Welcome! New members, sign in please...

New User!

Hello all, Im a new user, I have been reading the site for more then 2 years! I just never post due to my lack of enough knowledge to keep up. However I have had some time to study, so its nice to post here.

Thanks for having me :)


Super Moderator Emeritus

We're very glad to have you step forward and join our group. I hope this encourages other long-time readers to take the plunge and actually start posting.

We were all new once.


you quickly pick up kings and nba knowledge on this board. at least that's what i've been told, i'm still waiting for my knowledge to come...


Homer Fan Since 1985
Welcome to the following new members who came into the family this past week: ilovemyselfalot, KingKong55, speedwagon, and ashys4.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Gotta few new members in the past couple of weeks. Please welcome: Action951, calcrip420, superbug, Plow King, Run's House, Quincy8Douby, Supamari0, DETON8ER, Admiral Needa, rhythmless, Corky, ladyjay114, and jesseljs.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Welcome one and all. Come on in and grab a chair. Fasten your seatbelt and hold on tight. Looks like another exciting ride!!!

Hey Kings Faithful!

Just introducing myself. The names Roman Gerrish.

I have strong opinions, but they're always the right ones. So don't argue. :D

Anyhow, I can't wait until the season starts!
Thanks, I'll try.

But, sometimes I might just have to rely on the ol' "cause I said so" and you'll just have to like it. :D

Why are the Kings going to win the championship? Cause I said so.


Super Moderator Emeritus
But, sometimes I might just have to rely on the ol' "cause I said so" and you'll just have to like it. :D.
I suppose, to be fair, I should tell you about the unspoken but widely accepted rule of points.

When two people disagree and each feels they're right, there has to be a tie-breaker. And what is the tie-breaker, you ask?

Why, quite simply, each person receives a point for every post they have accumulated. The person with the most points wins.



Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I suppose, to be fair, I should tell you about the unspoken but widely accepted rule of points.

When two people disagree and each feels they're right, there has to be a tie-breaker. And what is the tie-breaker, you ask?

Why, quite simply, each person receives a point for every post they have accumulated. The person with the most points wins.
Uh, mine is better:

King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king.

OK, just replace "(King) Arthur" with "Warhawk" and "your king" with "always correct", and I think we have a good understanding of how things go around here. ;) :D

Welcome Roman. Good to have you!

And if anyone tries to reply with a:

Dennis: Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

or a:

Dennis: Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.

or even a:

Dennis: Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.

I will come back with a the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch and take care of the situation once and for all. ;)
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So i finally registered, I've been a spectator for quite some time. I have always found kingsfans.com to be a superior source for information pertaining to all things kings. Hello to all and thank you to the mods for your time and consideration.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
So i finally registered, I've been a spectator for quite some time. I have always found kingsfans.com to be a superior source for information pertaining to all things kings. Hello to all and thank you to the mods for your time and consideration.
Welcome. Glad you registered and we look forward to your contributions here.

Hi. I've been over at Yahoo, keeping the Kings dialog going over there for seven years or so, but Yahoo destroyed the board format a few weeks back, and everyone has given up and left. I was very sad to see that community wiped out, but have been absolutely delighted by what I've found over here. So many posters who know what they're talking about! I'll be quite happy to call this place my new home. And if any of you are fellow Yahoo refugees, please feel free to say hello!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Welcome to jrahn and fnordius. We're glad to have you with us. You've come at the right time.

Grab your chair, fasten your seat belts and get ready. It looks like another exciting year for Kings basketball!

And be sure and check the main forum for our first group event of the year - attending the Kings home opener. If you're within traveling distance to Arco, this is a great way to attend a game surrounded by some of the best fans in Kingland AND meet some of the people behind the names here at KF.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Welcome to jrahn and fnordius. We're glad to have you with us. You've come at the right time.

Grab your chair, fasten your seat belts and get ready. It looks like another exciting year for Kings basketball!

And be sure and check the main forum for our first group event of the year - attending the Kings home opener. If you're within traveling distance to Arco, this is a great way to attend a game surrounded by some of the best fans in Kingland AND meet some of the people behind the names here at KF.
We ain't got no badges. We don't need no stinkin' badges! ;)
Hi everyone!

Wow, i've been reading this board forever (as well as another king's board) and have never posted. I love this place beacause i can get the most up to date news, see that there are lots of obsessed/old school fans like myself, find posted pics and highlights and just get MORE Kings. Not a big fan of when people get blasted for there opinion, but there is definately a board culture that i hope to become part of.

Live in Oakland, raised in Stockton, schooled and worked in Sac, Davis, and San Diego. I am a serious Kings fan. You may have seen me when I was younger at Arco wearing a very bright purple velvet suit jacket to big games (sec 109). I have a tattoo that contains a crown for the kings. I travel to at least one road game every year (been to DC, Denver, Houston, among others). I make it a priority to convert all of my friends, coworkers and of course family into full force fans. My fave players are Randy Brown, Jim Les, Spud, Mitch, Wayman, Peja, Bobby, J-Will, Vlade...
As for the current roster: love Ron, support Kenny Thomas, but appreciate SAR's skills, and hope K-Mart fulfills his potential.

Thanks for having me and see you at game soon!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Not a big fan of when people get blasted for there opinion, but there is definately a board culture that i hope to become part of.
We try very hard NOT to blast someone for their opinion. In fact, I think you'll agree the tone of this board is much more civil than pretty much any other sports board you'll encounter.

At times, however, we do get a little carried away. Usually it's because of long-term issues with a certain poster.

Again, we're glad to have you with us. It's a great time - as always - to be a Kings fan!!!

We try very hard NOT to blast someone for their opinion. In fact, I think you'll agree the tone of this board is much more civil than pretty much any other sports board you'll encounter.

At times, however, we do get a little carried away. Usually it's because of long-term issues with a certain poster.

Again, we're glad to have you with us. It's a great time - as always - to be a Kings fan!!!


Oh, i'm sure it is more civil and i've never stopped reading.

I'm pumped and nervous to see what Musselman puts on the floor for us this year.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Wow!! I love it when new members stop to say hello. Welcome, jrahn, fnordius, and Lawrence Funderburke,. I will give you the official welcome too when I catch up with all these newbies.

Again, glad to have you. :)