Grades v. Jazz 12/15

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Artest ( B- ) -- very quiet in the early going, but started to aggressively attack inside at the end of the half, with some good, some bad results. Did make several great individual defensive plays in the half though. Got dominated in the 3rd by a superactive Kirilneko, but came back to try to carry us back into it in the early 4th, As usual with such efforts, there was some good, some bad from him, but regardless of overall efficiency, he was at least an aggressive presence starting our comeback and demanding that we deliver a competitive response. And on a play when it looked like Mike should be handling in the final minute, it was Ron who demanded the ball and then set up Reef for the corner three that put us up 1. This really wasn't a great effort by Ron, but I'm giving him the grade here mostly because I thought it was his spirit in the early 4th that prevented us from just quietly sliding away again.
Thomas ( C- ) -- sigh. Well...nothing much to start the game, and once again here he was only notching 15 minutes in a start. But he did join the party in the 3rd as one of several Kings who did a solid job bodying up on Boozer. I was floating between a C and C- here, but went with the lower grade simply because he was the starter, at least in theory.
Miller ( B- ) -- okay to start, but we got a definite boost this time when Reef came in to replace him. Made some contributions though -- not on the glass or on defense of course, but on offense by repeatedly rumbling inside for little semi-post hoops. Ironic given that he has no post game, but he has been doing a lot of that in recent weeks, I think as much out of complete lack of confidence in his jumper as anything else. In any case, he's keeping it simple, just moving toward the hoop at 7'0" 260lbs, catching the ball, keeping it high and just flipping it up. When he's not guarded by a true big, its been somewhat effective, and was again tonight.
Martin ( D+ ) -- poor game, although maybe not quite as poor as the 2-12 would indicate. Ragged start getting introduced to Andrei Kirilenko's shotblocking. Backdoored Fisher on one end, then came back down to the other end of the floor and promptly had Fisher beat him with the backdoor in return. And just never could get anything consistent going. As per usual drew a number of fouls and got to the line, where he knocked them all down. But was off from the perimeter, was bothered by the Jazz interior defenders on the drive, and just never got settled into any sort of rhythm. Rest of his game was pretty much a shrug -- got beat a few times by Williams and Giricek on D, but it wasn't a slaughter, had the normal 4 rebs 2 asts. Mostly just another bad shooting night. Be interesting to see if Mike actually stays waken up after this one, and if he does whether it will free Kevin back up.
Bibby ( A- ) -- Okay -- here's a toughie to grade, but obviously I went high since he basically won the game for us, with an assist from Reef. We are in fact the old Vancouver Grizzlies. Lucky us. Another offensive struggle to start this one and think he was something like 1-7 or 2-8 or some such at half, and not helping. But came alive for a burst in the 3rd and was basically the only thing keeping us from blowout city. And while he was quiet offensively for most of the 4th, he stepped up down the stretch, made several excellent passes to set up people inside, hit a big shot to draw us within 7 with 3:00 to go and followed that up with a three point play with 2:00 to go to draw us within 2. It was in fact the old clutch down the stretch Bibby that hasn't been heard from all year long. So, overall game was not hugely impressive by Bibby standards, but when it mattered, Mike was the guy making all the plays. And when Utah started fumbling about and opened the door for us, he was the guy leading the charge through the gates.
Reef ( A ) -- strong game for Reef as he got the best of the Jazz bigs. Started off with a good stint at the end of the first quarter where he scored very effectively. There were some turnovers, but this time he also rediscovered the outlet pass out of the post and notched a couple of assists with it as well. Came back and began to notch more numbers in the 4th playing steady wingman as first Ron, and then Mike, stepped up to lead us back into it. Hit a big three pointer to put us ahead by a point with 1 minute to go. Maybe a bad shot -- in a critical sitiuation he takes a three when he hasn't hit one all year? But Ron didn't leave him much choice on the kickout, and it turned into one of those no no no no YES shots. In any case, he knocked it down and with this team, going the way we've been, you take it. Also was willing to bang with Boozer in the post down the stretch on defense. Results were mixed, but the resistance was enough to make a difference on an off night for Carlos. Ron and Mike may have been the engines of the comeback, but Reef was the most consistent threat the Kings had tonight.
Salmons ( D ) -- Crikey -- one of those games for John when he does his Mr. Invisible trick. Modest first half contributions mostly centered around getting into foul trouble. Returned in the thrid, and began the 4th with a nice and 1 drive, but failed to convert on the 1. Did nothing thereafter but force a couple of things, and was eventually replaced down the stretch by Keivn despite the kid's own struggles.
Garcia ( B- ) -- pretty good overall effort tongiht. Hit a couple of shots in a short first half stint, and he was part of an active second unit that came in and changed the tone for us. Unfortunately his activity resulted in quick fouls on attempted hustle plays in the 4th, and he wasn't much help
Price ( B- ) -- good first half stint when he picked us up on both ends of the floor. Hit a three and drew a foul on one end, was pesky at the other. Unfortunately got a little wild in his second half stint, with several "almost" great plays gone wrong -- drives that rolled out, an attempted block that turned into a goaltend AND a foul etc. End redult was him getting himself sent to the bench in favor of a few minutes of Jason Hart before Mike rode to the rescue down the stretch.
Williamson ( B- ) -- nothing there in the numbers, but Corliss played an important role tonight, playing the strong stubby foil to Carlos Boozer's strong stubby All Star this year. Good matchup for Corliss, and he was erffective, along with many of our bigs actually, at keeping Boozer from dominating action inside. Did little of anything else -- 6pts 2rebs in 23 min. And so the grade has to be capped at a certain level. But was effective tonight and bodying Boozer solidly
Hart ( INC ) -- a brief 4th quarter stint in place of Price...not sure why? Price was flying around out of control, but at least he was trying. Might have hurt himself on an attempted blocked shot though just before Jason came in. In any case, Hart did little, the lead during most of his stint was 15 for the Jazz, and after a couple of minutes, Mike was back, thank God, Allah and the Great Pumpkin.

