Oh Boy, Kings look set with players

I think some of you are so fixated on trying to land a blockbuster deal that you have missed what is going on. Coach has told you what he is going to do. He said he wants next year’s team to get in people’s faces and be a fast breaking team. Then he goes out and gets tons of athletic players. I think he has said what he is going to do and then went out and found players that may be able to do it.
I am with some of you that we will have a better team than last year. I think we finally gelled and with the new younger players working in with our vets we will see some break out performances. I think GP was smart to keep his money this off-season. Contracts were crazy. Ben, Peja, Nene. We would have been complaining next season about this contract we are going to have for 5 years.

I think we have picked up a bunch of potential to go with our team that was the 2nd or 3rd best record after picking up Ron without Bonzi for 30 games. This is when Martin shined. We are going to be fast this year, we will see some high flying, and a diamond in the rough will appear.

The reason we did not have a block-buster trade is because there is no block-buster player to be had that is not $$$$$$$crazy right now. Bonzi even got caught up in it and look where it got him. Other than Ron which we seem to forget just happened, we do not have all-stars but want other people to give us theirs. I think we may have to grow them ourselves.
I am with some of you that we will have a better team than last year. I think we finally gelled and with the new younger players working in with our vets we will see some break out performances. I think GP was smart to keep his money this off-season. Contracts were crazy. Ben, Peja, Nene. We would have been complaining next season about this contract we are going to have for 5 years.

I think we have picked up a bunch of potential to go with our team that was the 2nd or 3rd best record after picking up Ron without Bonzi for 30 games. This is when Martin shined. We are going to be fast this year, we will see some high flying, and a diamond in the rough will appear.

The reason we did not have a block-buster trade is because there is no block-buster player to be had that is not $$$$$$$crazy right now. Bonzi even got caught up in it and look where it got him. Other than Ron which we seem to forget just happened, we do not have all-stars but want other people to give us theirs. I think we may have to grow them ourselves.

Which is mostly how it's done. Gasol, Dirk, KG, Duncan, etc. are guys that are on the team that DRAFTED them. Jermaine O'neal was a player that was unproven and grew into an All-star, but nothing was guaranteed.

I actually think our PF situation is pretty good. I am just not sure how it fits together. Or if it's the best combination of personalities.
Jermaine O'neal was a player that was unproven and grew into an All-star, but nothing was guaranteed.

Exactly, people like Wells and Wilcox go to teams that either have favorable conditions or a gap that needs to be filled and they become studs. There is an opportunity for some of these new guys to do that here.

I look foward to this. We still have great scorers in Bibby, Brad, Artest, and Martin. We will get the points. With everyone else fighting for leftover minutes we may also see the hussle that Coach will demand.

I look forward to it.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
We have Woods who I consider to be young and very coachable, if he will respond every game. We have Williams and Amundson. Amundson is not a real "big" but wait to you see him play. At 6-8+ he has 7 ft arms and is a beast. Plus Brad is in the best condition of his BB life and will play on the 12 man final Team USA. SAR, well is SAR. Not young, not old. KT, our fan favorite (heh, heh!!) is the most experienced but could get pushed off the block then he will want out.

So we are in OK shape, for now.
We have Woods who I consider to be young and very coachable, if he will respond every game. We have Williams and Amundson. Amundson is not a real "big" but wait to you see him play. At 6-8+ he has 7 ft arms and is a beast. Plus Brad is in the best condition of his BB life and will play on the 12 man final Team USA. SAR, well is SAR. Not young, not old. KT, our fan favorite (heh, heh!!) is the most experienced but could get pushed off the block then he will want out.
Are you serious cruz? What facts do you base this on? Because he has sucked over his entire career. So just wondering why you think all the sudden he will be a star in SACTO.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Why does Woods have to become a "star"?

This whole bash Loren Woods thing is silly. He's not going to take Ben Wallace's place in the All-Star game, but Petrie and Musselman must have seen something - even a glimmer - for them to pick him.

You know, I simply cannot understand why so many people have to not only criticize but lambast every single selection the Kings make. It never used to be that way. We were at least willing to give someone a chance before we assigned him to permanent "Mateen Cleaves" status. Hell, we even gave Mateen Cleaves a chance.

