Hahaha man, I love those TDOS desert island drafts! Miss 'em, honestly. But I am resolutely not the guy who's in-it-to-win-it. I regularly picked sh*t that would be considered "bad value" if you treat such a thing with competitive seriousness. I just like to share the stuff I like, and I enjoy engaging with the stuff that everybody else likes. And maybe get into an argument or two about the stuff we all like or don't like.
But the modern internet is just a dispiriting reality for me. Like many in my general age bracket, I was an overly optimistic college student as Myspace gave way to Facebook and YouTube, and as Web 2.0 really began to take shape, I naively imagined that it was going to shepherd forth a new era of information democracy, and that a kinder, more connected, more empathetic, more informed society would result from all of the "sharing" we were doing back then and beyond. I'm not sure I've ever been more wrong about anything in my life. The exact opposite happened. We became more insular, more alienated, meaner, colder, less connected, less empathetic, and somehow less informed despite all of the information we were ingesting on a daily basis. Our attention spans got shredded and the deep focus and critical thinking of many were also forfeit in the process. I noticed it in myself, and it made sense to me to retreat from it when I did.
These days I maintain a small handful of places online that I visit regularly... and that's kinda it. The internet for me is not the vast realm of possibility that it is for many. It's more like a few cozy, dimly lit rooms I enjoy wandering into every now and then because there are familiar faces for me to see that have gotten a bit older and wiser since we last spoke. KF.com is one of those places. It's the best of places online, as far as I'm concerned.