Muss ( B ) -- Turnabout is fair play so they say. Reminded me of the Chicago game early in the season. Hope this one has more of a lingering effect. Muss was swapping in all kinds of players in in the first half, but this tiem the results were decent. Got several good performances off the bench, and one in particular (Reef) returned to play a key role down the stretch. One way or the other he also got some strong physical defensive performances on Boozer and utilized some good matchups -- stubby power players in Corliss and Artest capable of holding their ground. Utilized a wuick quick very aggressive timeout to open the second half -- all of 45 seconds into the half after the Jazz opened the half scoring the first two baskets. Unfortunately it did not work in the least and a few minutes later we were down by 12. His substitution patterns remain a mystery, but down the stretch he got the important basics right as Mike, Ron and SAR were leaned upon to make this thing happen, and they got it done. So overall a good win. Somehow oddly predictable despite the seeming mismatch. And I certainly suspect that over on the Jazz boards they are talking about how crappy theyb played down the stretch as they gave it to us. But at least we shwoed enough spirit to hangclose enoguh to be in position to steal it, and the reappearance of clutch Bibby could be an important turning point for us. Of course the question being turning point to what?
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Wow, a tale of three quarters for Bibby. For three quarters he was absolutely atrocious on offense and defense. But I want whatever he smoked/ingested/drank/inhaled/mainlined before the 4th Quarter. Not only did he look like the Bibby of old, do my eyes deceive me or did he play defense?? And pretty good defense too! Where was this Bibby during the first 83 Quarters of the season?

Shareef needs to be starting and playing more minutes. And the ball needs to go to him in the post more. Yes, it's ugly, he's not always great at passing out of double teams and sometimes he turns it over. But he is still one of the best -- and only -- shots the Kings have at creating a high percentage shot. Yes. It's ugly. But it's usually fairly effective. He needs the ball in the post.

Kenny Thomas just isn't bringing much right now. He hustled and still pretty much zero effect. He seems to have lost complete confidence in his offense, the team doesn't seem to rebound all that much better when he's on the floor... I just think Shareef should be getting the bulk of his minutes, as he did tonight.

Rough night for Kevin Martin. He kind of forced it a little tonight, but you know, I think it was pretty awesome to see him take the ball and take the last shot. He's confident, he got a decent look, and it just didn't fall.

I think Piksi kind of hit it on the head about a blind chicken finding a piece of corn. This team really seems to be grasping its way toward a way to win. This oneo was really ugly, it was frustrating, but hey, I'll take a win on the road against one of the best teams in the league any day.
And please stay for a while.
Or at least long enough so that your trade value is enough that we can move you.