I guess I'm in the minority but I'm gonna give our new players a chance.


Super Moderator Emeritus
UHHH where you get this insider info?
It might well be true. Or, at least he's in much better condition than he has been the last couple of years. That's obvious from looking at him AND from comments made recently by Sam Amick and some others.
Why does Woods have to become a "star"?

This whole bash Loren Woods thing is silly. He's not going to take Ben Wallace's place in the All-Star game, but Petrie and Musselman must have seen something - even a glimmer - for them to pick him.

You know, I simply cannot understand why so many people have to not only criticize but lambast every single selection the Kings make. It never used to be that way. We were at least willing to give someone a chance before we assigned him to permanent "Mateen Cleaves" status. Hell, we even gave Mateen Cleaves a chance.

I guess I'm in the minority but I'm gonna give our new players a chance.
Gotta agree there.
False and false and false....

Let me just ignore the brad crap he will be brad.. I love Brad... I am from his state and am not bashing him. So what did he do all these other off seasons sit on the farm and hunt some ducks? please....

Oh wait Peja/Vlade played inter... ball.. oh bad example.

SO back on woods... I am not bashing him. I am not claiming him to be a star at all. He is a very and possible roll player that can be of use. However statements like this "We have Woods who I consider to be young and very coachable" need a reply. I am sorry he has had enough time in the NBA to have proven himself. He has had more MIN per game then he is gonna get here so...

Its safe to say he is what he is... He will get us some blocks in about 10 min a game. Not sure why everyone wants to put him as the next superstar for the Kings. He sucks... he will do what he has always done over the last 5 years.


Super Moderator Emeritus
He said he was young and coachable, BW. I didn't see him proclaiming Woods to be the next STAR. That was your interpretation.

And I stand by my comments about Brad. Word is that he's looking good, and yes - most off-seasons he goes home, relaxes, drinks beer, plays on his ATV, etc.
And I stand by my comments about Brad. Word is that he's looking good, and yes - most off-seasons he goes home, relaxes, drinks beer, plays on his ATV, etc.
Okay I know you get insider info but that is stretching it... Please

SO this year brad is gonna come back as a supper stud?

We have seen this over and over again. Before it was Peja and Vlade should not play inter ball because it was wearing them out. Now its okay for Brad.

I love brad.... Period no questions asked... Infact I have never bashed him here EVER. But I am just being realistic about it all.

If he is in shape great, he will need to be... Muss is the type of coach that will demand it.

I am just getting tired off all this "wishfull" thinking crap. I have no argument against Brad at all.

However lets be honest... Are we really gonna see Woods flurish because he is coachable?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I didn't say Brad was going to come back as a super stud, BW. You seem to be taking mid-level comments and taking them to an extreme.

As far as Woods go, he might indeed flourish in our system. If he does, it won't be the first time someone has greatly exceeded our expectations. If he doesn't, it's not like we've dumped a boatload of cash on him.

I'll continue to be supportive and enthusiastic. I'm not proclaiming him the next Vlade or anything. Sorry if my wanting to give someone a chance and being a little optimistic isn't "real" enough for you.

I'm getting tired of all this "he's no good and won't work out" crap. So I guess we're even.
We don't even know what our system is....

I have never been non suportive so WTH... Some people want to put WOODS as a great off season pick-up... Read through the threads... WAIT here is the best support... The truth.

Career averages:
11.6mpg .418fg% .642%FTP (WT) 0.6blk(from a "BLOCK MASTER") 3.3 total RB... 2.6 ppg...

Okay stats speak for themselves. This is a great player in the making that I must be missing. Sorry I apoligize for not seeing his potential, 5 years of doing nothing. Who knows maybe MUSS changes/motivates him.

It's obvious by reading the boards this seems / appears like fans are saying this is the major off season move.

Thats my problem with it all. Woods is a 10-15 min a game player at best and he will continue to perform the same.

AKA he doesn't help us at all
I didn't say Brad was going to come back as a super stud, BW. You seem to be taking mid-level comments and taking them to an extreme.

As far as Woods go, he might indeed flourish in our system. If he does, it won't be the first time someone has greatly exceeded our expectations. If he doesn't, it's not like we've dumped a boatload of cash on him.

