty. :(

Crowd was kinda quiet. Well, they weren't there, so I guess I should say the seats were quiet. :rolleyes:

Fun to watch Ron-Ron go off, and Brad was making some good passes. Good game by Thomas - we were talking about it in the stands. Cisco was all over the place and had a few good shots as well.

There were a buch of Aussies there with flags as capes, etc. Still trying to fugure out that one....
Sorry I just don't see how moving up from the 15th pick in the draft to the 13th or 14th betters us as a franchise.
If I'm not mistaken, we made it down to about 6th a short while ago, but are at more like 9th now. If we make it to 13th-15th, you're perfectly right, we're screwed.
If I'm not mistaken, we made it down to about 6th a short while ago, but are at more like 9th now. If we make it to 13th-15th, you're perfectly right, we're screwed.
So we go from Julien Wright to Corey Brewer, big whoop. Both of the those guys are nice but franchise players they are not.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
This team is not going to win a championship this season, there's absolutely no chance. There are at least two teams in the eastern conference and three teams in the west that would sweep us in a best of seven series... hell, in a best of thirteen series! Hoping for a playoff berth in a deep draft year when we can't win it all anyway is beyond stupid.
This team is not going to win a championship this season, there's absolutely no chance. There are at least two teams in the eastern conference and three teams in the west that would sweep us in a best of seven series... hell, in a best of thirteen series! Hoping for a playoff berth in a deep draft year when we can't win it all anyway is beyond stupid.
That's the key word. This draft is short on superstar players but much like last year it may bode well for those teams picking out of the lottery.
OK but people are misplacing their efforts if they think that this draft would yeild the Kings a star player that will turn this franchise around by himself. That has about as much chance of happening as the Kings storming into the playoffs and taking the crown tomorrow.

It's still a long season and I am very interested to see where things go from here. There's only two directions but the possible outcomes are many.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
OK but people are misplacing their efforts if they think that this draft would yeild the Kings a star player that will turn this franchise around by himself. That has about as much chance of happening as the Kings storming into the playoffs and taking the crown tomorrow.

It's still a long season and I am very interested to see where things go from here. There's only two directions but the possible outcomes are many.
On the contrary; there's a much better chance of the Kings drafting a star player that would turn the franchise by himself than there is of the Kings "storming into the playoffs and taking the crown tomorrow." In fact, there's at least a 1-in-15 chance that we'll get a franchise player out of this draft; there is NO chance WHATSOEVER of the Kings winning a championship this year, so fighting your way out of a chance to get a franchise player is an exercise in futility and stupidity.
On the contrary; there's a much better chance of the Kings drafting a star player that would turn the franchise by himself than there is of the Kings storming into the playoffs and taking the crown tomorrow. In fact, there's at least a 1-in-15 chance that we'll get a franchise player out of this draft; there is NO chance WHATSOEVER of the Kings winning a championship this year, so fighting your way out of a chance to get a franchise player is an exercise in futility and stupidity.

How do you figure? If those were the true odds then by all means tank away!
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
How do you figure? If those were the true odds then by all means tank away!
You are rather dramatically underestimating what many think is the strongest draft in a decade, and one of the strongest ever.

As an aside, as a #6 seed your chances of getting #1 are 6.3%, #2 7.1%, #3 8.1%. And of course most likey #6, and no worse than #9 with extreme bad luck. You would do better to be a spot or two higher, but just two lotteries ago Milwaulee got the #1 out of the #6 seed (unfortunately for them Andrew Bogut awaited instead of Greg Oden/Kevin Durant). Houston got #1 out of the 5th seed in 2002 (how's Yao strike you), New Jersey got #1 out of the 7th seed in 2000 (Kenyon Martin).

In this draft, this year, you probably have something like a 50%+ chance of drafting a starter if you are in the Top 10. Likely higher than that. A starter for free. With one or more superstars in the mix that aren't just starters, but franchise guys.
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