Color me concerned that our PG took 18 shots when he's been shooting so poorly lately. I almost want him to remain slumped ... how many times is he going to jack ill-advised shots if he's hitting a few?
Bibby (A+) - A guy who comes up clutch in the 4th quarter always gets an "A"

Kings promotion crew (F-) - Telling us to write in Kenny Thomas as an All-Star. The only way someone would vote for KT would be if they hadn't seen one game yet this season, saw the promotion, and then shut the TV off before watching him tonight.
Or at least long enough so that your trade value is enough that we can move you.

Color me concerned that our PG took 18 shots when he's been shooting so poorly lately. I almost want him to remain slumped ... how many times is he going to jack ill-advised shots if he's hitting a few?
dude shut the hell up already
even during the wins where bibby pulled us out of this one you still find reasons to bash on him
yes he has been paying like crap throughout the season, but give him props where they are due
He played incredible during the fourth quarter and was the reason we won, so shut up and deal with your pain that bibby is still on this team.
dude shut the hell up already
even during the wins where bibby pulled us out of this one you still find reasons to bash on him
yes he has been paying like crap throughout the season, but give him props where they are due
He played incredible during the fourth quarter and was the reason we won, so shut up and deal with your pain that bibby is still on this team.
I'd report this post, but what's the fun in that, eh?

I'm entitled to post my opinions.

I disagree that Bibby was the "reason" we won. He contributed, but he certainly wasn't the reason we won. Heck, he was pretty much one of the reasons this game was almost a blowout.

I'll give him props when he can play a complete game and play like a PG.
gee you scare me...
go ahead and report me for all i care
if youre that weak morally that you take everything up your behind, go make yourself useful and report my "oh so horrible post"

shareef hit the gw and bibby led them to that point
if he were to miss one shot, the jazz would counter and the momentum would shift
it was a crucial point when bibby started to hit consecutive shots
his defense was also above par in the fourth
just because someone plays horrible the first three quarters, that doesnt mean you cant hold him accountable for the win
gee you scare me...
go ahead and report me for all i care
if youre that weak morally that you take everything up your behind, go make yourself useful and report my "oh so horrible post"

shareef hit the gw and bibby led them to that point
if he were to miss one shot, the jazz would counter and the momentum would shift
it was a crucial point when bibby started to hit consecutive shots
his defense was also above par in the fourth
just because someone plays horrible the first three quarters, that doesnt mean you cant hold him accountable for the win
if someone doesn't play horrible for three quarters, maybe we wouldn't need them to actually make some shots for a comeback win. and yes it can be justified not to give credit for getting us the win. he may have played a part in keeping us in the game in the 4th, but only after he helped to put us behind in the game in the first place. I'd say SAR actually deserves the credit for the win, not Bibby.
Y'all do realize that we won, right? Considering how that is rare as of late, can't we just be content for tonight and give all the arguing a rest? We can argue about who lost the game for us when we lose. We won. Let's be happy until that changes.:D
yea bibby was the only one to fault for the Kings going behind right?

i mean it wasnt really kenny getting into foul trouble and failing to keep a ball in his hands
it was an optical illusion that kevin was missing all those shots
i mean bibby is to account for the entire team going down
am i right or what?

geez give me a damn break...
The ENTIRE kings team was to fault for their deficit.
^^ I did not watch the game. I followed through yahoo's PBP and gamechannel and read the game thread.

Everyone's down on Bibby, and some have been saying without him sucking early on, we wouldn't need his clutch play in the 4th.

My question is who played well for the kings early on? Who was carrying the Kings while Bibby was apparantly pulling the team down? This is a sincere question because I wasn't able to watch the game and am curious as to why Bibby is the reason we sucked so badly.

Looking at Brick's grades, I don't think everyone on the team except Bibby played well all throughout the game.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'd report this post, but what's the fun in that, eh?

I'm entitled to post my opinions.

I disagree that Bibby was the "reason" we won. He contributed, but he certainly wasn't the reason we won. Heck, he was pretty much one of the reasons this game was almost a blowout.

