One Good thing out of the Signing of Salmons...

We now have a decent back up point guard.

Also i would just like to say that in Sacramento, its always about giving players a chance, lets see what this guy can do before we bash him, cause face it, John Salmons is a Sacramento King now.
Agreed. And we don't know the exact contract $$ yet. It's not adding Salmons that bothers me, as I said earlier, it's other stuff Petrie hinted at during the interview on KHTK that really scares me.
Again, everyone threw a fit when Tony Delk left and we signed some 'bum' named Bobby Jackson.

It's not like this guy is going to be a starter. Kevin Martin is, and I'm freakin' excited about that.
Again, everyone threw a fit when Tony Delk left and we signed some 'bum' named Bobby Jackson.

It's not like this guy is going to be a starter. Kevin Martin is, and I'm freakin' excited about that.
Big difference. The issue now is not that Salmons sucks, it's that he IS NOT WHAT WE NEED, so WHY DID WE OVERPAY FOR HIM? You overpay for a guy when he really fills a vital need - if we overpaid for a mediocre center, fine. But ANOTHER swingman? Why use the ENTIRE MLE on a mediocre swingman WHO WE DON'T NEED. This is the problem.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bobby Jackson was signed to a cheap contract.

Bobby Jackson has already started and proven to be productive in the league.

No comparison. As an aside, there is nothing remotely dynamic about John Salmons. And he's not really a PG. He's a...nobody's figured it out yet. Mentioend before it just has to be one of those Geoff chubbies for a homeless dude's Doug.
Big difference. The issue now is not that Salmons sucks, it's that he IS NOT WHAT WE NEED, so WHY DID WE OVERPAY FOR HIM? You overpay for a guy when he really fills a vital need - if we overpaid for a mediocre center, fine. But ANOTHER swingman? Why use the ENTIRE MLE on a mediocre swingman WHO WE DON'T NEED. This is the problem.

WOW! I didnt know you knew the terms of this deal already???? So what are they?... whats Salmons Making?:rolleyes:
Viking said:
I admit, I wish I were that optimistic...
It's even hard to smile about this signing.

Fillmoe said:
its a decent signing your just over reacting
Explain how it's a decent signing? we're replacing Bonzi with Salmons thats terrible i can't believe people are actually trying to act like the signing was good.

i really wish the homerism would stop honestly...
Big difference. The issue now is not that Salmons sucks, it's that he IS NOT WHAT WE NEED, so WHY DID WE OVERPAY FOR HIM? You overpay for a guy when he really fills a vital need - if we overpaid for a mediocre center, fine. But ANOTHER swingman? Why use the ENTIRE MLE on a mediocre swingman WHO WE DON'T NEED. This is the problem.
WOW! I didnt know you knew the terms of this deal already???? So what are they?... whats Salmons Making?:rolleyes:

It's not certain, but Bricklayer said in another thread there's reason to believe that it is due to him backing out of the deals offered to him by Phoenix and Toronto.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's not certain, but Bricklayer said in another thread there's reason to believe that it is due to him backing out of the deals offered to him by Phoenix and Toronto.
Well, I have it on pretty good authority we did NOT use the entire MLE on John Salmons...
It's even hard to smile about this signing.

Explain how it's a decent signing? we're replacing Bonzi with Salmons thats terrible i can't believe people are actually trying to act like the signing was good.

i really wish the homerism would stop honestly...
You make it sound as if it were a trade when in reality, bonzi didn't want the offer we gave him. GP probably wasn't sweating it knowing that KMart is ready to start this year. Salmons is a solid backup for Martin, nothing more.
It's not certain, but Bricklayer said in another thread there's reason to believe that it is due to him backing out of the deals offered to him by Phoenix and Toronto.

hmm... so thats the facts?:confused:

also, a week or 2 ago Grant Napear said there was a huge 6 team trade in the works that never happened.
We have a alot of ballhandlers and guys who can play the point:

Hart/Garcia/Bibby/Artest/Price/Douby/Salmons... I figure Douby/Price split time backing up Mike.
hmm... so thats the facts?:confused:

also, a week or 2 ago Grant Napear said there was a huge 6 team trade in the works that never happened.
Neither I nor he said it was but there's a difference between the "feelings" that supported that and the evidence that would support him signing with the Kings for more money than he would have gotten in Toronto. A major one being the human condition. 3 mil more is a lot.
We have a alot of ballhandlers and guys who can play the point:

The problem is we had a lot of guys who could do all that before we signed Salmons. Why use up at least a majority of the MLE on something we didn't even need?


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I sure have a lot more faith in Petrie than I do in all the whiners and complainers on this thread. And we have a new coach with a new and different philosophy. From what I've seen I'm now more encouraged about coming season and our ability to run, gun and defend. Phoenix and Dallas in the West and Detroit in the east don't have any big centers (Dampier notwithstanding) and they got most of the way. And Miami won more because of 6'4" Wade than the Diesel.

Rebounding? wait and see what Artest and Martin and SAR will do this year before complaining 2-1/2 months before start of training camp.
Agree Cruz,

We also don't know how he will use Miller yet. If he plays inside I see him getting more rebounds. Not worried about this / todays events at all.

Don't like Salmon but really think he is a non-factor anyway. Possibly only problem is we are paying him. Depending on the amount and now its out that its not our full MLE.
The problem is we had a lot of guys who could do all that before we signed Salmons. Why use up at least a majority of the MLE on something we didn't even need?
To have a true wing SF/SG instead of Douby backing up Martin. Obviously Petrie wasn't gonna do a S/T, and probably isn't now. Why he didn't get a big like Wright/Cato/Kandi? I don't know, must have future plans, since there is, uh, 2-3 months left in the off-season (deals do go down in October too).


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I sure have a lot more faith in Petrie than I do in all the whiners and complainers on this thread. And we have a new coach with a new and different philosophy. From what I've seen I'm now more encouraged about coming season and our ability to run, gun and defend. Phoenix and Dallas in the West and Detroit in the east don't have any big centers (Dampier notwithstanding) and they got most of the way. And Miami won more because of 6'4" Wade than the Diesel.

Rebounding? wait and see what Artest and Martin and SAR will do this year before complaining 2-1/2 months before start of training camp.
Indeed, everybody should just close their eyes, click their heels together 3 times, and repeat "questioning Geoff scares me" and it will all turn out all right.