The Clan of Lowered Expectations


Super Moderator Emeritus
Welcome back to those of you who were members long, long ago and welcome to those who are new members. As I said, there's no bandwagon so there's plenty of room for everyone.

I'm thinking we could model ourselves after Cubs fans. They seem to have a lot of fun...

Remember, this is all light-hearted, fellow Kings fans. I just thought it was a nice way to remove some of the angst and tension.


And yes...

Being a Kings fan for so long, and a 49er fan and a Giants fan, I've learned to ride to roller coaster of success and failure. The ride on the way down is the hardest, but once you hit bottom and start back up, even slowly, it's fun again.

I'm just not really sure if we're leveling out and can quickly get back on the rise again. Or, unfortunately, are we still going down and have yet to see the worst. I can't make up my mind, and my fan-ness always wants to think it will get better in the next game.

So, I can't really join this club, because I always have high expectations for my teams. It just hurts more. I guess I just never learn. :rolleyes:


Super Moderator Emeritus
So, I can't really join this club, because I always have high expectations for my teams. It just hurts more. I guess I just never learn. :rolleyes:
No problem, Cal-Kings. This group is for those who want to still be able to root for their team because they love them but don't want to impose unrealistic expectations on a team that simply isn't as good as others would want to believe.

We still have high hopes.

We'll be here if you need us.

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Works for me! I have three pairs of purple slippers!

In case I need to clarify, I still love this team with every fibre of my being. That won't change.


And one small request?

Let's keep this light, if at all possible. There are so many gloomy threads right now.
seriously, i mean i havent been fan since '85 (wasnt born then) havent yall seen worse than this? i mean i am still happy and still love this team!
You guys had expectations? I decided to check those at the door a while back. Makes it easier.

i'll be in one of those clans someday, but for now i'm still being spoiled.
I'm happy for you, really I am.........wait, no I'm not. I resent you AND your team:D in the nicest possible way, of course.
I'm totally in, in fact I can barely restrain myself from pointing out the logic of tanking for the lottery. :)

The Kings had a nice little run of being in the elite. It was tons of fun even if we didn't get the prize. But then the fans get used to being good and get spoiled and they aren't good fans anymore, its like every loss or failure to get KG is just unacceptable now! Frankly, when I see a fan complain because GP can't trade bibby for joe johnson or something, I assume the worst about their brain or assume they must be like 12. Does that mean we should complain that Bibby is overpaid? Come on people, we're the ones yelling about how important it is to resign EVERY single player.

We're a small-market team, not terribly attractive to free agents. The Maloofs stick to the salary cap. Which is fine, they spend as much as the Lakers at least, just not as much as the Knicks. Seems reasonable, the league is set up that way. How much revenue do you think the Lakers generate compare to the Kings? I really don't know but it must be like triple or 6x or something.

GP does his GM thing and I personally think he's quite good at it. But people don't have reasonable expectations about what he has to work with, he's got x cap dollars and a bunch of trade bait that nobody really wants much. You kind of have to overpay to keep guys in a small market, thus some fat contracts.

The way I see it, every move hasn't been perfect but there's an honest effort to put a good team out there. Could be much much worse, look around the league.

I just see the same people complaining about our big contracts, then complaining when we don't sign a say, Bonzi Wells to a new big contract. I don't mind people having an opinion but come on, the complain card gets old when you use it for everything. Use some brilliant hindsight to say woohoo, we're not stuck with Bonzi so we can maybe re-sign Martin now.

It's like after a few decent years our fanbase and bandwagon fans (and bee writers) decided this is Boston now and if we don't win every year it must be some horrible mismanagement and we should fuss and rant about it.

Despite attempts to balance the equation, the NBA and most sports favor the big market team. More money + big endorsement market = better players. You know, like the yankees. Not much sense crying about it, thats just how it works most years, and maybe some years the underdog gets lucky. The underdog attitude was more fun though. I think I peaked in my watching fun back in the 'early years of goodness' when it was like YEAH! Have some of THAT Utah, you guys been grinding us down for ten years!

Well anyway, I like this thread, totally agree. Maybe a lot of the "new" style fans are from outside the area, I don't know. I live in Redding now so its not quite the same, but lets be real: if the kings end up leaving you'll all be complaining about major league soccer instead. And it'll be sad, like Sac dropped right off the sports map. Nothing against Sac, but without the kings it wouldn't feel the same or even get mentioned on national TV. Do we still have some eurofans around to explain soccer to me?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Just remember - CLE members are STILL Kings fans. We still love the team and we still hope with every fiber of our being for wins.

Evil! Pessimism is okay but 22 games!
Taking stock By Steve Kerr, Yahoo! Sports
December 7, 2006
The first month of the NBA season has resembled a wild swing in the stock market.
Teams' respective fortunes have been so up and down already that it's tough to get a read on what's really happening out there.
Are the Warriors good or bad? Are the Suns' troubles over? Which L.A. team is for real?
With that analogy in mind, I give you my very own NBA stock tips....

Sacramento Kings – For years, the Kings sold widgets that enabled you to score tons of points. Now the company is attempting to change course, and they're inventing a new widget that keeps your rival from scoring points. The problem? The R&D guys haven't come up with the right technology yet. Eric Musselman is a defensive-minded coach, but he has no shot blockers and only one guy on his roster who is a defender of note (Ron Artest). The Kings are allowing opponents to shoot almost 46.5 percent and they've given up 100 or more points in eight of their last 11 games. Thirty-nine wins and no playoff berth.

39 isn't that far from 22. In light of the upcoming draft, I'd actually call 22 quite a bit more optimistic.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Geez, talk about jumping off the bandwagon. It's absolute carnage out there. Only 18 games in and the wagon is empty.
Not completely empty, Oscar. There are those of us who will stick it out - just as we did back in the old times.

If you read my first post, you'll see that while my expectations are lowered, my hopes and love for the team remain the same as always.

Look at it this way. If we lose some of the bandwagon fans, it just means more room for the rest of us.

I couldn't possibly desert this team now. It's easy to root for a team that wins. The test is whether or not you can continue to root for a team with obvious problems...

I'll be there. And I know I won't be alone. I'll yell just as loudly as I always have; in fact, I might even let Kingsgurl bring the megaphone.