I'll give him props when he can play a complete game and play like a PG.
Oh give it a rest. Can't you just FOR ONCE enjoy the fact the Kings won with SAR being a major contributor and Bibby finding a way to help get it done?
LMM, Shareef and Kevin's free throws carried the team in the first half. The third quarter was a disaster. Bibby basically kept the team in during the fourth. That's how I saw it anyway.
My question is who played well for the kings early on? Who was carrying the Kings while Bibby was apparantly pulling the team down? This is a sincere question because I wasn't able to watch the game and am curious as to why Bibby is the reason we sucked so badly.

Looking at Brick's grades, I don't think everyone on the team except Bibby played well all throughout the game.
Shareef kept us alive the entire game.


Super Moderator Emeritus
dude shut the hell up already
even during the wins where bibby pulled us out of this one you still find reasons to bash on him
yes he has been paying like crap throughout the season, but give him props where they are due
He played incredible during the fourth quarter and was the reason we won, so shut up and deal with your pain that bibby is still on this team.
YOU do not have the right to tell another member of this board to "shut the hell up"...

Knock it off.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I wish the Kings would win or at least come to play for the games I do get to watch, but I'll take the win here regardless. :D Is the attacking/scoring Mike Bibby actually back? I'm going to have to see that one for myself before I'll believe it, but if so that's the best news in a long time.
Shareef kept us alive the entire game.
I can see that Reef had a great game. My point is why was Bibby's horrible play being singled out when the whole team didn't seem to play well all throughout the game except for, as you said, Shareef.

I don't want to argue or anything because I did not get to watch the game. It's just very curious as to why Bibby is singled out. It sounds like the whole team was playing well/ok but Bibby's been dragging them down.
yea bibby was the only one to fault for the Kings going behind right?

i mean it wasnt really kenny getting into foul trouble and failing to keep a ball in his hands
it was an optical illusion that kevin was missing all those shots
i mean bibby is to account for the entire team going down
am i right or what?

geez give me a damn break...
The ENTIRE kings team was to fault for their deficit.
obviously, there are some disagreements on this which is fine... but i didn't claim that he single handedly put us behind. if you actually read my post, i said that he only contributed to it, in no way did i suggest everyone else was playing like All-Stars while Bibby was playing so poorly that we were still behind.
I wish the Kings would win or at least come to play for the games I do get to watch, but I'll take the win here regardless. :D Is the attacking/scoring Mike Bibby actually back? I'm going to have to see that one for myself before I'll believe it, but if so that's the best news in a long time.
if he plays the way he played in the fourth for the rest of the season we just MIGHT make the playoffs
that is if Kevin shows up as well, lol
Oh give it a rest. Can't you just FOR ONCE enjoy the fact the Kings won with SAR being a major contributor and Bibby finding a way to help get it done?
I am happy we won ... but I'm frustrated that people are jumping up and down for Bibby, but Shareef gets barely any mention.

It's been Bibby this and Bibby that ... but barely a whisper of Shareef or the fact that we looked like a team going into the post. It's not about Shareef ... it's about the fact that I've been saying these things for a while.

It's the fact that after a big game someone gets a "ANY QUESTIONS" thread ... but not Shareef. Not KT. Not our big guys that people are down on for no apparent reason.

These guys can deliver.

I guess I'm just PMSing. :eek:
Or at least long enough so that your trade value is enough that we can move you.

Color me concerned that our PG took 18 shots when he's been shooting so poorly lately. I almost want him to remain slumped ... how many times is he going to jack ill-advised shots if he's hitting a few?
Well if Bibby stopped taking shots we definitely wouldn't have gotten back into the game to have a chance to win it. I also thought he did a decent job looking for his teammates, he made a couple of nice dimes to Miller wide open to the basket which he fumbled.
I can see that Reef had a great game. My point is why was Bibby's horrible play being singled out when the whole team didn't seem to play well all throughout the game except for, as you said, Shareef.

I don't want to argue or anything because I did not get to watch the game. It's just very curious as to why Bibby is singled out. It sounds like the whole team was playing well/ok but Bibby's been dragging them down.
My opinion is that Bibby really, really struggled in the first half especially, and the team actually played better when Price was on the floor. The team as a whole played pretty well in the first half and was even wiht the Jazz, so yeah, it was kind of a matter of Bibby being singled out because most everyone else was playing well.

The third quarter was just terrible for everyone, and Bibby and SAR came through in the 4th.

That's how I saw things.
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