Did all your good Kings fans vote today???


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Just a reminder to do your civic duty. :)

(CruzDude is a volunteer polling place worker today and I voted)
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I voted yes on Q and R...

even though I heard it went down bad, which we all expected anyway and I did a write in vote for Ron Artest for Governer
According to the Bee (sorry, I can't remember the title of the article), phony write-in candidates cost the state thousands of dollars in labor hours for the people that have to cipher through fake write-ins.

FYI for 08


Homer Fan Since 1985
According to the Bee (sorry, I can't remember the title of the article), phony write-in candidates cost the state thousands of dollars in labor hours for the people that have to cipher through fake write-ins.

FYI for 08

And, what or who is considered a fake write in. While Ron Artest is a joke for Governor (or any other public office), he is a real person, so I can't imagine that he is considered "a fake write-in." Now, voting for Snoopy is certainly a fake write in. :D
And, what or who is considered a fake write in. While Ron Artest is a joke for Governor (or any other public office), he is a real person, so I can't imagine that he is considered "a fake write-in."
I believe that anyone not in league with the registrar of voters as a write-in candidate is considered a "fake write-in"
I stayed up until 4 am watching the live coverage of our local elections. I have to admit it was probably the most entertaining thing I have seen in a while.

Cook county in Chicago is 2nd largest county in the country and they messed up their primaries in March and last night was even bigger mess. Two candidates for the president were waiting for results and everything that could go wrong went wrong. 50% of the votes could not be transmitted and had to be hand delivered. Peraica (republican candidate) started accusing clerks office of cheating, incompetence, etc. At 1am he and his crew decided to storm the County Clerks office. You can imagine that quite few people were intoxicated by then since they were at the "headquarters" anticipating results.

There were arrests, destruction of property, confrontations with people delivering ballots. Gotta love the "Crook" county Illinois :)


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I stayed up until 4 am watching the live coverage of our local elections. I have to admit it was probably the most entertaining thing I have seen in a while.

Cook county in Chicago is 2nd largest county in the country and they messed up their primaries in March and last night was even bigger mess. Two candidates for the president were waiting for results and everything that could go wrong went wrong. 50% of the votes could not be transmitted and had to be hand delivered. Peraica (republican candidate) started accusing clerks office of cheating, incompetence, etc. At 1am he and his crew decided to storm the County Clerks office. You can imagine that quite few people were intoxicated by then since they were at the "headquarters" anticipating results.

There were arrests, destruction of property, confrontations with people delivering ballots. Gotta love the "Crook" county Illinois :)
/rant on

Like Oregon, everyone should vote absentee nationwide. All the voter rolls are purged and registration is only performed with valid ID and subsequent verification of voter status. Votes can be counted (but not publically tallied) as the ballots come in over the weeks prior to "election day" to eliminate this last minute voting and tallying garbage and the stupidness it inevitably brings.

/rant off


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Final input from this end. We had one touch screen voting machine and it worked fine with no issues. All paper ballots, authenticated and provisional, were scanned at out polling place. In both cases there was a memory cartridge of votes as well as a paper tape of all votes for backup. By 9pm all tallies were done at our place, sealed and taken by two people to the county election office and electronically tallied shortly thereafter. Throughout our county no real problems.

New state or county law now requires a copy of the printout be posted on the front door of the polling place shortly after polls closed so public can see who and what got how many votes.

Great experience. With training and a practice session it can work great. You guys and gals should volunteer once in your lives at a polling place to see democracy at work and kick in with a civic duty. Lot of work and a 15 hour day but gratifying in the end.

Sorry about Q & R.

P.S. Absentee ballots dropped off at the polling place were about 30-35% of the total.
/rant on

Like Oregon, everyone should vote absentee nationwide. All the voter rolls are purged and registration is only performed with valid ID and subsequent verification of voter status. Votes can be counted (but not publically tallied) as the ballots come in over the weeks prior to "election day" to eliminate this last minute voting and tallying garbage and the stupidness it inevitably brings.

/rant off
Actually, I'm not a huge fan of absentee voting. My mom got absentee ballots after she couldn't drive anymore. Then she got Alzheimer's. Ballots kept coming and I could have filled it in and sent it. Even tho I knew almost for certain how she would have voted, I never pulled that stunt. But I realized how easy it would be for anybody to vote for someone else.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Actually, I'm not a huge fan of absentee voting. My mom got absentee ballots after she couldn't drive anymore. Then she got Alzheimer's. Ballots kept coming and I could have filled it in and sent it. Even tho I knew almost for certain how she would have voted, I never pulled that stunt. But I realized how easy it would be for anybody to vote for someone else.
Hence the reason for clearing voter rolls and requiring registration in person with photo ID.

No system is perfect, but nobody ever said voting was necessarily "pain-free" either. If it takes re-registration in person every two years for an election, I'm peachy with that. Heck, it would probably cut out a lot of the ignorant vote since it would be "too much trouble" to have to re-register for each election....
Hence the reason for clearing voter rolls and requiring registration in person with photo ID.

No system is perfect, but nobody ever said voting was necessarily "pain-free" either. If it takes re-registration in person every two years for an election, I'm peachy with that. Heck, it would probably cut out a lot of the ignorant vote since it would be "too much trouble" to have to re-register for each election....
That would be a pain-in-the-neck. :p