I'll continue to be supportive and enthusiastic. I'm not proclaiming him the next Vlade or anything. Sorry if my wanting to give someone a chance and being a little optimistic isn't "real" enough for you.

I'm getting tired of all this "he's no good and won't work out" crap. So I guess we're even.
lol, yeah


Super Moderator Emeritus
We don't even know what our system is....

I have never been non suportive so WTH... Some people want to put WOODS as a great off season pick-up... Read through the threads... WAIT here is the best support... The truth.

Career averages:
11.6mpg .418fg% .642%FTP (WT) 0.6blk(from a "BLOCK MASTER") 3.3 total RB... 2.6 ppg...

Okay stats speak for themselves. This is a great player in the making that I must be missing. Sorry I apoligize for not seeing his potential, 5 years of doing nothing. Who knows maybe MUSS changes/motivates him.

It's obvious by reading the boards this seems / appears like fans are saying this is the major off season move.

Thats my problem with it all. Woods is a 10-15 min a game player at best and he will continue to perform the same.

AKA he doesn't help us at all
Hey, if that's your take, so be it. It's sad, though. I was thinking we might do something really daring and actually let him ... brace yourself ... play a game or two before we start throwing dirt on him.
LOL okay I will give him a game or 2... But do I need to dig this thread up later in the season. I hate doing that.

keyword: realistic expectations....
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Why does Woods have to become a "star"?

This whole bash Loren Woods thing is silly. He's not going to take Ben Wallace's place in the All-Star game, but Petrie and Musselman must have seen something - even a glimmer - for them to pick him.

You know, I simply cannot understand why so many people have to not only criticize but lambast every single selection the Kings make. It never used to be that way. We were at least willing to give someone a chance before we assigned him to permanent "Mateen Cleaves" status. Hell, we even gave Mateen Cleaves a chance.

I guess I'm in the minority but I'm gonna give our new players a chance.

That is exactly what I have been trying to say!!!:)
let me clarify... I never said he has to be a star...

However I think some on this board think he is going to "save" us. I look at Woods more like a Keon type of player. Only problem I see is we don't have the same core around him.

But still he can be a good pickup if used right.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Actually, you've been arguing quite the opposite. Look at your earlier post on this page:

"AKA he doesn't help us at all"

Please, make up your mind.....
I think he's saying he may have come across more strongly than he intended and that he does think Woods may have some value.

I think he was compromising.

I became a fan of Packers because of fans. I became a fan of Kings because of fans. I hate Lakers only because of their fans. I do not want us to become like Lakers fans !!!! We all are losing our identity. This is our team - if we do not believe in our team, nobody will. Yes, our roster is not perfect but it is life and do not forget that Sacramento is not NY, LA, Houston or Chicago. We are not the best market in NBA. So, we should respect what Petrie did in here. Everybody does mistakes, but our GM is one of the best in the league and we should not forget about it. Tell me who can do better ?? Or may be some fans here think that they are smarter then Petrie ?? Truth is that nobody is even close to his basketball IQ. We are all dabblers. We are playing games here, Geoff must work. I am sure he wants to bring a great C or PF but he can not bear somebody for us. Market is market. We are still strong because we are SACRAMENTO KINGS - crazy fans who believe in this team, noisy crowd, people who support players from the bottom of our hearts !! Unless we are mediocre franchise from nowhere. I hope we are still Sacramento Kings. Let's fight together with our team as always, not shoot at their back.


To whoever said that Woods is young and coachable: The guy is 28 and from what I've heard, he has very poor work ethic and conditioning..
What are your expectations from a guy that signed for us at just 800,000 k. I'm just glad that he said he will give it his best given the opportunity and minutes. Besides its not like there's a lot of options out there for the Kings. Getting a 7'2 center with potential is a lot better than nothing.

Some of you guys have to step into reality and accept the fact that there was no way of Bonzi staying here, GP tried and did as much as he can to sign Wells but Bonzi's agent messed up big time thus leaving GP with very few options in free agency.

Life doesn't always go the way you want it to and that was the case for the Kings unfortunately.
I think people are just frustrated that Loren Woods and John Salmons were our big moves.

No offense to them, because they could do well in their roles (I think Salmons will)...but...it is somewhat frustrating when you don't have much to judge them off of other then their past (which have been questionable).